

中考英语阅读理解技巧 指导课件(共36张PPT)

中考英语阅读理解技巧 指导课件(共36张PPT)
Inferring a conclusion
finding out the main idea
On 26 May 1928,at a meeting in Amsterdam. A year later in Baracelona, a city of Spain, all the teams agreed that Uruguay(乌拉圭) would hold the first World Cup the next year. 计算时间
Four types
guessing the meaning
Inferring a conclusion
finding out the main idea
Guessing the meaning
Complete the exercises in groups and discuss the skills to solve them.
Types of questions
Four types
guessing the meaning
Inferring a conclusion
finding out the main idea
Inferring a conclusion
1.事实推断 2.指代推断 3.逻辑推断 4.对作者的意图和态度的推断
Types of articles
1.图表广告 (chart and advertisement) (了解图表主题,推敲语言数字) 2.人物故事 (stories) (注意人物、地点、时间、情节的发展) 3.科普知识 (science) (以事实为中心,抓住事物特征、用途、相互关系) 4.新闻报道 (news) (遵循5个W与1个H) 5.文化教育、社会生活 (culture and social life) (关注社会文化生活的背景与细节)

2020年北京中考英语复习课件专题十二 阅读表达

2020年北京中考英语复习课件专题十二 阅读表达

1.When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the arctic waters? 2.Why did Marchenko and his students set out on the trip? 3.What did Marchenko decide to do to keep safe? 4.How high were the largest waves recorded by the navigation system? 5.What is Paragraph 7 mainly about?
On May 2, the ship traveled east and stopped next to a large chunk of ice around 50 miles from the small island of Hopen. Marchenko prepared to lead his students out onto the ice. “We were ready to go but when I went out, I discovered many cracks(裂缝)around,” he remembers. He decided to move the ship deeper into the ice to keep safe. The farther in they went, he thought, the harder the ice would become. As they pushed forward, however, the ship experienced small waves, and then bigger ones. Soon, the waves broke up the ice around the ship into thousands of smaller pieces.



(1) 根据构词法猜测词义
Eg1. I had walked two kilometers before I found a phone-box and
eventually I was able to get a garage to send someone to give some
Question: The world “eventually” means __________.
A. right away
B. at last
C. with difficulty
D. unhappily
Eg2: Most telephone hot lines are completely anonymous---callers
A. 700
B. 682
C. 388
D. 1070
Eg. Kuming has a population of more than 5,000,000. Question: What’s the population of Kuming? A. Over five millionB. Over five thousand C. Over five billion D. Over five hundred
阅读理解 推测词语意义
推测词语意义是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇提供的信息、逻辑、背景 知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、关键词或短语的 词义。提高这种技巧可以使我们在阅读过程中能很快通过上下文提供的 线索或生词本身的结构特点推断出词义来,从而提高阅读速度和阅读能 力。 1.What does the underlined word “...” mean? 2. By saying “...” ,the writer means _______. 3. The meaning of the word is __________. 4. The underlined word “...” probably means ______. 5. The word “...” refers to ________. 6. The underlined word “...” can be replaced by ____. 7. Which is the following is the closet in meaning to the word……?




大写(人名,地名,组织) 数字(阿拉伯数字,英文数字)
名词 动词 形容词
查看选项,看能否缩小备选范围,再定位 回原文找答案句
事 实 细

查看选项看什么??? —— 有没有包含绝对词的选项
绝对排 除法
解答细节题时分析选项, 缩小备选范围
解答事实细节题 (题干关键有用信息多)
题干关键 词定位法
代入语 境法
题干关键词定位法——分析题干 勾划关键词
事 实


事 实

特殊疑问词(What, When, Where, Why, Who, How many…)
细 节

“ 6大关注” 选项优先查看包含这6个语法现象的选项(较容易

1 数字:1936,two,first,hundred(s), thousand(s) , million(s) , billion(s) 2 因果:because, because of, due to, as, since, for, cause, lead to, therefore, so 3 转折:but, however, on the contrary, while, yet, though, although 4 比较:than, compare with, more, less, as…as…, adj.-er(比较级) 5 否定:no, not, never, few, little, dis-, un-, im-, in-, -less 6 特殊符号:——,:,()



