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Unit 16 Using the Library
Aims and Objectives
The objective of This unit is to help the student know how to make use of the library. After
learning this unit the student should know how to:
1. build a working bibliography.
2. find books in a library.
3. find articles in a library.
4. take research notes.
1. It is advisable to show the students around the library for them to know which is which
and what each is for. This may save them a lot of time and trouble in their later studies.
But first of all, they should know what each is and what they are for.
卡片目录..Card catalog....the alphabetical index of all books in the library.
开架..Open stacks....the shelves for keeping books where readers may browse at will
and handle the books.
闭架..Closed stacks....the shelves where readers are denied direct access and must
obtain books from clerks by listing the title of the book, its author, and its call number.
参考书室..Reference room....the section where encyclopedias, indexes, and other
works that are ordinarily consulted for information, rather than read from cover to cover.
咨询台rmation desk....the place where you can ask for information about the
library, or about any other problem you come across while you are using the library.
流通台..Circulation desk....the place to check out books.
保存书库..Reserved room....the section for books available for use only in the library
and only for a limited time.
报纸架..Newspaper racks....the wooden clamps for holding and storing newspapers.
复印室..Photocopying room....the room for you to photocopy anything that you have
read and that you think you might want to use later.
2. 1) Some of the most frequently used encyclopedias are:
The New Encyclopedia Britannica
The Encyclopedia Americana
The World Book Encyclopedia
The Columbia Encyclopedia
《中国大百科全书》..The China Encyclopedia..
2) The students should know that all the entries in English encyclopedia are arranged
in alphabetical order. Since they are asked to search for information about a person,
they should keep it in mind that person‘s names are arranged in the order of the
surnames (last name). So the entry Henry David Thoreau will appear under Thoreau
and probably be written like this:
Thoreau, Henry David
In order to find Henry David Thoreau in《中国大百科全书》.. the students
should know the Chinese translation for this person, which is 亨利·大卫·梭罗。
《中国大百科全书》is divided into different volumes. And information about
Henry David Thoreau will appear under the entry 梭罗 in the volume of Foreign
Literature. They should also know that the entries in《中国大百科全书》are
arranged in the order of Chinese Pingyin system and they actually should look it up
under the entry of Suoluo.
3. As the students can see, only some authors‘ names are listed under the entry f

or further
reading. They are James 1980; Brown 1980; Odlin 1989. At the end of the dictionary in
the Further Reading section, they can find the corresponding books by these three
authors. They are:
James, D. 1980. Contrastive analysis. London: Longman.
Brown, E.K. and J. E. Miller. 1980. Syntax: a linguistic introduction to sentence
structure. London: Hutchinson.
Odlin, T. 1989. Language transfer: cross-linguistic influence in language learning. New
York: Cambridge University Press.
4. (1) You can also pay attention to news about newly published books by presses which
are most important in your area. In China, among others, such presses for English
majors may include:
外语教学与研究出版社..Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press..
上海外语教育出版社..Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press..
商务印书馆mercial Press..

(2) You can also go to the bookstore to find books of your interest.
(3) You would also need to consult magazine and journal articles written on your
(4) You might also see if some newspaper articles or government publications are
(5) Finally you can start from the bibliography of a textbook, a reference book, or that
of an article of your interested field.
6. 1) The following information will be contained on each card, whether it is found in
the subject, title, or author index:
of the author or editor..
..2..Shelf-mark (also called call number) indicating which section of the library
the book is in;
..4..Publishing details: where it was published, the name of the publisher, the
date of publication;
..5..Length: number of pages. Sometimes you will see, for example: xxi, 225p,
which means that the book has 21 pages of introductory material and 225
pages of main text;
..6..Other information: whether the book contains illustrations or a bibliography,
..7..Accession numbers. Every single copy of a book can be identified by its
accession number given to the book when it comes into the library. This is
useful as it tells you how many copies are available;
..8..ISBN number: International Standard Book Number.
2) (1) This is an author card because the author of the book is listed first.
(2) I 054/PJ.
(3) John Peck.
(4) How to Study a Novel: A Student’s Guide.
(5) 115.
(6) In 1983.
(7) Macmillan.
3) (1) This is a card by title.
(2) eds. stands for editor.
(3) H31/HZL.
(4) 537.
(5) In 2001.
(6) 北京大学出版社。
(7) Yes.
7. On-line catalog is more time-saving. But sometimes the system may break down or there
may be a power cut. At this time card catalog is an indispensable substitute.
Computer indexes are ―user-friendly‖ and tell you exactly what you must do to use
them. Special advantages of computer indexes are: (1) their terminals may be placed
throughout the campus as well as in the library; (2) they not only give the usua

