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本文推荐的2016考研英语泛读文章是关于心理健康——走出阴影。这是一篇心理学话题的文章,也是2016考研英语应该准备的重点题材。本文的观点认为:精神疾病的“烙印”正在褪色,患者得到应有治疗仍需时日(The stigma of mental illness is fading. But it will take time for sufferers to get the treatment they need)。从社会角度来看,这是一中积极的变化。来看一下具体内容:

For John Mooney, it was a career highlight. In March the Irish cricketer took a crucial catch that gave his team the victory in a World Cup match and eliminated the higher-ranked Zimbabwe. But afterwards the Zimbabwe Herald, a daily paper with links to Zanu-PF, the thuggish ruling party, claimed that Mr Mooney had lied when he said that his foot had not been touching the boundary, meaning the catch should have been disallowed. The article cited previous interviews in which the sportsman had spoken frankly about his long battles with drink, depression and suicidal thoughts. Under pressure, it claimed, a “man of such a character” could not be trusted to have “the honesty, let alone the decency” to tell the truth. 对约翰·穆尼而言,这是他职业生涯的巅峰。在三月的一场板球世界杯比赛中,这个爱尔兰板球手接住一个关键球,使得爱尔兰在比赛中赢得胜利,并且淘汰了排位较高的津巴布韦。但在随后,一份与残暴的执政党——津巴布韦非洲民族联盟有联系的日报《津巴布韦先驱报》声称,穆尼说他的脚没有踩到边线时撒了谎,这意味着这个接球应该是无效的。该文章还引用了之前一段采访,采访中穆尼坦言自己与酒瘾、抑郁症和自杀念头作斗争的经历。文章宣称,”这种性格的男人” 在压力之下,是不可能让人相信他具有说真话的“诚实,更别提尊严了”。

The prospect of such prejudice leads many with mental ailments to conceal their conditions and avoid seeking help. Even if they know better than to believe that mental illnesses are untreatable, or that

all sufferers are delusional, they may fear being shunned by friends or employers. Many people think the mentally ill cannot work, but in reality few jobs are off-limits, and only for the most severe cases. What bothered Mr Mooney most about the Zimbabwe Herald article, he says, was that other sufferers might read it and decide never to risk letting anyone know. So he kept talking about his condition. The reaction was heartening. Messages of support and thanks are still coming in. 这种偏见所带来的后果就是


More people from all walks of life are opening up about mental illness, says Sophie Corlett of MIND, a British mental-health advocacy group. Campaigns by many governments and charities to get rid of the stigma are part of a virtuous circle in which each person who speaks out lessens ignorance and makes it easier for other sufferers to do so too. 英国心理健康倡导团体MIND的索菲·克里特表示,社会各界对精神疾病的心态正日渐开放。由许多政府和慈善机构发起的“摆脱污名”运动是良性循环的一部分,在这个循环中,人人疾呼“减少无知”,也使患者更容易摆脱污名。