解题时应认真阅读分析特定代词所在句及前后邻近句,分析人称转换和动作变换 的全部过程,步步为营、环环相扣地弄清其来龙去脉,从而准确找到其替代对象。
Thousands of people have been killed at war. And it brings much trouble to the world.
What does “vehicle” in the third paragraph refer to? _B_____
A. Car.
B. Ambulance.
C. Taxi.
D. Bus.
解析:认真阅读分析该词所在句及前一句可知,前一句是该词所 在句的背景信息,由此可以推出该词指代前一句中的ambulance, 因此答案为B。
to build the Opera House.
The Sydney Opera House cost around $ 100 million and was paid for by the public. 6,225 square meters of
glass was used to build it. The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms. It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.
A “Do in Rome as the Romans do” means _____. A. Do as the native people doB. Do as
you do at homeC. Ask the native people to do itD. Watch the native people doing it

2020年北京中考英语复习课件专题十二 阅读表达

2020年北京中考英语复习课件专题十二 阅读表达

nation is that teachers were worried that some students and parents might mistake E for “excellent”. Why do we have letter grades? Well, part of the reason is that they made grading simpler during a time of great change for schools. As the 20th century began, growing cities and an increase in immigration led to larger school classrooms. Most teachers at that time thought this new letter grading system was an easy, fair and clear way to grade students. Today, more and more people argue that letter grades don't fully reflect(反映) student learning. However, as teachers try to improve grading methods,many parents continue to favor the letter grades they got as kids. They are familiar(熟悉) and easy for parents to understand. So while they might not be perfect, the letter grades probably aren't going away any time soon.


crowded classroom? The problem is caused by…CO2.
…When there isn’t enough new air coming in to push the old air out, [CO2] builds up.…
The truth is that CO2 has always been considered harmless.…But the view changed when an American scientist watched an experiment….

The project, called Hywind, is the world’s first large-scale deepwater wind turbine(涡 轮发电机).Although it uses a fairly standard 152-ton,2.3-megawatt turbine, Hywind represents totally new technology. The turbine will be fixed 213 feet above the water on a floating spar, a technology Hywind’s creator, the Norwegian company StatoilHydro,has developed recently. The steel spar, which is filled with stones and
The shoes…have an electronic sensor and a small computer chip….A wireless transmitter passes the information…


Evaluate the evidence
Weigh the evidence presented in the text to determine the truth or falsehood of a statement
Main ideas
Identify the topic
If there are multiple choices, compare and contrast them
with the information in the text to find the best match
Inference and True/False Questions
Common question types and problem solving techniques
Fact detail questions
Identify key information
Look for specific details in the text that directly answers
Reading comprehension passages typically cover a range of topics, including but not limited to school life, daily activities, social issues, and science and technology
reasonable guess based on the information you have and move


18. How did young Chico get
By taking a little rubber.
采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配 置好PP管及配 件,用 管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物
采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配 置好PP管及配 件,用 管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物
答题时,要了解不同问题的回答方式。 1. 一般疑问句用Yes/No回答,相对简单 些,只要理解文章含义,能判断出是或不 是就可以了。 2. 选择疑问句回答时不用Yes/No,需选 择其中正确的一部分来做答。
67.Why did the restaurant workers have no time to learn English?
Because they often worked 17 hours a day.
采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配 置好PP管及配 件,用 管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物
To give suggestions about what
to do to feel good and have fun on
hot days.
采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配 置好PP管及配 件,用 管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物

中考英语阅读课 教学课件(共26张PPT)

中考英语阅读课 教学课件(共26张PPT)
A man in a small size, he was working with about 30 workers to build the wetland park in the new area.
"I used to be a farmer, but last year the farming was not good. As soon as I heard of this project, I brought 40 men aged from 24 to 62 with me for a job."
D 1. This is a passage about the life of
A. farmers with their family B. young people and their parents
C. a new generation(代) of farmers D. immigrant workers(外来务工人员)
friends to___C__
A.have breakfast
B. have lunch
C. have supper
Passage 4:
A shark is a large, dangerous fish. What will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? One man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely in the sea.
C. It costs him 2,000 to 3,000 yuan to support a family of five.


