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1. My teacher wan ted me ______ t his questi on. (an swer) to an swer

2. You'd better get your own room ______ . (clea n) clea ned

3. I feel like ______ to the cinema. (go) going

4. I don't know the professor______ at the meeting tomorrow. (speak) to speak

5. He does n't do any thi ng but _____all day. ( play ) play

6. He told us about his trip in an ______ voice. ( excite ) excited

7. He is look ing forward to _____ c ollege. ( en ter ) en teri ng

8. Whe n he heard the n ews, he could n't help ______ with joy. (jump) jump ing


1. 非谓语动词的时态和语态


He refused __________ me to the park. (take) to take

He refused ____________ abroad. (take) to be take n

It happened ______________ h ard whe n the accide nt occurred. ( rain ) to be raining

He is gen erally considered _______________the teleph one. (invent) to have inven ted

No harm seems ___________________ . (do)没造成任何伤害to have bee n done


1. _____________ her address, I was n't able to con tact her. (know) Not knowing

2. I saw him ______________ a way whe n I passed by his house. (take) being take n

3. ________________ our tickets, we went into the theatre. (buy) Having bought

4. ___________ many times, he still repeated the same mistake. (tell) Having been told

2. 考点一非谓语动词作主语



1. ___________ early is necessary. (get up) To get up

2. It's not easy _ out the problem. (work) to work

3. —_ work is difficult these days. (find) Finding

4. It is no use _ — over spilt milk. (cry) crying


Bill suggested _______ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. (hold)

holdi ng

He failed ________ her atte nti on. (attract) to attract

She has a hot temper but you will grow ———————— her. (like) to like

I admit _______ the win dow. (break) break ing

He did n't want to end up_______ home alone. (go) going

Remember__________ the letter for me on your way to school. to post


I remember ___________ the light before I left the office. turni ng off


The window n eeds __________________________ . (clea n) clea ning/to be clea ned.

The Summer Palace is worth _________ . (visit) visit ing

The Summer Palace is worthy of ______________ . (visit) being visited/to be visited.

Upon ________ at the airport, he delivered an importa nt speech. (arrive) arrivi ng

It has no choice but ________ dow n and sleep. (lie) to lie

He found it difficult ____________ he problem. (work out ) to work out.


Liste n! Do you hear some one _______ for help? (call) call ing

Alexa nder tried to get his work _______ in the medical circles.(recog ni ze) recog ni zed

She kept me ________ for over 20 minu tes. (wait) wait ing

I wish the office ________ white before I move in. (pa int) pain ted

Tips:有四个动词不可用vt +sb to do (demand /agree / suggest /hope) 有四个动词不可用vt +sb doing只能用vt +sb to do或vt+doing (allow/advise/permit/forbid)





I have a lot of things _______ today. (do) to do

She was the first woma n ______ the gold medal in the Olympic Games. (wi n) to win


Do you have anything _______ home? (take) to take


He had a very expe nsive ______ stick. (walk) walk ing


Do you know the man _________ to Tom? (talk) talk ing

Do you know all the people _____________ to the party? (in vite) in vited

All the broke n wi ndows _____________________ . (repair) have bee n repaired.



①不定式可用作目的状语。He sat dow n to have a rest.


adj./adv.+ eno ugh+ to do... too+ adj./adv. to do... so+ adj./adv.+ as to do...

He was so careless as to forget to lock the door.

③不定式可用来表示意想不到的结果,还可用only to do结构。

He left, n ever to return.

He lifted a stone only to drop it on his own feet.

