5. Strategies Overcoming the Price Escalation
(1) Reorganize the channel of distribution;
(2) Adapt the product; (3) Use new or more economical tariff or tax classifications; (4) Assemble or produce overseas
边际成本 2.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.25 4.35 1.09 5.44
4. Export-Related Costs
(1) The cost of modifying the product for foreign markets; (2)Operational costs of the export operation: personnel, market research, additional shipping and insurance costs, communications costs with foreign customers, and overseas promotional costs; (3) Costs incurred in entering the foreign markets; tariffs and taxes; risks associated with a buyer in a different market; and risks from dealing in other than the exporter’s domestic currency, i.e., foreign exchange risk.
5. Strategies Overcoming the Price Escalation
(1) Reorganize the channel of distribution;
(2) Adapt the product; (3) Use new or more economical tariff or tax classifications; (4) Assemble or produce overseas
边际成本 2.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.25 4.35 1.09 5.44
4. Export-Related Costs
(1) The cost of modifying the product for foreign markets; (2)Operational costs of the export operation: personnel, market research, additional shipping and insurance costs, communications costs with foreign customers, and overseas promotional costs; (3) Costs incurred in entering the foreign markets; tariffs and taxes; risks associated with a buyer in a different market; and risks from dealing in other than the exporter’s domestic currency, i.e., foreign exchange risk.
国际市场营销学 第11章 International Distribution Channels-27页PPT文档资料
“You can eliminate the middleman, but not the function.”
2.Channel-of-Distribution Strategies
Types of intermediaries (Length of Distribution Channel)
– Distribution has two dimensions: Logistics- Physical movement of goods Strategy- Who participates and what they do
1. Nature of Distribution Channels
Dell Computer has used one simple supply chain system—direct sales over the Internet or by phone to both business and consumer users.
--If you were a marketing executive at Dell, what new supply chain options would you suggest?
– Those who actually take title to the products and resell them are merchant middlemen. Those who act as brokers but do not take title 源自re agent middlemen.
Japan VS. US Channel structure (P251)
German, Japan, US Retail structure (P251)
2.Channel-of-Distribution Strategies
Types of intermediaries (Length of Distribution Channel)
– Distribution has two dimensions: Logistics- Physical movement of goods Strategy- Who participates and what they do
1. Nature of Distribution Channels
Dell Computer has used one simple supply chain system—direct sales over the Internet or by phone to both business and consumer users.
--If you were a marketing executive at Dell, what new supply chain options would you suggest?
– Those who actually take title to the products and resell them are merchant middlemen. Those who act as brokers but do not take title 源自re agent middlemen.
Japan VS. US Channel structure (P251)
German, Japan, US Retail structure (P251)
Suppliers (2 of 2)
Honda has developed healthy, long-term supplier relationships.
Marketing Intermediaries (1 of 2)
• Marketing intermediaries help the company to
steadily over the past three decades.
• Trends:
– Shortages of raw materials – Increased pollution – Increased government intervention
Technological Environment (1 of 2)
Figure 3.1 - Actors in the Microenvironment
The Company
• Interrelated groups in a company form the internal environment
• Departments share the responsibility for understanding customer needs and creating customer value.
Learning Objective 3-2 Summary
• Demographic environment
– Age and family structures – Geographic population shifts – Education characteristics – Population diversity
Learning Objective 3-1
International Marketing 国际市场营销 课件
The existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries Saturated ( 饱 和 的 ) markets in the home country Response to incoming competitive activity
Further reasons for firms becoming involved in international marketing (1)Today, new product development typically requires so much expenditure that in many cases firms intending to introduce new products must adopt an international perspective. (2)The higher turnover derived from international sales might enable a firm to initiate new product research and development that in the long term will give it a competitive edge. (3)Corporate plans can be anchored (v. 抛 锚 、 锚 定 ) against a wider range of (international) opportunities.
