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and the White House(白宫). It is the official residence and principal workplace of the president.
I’m going to visit Hollywood. It is the world’s famous place for studio entertainment. 是全球最著名的影视娱乐 地点。
The Grand Canyon (美国大峡谷)
The Grand Canyon (美国大峡谷)The Grand Canyon is famous
weathering-processed natural scenery among “seven wonders”.是地球上最为壮丽 的景色之一。科罗拉多河在科罗拉多高原上共切割出19条主要峡谷,总面积2724.7平方公 里,其中最深、最宽、最长的一个就是科罗拉多大峡谷。它全长446公里,是世界上最长 的峡谷之一。峡谷顶宽6至28公里,最深处1800米。谷底水面不足 1000米宽,夏季冰雪 融水,水深增至18米。山石多为红色。
Six American presidents (总统) graduated(毕业) there. President Obama (美国总统奥巴马)is one of them. And Bill Gates (比尔盖茨)studied there before.
the president of Microsoft Company 微软公司董事长
I’m going to go by plane. I’m going to stay in a hotel.
Biblioteka Baidu
I’m going to visit some beautiful and famous places, such as(例如) the Statue of Liberty,
It’s the symbol of USA美国的象征
A dream vacation 梦想的假期 Christy
Christy’s dream vacation
I have a dream vacation. This is my plan. I’m going to go to USA. USA is a developed (发达的),modern (现代的) and beautiful country. I’m going to go by plane. I’m going to stay in a hotel. I’m going to visit some beautiful and famous places, such as(例如) the Statue of Liberty, The Grand Canyon (美国大峡谷), Yellowstone National Park(黄 石公园)and the White House(白宫). It is the offical residence and principal workplace of the president. I’m going to visit Hollywood. It is the world’s famous place for studio entertainment. A lot of famous films were made there.
Christy’s dream vacation
I have a dream vacation. This is my plan. I’m going to go to USA. USA is a developed (发达 的),modern (现代的) and beautiful country.
好莱坞环球影城 好莱坞中国剧院
A lot of famous films were made there.
I’m going to take some beautiful photos.
There are many top universities(顶尖的大学) in USA. I’m going to visit Harvard University(哈佛大学).It is a very top university.
There are many top universities(顶尖的大学) in USA. I’m going to visit Harvard University(哈佛大学).It is a very top university. Six American presidents (总统) graduated(毕业) there. President Obama (美国总统奥巴 马)is one of them. And Bill Gates (比尔盖茨)studied there before. NBA is very famous in the world. I’m going to watch a NBA match. Also, I’m going to eat some fast food. This is my dream vacation. I hope(希望) one day I can do it.
NBA is very famous in the world. I’m going to watch a NBA match.
Also, I’m going to eat some fast food.
This is my dream vacation. I hope(希望) one day I can do it.
Yellowstone National Park(黄石公园)
Yellowstone National Park(黄石公园)
It’s the first national park.是世界上第一座认证国家公园,也是世界上最壮观的国 家公园之一。有气势宏伟的老忠实间歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser),五彩斑斓的大棱 镜(Grand Prismatic Spring),宁静的黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake),奔流直下的黄 石瀑布,壮丽的黄石大峡谷(Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone),美丽的巨象温 泉(Mammoth Hot Spring.