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二、单项填空(共18小题; 每小题0.5分,满分9分)

17. There are over 58,000 rocky objects in ______ space, about 900 of which could

fall down onto ______ earth.

A. the; the

B. the; /

C. /; the

D. a; the

18. —Are you sure you won’t come for a coffee with us? —______, if you insist.

A. Forget it

B. It depends

C. I don’t care

D. All right then

19. Christopher Columbus once said, “ You can never cross the ocean until you have

the courage to lose ______of the land.”

A. sight

B. scenery

C. scene

D. distance

20. The new Pad is not so expensive and it is _____ the reach of those with average


A. over

B. beyond

C. below

D. within

21. A Bite of China 2, ______ first aired on April 18, digs deeper into the relationship

between food and people compared to the first season.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. as

22. This summer is going to be exciting for many people on the planet—the World

Cup will ______ in Brazil from June 12 to July 13.

A. turn up

B. take place

C. set off

D. break out

23. —My pet dog is really fat.

—You ______ have given him so much food.

A. wouldn’t

B. couldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t

24. —You look upset. What’s going on?

—My computer ______ and I lost all my work just now.

A. crashed

B. exploded

C. decreased

D. slowed

25. It is none of your business ______ other people think about you. All you have to

do is to have faith in yourself.

A. how

B. who

C. why

D. what

26. —Why does the lake smell terrible?

—Because most water in the lake ______.

A. was polluted

B. is polluted

C. had been polluted

D. has been polluted

27. ______ in the fields on a March morning, I could feel the warmth of spring and

enjoy the singing of early birds .

A. To walk

B. Walked

C. Walking

D.Having walked

28. ______ my mother knows how to use Wechat on her smart phone, it’s much easier

to get in touch with her.

A. Now that

B. As if

C. So that

D. Even though

29. —What was it? —Danby called, saying __________ he would like to visit

you again later.

A. when

B. that

C. whether

D. which

30. I would describe tough girls(女汉子)as handsome ______ beautiful, who usually

think independently and are able to solve problems by themselves.

A. other than

B. rather than

C. more than

D. less than

31. It is ______ for newcomers to get used to the local customs if they are to survive

in a totally new country.


B. puzzling

C. fundamental

D. unbelievable

32. Not until Daiyu and Liu Qian travelled across Canada by train ______ how vast

and empty the country is.

A. had they realize

B. they realized

C. they had realized

D. did they realize

33. The twin girls are so alike that strangers find ______ difficult to tell one from the


A. it B . them C. her D. this

34. —I’m afraid I can’t meet my mother’s expectation in the coming examination.

—_____. Things may not be as bad as you think.

A. Hurry up

B. Wake up

C. Cheer up

D. Shut up

三、完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)


While attending a meeting, I returned to my hotel room late one evening. It was dark because the overhead light outside my door was broken and I had ___35___ finding the keyhole. When I ___36___ to open the door, I ___37___ around the wall for a light switch(开关) ...but no switch!

Not giving up easily, I remembered ___38___ a light by the bed when I deposited (寄存)my baggage earlier in the day. I found the bed in the ___39___ and then the light, but when I switched it on, nothing ___40___! I thought that perhaps if I opened the curtains I might be able to use whatever light comes in from the ___41___ to find another light. So I ___42___ my way slowly across the room to the curtains and ... no drawstring! I finally stumbled(跌跌撞撞地走)around until I found a desk light which actually ___43___! Finally, there was some light in the room.

That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world can be and how ___44___ light is! But even more necessary than physical light is the light that shines from people —the light of ___45___ and faith. Because, for many people, the world is a dark and ___46___ place. So let your light shine. Even if your light is ___47___, it may be a beacon(信号灯)of hope and encouragement to others. And if you feel that your light is ___48___ a candle in a forest, remember — there isn’t enough darkness in the world to ___49___ the light of one small candle.

35. A. confidence B. respect C. admiration D. difficulty

36. A. managed B. failed C. wished D. meant

37. A. wiped B. felt C. spied D. stared

38. A. equipping B. laying C. seeing D. removing

39. A. light B. dark C. room D. corner