Deane, Seamus
A short history of Irish
London..Hutchinson & Co.
Ltd 1986
information about a book but also its current status, such as whether it is checked out, on
reserve, or on order; (3) computer search is exhaustive and no record will be left
unsearched as soon as it is stored in the system while you may overlook a record for one
reason or another when you are doing a human search, and (4) they enable you to search
by author, title, subject, or by combinations of these. Usually you will need to copy the
information about your book off the screen. Some libraries are able to provide a printed
copy of all the books they own on a particular subject.
8. The purpose of this task is for you to get familiar with some typical on-line catalog
system and get to know how to use it. But in order to do this, every student should have
access to the Internet.
Also, every student should know how to use their own library‘s on-line catalog.
9. 1) A 马列主义、毛泽东思想..Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong‘s Thoughts..
B 哲学..Philosophy..
C 社会科学总论..Social Science in General..
D 政治、法律..Politics, Law..
E 军事itary Affairs..
F 经济..Economics..
G 文化、科学、教育、体育..Culture, Science, Education, Sports..
H 语言、文字nguage..
I 文学..Literature..
J 艺术..Arts..
K 历史、地理..History, Geography..
N 自然科学总论..Natural Science in General..
O 数理科学和化学Mathematics and Chemistry..
P 天文学、地球科学..Astronomy and Geosciences..
Q 生物科学..Biology..
R 医学、卫生..Medicine and Medicare..
S 农业科学..Agriculture..
T 工业技术..Technology..
U 交通运输..Transportation..
V 航空、航天..Aviation and Space Flight..
X 环境科学..Environmental Science..
Z 综合性图书..General Works..
2) Language
H0 语言学..Linguistics..
H1 汉语..Chinese..
H2 少数民族语言nguages of the National Minorities..
H3 常用外国语monly Used Foreign languages....The English language is
one of them, which is classified as H31..
I0 文学理论..Literary Theory..
I1 世界文学..World Literary..
I2 中国文学..Chinese Literature..
I3/7 各国文学..Literature of Different Countries....English literature is classified
as I561, American literature is classified as I 712, etc...
3) 000-099 General Works (including libraries, journalism,
general encyclopedias, etc.)
100-199 Philosophy and Psychology
200-299 Religion
300-399 Social Science
400-499 Language
500-599 Science
600-699 Applied Science and Useful Arts
700-799 Fine Arts and Recreation
800-899 Literature
900-999 History, Geography
10. (1) 700-799 in DDC, J in CBC
(2) 000-099in DDC, Z in CBC
(3) 900-999 in DDC, K or G or X in CBC
(4) 400-499 in DDC, H in CBC
(5) 300-399 in DDC, X in CBC
(6) 100-199 or 300-399 in DDC, C in CBC
(7) 300-399 in

(8) 800-899 in DDC, I in CBC
(9) 300-399 in DDC, F in CBC
(10) 100-199 in DDC, B in CBC
Do not worry if you find some of the books difficult to classify: after all, classifying
books is a librarian‘s job – you have only to find them. Nevertheless, if you think
carefully about some of the classifications, you will understand more easily why a
particular book you are looking for may not be where you expect to find it. If you can not
find a book on the shelf that you would expect, always check back to the author or title
catalog. It may have been classified for some good reason under another class number,
and therefore may be found elsewhere in the library.
11. 1) (1) LLBA—Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstract
(2) 《文化研究》(Cultural Research)
(3) 《语言文字学》(Linguistics and Philology)
(4) 《全国中文期刊联合目录》(National Index to Periodicals in Chinese)
(5) 《全国报刊索引》(National Index to Newspapers and Periodicals)
(6) 《高等学校文科学报文摘》(China University Periodicals
(7) 《中国学术期刊..光盘版../专题文献数据库》(China Academic Periodicals
(8) A Specialized Literature Database)
(9) 《外国语言研究论文索引》(An Index to the Articles on Foreign Language
2) Issue
Article Author Publication Volume Page
12. 1) The following magazines may be helpful:
(1) 《英语学习》(English Language Learning)
(2) 《英语自学》..Teach Yourself English..
(3) 《英语知识》(The Knowledge of English)
(4) 《美国大观》(American Panorama)
(5) 《美国研究》..American Studies Quarterly..
13. 1) Who is the writer?
2) Why did s/he write it?
3) When was the material published?
4) What is the publisher?
5) Who is the intended reader?
6) Is it outdated?
14. You make direct quote cards when there is material that you want to quote exactly as the
author writes. You should quote exactly if the material is well expressed or if the author is
well known and you prefer to use his or her exact words. Write it on your card exactly as it
appears in your source. Put quotation marks around it so that you can later use it as a direct
quote. It‘s important to check all direct quotes you record carefully.
Home Assignment
The students need the assignment themselves in order to get the skills.
