
A Bite of Travelling
美国最受欢迎的小吃 Top 5
• Top 1 sandwich 三明治
• Top 2 hamburger 汉堡
of beef stew and a garden salad with blue cheese dressing. Will that be all?
• 服务生:哦,有,我忘了说蓝纹奶酪。好吧,一份炖牛肉和蓝纹奶酪调料的田园 沙拉。就这些吗?
• Paulo: Yes, that’s all.
• Uh, how's the braised quail(走油鹑脯)? • Very good, sir. • Okay, and the, uh, the lay-pin(不会念)? • Lah-pan(法语)兔子 It's delightful. • Okay, what is that again? • Rabbit, sir. • Oh, well, I won't be having that. Um, how about chicken?
• Server: Great! What kind of salad would you like: a chef salad, Caesar salad, or Cobb salad?
• 服务生:太好了!你喜欢什么样的沙拉:主厨沙拉、凯撒什锦沙拉还是柯布沙拉 ?
• Paulo: I’ll just have a garden salad. • 保罗:我想要一个田园沙拉。 • Server: Okay, what kind of dressing would you like? • 服务生:好吧,调料呢? • Paulo: What kind do you have? • 保罗:都有什么调料? • Server: We have French, Italian, ranch, Thousand Island, and
加拿大传统美食盘点 赴加留学一定要试试的美食有哪些.doc

1. Poutine(奶酪肉汁薯条)Poutine 目前被认为是最加拿大的食物,据说起源于加拿大魁北克省。
其实它就是在粗壮的炸薯条上放奶酪块(Cheese Curds),然后淋上肉汁(Gravy),通常都是浓浓的牛肉汤汁。
2. 枫糖煎三文鱼(Maple Syrup Salmon)很多朋友来枫叶国旅游都要问我哪里能吃到枫糖煎三文鱼,我找人问了好久,貌似是很家常的一道菜,我们也把它算做事一道枫叶国名菜吧。
3. 枫叶糖浆(Maple Syrup)枫叶糖浆是加拿大最著名的特产之一,而且加拿大是世界上最大的枫糖浆生产国。
枫叶糖浆是由枫树木质部汁液制成的糖浆,通常与煎薄饼(Pan Cake)或吐司一起食用。
4. 加拿大冰酒(Icewine)世界上第一支冰酒产自德国,酿酒师用在葡萄藤上自然结冰的葡萄压榨和发酵儿制成。

1. Poutine 肉汁奶酪薯条排在第一位的当然是加拿大法裔移民创作的经典民间美食--肉汁芝士薯条,这也是加拿大最具异域风格的代表性美食。
据说上世纪50年代,魁北克的一名顾客点餐时,要店主将小块奶酪与薯条混在一起.店主觉得他的要求很不可思议,便说了一句:"Ca va faire une maudite poutine"(法语:那要弄得一团糟啊).后来人们就把这道食品称为“Poutine”。
如果你想体验一次真正的肉质奶酪薯条盛宴,加拿大很多城市每年都会举办肉质奶酪薯条节让你一次吃个够!2. Butter tarts 奶油塔是一种加拿大小型挞类糕点,是典型的加拿大甜点。
3. BeaverTails 海狸尾在加拿大也算是满有名的甜点,在很多地方也都可以看到Beaver Tails的小吃铺,尤其是在观光区。

When it comes to foreign food, there are so many delicious options to choose from. One of my favorites is sushi from Japan. The combination of fresh fish, rice, and seaweed creates a unique and satisfying taste. Another favorite of mine is pizza from Italy. The thin crust, tomato sauce, and melted cheese make for a perfect comfort food. In addition, I also enjoy Mexican tacos with their spicy meat and fresh toppings. These are just a few examples of the many amazing foreign foods out there.

这道小吃在加拿大十分普遍,连麦当劳都有卖,其受欢迎程度可见一斑,加拿大留学生们千万不要错过!2、奶油塔(Butter tarts)加拿大最具代表性的甜点奶油塔,最早可追溯到17世纪。
3、河狸尾巴(Beaver Tails)Beaver Tails河狸尾巴,其实是一种加拿大的油炸甜点,本是渥太华Graham Hooker家族的祖传小吃,直到1978年被公开,因形似河狸尾巴得名。
上面撒上糖、水果、花生酱和其他调味品,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在一次对加拿大的访问中品尝了Beaver Tails并对它赞不绝口,一试成主顾。
在加拿大留学生活期间,又怎样不尝尝?!4、奶奶庙条(Nanaimo Bars)加拿大华人惯称「奶奶庙条」,起源于卑诗省最西端的温哥华岛上的Nanaimo市,是加拿大的一款非烘烤的传奇美食。
5、豌豆腌肉(Peameal Bacon)源自多伦多的知名美食,又称加拿大腌肉,用里肌肉包裹豌豆粉烘烤,常与蛋黄酱、番茄片和生菜一起加在面包内吃。
加拿大留学生活 决不能错过的美食.doc

这道小吃在加拿大十分普遍,连麦当劳都有卖,其受欢迎程度可见一斑,加拿大留学生们千万不要错过!2、奶油塔(Butter tarts)加拿大最具代表性的甜点奶油塔,最早可追溯到17世纪。
3、河狸尾巴(Beaver Tails)Beaver Tails河狸尾巴,其实是一种加拿大的油炸甜点,本是渥太华Graham Hooker家族的祖传小吃,直到1978年被公开,因形似河狸尾巴得名。
上面撒上糖、水果、花生酱和其他调味品,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在一次对加拿大的访问中品尝了Beaver Tails并对它赞不绝口,一试成主顾。
在加拿大留学生活期间,又怎样不尝尝?!4、奶奶庙条(Nanaimo Bars)加拿大华人惯称「奶奶庙条」,起源于卑诗省最西端的温哥华岛上的Nanaimo市,是加拿大的一款非烘烤的传奇美食。
5、豌豆腌肉(Peameal Bacon)源自多伦多的知名美食,又称加拿大腌肉,用里肌肉包裹豌豆粉烘烤,常与蛋黄酱、番茄片和生菜一起加在面包内吃。

