优秀的艺术,他认为应该是“ 精确的艺术,使韵律也能精确的表达相应的感情”。
关键词:意象派;庞德;意象;韵律ABSTRACTEzra Weston Loomis Pound was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. This paper first introduces the history and the origins of Imagism and Pound‘s status in the process of Imagist Poetry development. It then combines with the creation theory of Imagist Poetry to point out the common characteristics of Imagist Poetry. And then by studying t heir predecessors‘research and Pound‘s own poetry theory, it analyses the writing characteristics of Pond‘s Imagist Poetry: the use of imagery, c oncise language and musical rhythm. And it uses examples to prove the specificity of these characteristics. It finally discusses the influence of Pound‘s Imagist Poetry in domestic and foreign literature.Keywords:Imagism;Ezra Pound; image; musical rhythmContents1. Introduction (1)2. Ezra Pound and Imagism (2)2.1 Ezra Pound (2)2.2Imagism ……………………………………………………………………...….. .43. Imagistic features of Pound's poetry (5)3.1 The use of Image (5)3.1.1 Image progress (6)3.1.2 Image superposition (8)3.1.3 Image juxtaposition (9)3.2 Concise Language (10)3.3 Musical Rhythm (11)4. Influence of Pound’s poetry (12)4.1 The impact on domestic literature (13)4.2 The impact on foreign literature (14)5. Conclusion (16)Acknowledgement. (17)Reference (18)1.IntroductionImagism was a movement in the early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and discursiveness typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry. This was in contrast to their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition. Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry.[1]3His ownsignificant contributions to poetry begin with his declare of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry-stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, ―compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.‖[2]11As the father of Modernism, Ezra Pound plays an important role in Poetry modernization process. Therefore, we can get a clear understanding of imagism poems by studying Pound‘s poems and translation works. The thesis will focus on studying image to analysis Ezra Pound‘s poems. According to Pound's Imagist poems and other predecessors‘studi es of his works, this thesis will summarize the language characteristics of Pound‘s poetry and analysis his imagist poetry style, so as to provide some theoretical concept from the view of reading, understanding and appreciating modern English poetry, thus making it easier for Chinese readers to appreciate English poetry.The first part summarizes Ezra Pound‘s life and theoretical basis of Imagism. The second part, as analysis of Pound's poetry, departs into three parts—the use of image, concise language and musical rhythm. It introduces three kinds of combination of images, and uses Pound‘s poems to explain the combination of images. The third part is about the influence of Pound poetry on domestic and foreign literature2. Ezra Pound and ImagismAs the father of modernism which is the main stream of literature in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound definitely plays a predominant role in the evolution of modernist poetry. Its starting point is Imagism.Ezra Pound‘s Imagist theory is mainly based on the aesthetic theories proposed by W. B. Yeats, Ford Madox Ford and T. E. Hulme. Yeats is famous for a symbolist who emphasizes subjective conception and imaginative association,but this school tends to lapse into sentimentality; Ford is famous for an impressionist who emphasizes objective writing with clarity and precision, but this school tends to lapse into the level of description. Pound absor bs the strengths of Yeat‘s subjectivity and Ford‘s objectivity and finds a way to make natural objects convey subjective emotion by virtue of association of the mind.2.1 Ezra PoundEzra Pound(1885一1972)was born in Hally, Idaho, in October, 1885.Then he attended Hamilton College and the University of Pennsylvania,where he majored in romance Philology while reading through a large Portion of classical and European literature. Dissatisfied with the genteel tradition and Popular romanticism dominating the American literary tastes,Pound moved to Europe in1908一first to London,then to Paris,and finally to Rapallo, Italy. In 1909,Pound met W. B. Yeats and Ford Madox Ford. He was greatly influenced by these two and tried to combine Yeat‘s symbolism with Ford‘s i mpressionism. About the same period of time, Pound got in touch with T. E. Hulme and became interested in his Poetic theory.All these ideas became the theoretical basis of the well-known Imagist and V ortieist Movement. Later,inspired by American sinologi st Ernest Fenollosa‘s theory on the Chinese writing characters,Pound proposed the Ideogramic Method which was based on the chief principles of the Imagist and V orticist Movement. As the advocate and leader of the movement Pound exerted a great influence on the Imagist poetrywriters. Pound also attempted to combine poetry with music, painting and scu1pture.V ortieism was such a typical example.Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. In the early teens of the twentieth century, he opened a seminal exchange of work and ideas between British and American writers, and was famous for the generosity with which he advanced the work of such major contemporaries as W. B. Yeats, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H.D., James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and especially T. S. Eliot. Pound also had a profound influence on Irish writers W. B. Yeats and James Joyce.Pound is not only a poet, but also a translator, essayist and literary critic. His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his promulgation of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry which are stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, ―compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.‖ His later work, for nearly fifty years, focused on the encyclopedic epic poem he entitled The Cantos, which was regarded as poetic masterpiece of the twentieth century. He is really an original and creative poet in the twentieth century, a literary giant who plays a prominent role in the development of modernist poetry.2.2 ImagismImagism was a poetic movement which flourished in London between 1910 and 1917 and had an enduring and pervasive influence on English-language poetry in the twentieth century.The Imagists published four annual anthologies from 1914to 1917, with a final anthology in 1930. They were led by Ezra Pound who first called them ―Les Imagists‖, choosing a French term to associate the group with the various French avant-garde movements which became the Roger Fry‘s influential Post-Impressionist exhibition in 1910. The group included Hilda Doolittle, John Gould Fletcher, Amy Lowell, Richard Aldington, and, marginally, D. H. Lawrence, but they had only a loose and shifting affiliation and it was mainly Pound‘s talents as a promoter and critic that gave a semblance of unity.Pound‘s favored spelling of Imagists was a gesture of homage to the first school ofmodern poets, the symbolists, whose best-known members were Baudelaire, Mallarme, Verlaine, and Rimbaud, but Pound criticized the French Symbolists as often as he praised them. The first principle of Imagism was ―Direct treatment of the thing‖[3]72, clearly in contrast to Mallarme‘s famous dictum that to name a thing was to take away half the pleasure and whereas Verlaine in his ―Art of Poetry‖advised an ―indefinite music‖. Pound spoke for an ―absolute rhythm‖, a rhythm that is in poetry which corresponds exactly to the emotion or shade of emotion to be expressed.Nonetheless, Pound‘s ascorbic but well-judged criticism of his contemporaries, his accurate sense of what was good in verse, and his own aphoristic brilliance, gave this small movement (which was not really even a movement outside of Pound‘s rhetoric) a formative role in defining the twentieth-century poet as someone who was in the intellectual avant-garde, purifying the language of the tribe, spurning flaccid and self-important and merely derived patterns of language use, and generally breaking with the idea of fixed metrical rules. Many of these principleswere clearly articulated in the essay ―Imagism‖ in Poetry (Mar ch 1913) which was offered as an interview-cum-report by F. S. Flint but shows the hand of Pound throughout. According to Flint, the three principles of Imagism were:―1. Direct treatment of the ―thing‖, whether subjective or objective.2. To use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation.3. As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome. ‖[4]12 In an essay ―A Few Don‘ts b y An Imagist‖ by Pound in the same issue offers a definition o f the Image as ―that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time‖[5]54, the key point being the com pression of intellectual and emotional experience into an instant. He goes on to offer his own set of ―Don‘ts‖: ―Use no