亚洲: 欧洲: 非洲: 拉丁美洲: 北美洲: 大洋洲: 南极洲: 大西洋: 太平洋: 印度洋: 北冰洋:
Asia Europe Africa Latin America/South America North America Oceania Antarctica Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean
国际市场营销学第一章 ppt课件
·驾驶凌志汽车,你感觉自己只是一个乘客,而驾驶宝马汽车,则能使你感 觉自己是一驾驶者,促进你有一种不断进取、成为一名出色车手的欲望。
·如果你感觉不到自己在驾车,你就会没有安全感,而驾驶宝马汽车,则汽车公司投资2500万美元做广告,介绍了其先进的技 术和优异的性能,并宣称宝马汽车能让消费者淋漓尽致地享受到驾车的乐趣。
埃一普广告公司决定把目标市场定位于战后新一代人身上。这一代出生 于美国的生育高峰期,与习惯于坐卡迪拉克汽车的父辈相比,他们有自己的 个性、追求和偏好,渴求有一种新的品牌来标志他们的价值观。
宝马汽车优异的驾驶性能和精心的内部设计正好吻合战后新一代热情好 动;追求刺激的消费心理。因此,在这个新的市场上,宝马汽车要充分利用 其优异的驾驶性能,而不是简单地在电动车窗、皮革椅座、镀铬车身上和其 他品牌竞争。
玉林师范学院 第一章 国际市场营销概论
一、国际市场营销定义 二、国际市场营销任务 三、国际市场营销的驱动力与约束力 四、顾客导向时代的市场营销 五、跨国公司的基本理论
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
导入案例: 宝马勇夺美国市场
宝马(BMW)这一品牌在世界上享有很高的知名度,这种由德国制造的高档 豪华型轿车是全球技术最先进、造型最优雅、性能最优异的轿车之一。宝马汽 车公司在世界豪华型汽车市场上占有率超过10%。
·如果你感觉不到自己在驾车,你就会没有安全感,而驾驶宝马汽车,则汽车公司投资2500万美元做广告,介绍了其先进的技 术和优异的性能,并宣称宝马汽车能让消费者淋漓尽致地享受到驾车的乐趣。
埃一普广告公司决定把目标市场定位于战后新一代人身上。这一代出生 于美国的生育高峰期,与习惯于坐卡迪拉克汽车的父辈相比,他们有自己的 个性、追求和偏好,渴求有一种新的品牌来标志他们的价值观。
宝马汽车优异的驾驶性能和精心的内部设计正好吻合战后新一代热情好 动;追求刺激的消费心理。因此,在这个新的市场上,宝马汽车要充分利用 其优异的驾驶性能,而不是简单地在电动车窗、皮革椅座、镀铬车身上和其 他品牌竞争。
玉林师范学院 第一章 国际市场营销概论
一、国际市场营销定义 二、国际市场营销任务 三、国际市场营销的驱动力与约束力 四、顾客导向时代的市场营销 五、跨国公司的基本理论
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
导入案例: 宝马勇夺美国市场
宝马(BMW)这一品牌在世界上享有很高的知名度,这种由德国制造的高档 豪华型轿车是全球技术最先进、造型最优雅、性能最优异的轿车之一。宝马汽 车公司在世界豪华型汽车市场上占有率超过10%。
• 1.2 The Concepts of International Marketing
• 1.3 Related International Economic Organizations
与国际市场营销相关的国 际经济组织
1.1The Concepts of Marketing
Technological factors
• 社会文化因素 • 科技因素
protection laws
Taxation policyΒιβλιοθήκη Employment laws
Government policy
1.1.2. Marketing philosophy
• a way of organizing and controlling marketing. The whole philosophy of marketing is changing. Previously, marketing involved creating a demand for a specific product or service. That approach is obsolete. Today marketers must interact with the market, determine what products and services are needed, and supply enough information to the market about those products so that the products find their own market.
D. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity E. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants
2.(1 )International Marketing(P10)
5) Developing a Global Awareness
To be globally aware is to have: tolerance of cultural differences knowledge of cultures, history, world
market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends
Part Three Research of the international marketing (Chapter 8)
Part Four STP (Chapter12 )
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Part Five 4Ps
International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
2.(1 )International Marketing(P10)
5) Developing a Global Awareness
To be globally aware is to have: tolerance of cultural differences knowledge of cultures, history, world
market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends
Part Three Research of the international marketing (Chapter 8)
Part Four STP (Chapter12 )
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Part Five 4Ps
International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 7
Assessing Marketing Information Needs
Characteristics of a Good MIS
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 13
Consider a local business near campus. . .
How would they conduct exploratory research?
WhatDmeigvhtetlhoeypwinangt tMo fiandrkoeuttiinndgesIcnripftoivremresaetairochn?
What relationships might they explore in causal research?
Marketing Research Defining the Problem and Research Objectives
Internal Data
Internal databases are electronic collections of consumer and market information obtained from data sources within the company network
• Cookies
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
– SRC – Associated ethnocentrism
SRC and Ethnocentrism
• SRC is an unconscious reference to
– One’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions
– – – – Plan Price Promote, and Direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit
The International Marketing Task
2. Make no value judgments
3. Isolate the SRC influence
• Examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem
Without SRC influence Solve for the optimum business goal situation
4. Redefine the problem
• •
Developing a Global Awareness
• Tolerance of cultural differences:
– Understanding cultural differences and accepting and working with others whose behavior may be different from yours
SRC and Ethnocentrism
• SRC is an unconscious reference to
– One’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions
– – – – Plan Price Promote, and Direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit
The International Marketing Task
2. Make no value judgments
3. Isolate the SRC influence
• Examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem
Without SRC influence Solve for the optimum business goal situation
4. Redefine the problem
• •
Developing a Global Awareness
• Tolerance of cultural differences:
– Understanding cultural differences and accepting and working with others whose behavior may be different from yours
Cultural Factors
Learn how cultural values, beliefs, and norms shape consumer behavior and marketing strategies in different countries.
Political Factors
Discover the importance of international marketing and how it differs from domestic marketing. Understand the challenges and opportunities of operating in a global marketplace.
3 Social Factors
Understand the impact of social groups, family, reference groups, and social media on consumer behavior in global markets.
Developing Global Branding Strategies
Team Diversity
Explore how diversity within international marketing teams can bring unique perspectives and enhance creativity.
Symbolic Meanings
Discover how cultural symbols and meanings can influence product design, packaging, and advertising strategies.
Learn how cultural values, beliefs, and norms shape consumer behavior and marketing strategies in different countries.
Political Factors
Discover the importance of international marketing and how it differs from domestic marketing. Understand the challenges and opportunities of operating in a global marketplace.
3 Social Factors
Understand the impact of social groups, family, reference groups, and social media on consumer behavior in global markets.
Developing Global Branding Strategies
Team Diversity
Explore how diversity within international marketing teams can bring unique perspectives and enhance creativity.
Symbolic Meanings
Discover how cultural symbols and meanings can influence product design, packaging, and advertising strategies.
市场营销讲稿(英文版)(ppt 36页)
The aim of Marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or services fits… and sells itself. (Drucker, 1973)
Journal of Marketing
Marketing News
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Advertising 《营销导刊》 《销售与市场》 《市场营销》(人大复印资料)
•What is marketing?
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands
Core Marketing Concepts
Value, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationships
consists of all activities that bring buyers and sellers together
Analysis, Plan, implement, control
Marketing mix(4ps)
Managing Products and Services(Product) Distributing Products and Services(Place) Pricing Products and Services(Price) Promotion Products and
Journal of Marketing
Marketing News
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Advertising 《营销导刊》 《销售与市场》 《市场营销》(人大复印资料)
•What is marketing?