介绍加拿大美食的演讲稿范文英语Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'm excited to take you on a culinary journey through the diverse and delectable world of Canadian cuisine.Canada is a vast and diverse country, with a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its vibrant food scene. From the rugged coastlines of the East to the majestic Rocky Mountains of the West, each region of Canada boasts its own unique gastronomic specialties, showcasing the country's natural bounty and the creativity of its chefs and home cooks.Let's start our exploration in the Atlantic provinces, where the bountiful waters of the Atlantic Ocean provide an abundance of fresh seafood. One of the most iconic Canadian dishes is the Atlantic lobster, a succulent crustacean that is often served steamed or in delectable dishes likelobster rolls and lobster bisque. Another regional favorite is the Newfoundland fish and brewis, a hearty stew made with salt cod, potatoes, and hard bread.Moving westward, we find ourselves in the province of Quebec, where the French-Canadian culinary tradition reigns supreme. Poutine, a dish of crispy French fries topped with squeaky cheese curds and rich gravy, is a beloved national treasure. Quebec is also renowned for its artisanal cheeses, such as the creamy Brie-style Camembert and the tangy, aged Cheddar.As we head further west, we encounter the diverseculinary influences of the Prairie provinces. In Manitoba, you'll find the iconic Winnipeg goldeye, a smoked fish that is a local delicacy. Saskatchewan is famous for its lentil and pulse crops, which are often incorporated into dishes like lentil soup and daal. Alberta, on the other hand, is renowned for its high-quality beef, which is showcased in dishes like the classic Alberta beef burger.Crossing the majestic Rocky Mountains, we arrive inBritish Columbia, a region that celebrates the bounty ofthe Pacific Ocean. Salmon, in all its forms – from smokedto grilled to cured – is a dietary staple. The province is also home to the beloved British Columbian specialty, theNanaimo bar, a rich, no-bake dessert with a graham cracker crust, a custard-flavored filling, and a chocolate topping.Lastly, let's not forget the vibrant multicultural influences that have shaped the culinary landscape of Canada's largest city, Toronto. Here, you can find a dizzying array of international cuisines, from authentic dim sum to fragrant curries to wood-fired Neapolitan pizza. Toronto is also a hub for innovative, farm-to-table dining, with chefs showcasing the country's abundant local produce and artisanal products.In conclusion, the Canadian food scene is a richtapestry of regional specialties, cultural influences, and innovative culinary creations. Whether you're indulging in a classic poutine, savoring the fresh seafood of the East Coast, or exploring the diverse flavors of Toronto's bustling food scene, there is something to delight every palate. So, the next time you have the opportunity to experience the culinary wonders of Canada, be sure to embark on a delicious adventure.加拿大是一个广阔多样的国家,其丰富的文化遗产也反映在其生机勃勃的饮食界。

二、奶奶庙条Nanaimo Bars华人们都管它叫“奶奶庙条”,爱吃甜点的一定要尝尝。
五、Tim HortonsTim Hortons是加拿大土生土长的咖啡连锁店品牌,由冰球运动员Tim Horton1964年在多伦多创立,现在全国已有4000多家分店。
Tim Horton's价格不高,一杯中杯咖啡加一枚多纳圈的早餐花费不过2-3加元,物美价谦,所以成了加国最热门的平民美食,遍布街头和大小加油站。

