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1.听,有人在呼救!Listen!Someone is_________________!

2.多亏那位年轻人,我们及时到达了火车站。__________________that young man,we arrived at the train station _______.3.使我惊讶的是,这个班的所有女孩子都喜欢足球。______________,all the girls in this class like soccer.

4.她说晚饭马上就准备好了。She said the dinner would be ready ____________________.

5.如果遇到麻烦,你可以给我打电话。If you _______________________,you can call me.

6.如果他把钱花完了,他就不能买票了。If you ____________________ the money,we can't buy the tickets.

7.刚才我看见一只猫从你的房间出来了。Just now I saw a cat ___________________ your room.

8.医生不得不切除他的右腿。The doctor had to _________________ his right leg.

9.你知道是谁管理这家购物中心吗?Do you know who _______________________ the shopping center?

10.你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。You have no right to ____________________ with other people's lives.

11.我爸爸习惯晚饭后看报纸。My father ____________________________ newspapers after supper.

12.他病得很厉害,今天无法上学。He was ____________ ill _____ he couldn't go to school today.

13.这个孩子被一个球击中了,哭了。The child _________________ a ball and cried.

14.她没有时间照顾她生病的母亲。She had no time ___________________ her sick mother.

15.她准备明天去一家儿童医院分发礼物。She plans to _____________ gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.

16.你可以把这幅画张贴在黑板旁边。You could ________ this picture next to the blackboard.

17.陈洁在每学期开始时都会制订一个计划。Chen Jie _____________ at the beginning of every term.

18.为了能在这里野餐,我们需要把这个地方打扫干净。We need to _________ this place _______ a picnic here.

19.我觉得你可以去度假让自己振奋起来。I think you can take a holiday ____________________________.

20.他们贴了一张通知以便让每个人都知道这个决定。They ________ a notice __________ everyone know the decision. 21.They want to ____________________(筹钱) for building a school.

22.She is ______________________(参加……选拔) the school soccer team.

23.Her father is always ____________________(忙于) his work.

24.He's ______________________ (担心) his sick mother.

25.他想出的一些主意是那么滑稽。Some of the ideas he _______________________ are so funny.

26.我们有许多要捐赠的书。We have lots of books to ___________________.

27.他们为何打算在那儿建一个食物救济站?Why are they going to _________________ a food bank there?

28.彼得正在参加学校戏剧演员甄选。Peter is _____________________ the school play.

29.这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。The rain didn't ____________________ to the game.

30.我父母让我晚上不要在外面待得太晚。My parents asked me not to ___________________ at night.

31.我经常周末和我的朋友汤姆去看电影。I often ______________ with my friend Tom on the weekend.

32.我可以先读完这篇课文吗?Could I _____________________ the text first?

33.我想顺便坐一下你的小汽车。I want to ___________________ in your car.

34.做这项工作至少要花费你两个小时。It will take you _________________ two hours to do the work.

35.请你带狗出去散步好吗?Could you please take the dog ____________________?

36.当她听到这个好消息后,她吃惊地看着我。When she heard the good news,she looked at me ___________________.37.昨天下午我父亲生我的了?My father ________________ me yesterday afternoon.

38.我父亲下班回家一直很晚。My father comes home from work very late ____________________.

39.请你一到那儿就给我打电话。Please call me up ___________________ you get there.

40.两天前我邀请朋友参加了我的生日聚会。I _________________ my friends ____ my birthday party two days ago. 41.你能帮我洗碗吗?Could you help me_______________?

42.对孩子们来说,有一个舒适的环境很重要。It is important for kids ________________________________.

43.那个男孩总是依靠父母。The boy always _______________________ our parents.

44.别担心我,我能照顾自己。Don't worry about me. I can __________________ of myself.

45.他犯了个大错误,结果丢了工作。He made one big mistake,and ____________________,lost his job.

46.每个人都应尽自己的职责来节约水。Everyone should _______________________ in saving water.

47.我们需要培养孩子的独立性。We need to ___________________________.

48.你没有必要和他们生气。__________________________ for you to be angry with them.