supe rfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.Don‘t use such an expression as ―dim land of peace”. It dulls the image. It mixes an abstraction with the concrete. It comes from the writer‘s not realizing that the natural object is always the adequate symbol.Go in fear of abstractions. Don‘t retell in mediocre verse what has already been done in good prose. Don‘t think a ny intelligent person is going to be deceived when you try to shirk all the difficulties of the unspeakably cliff cult art of good prose by chopping your composition into line. ‖[6]313. Imagistic Features of Pound's PoetryImagist poetry has three distinctive artistic characteristics. First, the Imagist poems request to convey the complex imagery directly, use sculpture and painting in the performance ofimagery. It objects to musical and mystery object to lyrics. It advances the ―Do not say‖ and ―Do not you narrative‖[6]9, only to show without comment. Second, the Imagist poems use concise language, no adjectives and qualifier, no decorative ―lace‖and flaunting words. It writes short lines, with imagery. Third, the Imagist poetry Images focus on the intrinsic rhythm of imagery combination, blend the imagery and the contained idea.3.1 The use of ImageThe word ―Image‖ used in the field of literature is derived from the theory of Chinese poetry. It is an important linguistic terms which have been widely used in Chinese poetry. Therefore, when people refer to ―image‖ in literature, it also refers to ―image‖ poetry. P oetry image is the basic constituent element of poetry. It is the soul and essence features of poetry, and it plays a vital role in poetry.Pound‘s work as poet, critic,editor,and promoter of the new style was crucial to its initial period,in the decade around the First World War,and what was most essential to his conception of what was truly modern was a single word: Image. Pound‘s best poems were assured achievement in the Imagist Movement when literature in English became recognizably modern. The modern revolution in literary style came from a main impulse一focus on the image.Aesthetic theorist and imagist poe t T. E. Hulme must be credited with the initial emphasis on the image,for he first formulated the doctrine that ―Images in verse are not mere decoration, but the very essence of an intuitive language.‖[7]79 But Hulme thought of himself as primarily a philosopher, using images as illustrations of ideas. While Pound was always primarilya poet,seeking philosophical justification for his intuitions;and it was Pound who pointed out the best working definition: ―An Image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an inst ant of time‖.[8]2It was also Pound who showed in practice how far this definition could be carried into the making of short and then longer poems. Pound emphasized the concentration of intellectual and emotional content possible in a poetic image, though it mirrored only a brief moment of experience. He took the image to be the poet‘s ―primary pigment‖and stressed the hardness, or concreteness, of sensory language, telling poets to ―Go in fear of abstractions‖. Besides concreteness, Pound stressed exactness of diction, the mot just of Flaubert, and clarity, and ―As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome‖. Thus, along with the image emerged free verse, newly understood as an appropriate organic rhythm, suited to the mood of the individual poem.In short, Pound‘s Imagism was intended to carry symbolism forward towards a greater poetic realism, keeping the poet‘s vision always in touch with the world of his senses, holding firmly to the principle that truth should be visible in things, rather than in visible beyond them.As we all know ancient Chinese poetry and Japanese haiku had an important influence on Pound, especially the ancient Chinese poetry. Pound didn‘t just pay attention to the ?exotic surf ace‘ of the Chinese language but its linguistic nature and the abstract feelings that lie behind it. He not only translated lots of Chinese poems but also learned the useful and particular writing techniques. It can be seen clearly the imitation of the style of Chinese poetry from Pound‘ poems.In the following text I will focus on three types of combination of image--image progress, image superposition and image juxtaposition. These three modes of combination of image are very typical East or Chinese-style image, which is characterized by only using nouns rather than verbs. This image processing techniques in ancient poetry in China is nothing unusual or surprising. And they are also wildly used in Pound‘s poetry and become his representative features.3.1.1Image ProgressImage progress is a combination of images which structured in accordance with the objective rule. It is a common writing technique used by ancient Chinese poets.For example, the famous Chinese poetry《敕勒歌》:“敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。
埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)是美国著名的意象派诗人,他的诗歌以独特的意象表达和形式技巧而著称。
庞德与意象主义的形成——以《在地铁站》为例4600字 周五给我~
![庞德与意象主义的形成——以《在地铁站》为例4600字 周五给我~](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/92f0345ac850ad02de804164.png)
2.强调要与原文人物的思绪情感契合 所谓的重视原文意境以及原文人物的思想感情,并 非只是原作文字层面上的对等或忠实,而是与原作意境, 氛围上的情感对等。在对中国古诗的翻译过程中,庞德 并没有使用古英语,而是采用了当时最盛行的现代词汇 和音译汉语,这不得不说是庞德为还原原文意境,寻求 情感对等而采取的策略。
THANK YOUFra bibliotek最后,庞德肯定了中国传统的兴喻结构和暗示联想 方法,更是庞德对表意文字理论的很好实践。
在汉诗翻译中,庞德一直秉持“翻译是对原作的部分批评”的态度, 对原作讲行“诠释性翻迳” (二)翻译是以原作为母体的再创 作 庞德以中国古典诗为素材进行意象转译 , 将主人翁或诗人的情 感幻化为自己的爱恨情仇,所以他翻译出来的诗歌更像是自己的新 诗创作。
首先,庞德认为汉字有象形和表意的特点,故而它最能 贴切表达具体事物,甚至可以把汉字直接当做最现成 的文字意象。
其次 , 蒙太奇手法也是庞德表意文字理论不可或缺 的一部分。蒙太奇 , 即通俗意义上的拼接剪辑手法。
再者,表意文字是对自然的反映。不管是中国古典 诗词还是西方文学,自然一直是诗歌创作里经久不 衰的主题。庞德更是把自然作为诗歌语言的创作 动力,并将其列为表意文字理论的重要组成部分。
提出的“漩涡”一词就是对语势的重视 , 对动态意象的崇 尚。正是因为有语势观因素的介入,才决定了庞德选择什么样 的文本进行翻译。
庞德对中国古诗的翻译中,我们不难看出他放弃了白朗宁式 戏剧独白模式,由叙事模式转到意象并列 ,散片并置的会意集合 结构模式 , 并让这种模式进入他的意象诗学的核心部分。庞德 运用叠词叠句,意象并列,散片并置以致产生了类似中国传统叠 韵复沓的声韵美,所以庞德的翻译处处显现中国诗艺的技巧。
仅有的几部如:The Spirit of Romance,The Garden,In a Station of the Metro等等。
此外,庞德还编辑了书籍Imagist poems。
1 中国意象“意象”一词是中国古典文艺理论中的一个固有概念。
庞德经典作品赏析展开全文《在地铁站内》仅两行、14个字,是一首单一意象诗(one-image poem)。
第二行的petal 花瓣则传递了美的信息。
2010年第10期吉林省教育学院学报No 110,2010第26卷JOURNAL O F EDUCATI ONAL I NSTI TUTE OF JI LI N PROV I NCEVo l 126(总250期)Tota lN o 1250收稿日期:2010)08)03作者简介:刘 蕊(1981)),女,新疆人。
指导教师:新疆大学研究生院副院长、教授单雪梅从庞德的意象观看意象派诗歌刘 蕊(新疆大学外国语学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830091)摘要:意象派诗歌的存在时期虽然短暂,但在诗歌界却具有举足轻重的份量。
关键词:意象;意象派;庞德;象征主义中图分类号:I052 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671)1580(2010)10)0037)0219世纪末20世纪初兴起于西方的意象派诗歌,可以称的上是现代诗歌的代表。
泛。关于地铁, 英式英语更倾向于使用
“Underground”, 而 美 式 英 语 则 往 往 称
道 。“Metro”一词 在 英 语中 虽 然 也能 表 七 大 学 外 语 学 院 博 士 生 , 研 究 方 向 : 英
达地铁的意思, 然而它的使用并不广 语语言文学。
作家杂志 Write r Ma ga zine 2008 No.8
《地铁车站》之意象主义赏析 吴 攸
庞 德 的 代 表 作 《地 铁 车 站》( In a Station of the Metro) 是 意 象 派 诗 歌 的 压 卷之作, 诗歌仿日本俳句风格而作。庞 德 曾 在 1916 年 写 道 :“ 三 年 前 的 巴 黎 , 我 走 出 协 和 广 场( la Concorde) 地 铁 站 。 突然间, 我看到了一张美丽的面庞, 接 着是一张又一张, 我又看到一张美丽 的儿童面孔, 然后又是一个美丽的女 人。那一整天, 我努力寻找恰当的文字 来表达那种突然迸发的情感与感受, 然而却未能如愿。那天晚上, 当我仍然 在继续努力寻找的时候, 忽然间一种 表达方式闯进了我的脑海。与其说我 找到了一些文字, 不如说是发现了一 个方程式……不是用语言……而是一 个叠加形式, 即一个意向叠加在另一 个意向之上。”
意 象 。在 短 短 两 行 诗 句 构 成 的 诗 歌 中 , 我们不得不赞扬庞德对标点符号的准 确把握与运用。诗人在长达一年的去 芜存菁过程中, 用分号替代了原本置 于第一行末尾的冒号。这一改变使得 两行诗句之间更具微妙联系。原来的 冒号似乎从主观上限定了第一行诗句 的从属地位, 意即第一行本身并非完 整的诗句, 其作用只不过是为了引出 第二行的意向。改为分号之后, 第一行 诗句的从属性减弱, 而两行诗句之间 的关系更加微妙, 甚至有些模糊不清, 带给读者更大的遐想空间, 也大大提 升了诗歌的意境。
in a station of the metro赏析
![in a station of the metro赏析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0b2f14b6900ef12d2af90242a8956bec0975a5a7.png)
in a station of the metro赏析摘要:1.作品背景介绍2.诗歌内容分析3.艺术特点概述4.作品意义阐述正文:一、作品背景介绍《In a Station of the Metro》是美国著名诗人埃兹拉·庞德创作的一首现代诗歌。
三、艺术特点概述《In a Station of the Metro》的艺术特点主要体现在以下几个方面:1.意象手法:庞德善于捕捉生活中的细节,将平凡的事物赋予深刻的象征意义。
四、作品意义阐述《In a Station of the Metro》反映了现代都市生活的矛盾和困境,表达了人们在快节奏生活中对自然的向往和对心灵慰藉的渴望。
从意象叠加到意象并置———试析埃茨拉·庞德意象诗歌的创作技巧意象叠加(superposition)和意象并置( juxtaposition)都是中国古典诗歌中常用的一种技巧,意象叠加实际上是意象并置的一种特殊形式,它们在20世纪初远隔重洋来到欧美,对欧美现代派诗人,特别是美国意象派诗人产生了重大影响。
the river-merchant’s wife写作特点
![the river-merchant’s wife写作特点](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47968b50974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f2972.png)
The River-Merchant’s Wife的写作特点主要体现在以下几个方面:
1.意象派风格:庞德在翻译The River-Merchant’s Wife时,并没有直接
采用地名翻译常用的音译法,而是将其译为The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter。
的创造和对诗歌音乐性的追求,他翻译的The River-Merchant’s Wife充分体
译的The River-Merchant’s Wife在形式上也非常讲究,通过运用对仗、排比等修辞手法,使诗歌更加富有节奏感和音乐性。
4.独特的语言风格:庞德在翻译The River-Merchant’s Wife时运用了独
综上所述,The River-Merchant’s Wife的写作特点主要体现在意象派风格、