加拿大多元文化食品荟萃1,Salmon Puffs with Tzatziki酸奶黄瓜三文鱼酥2,Chicken Coconut Pineapple Curry椰蓉菠萝咖喱鸡3,Pork cutlets with Dijon Cream Sauce法国奶油沙拉煎猪排4,Pan-fried Steaks with Italian Sauce意大利酱煎牛排5,Cowboy Casserole牛仔砂锅菜6,Farfalle with Broccoli and Anchovies西兰花混沙丁鱼蝴蝶面7,Creamy Chicken Korma黄咖喱奶油鸡8,Hasty Haddock with Tomato and Red Onion Salsa西红柿洋葱沙拉快熏黑线鳕9,Turkey Chili香辣火鸡10,Apple-Pear Upside Down Cake苹果梨馅蛋糕11,Tomato & Basil Salad西红柿紫苏沙拉12,Mediterranean Shepherd's Pie地中海土豆肉泥(牧羊人)派13,Brewed Beef with Root Vegetables萝卜菜炒牛肉14,Yogurt-marinated Chicken酸奶腌制鸡15,Basmati Pilaf with Tikka Chicken印度香米鸡肉饭16,Hearty Sausage & Pepper Saute胡椒嫩煎厚火腿17,Spicy Beef Rolls香辣牛肉卷18,Mustard-mayo halibut with tarragon-orange zucchini龙嵩西葫芦拌芥末蛋黄酱煎大比目鱼19,Cauliflower & Goat Cheese Soup花椰菜羊奶酪汤20,Smoken Trout and Watercress Open Sandwich熏三文鱼夹西洋菜三明治21,Fresh Tomato Pasta Toss(Toast)新鲜西红柿酱面包22,Pork Fillet with Pears and Tarragon鸭梨龙嵩猪肉片23,Peanut Butter Shortbread Bars花生黄油脆香饼24,Mocha Tortoni Mousse 摩卡饼干果子冰淇淋奶油冻25,Cinnamon mustard Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers甜土豆甜椒肉桂芥末鸡26,Chicken Parmesan意大利干酪鸡27,Lamb Lollipops糖蜜棒棒羊排28,Phyllo-Wrapped Baked Brie白乳酪烤酥面卷29,Cranberry Duck Scones英式酸莓鸭司康(烤饼)30,Creamy liver with Leeks and Bacon香葱熏肉奶油烩猪肝31,Chicken Satay Stir-Fry香烤鸡肉32,Seafood and Bacon Paella海鲜熏肉饭33,Spelt Baked Ham沙拉拼盘烤火腿34,Ginger Biscotti意大利姜人饼35,Cheddar and Broccoli Strata 切达奶酪花椰菜酥36,Brie Turkey Pockets with Cabbage and Walnuts卷心菜核桃白乳酪火鸡卷37,Rosemary-glazed Lamb Chops迷迭香烤羊排38,Quick Garlic Pasta Sauce大蒜酱汁39,Chocolate Almond Profiteroles巧克力杏仁泡芙(酥球)40,Leek & Mushroom Strudel香葱蘑菇苹果派41,Chicken, Thyme and Mushroom Soup百里香蘑菇鸡汤42,Greek style Pizza希腊匹萨43,Egg and Bacon Spaghetti鸡蛋熏肉意大利面条44,Quick Thai Chicken Pizza泰式鸡肉匹萨45,Sweet Orange Chicken Stir Fry甜橙烤鸡46,Mongolian Steak Cube蒙古牛肉块47,Authentic Choucroute Garnie法国泡菜烟熏火腿和香肠48,Chicken with warm pineapple sauce and steamed greens热菠萝汁与蒸菜拌鸡块49,Family Shepherd's Pie家庭土豆肉泥派50,Honey Salmon with Lima Beans and Spinach莱马豆菠菜蜜汁三文鱼51,Tasty Tuna Fishcakes美味金枪鱼饼52,Peppered Beef with Pecans山核桃椒盐牛肉53,Mandarin Turkey with Bean Sprout and Watercress Salad豆芽水芹沙拉橘汁火鸡54,Balti Green Pepper Chicken & Basmati Rice巴蒂青椒炒鸡及印度香米饭55,Baja Fish Tacos 巴贾鱼玉米卷56,Chef's Salad名厨沙拉57,Potato Camembert Bake法国乳酪烤土豆58,Marmalade glazed Mackerel with Apples苹果片果酱蜜制鲭鱼59,Almond Crusted Chicken with Honeyed Sweet Potatoes蜂蜜红薯杏仁脆皮鸡60,Golden Kebabs with Zesty Mayonnaise清淡美乃滋金黄烤爸爸61,Thai Pork Patties with Bok Choy泰式白菜猪肉小面饼62,Fresh Healthy Tomato Cabbage Soup绿色新鲜番茄甘蓝汤63,Mediterranean Octopus中东章鱼套餐64,Bacon and Potato Salad腌猪肉土豆沙拉65,Glorious Vegetable and Cashew Stir Fry新鲜蔬菜及火煸腰果66,Pappardelle with Chicken and Cherry Tomatoes鸡块及樱桃番茄酱拌传统宽面67,Tex Mex Chili辣味德墨菜(美式墨西哥料理)68,Fast Jambalaya快餐什锦菜69,Smoked Chicken Pizza熏鸡匹萨70,Chinese Beef Noodle Soup中国牛肉汤面71,Aromatic Chicken and Vegetable Steamboat五香脆皮鸡与蔬菜汽锅72,Salmon and Artichoke Open Omelette三文鱼及洋蓟煎蛋饼73,Sauages with Mustard Mashed Potatoes and Red Onion Gravy芥末酱土豆及红洋葱肉汤74,Panini Toscano: Canada Grilled Cheese加拿大特制烤干酪(计司,起司,芝士)75,Mediterranean Burgers中东汉堡76,Chili Penne with Butternut Squash碎胡桃辣汁水管面77,Healthy HomeCooked Chili家常健康辣椒菜78,Rice-stuffed Cornish Hens大米塞小母鸡79,Chicken Couscous Salad粉蒸鸡沙拉80,BBQ Beef with Papaya Salad木瓜沙拉拌BBQ牛肉81,Mushroom Green Bean Casserole蘑菇青豆砂锅菜82,Halibut with Fresh Tomato Sauce鲜番茄汁比目鱼83,Orange-blossom Lamb橙汁蜜制羊肉84,Sweet and Spicy Chickpeas香甜鸡豆85,Jamaican Shrimp and Crab Jambalaya牙买加虾蟹大什锦86,Asian BBQ Beef亚洲BBQ牛肉87,Pad Thai with Chicken泰式烤鸡块88,Pan-Roasted Sweet Potato & Vegetable Medley香煎红薯及蔬菜什锦89,Casbah Cashew Prawn阿拉伯宫廷腰果虾90,Ham'n' Pea Soup火腿青豆汤91,Greek Salad with Tahini Dressing希腊芝麻酱沙拉92,French Toast-Topped Chicken Potpie法国顶级烤制鸡肉馅饼93,Bow-Tie Pasta with Rapini and Chickpeas油菜花鸡豆回锅意粉94,Peanut Toffee Pie花生太妃派95,Garlic Seafood Pasta大蒜海鲜意粉96,Moroccan chickpea stew摩洛哥鸡豆炖菜97,Lobster Roll龙虾卷98,Chinese Shrimp and Bean Sprouts中国虾仁炒豆芽99,Hot and spicy pepper, Rice and Beans香辣青豆炒饭100,Caramelized Onion and Ale Soup with Beef Ribbons焦糖洋葱及爱尔啤酒牛肉汤101,Pan poached salmon香煎三文鱼102,Asparagus with Browned Butter and Sliced Almonds棕色黄油及杏仁片烩芦笋103,Prosciutto-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin with Port-Almond Veloute杏仁白汁沙司意大利熏火腿卷猪肉104,Spicy Napolitana Spaghetti那波里香辣意大利面105,Easy Pizza Soup休闲馅饼汤106,One-pot Chicken Casserole with Creamy Shery Sauce奶酪甜汁单锅鸡107,Irish Stew爱尔兰炖菜(土豆洋葱煮肉)108,Cod with Spicy Lentils香汁扁豆鳕鱼109,Shamrock Soup沙姆罗克汤110,Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic大蒜丁香鸡111,Zucchini and Bean Soup西葫芦青豆汤112,Amber Schnitzel琥珀牛肉片113,Roast Vegetable and Bean Stew蔬菜青豆炖肉114,Beef Salad牛肉沙拉115,Smoked Salmon Pancakes熏制三文鱼煎饼116,Mushroom and Spinach Miniature Lasagna Rolls小型蘑菇及菠菜烤面条卷117,Sweet'n Sour Chicken Meatballs with Rice甜酸酱鸡肉丸米饭118,Chicken Salad with Dates and Minted Yogurt酸奶红枣沙拉鸡119,Nutty Maple Spinach Salad果仁味枫糖菠菜沙拉120,Braised Short Ribs清炖小猪排121,Quinoa with Balsamic Vegetable Kebabs意大利黑醋酱蔬菜烤爸爸(烤肉串)伴藜麦饭122,Roasted Tomato, Pepper and Chorizo Soup烤番茄,胡椒及口利左香肠汤123,Mango Chicken芒果鸡124,Lemon Ricotta Pancakes柠檬干酪煎饼125,Roasted artichoke and pepper bruschetta烤洋蓟及胡椒面包片126,Indian Spicy Potatoes with Spinach and Lentils菠菜与扁豆及印度辛辣酱土豆127,Healthier Stovetop Mac and Cheese健康烤芝士通心面128,Chicken and Shrimp Jambalaya鸡虾什锦菜129,Kid-Friendly Pancakes特制儿童煎饼130,Turkey Sausage,Swiss Chard and Fontina Cheese土耳其香肠、瑞士香菜及意大利奶酪131,Fresh Tomoto Salad鲜番茄沙拉132,Chili Verde墨西哥炖肉辣汤133,Minted Asparagus and Pea soup薄荷芦笋青豆汤134,Italian Summer Salad意大利夏日沙拉135,Blue Cheese Ham Wraps蓝纹奶酪火腿卷136,French Onion Soup法国洋葱汤137,Parmesan Crusted Chicken 意大利干酪脆皮鸡138,Crepe Continentable可丽饼139,Turkey Kebabs with Fennel and Red Pepper Relish茴香红椒风味的土耳其烤爸爸140,Poutine肉汁起司薯条(干酪肉汁土豆条,即普丁)(地道加拿大风味食物)141,Chicken with noodles鸡块面条142,Cornish Meat Pies小母鸡肉派143,Louisiana Seafood Gumbo路易斯安那海鲜秋葵汤144,Mediterranean Seafood Stew地中海海鲜炖菜145,Corn Salsa Tostadas玉米沙司薄片(托斯塔达)146,Pineapple Buttermilk Sorbet菠萝汁加脱脂乳冰糕147,Potato Cakes with Leeks and Feta羊乳酪葱花土豆饼148,Baked Spinach Gnocchi烤菠菜面团149,Broiled Shad with Mushrooms蘑菇夹烤鲱鱼(沙丁鱼)150,Red Beans and Rice红豆米饭151,Cobb salad wraps with tomatoes, avocado and black beans番茄、牛油果、黑豆沙拉面饼卷152,Spinach salad with cinnamon almonds, strawberries and goat cheese桂皮杏仁草莓羊奶酪蔬菜卷153,Lentils and Sausage小扁豆烧红肠154,Finger-lickin's Ribs舔手指小排骨155,Parmesan Crusted Chicken意大利干酪脆皮鸡156,Lemony Lentil Siup柠檬扁豆汤157,Spicy Lamb Stew with Couscous小米香炖羊肉158,Salsa-Steamed Mussels with Cilantro Broth香菜汤沙司蒸青口(贻贝)159,Rosated Spice Crusted Chicken with Fennel, Parsley and Olive