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands
Core Marketing Concepts
Value, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationships
consists of all activities that bring buyers and sellers together
Analysis, Plan, implement, control
Marketing mix(4ps)
Managing Products and Services(Product) Distributing Products and Services(Place) Pricing Products and Services(Price) Promotion Products and
国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)
Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 7
Understanding the Marketplaceand Customer NeedsCustomer Value and SatisfactionExpectations
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.
12Chapter 1- slide 12
to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategySelecting Customers to ServeDemarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright ◎2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 14
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategyMarketing Management Orientations
15Chapter 1- slide 15
Capture value from
superioபைடு நூலகம் value
customers in return
and wants
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer NeedsCore Concepts· Customer needs, wants, and demands · Market offerings● Value and satisfaction· Exchanges and relationships● Markets
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 7
Understanding the Marketplaceand Customer NeedsCustomer Value and SatisfactionExpectations
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.
12Chapter 1- slide 12
to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategySelecting Customers to ServeDemarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright ◎2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 14
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategyMarketing Management Orientations
15Chapter 1- slide 15
Capture value from
superioபைடு நூலகம் value
customers in return
and wants
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer NeedsCore Concepts· Customer needs, wants, and demands · Market offerings● Value and satisfaction· Exchanges and relationships● Markets
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2.3 Macroenvironment
macroenviroment : P-political environment E-economic S-sociocultural T-technological N-natural environment
P-population environment
For example: the government of singapor encourage in.
• Various groups shared different values
emerging form their special life experience
Time : for example in Guangzhou , the attitude of Chinese youths change during these years.
Technological Environment
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
or circumstance.
Existence of subculture exhibit different wants and consumption behavior, so markets can choose subcultures as their target market.
• Shift of Secondary Cultural Values through
Everything has to sides. So is the influences of laws and regulations. They can limit marketing activities but also be a source of opportunity for organizations that provide goods and services.
• The people living in a particular society hold many core beliefs and values that tend to persist,and the beliefs are passed on parents,schools,religious,government,
2.3.1 Political-legal environment
An organization doesn’t function strictly by its own set of rules. It has to serve its customers as well as special interest groups; together, these comprise the political-legal environment. Political-legal environment influences marketing strategies through laws, regulations and political pressures.
Law and regulations
The marketing activities covered by laws and regulations including product testing, packaging, pricing, advertising, and sales to minors.
Prosperity production employment demand Recession production employment demand Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers buy
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the business
cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.
Political pressure
This pressure may exist in global marketers. They are affected by agreements between countries and by the laws in countries in which the operate. Some of the more vital political and legal factors in the global environment are international trade agreements.
macroenviroment : P-political environment E-economic S-sociocultural T-technological N-natural environment
P-population environment
For example: the government of singapor encourage in.
• Various groups shared different values
emerging form their special life experience
Time : for example in Guangzhou , the attitude of Chinese youths change during these years.
Technological Environment
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
or circumstance.
Existence of subculture exhibit different wants and consumption behavior, so markets can choose subcultures as their target market.
• Shift of Secondary Cultural Values through
Everything has to sides. So is the influences of laws and regulations. They can limit marketing activities but also be a source of opportunity for organizations that provide goods and services.
• The people living in a particular society hold many core beliefs and values that tend to persist,and the beliefs are passed on parents,schools,religious,government,
2.3.1 Political-legal environment
An organization doesn’t function strictly by its own set of rules. It has to serve its customers as well as special interest groups; together, these comprise the political-legal environment. Political-legal environment influences marketing strategies through laws, regulations and political pressures.
Law and regulations
The marketing activities covered by laws and regulations including product testing, packaging, pricing, advertising, and sales to minors.
Prosperity production employment demand Recession production employment demand Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers buy
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the business
cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.
Political pressure
This pressure may exist in global marketers. They are affected by agreements between countries and by the laws in countries in which the operate. Some of the more vital political and legal factors in the global environment are international trade agreements.