unit 1 外貌特征 维克多词汇复习新方略

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2. 人们使用身势语彼此传递信息。
Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another.
3. When he was out of work, he could hardly keep
body and soul together. (英译汉) 他失业时,几乎无法养活自己。
In a word, a good habit is necessary if we want to have a good figure.
1. It’s important for the figures to be updated regularly.
2. The way you design your home may have an effect on your figure.

(2) n. a slim build 苗条的身材
a slight build 瘦小的身材
a medium build 中等身材
a athletic build 健壮的身材
1. Rome was not built in a/one day. 罗马非一日建成(冰冻三尺非一日之寒).
He was of medium build and about my height.
Our government is aiming __to__b_u_i_ld__ an “economized society”.
4. The Great Wall is one of the world‘s _g_r_e_a_t_e_s_t _b_u_il_d_i_n_g_s_(最伟大的建筑), more than 6000 kilometers long, has a history of thousands of years.
2. 我现在回想起来,还是不明白什么地方出了问题了.
Looking back on it now, I still_d_o_n_’_t_fi_g_u_r_e_out _w__h_a_t’_s_w__ro_n_g__w_i_t_h_i_t _.
3.总之,如果我们想有一个好身材的话,一个好习惯是 必要的。
(1) n.
a diamond/wedding ring 钻/婚戒
a a gold/silver ring 金/银戒指
必 a key ring 钥匙环
记 in a ring 团团地
(1)v. (built; built)
build houses 盖房子;
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu

build character 塑造性格; build new friendship 建立友谊;
记 build a harmonious school 创建和谐校园
搭 build up one’s body 增强体质/锻炼身体
3. Even to this day, Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. 4. They had plenty of time to build more than 1000 huge stone figures, called moai.
ring 熟义:n.戒指;环;圈 v.打电话 生义:n.铃声;钟声 v.鸣响;按铃

round 熟义:n.圆;prep.附近;大约;
’ 圈
在……周围 adj.圆的 生义:n. 回合;v.弄圆;围捕
circle 熟义:n.圆;循环 v.画圆;圈出 生义:n. 周期;v.盘旋
①. ring (rang; rung)
③. figure
(1) n.
a good figure 好身材
keep one’s figure 保持体形
必 double/round figures 两位/整数
记 a leading/political figure 领导/政治人物
搭 a six-sided figure 一个六边形

a figure of a woman 一个女人的身影 figure skating 花样滑冰
Unit 1 外貌特征
By Jia Weikuan
Part 1
1. build
build 熟义:v.建设;培养;增强 生义:n.体格;体形

body 熟义:n.身体;躯体;尸体

figure 熟义:n.身材;体形;人影 生义:n.数字;图形;人物
(2) v.
figure out 弄清楚;查明白;计算出
figure that...认为……
1. 说到我最喜爱的中国历史上的人物,他一定是魏源— —晚清时期的一位伟大的思想家。
As for__m_y__fa_v_o__ri_te__fi_g_u_r_e_i_n_C__h_in_e_s_e__h_is_t_o_r_y__, it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty.
②. body
body language 身势语
body weight 体重

body type 体型 body exercise 身体锻炼
记 body and soul 全身心地
搭 keep body and soul together维持生计 配 heavenly body 天体
a large body of armed men
the governing body 主管部门
public bodies 公共机构
1. 骑自行车也能使我们的身体健康,因为它是 一种好的锻炼方式.
Riding bikes can also keep our bodies healthy, be cause it’s a good way to exercise.