Salad茴香、欧芹五彩橄榄沙拉香辣烤脆皮鸡160,Cran-Apple Crumble dessert蛇果脆糕161,Broiled Salmon with Avocado-Mango Salsa鳄梨(牛油果)芒果沙司酱烤三文鱼162,Pecan Crusted Red Snapper山核桃脆烤红鲷163,Casa sushi卡萨寿司164,Jamaican Jerked Chicken Salad牙买加风干鸡沙拉165,Bulgur with Spring Vegetables碎麦伴青菜166,Moroccan Chicken with Couscous摩洛哥鸡肉炒小米饭167,Heartland Meatloaf小牛排汉堡168,Fusilli with Brown Butter and Roasted Asparagus黄油芦笋螺旋面169,Barbequed Herb Marinated Cornish Hen BBQ香草卤鸡170,Shrimp Scampi香辣挪威海螯虾171,Speedy Two-bean Chili速制双豆辣子酱172,Shrimp with Dill Dressing茴香爆虾仁173,Veal Cutlets with Lemon-Garlic Sauce柠檬蒜汁小牛排174,Asian Chicken Salad亚洲鸡沙拉175,Chicken and Spinach Soup鸡块菠菜汤176,Steakhouse Salad牛排沙拉177,Turnip Casserole 白萝卜砂锅178,Crawfish Etouffee莳萝香辛小龙虾179,Italian Grilled Chicken Sandwiches with Pesto-Cheese Sauce意大利香蒜奶酪酱铁扒烤鸡三明治180,Quick Fish Tacos速煎鱼塔可181,Tuscan Chicken香味鸡182,Creole Skillet Dinner克里奥尔式煎锅大餐183,Amish Farmer's Light Supper阿们农夫便餐184,Corn Country Croquettes乡村玉米肉饼185,Savoury Chicken and Biscuits咸辣鸡饼干186,Salsa Shrimp Melts沙司酱虾糕布丁187,Grilled Eggplant BBQBBQ茄子烤肉卷188,Cobb Style Chicken with Avocado Spread boasts the classic flavours of a cobb salad 慢烤鳄梨(牛油果)香料沙拉及科布风味鸡189,Fire Roasted Chicken with Apricot Glaze 杏桃果烤鸡190,Penne Anatra水管面炒鸭肉191,East Coast Kedgeree(印度)鸡蛋葱豆饭192,Russian Borscht(俄罗斯)罗宋汤193,Tex-Mex Picadillo得克萨斯-墨西哥什锦肉糜194,Ham and Egg Pie火腿鸡蛋派195,Honey Seared Salmon Sandwich with Apple Poppy Seed Slaw蜂蜜香煎三文鱼及罂粟籽卷心菜色拉三明治196,Seafood-stuffed Flounder海鲜比目鱼卷197,Veal Provimi Chop小牛排块198,Lemon Pepper Cornish Hens柠檬辣椒烤鸡腿199,Tofu Sesame Noodles豆腐芝麻面200,Italian Rice and Tuna Salad意大利米饭及金枪鱼沙拉201,Hot Tamale Pie墨西哥粽(玉米粉蒸肉)202,Corn Chowder with Ham玉米火腿大杂烩203,Tagliata of Flank Steak香草小牛排204,Sirloin Cheeseburgers牛里脊肉奶酪汉堡205,French-toasted cheese Sandwiches法式烤奶酪三明治206,Country Bean Soup乡村黄豆汤207,Mixed Melon Compote混合果盘208,Iron Skillet Shrimp with Lemon Chili Butter柠檬辣油煎锅虾209,Harvest Pork Apply Pie瘦猪肉苹果派210,Stir-fried Chicken and Avocado Salad with Hot Balsamic Dressing爆炒鸡丁及香辣牛油果沙拉211,Grilled Salmon Salad烧烤三文鱼沙拉212,Caribbean Butternut Squash and Corn Stew加勒比白胡桃泥炖玉米213,Spinach Salad with Canadian Pecans, Pears and Brie加拿大山核桃、梨及布里奶酪菠菜沙拉214,Shrimp, Avocado and Feta Salad虾仁、牛油果及羊乳酪沙拉215,Crab and Garpefruit Salad螃蟹葡萄沙拉216,Mac and Cheese with Chives and Bacon香葱熏肉芝士通心面217,Open-Faced Croque Monsieur with Tomato 番茄盖火腿乳酪夹心面包218,Five-spice Pork五香猪肉219,Grilled Chicken with White BBQ Sauce BBQ沙司酱烤鸡220,Moroccan Chickpea Salad摩洛哥鸡豆沙拉221,Grilled Chicken Sandwich烤鸡三明治222,Orange-Scented Eggplant and Couscous Rolls柑橘香茄子粟米卷223,Potato Pancakes土豆煎饼224,Strawberry-Cucumber Salad草莓黄瓜沙拉225,Very berry custard pie多莓蛋奶糊派226,Delicious Key Lime Pie蛋奶酸橙派227,Colourful penne & sausage salad彩色直通粉香肠沙拉228,Fennel, Pea shoot and Green Grape Slaw 茴香、豌豆苗、青提及卷心菜沙拉229,Hot and spicy burgers热辣肉夹饼230,Stout and Onion Turkey Burger黑啤洋葱火鸡夹饼231,Monte Cristo with a twist蒙地卡罗曲饼232,Moroccan Chickpea Salad摩洛哥鸡豆沙拉233,Toasted Couscous BLT Salad烧烤小米三明治沙拉(bacon,lettuce and tomato 火腿、莴苣、番茄三明治)234,French Toast Peanut Butter & Jam法国烤花生黄油果酱饼(PB&J)235,Iced Melon and Berry Soup冰甜瓜红梅汤236,Paneer Tikka烤芝士237,Crunchy Tortilla Salad香脆牛肉玉米沙拉238,Griddled and grilled Monterey Jack Cheese burgers with spicy chipotle caramelized onions and cilantro干辣椒焦糖洋葱香菜茶树菇及蒙特瑞杰克奶酪汉堡239,Double Chicken Club with Saffron Aioli藏红花蒜泥蛋黄酱双层烤鸡肉俱乐部三明治240,Grilled chicken breasts stuffed with tender peaches enhances with brie and basil奶酪紫苏嫩桃夹烤鸡胸241,Honey Dijon Beer-Marinated Chicken Sandwich Slaw蜂蜜Dijon啤酒腌制鸡肉卷心菜沙拉三明治242,Mediterranean Orzo Salad地中海米饭沙拉243,Organic beef for the Bison Burger原味野牛肉汉堡244,Creamy Cappuccino & Banana smoothie奶油卡布奇诺咖啡及香蕉冰果露245,Grilled Banada Sundaes烤香蕉圣代冰淇淋246,Fruit Salad Parfaits水果沙拉冻糕245,Grilled steak sandwiches with whole-grain mustard sauce全谷物芥末酱烤牛排三明治246,Margherita Pizza玛格丽塔匹萨247,Garlic-Balsamic Chicken Kebabs大蒜香草醋烤鸡248,Emeril Legasse's Bam Burger with Chipotle, Tomato and Lime Aioli干红辣椒、番茄及酥香鱿鱼圈(Emeril Legasse)巴姆汉堡249,Wayfare Tavern Burger旅行酒馆(Wayfare Tavern)汉堡250,Spicy Garlic Lemon Shrimp辣蒜柠檬虾251,Grilled Two-cheese Sandwich with Tomtoes双层烤肉奶酪番茄三明治252,Nectarine garden salad with minted chili dressing薄荷辣椒油淋油桃沙拉253,Moroccan Quinoa Salad摩洛哥藜麦沙拉254,Three-Pea Salad with Pancatta, Parmesan and Herb Grilled Chicken意大利猪肉,意大利干酪及香草烤鸡肉三豆沙拉255,Watermelon Salad with Basil and Bacon紫苏熏肉西瓜沙拉256,Fettuccine with parmesan, chicken and asparagus意大利干酪、鸡肉及芦笋拌意大利宽面条257,Grilled shrimp with watermelon西瓜拌烤虾258,Brookly beer chilli burger布鲁克林啤酒辣汉堡259,Lunch Box Chili Rice and Beans餐盒辣豆米饭260,Tomato and Italian Herb Gazpacho番茄与意大利香草凉菜汤261,Bocconcini-Veggie Salad小玛萨尼拉芝士水果和蔬菜沙拉262,Grilled halibut with mustard, grapefruit relish芥末柚子酱烤大比目鱼263,Spicy black bean, sausage and rice burrito墨西哥玉米煎饼卷香辣黑豆与腊肠264,Strawberry Cream Cheesecake草莓酱奶酪饼265,Challah bread apple summer puddings苹果圆饼布丁266, Spaghetti with butternut squash, sage and pecorino南瓜、鼠尾草及羊乳干酪拌意大利实心面267,Mini cheeseburger微型芝士(干酪)汉堡(夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治)268,Lola Burger罗拉汉堡(牛里脊肉、芝士、松饼、洋葱、培根、鸡蛋及番茄酱)269,Mushroom and Chicken Salad蘑菇鸡肉沙拉270,Buleberry Maple Bake蓝莓枫糖浆烤面包271,Flank Steak with Seasonal Vegetables时令蔬菜烤牛后腹肉排272,Carrot Bran Muffins胡萝卜麸皮松饼273,Blueberry Cake topped with walnuts核桃蓝莓糕274,Sweet-and-sour chicken grinder with onions and peppers洋葱胡椒甜酸鸡肉汉堡275,Melted Swiss or low-fat cheddar top English muffins瑞士奶酪或低脂干酪英式松饼276,Pork Thai Noodle Bowl泰国猪肉碗面277,Adzubi bean salad红豆(相思豆)沙拉278,Red fife wheat waffle with Ontario peaches and blueberries安大略桃和蓝莓混加拿大红麦华夫饼(格子松饼)279,Sirloin bacon cheeseburgers牛里脊熏肉干酪双层汉堡280,Butternut squash and scallop chowder白胡桃泥及干贝大杂烩281,Rustic mushroom and potato soup田园蘑菇及土豆汤282,Tuna and cheese bruschetta金枪鱼及干酪意大利烤面包283,Chicken, apples and cream烤苹果泥鸡块284,Figgy, Piggy, Drumsticks无花果酱烤猪肉及鸡腿285,Cheese baked lentils, rice and turkey casserole干酪烤扁豆、大米和火鸡砂锅饭286,Cranberry almond pistachio pie红莓、杏仁和阿月浑字派287,Maple stuffed turkey breast枫糖蜜汁火鸡肉288,Crown pork roast with Grand Marnier and apricot stuffing (Thanksgiving meal) 王室烤猪肉夹柑曼怡力娇甜酒及杏仁289,Rustic Pork and Veal Pie乡村猪肉牛肉派290,Quebec Pea Soup with Garlicky Croutons魁北克油煎面包及大蒜豌豆汤291,Mushroom Focaccia蘑菇香草橄榄油面包292,Fusilli and Meatballs意大利肉丸弯弯面293,Pumpkin double-ginger cookies南瓜双姜饼干294,Barley and Lentil Soup大麦扁豆汤295,Pumpkin cupcakes纸杯南瓜蛋糕296,Devilled Lamb’s Kidneys & Dripping Toast芥末羊肾及油淋吐司297,Sauteed chicken with caramelized onions焦糖洋葱嫩煎鸡块298,Stuffed mushrooms蘑菇架肉饼299,Tortilla, sautéed corn and plum tomato soup玉米圆饼、焦糖玉米及李子番茄汤300,Spiced cauliflower and potatoes五香花椰菜炒土豆(印度菜)。

