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1这种事因人而异This sort of thing varies from person to person.2对于管理者,每次决策都受到政策,程序,法律,管理等因素制约For managers,every`decision`has`constrains`based`on`p olicies ,procedures,laws,precedents,and the like.3我们想知道谁把人定义为理性动物We wonder who defined man as a rational animal.4从系统的观点看,问题产生有多种原因,决策既有预期结果,也有意料之外的结果From a system's point of view ,problems have multiple causes and unintended consequences.5他们充分利用了宾馆的设备They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.6也许有另一巨大的黑洞正高速吞噬其它恒星Maybe another black hole is swallowing up stars at very rapid speed.7直到最近天文学家才开始对黑洞进行研究It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.8我们应充分利用一切机会说英语We should make full use of every chance to speak English.9由十人组成的委员会将于八点抵达机场The committee consisting of 10members will arrive at the airport at 8 o'clock.10我们越了解异域人民就越能理解他们的思想The more we learn about other people,the better we understand their ideas.11阅读开拓了他想象力的新天地Reading opened up his new world of the imagination.12他责备我疏忽大意He blamed me for my negligence.13她父母很关心她的幸福Her parents have her welfare at heart.14考虑到你的年龄,不适合这工作Taking your age into account,you are not suitable to this job.15你的话等于直接地指责What you said amounts to a direct accusation.16应允许工人在做同样工作时享有根据意愿选不同雇主的自由The worker should be allowed the freedom to seek the same type of work but with a different employer.17英国政府推行了新措施保护家庭用人不受雇主虐待The British government introduced new measures to help protect domestic workers from abuse by their employers.18他冒生命危险救溺水儿童He risked losing his life to save the drowning child.19以其人之道还治其人之身Deal with a man as he deals with you.20卫兵们迈着整齐的步子向广场走去The guards raised the legs in unison and made their way to the square.21的确,电子技术制作出当时乐器无法产生的效果Electronics did,in fact,make possible sounds that no instrument up to that time could produce.22不言而喻,我们现在不是生活在传统时期It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional period nowadays.23在你外出期间能让我接替经营生意吗Would you like me to take over the business form you while you are away.24修复后的老房子呈现出新面貌The old house took on a new look after being resumed.25为有体面的工作他每天学习到深夜He stayed up studying until midnight every day for the sake of a decent job.26将来某天机器人是否具有和人一样的视觉尚不可知It is not yet known whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision.27机器人与自动化机器有重大区别Robots differ greatly from automatic machines.28今下午有两节课,课间有些休息时间We have two lessons this afternoon,and there's some free time in between.29夏天人们让皮肤暴露于阳光下People often expose their skin to the sun in summer.30这些网络一直处于戒备状搜索危险的迹象These networks are always on the alert for warning signs.31我们从家庭学校工作,大众传媒中获得对各种事物的兴趣We acquire interests in a variety of things and subjects from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media.32学校通常把学生全面发展作为教育目标School usually set the attainment of a balanced development of the person as their educational objective.33 工作中需耗费大量精力的人会发现放松是最理想的休闲People who need to exert much energy in their work will find relaxation most desirable in leisure.34世上最容易浪费的是时间因为最难把握Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste-the most difficult to control.35你必须摆脱许多诱惑否则日程表就会落空You must push away many temptations,or your schedule will be useless.36时差反应是每位国际旅行者随时都会遇到的问题The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time.37既然我们明白了时差是什么,就可想办法消除Now that we understand what Jet Lag is,we can go some way to overcome it.38经过一段时间后,生理系统将会重新自我调节,但需要时间In time the physiological system will reset itself,but it does take time.39即使做了最大努力,注意力持续的时间也会起伏不定Even with the greatest effort,our span of attention fluctuates.40愤怒着易忘记受伤的痛苦,恐惧着难以享受乐趣,