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关键词:意象派;庞德;意象;韵律ABSTRACTEzra Weston Loomis Pound was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. This paper first introduces the history and the origins of Imagism and Pound‘s status in the process of Imagist Poetry development. It then combines with the creation theory of Imagist Poetry to point out the common characteristics of Imagist Poetry. And then by studying their predecessors‘research and Pound‘s own poetry theory, it analyses the writing characteristics of Pond‘s Imagist Poetry: the use of imagery, c oncise language and musical rhythm. And it uses examples to prove the specificity of these characteristics. It finally discusses the influence of Pound‘s Imagist Poetry in domestic and foreign literature.Keywords:Imagism;Ezra Pound; image; musical rhythmContents1. Introduction (1)2. Ezra Pound and Imagism (2)2.1 Ezra Pound (2)2.2 Imagism ……………………………………………………………………...….. .43. Imagistic features of Pound's poetry (5)3.1 The use of Image (5)3.1.1 Image progress (6)3.1.2 Image superposition (8)3.1.3 Image juxtaposition (9)3.2 Concise Language (10)3.3 Musical Rhythm (11)4. Influence of Pound’s poetry (12)4.1 The impact on domestic literature (13)4.2 The impact on foreign literature (14)5. Conclusion (16)Acknowledgement. (17)Reference (18)1.IntroductionImagism was a movement in the early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and discursiveness typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry. This was in contrast to their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition. Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry.[1]3His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his declare of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry-stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, ―compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.‖[2]11As the father of Modernism, Ezra Pound plays an important role in Poetry modernization process. Therefore, we can get a clear understanding of imagism poems by studying Pound‘s poems and translation works. The thesis will focus on studying image to analysis Ezra Pound‘s poems. According to Pound's Imagist poems and other predecessors‘studies of his works, this thesis will summarize the language characteristics of Pound‘s poetry and analysis his imagist poetry style, so as to provide some theoretical concept from the view of reading, understanding and appreciating modern English poetry, thus making it easier for Chinese readers to appreciate English poetry.The first part summarizes Ezra Pound‘s life and theoretical basis of Imagism. The second part, as analysis of Pound's poetry, departs into three parts—the use of image, concise language and musical rhythm. It introduces three kinds of combination of images, and uses Pound‘s poems to explain the combination of images. The third part is about the influence of Pound poetry on domestic and foreign literature2. Ezra Pound and ImagismAs the father of modernism which is the main stream of literature in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound definitely plays a predominant role in the evolution of modernist poetry. Its starting point is Imagism.Ezra Pound‘s Imagist theory is mainly based on the aesthetic theories proposed by W. B. Yeats, Ford Madox Ford and T. E. Hulme. Yeats is famous for a symbolist who emphasizes subjective conception and imaginative association,but this school tends to lapse into sentimentality; Ford is famous for an impressionist who emphasizes objective writing with clarity and precision, but this school tends to lapse into the level of description. Pound absor bs the strengths of Yeat‘s subjectivity and Ford‘s objectivity and finds a way to make natural objects convey subjective emotion by virtue of association of the mind.2.1 Ezra PoundEzra Pound(1885一1972)was born in Hally, Idaho, in October, 1885.Then he attended Hamilton College and the University of Pennsylvania,where he majored in romance Philology while reading through a large Portion of classical and European literature. Dissatisfied with the genteel tradition and Popular romanticism dominating the American literary tastes,Pound moved to Europe in1908一first to London,then to Paris,and finally to Rapallo, Italy. In 1909,Pound met W. B. Yeats and Ford Madox Ford. He was greatly influenced by these two and tried to combine Yeat‘s symbolism with Ford‘s i mpressionism. About the same period of time, Pound got in touch with T. E. Hulme and became interested in his Poetic theory.All these ideas became the theoretical basis of the well-known Imagist and V ortieist Movement. Later,inspired by American sinologi st Ernest Fenollosa‘s theory on the Chinese writing characters,Pound proposed the Ideogramic Method which was based on the chief principles of the Imagist and V orticist Movement. As the advocate and leader of the movement Pound exerted a great influence on the Imagist poetrywriters. Pound also attempted to combine poetry with music, painting and scu1pture.V ortieism was such a typical example.Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. In the early teens of the twentieth century, he opened a seminal exchange of work and ideas between British and American writers, and was famous for the generosity with which he advanced the work of such major contemporaries as W. B. Yeats, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H. D., James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and especially T. S. Eliot. Pound also had a profound influence on Irish writers W. B. Yeats and James Joyce.Pound is not only a poet, but also a translator, essayist and literary critic. His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his promulgation of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry which are stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, ―compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.‖ His later work, for nearly fifty years, focused on the encyclopedic epic poem he entitled The Cantos, which was regarded as poetic masterpiece of the twentieth century. He is really an original and creative poet in the twentieth century, a literary giant who plays a prominent role in the development of modernist poetry.2.2 ImagismImagism was a poetic movement which flourished in London between 1910 and 1917 and had an enduring and pervasive influence on English-language poetry in the twentieth century.The Imagists published four annual anthologies from 1914 to 1917, with a final anthology in 1930. They were led by Ezra Pound who first called them ―Les Imagists‖, choosing a French term to associate the group with the various French avant-garde movements which became the Roger Fry‘s influential Post-Impressionist exhibition in 1910. The group included Hilda Doolittle, John Gould Fletcher, Amy Lowell, Richard Aldington, and, marginally, D. H. Lawrence, but they had only a loose and shifting affiliation and it was mainly Pound‘s talents as a promoter and critic that gave a semblance of unity.Pound‘s favored spelling of Imagists was a gesture of homage to the first school ofmodern poets, the symbolists, whose best-known members were Baudelaire, Mallarme, Verlaine, and Rimbaud, but Pound criticized the French Symbolists as often as he praised them. The first principle of Imagism was ―Direct treatment of the thing‖[3]72, clearly in contrast to Mallarme‘s famous dictum that to name a thing was to take away half the pleasure and whereas Verlaine in his ―Art of Poetry‖advised an ―indefinite music‖. Pound spoke for an ―absolute rhythm‖, a rhythm that is in poetry which corresponds exactly to the emotion or shade of emotion to be expressed.Nonetheless, Pound‘s ascorbic but well-judged criticism of his contemporaries, his accurate sense of what was good in verse, and his own aphoristic brilliance, gave this small movement (which was not really even a movement outside of Pound‘s rhetoric) a formative role in defining the twentieth-century poet as someone who was in the intellectual avant-garde, purifying the language of the tribe, spurning flaccid and self-important and merely derived patterns of language use, and generally breaking with the idea of fixed metrical rules. Many of these principles were clearly articulated in the essay ―Imagism‖ in Poetry (Mar ch 1913) which was offered as an interview-cum-report by F. S. Flint but shows the hand of Pound throughout. According to Flint, the three principles of Imagism were:―1. Direct treatment of the ―thing‖, whether subjective or objective.2. To use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation.3. As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome. ‖[4]12In an essay ―A Few Don‘ts b y An Imagist‖ by Pound in the same issue offers a definition o f the Image as ―that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time‖[5]54, the key point being the compression of intellectual and emotional experience into an instant. He goes on to offer his own set of ―Don‘ts‖: ―Use no supe rfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.Don‘t use such an expression as ―dim land of peace”. It dulls the image. It mixes an abstraction with the concrete. It comes from the writer‘s not realizing that the natural object is always the adequate symbol.Go in fear of abstractions. Don‘t retell in mediocre verse what has already been done in good prose. Don‘t think any intelligent person is going to be deceived when