加拿大炒饭的制作方法英文Canadian Fried Rice Recipe:Ingredients:- 2 cups cooked long grain rice- 1 cup cooked chicken, diced- 1 cup cooked shrimp, peeled and deveined- 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables- 2-3 green onions, chopped- 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced- 2 tablespoons soy sauce- 1 tablespoon oyster sauce (optional)- 1 tablespoon sesame oil- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil- Salt and pepper to tasteInstructions:1. Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat.2. Add minced garlic and chopped green onions to the skillet and sautéfor 1-2 minutes until fragrant.3. Add the cooked chicken and shrimp to the skillet and stir-fry for another 2-3 minutes until heated through.4. Push the ingredients to one side of the skillet and add the frozen mixed vegetables to the empty side. Stir-fry for a few minutes until thawed.5. Add the cooked rice to the skillet and break up any clumps with a spatula. Stir-fry for a couple of minutes until the rice is heated through.6. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, oyster sauce (if using), and sesame oil. Pour the sauce over the rice mixture and stir fry everything together to combine.7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.8. Remove the skillet from heat and serve the Canadian fried rice hot.Note: You can also add other ingredients like diced ham, bacon, or scrambled eggs to the fried rice if desired. Adjust seasoning and sauces according to personal taste preferences. Enjoy!。

