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Energy Drinks-Good or Bad?-(2-1)-Can you get lasting energy from a drink?


关键词:flunk,pass out,load,definitely,caffeine,boost,vibe

Hi,everybody,welcome to Studio Classroom Worldwide.Thanks for joining us today.My name is Steve.Well,where do you go,what do you do when you need extra energy?You go to the sofa for a nap.Do you go to the kitchen for a piece of fruit or a candy bar?Now, how about getting your energy from a can?That's right.This month,in our Studio Classroom VIEWPOINTS feature,we tackle the pros and cons of energy drinks.Energy drinks,in some form or another,have been around for ages.But have you noticed that in the last year or two,they really seemed to have exploded in number.Let's open our magazines to page22and meet this month's VIEWPOINTS friends Luke and Amy.Energy Drinks-Good or Bad?Can you get lasting energy from a drink?Hi,Amy.How are you doing?You look really tired!I'm so exhausted.I didn't sleep at all last night!Why?What were you doing?I was studying for my world history test.I started studying at11:00,and I didn't stop until8:00this morning.I don't want to flunk.Wow!How did you manage to concentrate for that many hours?I would have passed out on my books long before8:00this morning.Simple.I had an energy drink.Really?Do those drinks really help you study?I know they're loaded with sugar and caffeine.(Music).Hello,friends,thank you so much for joining us here in the studio.My name is Kaylah.(Background Noise).My name is Ryan.Um, Ryan,you look a little sleepy.Oh,yeah,I've felt a little tired.I don't think I got enough sleep last night.Well,I have an energy drink.Would you like to try it?Oh.Uh,well,actually,no thanks.I don't like to drink energy drinks.Why not?Well,we're going to talk a little bit about that today in our VIEWPOINTS article which is all about energy drinks:are they good or are they bad?That's right.Are they good or are they bad?Sometimes we'd like to have an energy drink just in case we need some extra energy.But our question is:Can you get lasting energy from just a drink?And that's a great question.OK.So in order to find out, we're going to look at a conversation between Luke and Amy.And we start off with Luke.And Luke says,"Hi,Amy.How are you doing?You look really tired."Now,first of all,I said Ryan looked a little sleepy.That's another way of saying,"You look tired."But Ryan,is that really polite?Uh,actually,it's usually not polite to tell someone that they look tired.That's another way of saying:You don't look very good right now.That's right.It's more polite than saying,"You look bad."But it's also very rude.So just be careful how you say it and who you say it to.Yeah.Maybe ask,"Do you feel OK?"And if they're tired,they'll let you know.But Luke asks Amy if she is tired.So she said,"Oh,I am.I'm so exhausted," which we remember means to be really tired.Well,why is she exhausted?She says,"I didn't sleep at all last night!"Now Ryan,I think I understand why she's tired.Right,you're