you try to shirk all the difficulties of the unspeakably cliff cult art of good prose by chopping your composition into line. ‖[6]313. Imagistic Features of Pound's PoetryImagist poetry has three distinctive artistic characteristics. First, the Imagist poems request to convey the complex imagery directly, use sculpture and painting in the performance of imagery. It objects to musical and mystery object to lyrics. It advances the ―Do not say‖ and ―Do not you narrative‖[6]9, only to show without comment. Second, the Imagist poems use concise language, no adjectives and qualifier, no decorative ―lace‖and flaunting words. It writes short lines, with imagery. Third, the Imagist poetry Images focus on the intrinsic rhythm of imagery combination, blend the imagery and the contained idea.3.1 The use of ImageThe word ―Image‖ used in the field of literature is derived from the theory of Chinese poetry. It is an important linguistic terms which have been widely used in Chinese poetry. Therefore, when people refer to ―image‖ in literature, it also refers to ―image‖ poetry. P oetry image is the basic constituent element of poetry. It is the soul and essence features of poetry, and it plays a vital role in poetry.Pound‘s work as poet, critic,editor,and promoter of the new style was crucial to its initial period,in the decade around the First World War,and what was most essential to his conception of what was truly modern was a single word: Image. Pound‘s best poems were assured achievement in the Imagist Movement when literature in English became recognizably modern. The modern revolution in literary style came from a main impulse一focus on the image.Aesthetic theorist and imagist poe t T. E. Hulme must be credited with the initial emphasis on the image,for he first formulated the doctrine that ―Images in verse are not mere decoration, but the very essence of an intuitive language.‖[7]79 But Hulme thought of himself as primarily a philosopher, using images as illustrations of ideas. While Pound was always primarily a poet,seeking philosophical justification for his intuitions;and it was Pound who pointed out the best working definition: ―An Image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an inst ant of time‖.[8]2It was also Pound who showed in practice how far this definition could be carried into the making of short and then longer poems. Pound emphasized the concentration of intellectual and emotional content possible in a poetic image, though it mirrored only a brief moment of experience. He took the image to be the poet‘s ―primary pigment‖and stressed the hardness, or concreteness, of sensory language, telling poets to ―Go in fear of abstractions‖. Besides concreteness, Pound stressed exactness of diction, the mot just of Flaubert, and clarity, and ―As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome‖. Thus, along with the image emerged free verse, newly understood as an appropriate organic rhythm, suited to the mood of the individual poem.In short, Pound‘s Imagism was intended to carry symbolism forward towards a greater poetic realism, keeping the poet‘s vision always in touch with the world of his senses, holding firmly to the principle that truth should be visible in things, rather than in visible beyond them.As we all know ancient Chinese poetry and Japanese haiku had an important influence on Pound, especially the ancient Chinese poetry. Pound didn‘t just pay attention to the ‗exotic surface‘ of the Chinese language but its linguistic nature and the abstract feelings that lie behind it. He not only translated lots of Chinese poems but also learned the useful and particular writing techniques. It can be seen clearly the imitation of the style of Chinese poetry from Pound‘ poems.In the following text I will focus on three types of combination of image--image progress, image superposition and image juxtaposition. These three modes of combination of image are very typical East or Chinese-style image, which is characterized by only using nouns rather than verbs. This image processing techniques in ancient poetry in China is nothing unusual or surprising. And they are also wildly used in Pound‘s poetry and become his representative features.3.1.1Image ProgressImage progress is a combination of images which structured in accordance with the objective rule. It is a common writing technique used by ancient Chinese poets.For example, the famous Chinese poetry《敕勒歌》:“敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。