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Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. This paper first introduces the history and the origins of Imagism and Pound‘s status in the process of Imagist Poetry development. It then combines with the creation theory of Imagist Poetry to point out the common characteristics of Imagist Poetry. And then by studying their predecessors‘research and Pound‘s own poetry theory, it analyses the writing characteristics of Pond‘s Imagist Poetry: the use of imagery, c oncise language and musical rhythm. And it uses examples to prove the specificity of these characteristics. It finally discusses the influence of Pound‘s Imagist Poetry in domestic and foreign literature.

Keywords:Imagism;Ezra Pound; image; musical rhythm


1. Introduction (1)

2. Ezra Pound and Imagism (2)

2.1 Ezra Pound (2)

2.2 Imagism ……………………………………………………………………...….. .4

3. Imagistic features of Pound's poetry (5)

3.1 The use of Image (5)

3.1.1 Image progress (6)

3.1.2 Image superposition (8)

3.1.3 Image juxtaposition (9)

3.2 Concise Language (10)

3.3 Musical Rhythm (11)

4. Influence of Pound’s poetry (12)

4.1 The impact on domestic literature (13)

4.2 The impact on foreign literature (14)

5. Conclusion (16)

Acknowledgement. (17)

Reference (18)


Imagism was a movement in the early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and discursiveness typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry. This was in contrast to their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition. Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry.[1]3His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his declare of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry-stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, ―compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.‖[2]11

As the father of Modernism, Ezra Pound plays an important role in Poetry modernization process. Therefore, we can get a clear understanding of imagism poems by studying Pound‘s poems and translation works. The thesis will focus on studying image to analysis Ezra Pound‘s poems. According to Pound's Imagist poems and other predecessors‘studies of his works, this thesis will summarize the language characteristics of Pound‘s poetry and analysis his imagist poetry style, so as to provide some theoretical concept from the view of reading, understanding and appreciating modern English poetry, thus making it easier for Chinese readers to appreciate English poetry.

The first part summarizes Ezra Pound‘s life and theoretical basis of Imagism. The second part, as analysis of Pound's poetry, departs into three parts—the use of image, concise language and musical rhythm. It introduces three kinds of combination of images, and uses Pound‘s poems to explain the combination of images. The third part is about the influence of Pound poetry on domestic and foreign literature
