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南茶北引:Tea introduction from the south to the north

有性系品种:sexual variety

有性繁殖系品种:sexual propagating variety

地方品种:Local variety

当家品种:popular variety

国家品种:national registered clutivals

省级品种:Provincial registered clutivals

无性系品种:clonal variety

特早生种:Extra-early sprouting variety

早生种:early sprouting variety

中生种:medium sprouting variety

晚生种:Late sprouting variety



品种审定:Variety registration

品种认定:Variety confirmation

良种:Improved variety

良种推广:Extension of improved variety

营养繁殖:vegetative reproduction

无性繁殖:vegetative propagation

母树园:cutting garden

采穗园:Mother bush garden

穗条:cutting wood

短穗扦插:cutting node cutting

长穗扦插:cutting with long shoot

塑料大棚茶园:polyethylene film tea garden/Tea garden covered with polyethylene film 复合茶园:compound tea garden

立体茶园:Solid tea garden

生态茶园:Ecological tea garden

无公害茶园:No-pollution tea garden

商品茶基地:commercial tea base

茶园小气候:Microclimate in tea garden

茶树生长条件:growing condition of tea plant

茶树冻害:Cold damage

倒春寒:Late spring cold

梯级茶园:Terraced tea garden

遮荫/阳棚:sunshade frame

茶苗移栽:Tea seedling transplanting

品种搭配:Variety arranged in pairs

种植方式:Planting style

等高种植:contour planting/ cultivation

常规种植/单条栽:Traditional planting/ Planting in single row

双行条栽:Planting in double rows

抗旱保苗:Drought combating to keep a full seedling

茶叶高产规律:High-yielding rhythm of tea

茶树群体结构:Population structure of tea plant

茶叶产量构成因素:Constituting factors of tea yield

树冠覆盖度:Canopy coverage

茶园平衡增产:Balanced high-yielding of tea garden

赤红壤:latosolic red soil


紫色土:Purple soil

低丘红壤:Low-hilly red soil

土壤物理性质:Physical properties of soil

土壤通气性:Soil aeration

土壤农化性质:Agrochemical characters of soil

茶园铺草:Tea garden mulching

土壤耕性:Soil tilth

茶园耕作:Soil tillage

茶园免耕:Zero tillage of tea garden

茶园除草:Tea garden weeding

大片茶园杂草滋生:weed infested, widely spaced tea

茶园间作:intercropping in tea

茶园土壤板结:Surface crusting of tea garden soil

土壤熟化:Anthropogenic mellowing of soil

典型茶树骨架:Typical frame of a tea bush

土壤肥力指标:Soil fertility index

营养三要素:Three nutritional elements



矿质营养元素:Mineral nutrient elements

有效态氮磷钾:available nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium 茶园施肥:Tea garden fertilization

配方施肥:Directive fertilization

平衡施肥:Balanced fertilization

茶园底肥:Basic manure in tea garden

茶园基肥:Basal fertilizer in tea garden

茶园追肥:Top-dressing in tea garden

催芽肥:Flushing manure

根外追肥:Foliage manuring

叶面追肥:Foliar top-dressing on

埋青:Green manure burying

氮肥:Nitrogen fertilizer

缓效氮肥:Slow-release nitrogen fertilizer

磷肥:Phosphorus fertilizer

钾肥:Potassium fertilizer

茶树专用肥:Special fertilizer for tea plant