介绍温哥华美食英语作文篇1The Gastronomic Delights of VancouverVancouver, a city nestled between the mountains and the ocean, is not only renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its culinary treasures. As a traveler who has explored the nooks and crannies of this vibrant city, I am thrilled to share with you the mouthwatering experiences that await on the plates of Vancouver.1. Let's start with the seafood, which is undoubtedly the star of Vancouver's culinary scene.The fresh catch from the nearby Pacific Ocean is a treat for the senses. The local salmon, with its rich, buttery texture and vibrant color, is a must-try. It is often simply grilled to perfection, allowing the natural flavors to shine through. The moist flesh flakes apart effortlessly, and each bite is a burst of oceanic goodness. Another seafood delight is the Dungeness crab. These massive crabs are known for their sweet and succulent meat. Steamed or served in a rich crab bisque, they are a true indulgence.2. Moving on to the world of desserts, Vancouver offers a plethora of sweet treats that will satisfy any sugar craving.The Nanaimo bar, a classic Canadian dessert, is a staple in Vancouver. This no-bake treat consists of a wafer crumb base, a layer of custard-flavored icing, and a topping of chocolate. The combination of the crumbly base, the smooth custard, and the rich chocolate creates a symphony of flavors and textures. Another dessert that holds a special place in the hearts of locals is the butter tart. These small, gooey tarts are filled with a sweet and buttery filling that oozes out with each bite.3. One cannot talk about Vancouver's food scene without mentioning the diverse range of ethnic cuisines.The city's multicultural fabric is reflected in its culinary offerings. From the spicy and flavorful Indian curries to the delicate Japanese sushi, there is something to please every palate. The Chinese restaurants in Vancouver serve up authentic dim sum, with steaming baskets of dumplings and buns that are as delicious as they are visually appealing. 4. The city is also home to numerous farmers' markets where one can discover an array of local produce and artisanal products.These markets are not only a source of fresh ingredients but also a hub of community and culinary inspiration.5. In conclusion, Vancouver's culinary landscape is a tapestry of flavors, textures, and experiences.The combination of fresh seafood, decadent desserts, and diverse ethnic cuisines makes it a food lover's paradise. Whether you're strolling along the waterfront or exploring the city's neighborhoods, there is always a delicious surprise waiting to be discovered. So, come and embark on this culinary adventure in Vancouver and let your taste buds be tantalized.篇21. The Gastronomic Delights of VancouverVancouver, a city nestled between the mountains and the ocean, is not only a paradise for nature lovers but also a culinary haven for food enthusiasts. My journey through the streets of Vancouver was a delightful exploration of its diverse and mouthwatering cuisine.1.1 Seafood takes center stage in Vancouver's culinary landscapeThe fresh catches from the nearby Pacific Ocean are simply unparalleled. Salmon, with its rich, buttery flavor and firm texture, is a staple. It's often grilled to perfection, retaining its natural juices and enhancing the smoky undertones. You can savor the most exquisite grilled salmon at many waterfront restaurants, where the view of the ocean addsto the charm. Another seafood delight is the Dungeness crab. Its sweet and succulent meat is a treat. Steamed and served with a tangy garlic butter sauce, it's a dish that leaves you craving for more. Head to the local seafood markets or popular eateries like "The Crab Shack" to indulge in this delicacy.1.2 When it comes to dessertsVancouver offers a plethora of options. The Nanaimo bars, a classic Canadian treat, are a must-try. These three-layered bars consist of a chocolate and coconut base, a custard-flavored middle layer, and a chocolate topping. The combination of flavors is simply divine. You can find these at local bakeries and cafes throughout the city. Another sweet favorite is the butter tarts. The buttery pastry filled with a gooey sweet filling made of sugar, eggs, and butter is a sinful indulgence. "Sweet Delights" bakery is known for its exceptional butter tarts that are always fresh and warm.1.3 The city's street food scene is equally vibrantThe Japadog, a fusion of Japanese and North American flavors, is a crowd-pleaser. These hot dogs are topped with various Japanese ingredients like teriyaki sauce, seaweed, and wasabi mayo. You can find them at street carts and food trucks around the city, especially in busy areas like Granville Island. Another popular street snack is the poutine.Fries smothered in gravy and cheese curds, it's a hearty and comforting dish. "Fries and More" is a popular spot where you can get a generous portion of this Canadian classic.1.4 Vancouver's food scene is a melting pot of culturesFrom Asian-inspired dishes to traditional Western fare, there's something to satisfy every palate. The city's restaurants and eateries offer a warm and inviting atmosphere, making dining an experience to remember.1.5 In conclusionMy culinary adventure in Vancouver was nothing short of amazing. The combination of fresh, high-quality ingredients, creative cooking methods, and the passion of the local chefs has made Vancouver a true food destination. I can't wait to return and explore more of its gastronomic delights.篇3Vancouver, a city nestled on the west coast of Canada, is not only renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its vibrant and diverse culinary scene. As a tourist, I was completely captivated by the array of flavors and dining experiences that this city has to offer.The cuisine of Vancouver is a delightful blend of influences fromdifferent cultures. The freshness and quality of the ingredients used are truly remarkable. The local seafood is a standout feature. The salmon, caught fresh from the nearby waters, is a delicacy that melts in your mouth. Its rich, buttery texture and delicate flavor make it a favorite among locals and tourists alike. The crabs, too, are a treat. Their sweet and succulent meat is a testament to the bountiful sea that surrounds Vancouver.One cannot talk about Vancouver's food without mentioning the plethora of Asian-inspired dishes. The city is home to some of the best sushi restaurants I have ever had the pleasure of dining at. The precision and artistry with which the sushi is prepared is simply astonishing. The combination of fresh fish, perfectly cooked rice, and just the right amount of seasoning creates a symphony of flavors in every bite.The local bakeries and dessert shops are another source of temptation. The pastries and cakes are not only visually appealing but also a delight for the taste buds. The use of local fruits and high-quality ingredients ensures that each treat is a masterpiece.Now, let me introduce you to some of the popular restaurants in Vancouver. "The Coastal Bistro" is known for its exquisite seafood dishes. Their pan-seared scallops are cooked to perfection, with a golden crust on the outside and tender, juicy insides. The accompanying sauceadds a depth of flavor that enhances the natural sweetness of the scallops. Another gem is "The Fire Grill," a steakhouse that serves some of the most tender and flavorful steaks I have ever tasted. The charred exterior and the juicy pink center are a carnivore's dream come true.When it comes to food districts, Gastown is a must-visit. The narrow streets are lined with charming cafes, restaurants, and food stalls. It's a hub of culinary activity, where you can sample a variety of cuisines from around the world. Yaletown is another area that offers a diverse range of dining options, from fine dining to casual eateries.In conclusion, Vancouver's food scene is a true reflection of its multicultural identity. It is a place where you can embark on a culinary adventure and discover new flavors with every meal. Whether you are a seafood lover, a fan of Asian cuisine, or have a sweet tooth, Vancouver has something to satisfy your palate. The combination of quality ingredients, talented chefs, and a diverse range of options makes Vancouver a food lover's paradise.。

