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(1)Alaska, which is one of the fifty states of the United States used to belong to Russia. (2)The Russians, who established the first settlement in Alaska in 1784, stayed there until the 1850's when they lost interest in the erea. (3)After they fought the Crimean War(185356),the Russians were eager to sell Alaska.(4)William H. Sewaid, who was then US Secretary of State, agreed to buy the land for $ 7.2 million which was about 5 cent per hectare. (5)Many Americans opposed the purchase, because they considered the vast piece of land of no value. (6)They called Alaska such names as Seward's Folly and Seward's Ice Box. (7) It did not become a US territory until 1912. (8)It was in 1959 when a proclamation was issued declaring Alaska the 49th state of the U.S.A.
四、 真题探讨与应用(概要写作)

语言的三大功能:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能 主位结构是语篇功能三大系统之一,它在语篇的生成和 理解中起着重要作用,是语篇发展方法的体现。通过对 主位结构的分析,可以明确句子所要传递的信息,而主 位推进模式又可以帮助读者了解作者的行文思路和意 图,把握全文的主要信息(message)。

6 Devote _gardening Now which for him
7 New hobby Though but 8 Never too old because
3. 两个概要段落对比
2. 主位推进分析

T1-R1 T2 (=R1) - R2 延续型 T3 (=T2) - R3 同一型 T4 (=T1) - R4 同一型 T5 (=R4) - R5 延续型 T6 - R6 同一型 (新话题)
四、 真题探讨与应用
Possible Version The researchers who study the development of intelligence in the animal world found that an animal with a high level of intelligence is aware of itself. They tested awareness by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in the mirror. Only humans and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins can pass the test. But now an Asian elephant also has passed the mirror self-reflection test. The researchs can talk about the intelligence of elephants in a better way.

T7 (=T1) - R7 同一型 (等值关系)
T8 (=R7) - R8 延续型( T8是T1时间的交代)
三、 主位推进模式与语篇分析
1. Points and Connections

Now that 1 Former headmaster, Mr. Page, retiring After twenty-eight years as 2 Pupils _ gift not only and with 3 Album_ signature but also 4 Attending farewell dinner in honor After having 5 Completed forty years as teacher of a man who

当人们说话时,总是按照某些词语在交际中所体现的功 能来确定哪些话先说,哪些话后说。先说的是主位,是 说话的出发点,是说话人要强调的部分;主位之后围绕 主位展开的部分是述位。
2. 主位推进模式

每一个句子都有自己的主位和述位。当句子单独存在时,它 的主位是已确定的,不再变化的。同时,因为没有上下文,它 的主位和述位又是孤立的,没有发展的。 但是当我们接触语篇时,就会发现,绝大多数语篇都是由两 个或两个以上句子构成的。这时侯,前后句子的主位和主位 之间,述位和述位之间,主位和述位之间就会按照一定的规 律不断联系变化。 这种动态的变化发展体现了语篇的信息流程:已知信息引发 新信息,新的信息又不断地成为已知信息,并以此为出发点, 再触发另一个新信息。随着各句主位的向前推进,整个语篇 逐渐展开,直至形成一个能表达某一完整意义的整体。这种 联系和变化被称为主位推进模式。
四、 真题探讨与应用
Possible Version Experts discuss whether we should contact ETs. Some experts have warned against making first contact with aliens, because it could prove a “mistake” and mean the end of the human race if the aliens turn out to be unfriendly. However, others have argued that we should sent out messages to ETs rather than just listening; and if not, we might miss our chance to contact ETs.
谈主位推进在语篇分析与概要写作 中的运用
台州一中 周永鹏 2016.4.5
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
四、 真题探讨与应用
Inner Coherence 1. Scientists study ocean currents in A way. 2. Curtis studies ocean currents in B way(His research). 3. The “way”(His research) starts from an experiment with shoes which fell from a shipping accident. 4. The “way” was carried out by collecting useful data and using them to model ocean currents. 5. The “way” made Curtis famous in the field of ocean currents and contributed to the formation of an association

3. 4种主位推进类型
主位同一型(主位相同,述位不同) Two beggars (T1) had been hiding (R1). They (T2=T1) saw the money (R2). They (T3=T1) stopped Paul to talk to him. (R3) 述位同一型(主位不同,述位相同) The children (T1) cried (R1). Then their mother (T2) cried, too. (R2) 延续型(前句述位成为后一句主位) Our school (T1) is a big garden (R1). In the garden (T2) grow many flowers (R2). 交叉型(前句主位是后句述位) The film (T1) was good (R1). I (T2) liked it very much (R2).
1. Alaska 是如何成为美国的领土
2. 主位推进分析

T1-R1 T2 (=R1) - R2 延续型 (解释关系) T3 (=R2) - R3 延续型 (扩展关系) T4 - R4 (新话题) T5 - R5 (T4和T5,个体与全体的关系) T6 (=T5) - R6 同一型 (等值关系)
Idea/Way: introduced—— formed/started—— applied/carried out—— recognized/accepted.
A Student Version 1. Ebbesmeyer studies ocean currents by studying movements of random floating garbage. 2. He found he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents according to when and where the shoes went to the water and tracked back. 3. To achieve the goal, he asked a lot of beachcombers he got to know for their help of collecting useful data. 4. As a result, he has become famous for what he did to study ocean currents.
1. 主位和述位

The theme is the starting point for the message. It is the ground from which the clause is taking off. The remainder of the message, the part in which the theme is developed, is called the Rheme.
一、主位结构 1. 主位和述位 2. 主位推进模式 3. 4种主位推进类型 二、主位推进模式与语篇分析 1. Alaska 是如何成为美国的领土
2. 主位推进分析
三、 主位推进模式与语篇分析

1. Points and Connections(新概念英语2) 2. 主位推进分析 3. 两个概要段落对比
四、 真题探讨与应用
Possible Version Multitasking is accepted as a beneficial skill by most people. However, the situation of young people shows that it has several negative effects. First, a lot of time and effort are wasted as they multitask. Second, the relationship between family members is not as close as before. Third, multitasking does bad to their performance at university and in the workplace. Their study skills should be improved and speciall skills need to be taught again.