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核糖体: 强噬碱性 游离型,主要合成结构蛋白 结合型,参与酶的合成
单个存在时无活性,只有当mRNA 将它串连起来并形成多核 蛋白体时才具有合成蛋白质的能力。
高尔基器:存在于细胞核和树突近端。由几层扁平囊泡、 大泡所构成。小泡由光面内质网出芽更新而来,并携带 有粗面内质网合成的多肽和蛋白质等,故又称转移小泡。 通过扁平囊泡的加工浓缩,然后脱落成大泡。
• The treelike extensions of a neuron. Most neurons have multiple dendrites, which are short and typically highly branched. Dendrites are specialised for receiving information and form synaptic contacts with the terminals of other nerve cells to allow nerve impulses to be transmitted.
轴突起始段:长约15~25μm,电镜下见轴膜较厚, 1)膜下有电子 密度致密层,2)游离多核糖体,3)微管束。
无粗面内质网和核糖体,故不能合成蛋白质,轴突成分的更新及神 经递质全成所需的蛋白质和酶,是在胞体内合成后输送到轴突及其 终末的。 轴突的主要功能是传导神经冲动。神经冲动的传导是在轴膜上进行 的,轴突起始段轴膜的电兴奋性阈较胞体或树突低得多,故此处常 是神经元发生冲动的起始部位。
可能参与突触小泡的形成和合成多肽激素的神经分泌颗 粒; 还可形成溶酶体
形态 核膜
• 轴突 • 树突
• A neuron’s dendritic tree is connected to a thousand neighbouring neurons. When one of those neurons fire, a positive or negative charge is received by one of the dendrites. The strengths of all the received charges are added together through the processes of spatial and temporal summation. Spatial summation occurs when several weak signals are converted into a single large one, while temporal summation converts a rapid series of weak pulses from one source into one large signal .
双 向 轴 突 输 送 示 意 图
微管 microtubule,直径24-26 nm, 微管相关蛋白 (microtuble associated proteins, MAPs),包括MAP1、 MAP2、Tau蛋白;不同的MAPs在细胞内分布不同, MAP2仅存在于胞体与树突,而Tau蛋白主要存在于轴突。 Tau蛋白的过度磷酸化与阿尔茨海默病的病理性神经原纤 维缠结的形成有关。 神经细丝 直径10-11 nm
• The part of the soma that does concern itself with the signal is the axon hillock. If the aggregate input is greater than the axon hillock's threshold value, then the neuron fires, and an output signal is transmitted down the axon. The strength of the output is constant, regardless of whether the input was just above the threshold, or a hundred times as great. The output strength is unaffected by the many divisions in the axon; it reaches each terminal button with the same intensity it had at the axon hillock. This uniformity is critical in an analogue device such as a brain where small errors can snowball, and where error correction is more difficult than in a digital system
目前对由轴突末梢向细胞体方向的逆向轴浆流动了解得比 较少。这种逆向流动的速度约为快速顺向运输速度的一半左右。 有人认为,破伤风毒素、狂犬病病毒由外周向中枢神经系统转 运的机制,可能就是逆向轴浆流动。 近年来,运用辣根过氧化酶方法研究神经纤维的发源部位, 其原理也是因为辣根过氧化酶能被轴突末梢摄取,并由轴浆流 动转运到神经纤维的细胞体。
Spine morphology and microfilaments
• This distinctive architecture depends on a specialized underlying structure of cytoskeletal filaments. In contrast to the dendritic shaft, whose cytoplasm is dominated by microtubules the spine cytoskeleton consists of microfilaments that form longitudinal bundles in core regions of the head and neck and a meshwork of fine fibers at its periphery.
What the Synapse Tells the Neuron
Magee and Cook show that in pyramidal cells of the hippocampal CA1 region, excitatory synapses grow progressively stronger with distance from the cell body—almost exactly counteracting the distancedependent signal attrition one would expect to find. The implication is that these neurons may be striving to equalize the effectiveness of their synaptic inputs, regardless of where those inputs are located.
神经生物学系 陆巍 luweishmu2@yahoo.com.cn 实验室主页:
• 细胞膜 脂质双层,镶嵌蛋白
• 细胞质 尼氏体,神经原纤维,内质网, 高尔基复合体,溶酶体,多泡体,线粒体, 中心粒和纤毛,色素颗粒和脂褐素 • 细胞核
一、树突 树突棘(spine) 分为细长型或鼓槌型 (drum,stick shape),牙型(stubby shape), 蘑菇型(mushroom shape)。 二、是突触后膜所在部位,也是外来冲动传 入部位。
Function of spines
• Dendritic spines are the contact sites for most excitatory synapses in the brain where they occur in vast numbers, estimated to be on the order of 1014 for the human cerebral cortex. Spines are particularly associated with neurons where inputs from diverse sources converge, such as pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex, whose dendrites commonly have several thousand spines, each representing an excitatory synapse.
微丝 microfilament,直径6-10 nm,主要由球状肌 动蛋白(G-actin)组成,也含有肌球蛋白(myosin)、原肌球 蛋白(tropomyosin)及辅肌蛋白(α-actin)
Spine morphology and microfilaments
Spine morphology consists of an expanded • spine head connected to the dendrite shaft by a narrower neck ,but “stubby” spines lack the neck, whereas filopodia-like “headless”spines also occur, especially during development.
与神经冲动传导无关, 因为持续用局部麻醉药阻断神经冲动的传导,并不能使轴浆流动 停止,其所支配的肌肉也不会发生代谢改变而萎缩。 慢速输送—1~3mm/天,输送多为维持轴突结构和生长有关 的物质:如微管蛋白。与轴浆流有关 快速输送—75~400mm/天,输送多为突触行使功能直接需要 的物质:如线粒体、酶等。与微管有关
微管是树突最明显的细胞器 树突侧棘,是神经元之间形成突触的主要部位,功能尚不清 在大脑皮质锥体细胞和小脑皮质蒲肯野细胞的树突上,树突棘 数量最多而明显,一个蒲肯野细胞的树突棘可多达10万个以上。 树突的功能主要是接受刺激,树突棘和树突使神经元的接受面 大为扩大。
树突Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
特征性结构: 1. 尼氏体:光镜下为嗜碱性小块或小颗粒,分布 与整个胞体和树突,轴突和轴丘中没有;电镜 下由粗面内质网、游离核糖体和多核糖体所构 成; 2. 神经原纤维,存在与胞体与突起中,电镜下相 当于微管、神经丝和微丝; 3. 线粒体特征:嵴纵向排列,线粒体内膜所围成 的腔室,其致密颗粒不常出现或缺如。
在缺氧、氰化物毒化等情况下,神经纤维的有氧代谢扰乱使 ATP减少到50%以下时,快速轴浆流动即停止,说明它是一种耗 能过程。
有人提出与肌肉收缩滑行理论相似的假说,来解释快速轴浆 流动。认为囊泡等有膜的细胞器的运输与微管,微丝的功能有关, 微管的成分与肌纤蛋白相似,上含有结合点和ATP,囊泡膜上有 ATP酶和能与微管相附着的结合点;ATP酶作用于ATP,后者放 出能量使微管与囊泡膜发生附着结合,而后又脱离接触,如此推 动囊泡不断与下一个结合点相附着,造成囊泡等有膜 细胞器沿着 微管向前推移。