加拿大美食旅行英语作文English answer:Canada is a culinary paradise with a diverse andvibrant food scene that reflects its multicultural heritage. From coast to coast, there are countless opportunities to embark on a美食旅行 adventure and sample the uniqueflavors that the country has to offer.Montreal: The culinary capital of Canada, Montreal is a foodie's heaven with world-class restaurants and a thriving street food scene. Must-try dishes include smoked meat sandwiches from Schwartz's Deli, poutine from La Banquise, and bagels from Fairmount Bagel.Toronto: The multicultural hub of Canada, Torontoboasts a smorgasbord of cuisines from around the world. Kensington Market is a great place to explore, with its eclectic mix of restaurants, bakeries, and specialty food shops. Don't miss the peameal bacon sandwiches fromCarousel Bakery.Vancouver: The gateway to the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver is known for its fresh seafood, sushi, and Asian-inspired cuisine. Granville Island Market is a must-visit for foodies, with its wide variety of fresh produce, seafood, and prepared foods.Ottawa: The nation's capital, Ottawa, is home to a growing culinary scene with a focus on local and seasonal ingredients. The ByWard Market is a great place to experience the city's food culture, with its many restaurants, cafes, and specialty food shops.Halifax: The maritime hub of Canada, Halifax is renowned for its seafood, especially lobster. The Halifax Seaport Farmers' Market is a great place to sample fresh seafood, as well as locally produced cheese, bread, and other products.Indigenous Cuisine: Canada is home to a diverse range of Indigenous cultures, each with its own unique culinarytraditions. Indigenous restaurants are popping up across the country, offering a chance to experience traditional dishes made with local ingredients.Food Festivals: Canada hosts many food festivals throughout the year, showcasing the country's culinary diversity. Some of the most popular festivals include the Vancouver International Wine Festival, the Montreal International Jazz Festival, and the Taste of Edmonton.When planning your culinary adventure in Canada, consider the following tips:Research local food markets, restaurants, and food tours to discover the best places to eat.Be adventurous and try new dishes and cuisines.Make reservations for popular restaurants, especially during peak season.Allow plenty of time to explore and savor the food.Take cooking classes to learn how to prepare Canadian dishes at home.中文回答:加拿大美食之旅。

加拿大STYLE美食二:Montreal Smoked Meat蒙特利尔熏肉Montreal Smoked Meat远近闻名!都说吃熏肉就要去蒙特利尔,Montreal SmokedMeat是使用犹太式的熟牛肉,用牛胸肉熏制而成。

加拿大美食介绍二:Montreal Smoked Meat蒙特利尔熏肉Montreal Smoked Meat远近闻名!都说吃熏肉就要去蒙特利尔,Montreal Smoked Meat是使用犹太式的熟牛肉,用牛胸肉熏制而成。
讲究薄厚均匀的3 mm手工切片,且牛肉片不散,通常夹于三明治中吃。
蒙特利尔当地最有名的一家熏肉三明治点,莫过于Schwartz’s,而多伦多也有一家店Caplansky’s Deli有类似的蒙特利尔款熏肉哦!加拿大美食介绍三:Nanaimo BarsNanaimo Bars,华人们都管它叫“奶奶庙条”,爱吃甜点的一定要尝尝。
Nanaimo Bars甜点起源于卑诗省最西端的温哥华岛上的Nanaimo市,是加拿大的一款非烘烤的传奇美食。
加拿大美食介绍四:Maple SyrupMaple Syrup枫糖产于加拿大的标志–枫树,也叫枫叶糖浆。
Maple Syrup也是很多朋友回国送亲友的热门礼品。

不过热量很高,爱吃也得留意啊!2.奶油塔(Butter tarts)加拿大最具代表性的甜点奶油塔,最早可追溯到17世纪。
3.河狸尾巴(BeaverT ails)油炸甜点,本是渥太华Graham Hooker家族的祖传小吃,直到1978年被公开,因形似河狸尾巴得名。
4.Nanaimo Bars加拿大华人惯称「奶奶庙条」,源自卑诗省温哥华岛上的Nanaimo市。
这道堪称是「终极甜点」,虽然好吃,但甜度也是吓死人!5.豌豆腌肉(Peameal Bacon)源自多伦多的知名美食,又称加拿大腌肉,用里肌肉包裹豌豆粉烘烤,常与蛋黄酱、番茄片和生菜一起加在面包内吃。
7.沙斯卡通莓果派(Saskatoon berry pie)虽然名为「沙斯卡通」,却是许多草原省份居民的儿时记忆,酥脆的饼皮加上满满的蓝莓馅,成为加国最具代表性的甜点之一。
8.枫糖浆(Maple syrup)加拿大闻名世界的食品之一就是枫糖,通常用来搭配薄饼和松饼等。

1. Poutine(奶酪肉汁薯条)Poutine 目前被认为是最加拿大的食物,据说起源于加拿大魁北克省。
其实它就是在粗壮的炸薯条上放奶酪块(Cheese Curds),然后淋上肉汁(Gravy),通常都是浓浓的牛肉汤汁。
2. 枫糖煎三文鱼(Maple Syrup Salmon)很多朋友来枫叶国旅游都要问我哪里能吃到枫糖煎三文鱼,小编找人问了好久,貌似是很家常的一道菜,我们也把它算做事一道枫叶国名菜吧。
3. 枫叶糖浆(Maple Syrup)枫叶糖浆是加拿大最著名的特产之一,而且加拿大是世界上最大的枫糖浆生产国。
枫叶糖浆是由枫树木质部汁液制成的糖浆,通常与煎薄饼(Pan Cake)或吐司一起食用。
4. 加拿大冰酒 (Icewine)世界上第一支冰酒产自德国,酿酒师用在葡萄藤上自然结冰的葡萄压榨和发酵儿制成。

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Since 1975,the cuisine has opened up to include a range of tropical and subtropical fruits, vegetables, and spices.It has taken advantage of its Mediterranean climate to produce wine.Food items are readily available in supermarkets.There are ubiquitous fast-food restaurants.
It is noted Scotland provided the largest number of British ancestors of today's Pakeha.The Scottish legacy on food corence of sweet foods,cakes and other mainly sweet baking dishes.
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