------- 高尔基
Reading makes a full man. 读书塑造完整的人格。---培根 Bacon
(Study aim)学习目标: 1、掌握细节、理解性、推理性、 概括性阅读的方法及专题训练. 2. 复习提建议的方法,利用课堂 上的所学知识,完成一篇书面表 达,落实笔头练习.
which is the right picture of the man in the future ? (A)
Which is the best title (标题) of the passage? (c)
A. The man in the future. B. The differences between future man and us. C. What will man be like in the future? D. He will still be a man.
In the text,“put an end to” means “___”. A. stop
C. kill
B. cut
D. fly
6.Children are always boasting .They say things like “My Dad's car is bigger than your Dad's,”“My Mom is smarter than yours .”and “My family has more money than yours.” The word “boasting” means _____ A.骄傲 B.吹牛 C.顽皮 D.幼稚



If someone asks me: “Do you like music?” I’m sure I will answer him or her: “Of course, I do.” because I
think music is an important part of our lives.
[参考答案B] 上述这段短文的中心是说明“the writer’s experience at the Activity Center.”。作者以及作者的朋 友,还有组上的其他一些成员一起在活动中心度周末的 一些活动以及感受。
02 掌握具体事实和重要细节 阅读文章时,要求学生养成辨认和记忆具体事实、重要细节的习 惯。因为具体事实、重要细节是主题句的扩展、补充、说明或例 证,是用来支持和说明中心思想的,而且是阅读理解测试的重要 组成部分。
This passage mainly talks about ______________. A. the writer’s friends at the Activity Center B. the writer’s experience at the Activity Center C. outdoor sports at the Activity Center D. how to go rock-climbing and caving
初中生做阅读面临的三大难题 读不懂 找不到 选不对
任何的方法技巧都是 建立在一定的知识水平
01 依据主题句定短文的中心
讲究阅读 02 掌握具体事实和重要细节 《 方法 》



三 ,推断文中代词所指代的内容
1.what does “it” refer to?
Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise.
解析:根据下文“我不喜欢跟他在一起”可知,他如果认为能约我出 去,那就“错了”。因此D是正确答案。
的主旨常在首句、尾句、首尾句或段落中,而整篇 往隐藏在首段或尾段。
主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,主题句根据段落 的写作手法的不同可能在段落的开头,也可能出现在段落的中间或末尾。
Whether you are coming from a middle school grades six through
eight )or a junior high school ( grades seven through nine),
. Yo我们由“已知的”去推断“未知的”,属于一种深层 次的理解。
1. The passage is most probably ______.
2. The passage is most probably taken from a_____.



1. The writer suggests that ______. 2. From the passage we know that______. 3. What did the writer mean? 4. The writer’s attitude toward...is that ______. 5. It can be inferred from the text that______.
“Well,” answered the young man, “I’m moving out of my apartment (公寓) and the landlord (房东) said that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”
01 主旨大意题
Do one thing at a time, and do well. Never forget to say “thanks”. Keep on going never give up Whatever.
【Skill 1】 段首段尾定主旨。
【e.g】People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they haven’t eaten a meal when they haven’t had steak or other red meat. Some people prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruit or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti(细条 实心面).



Finding out the topic sentence and the key words in each paragraph
Paragraph 1. More than
50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits
Guess the words(1)
More than 50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world
rain – forest (compound word)
Guess the words(2)
1. There were 1,000,000 forest people in the Amazon forest. Place Nation
Paragraph 4. Many forest
people try to save their forest. Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people.
“I want the Amazon forest to help all of us– forest people, Brazil and all the Earth,” he said. A few months later, in December 1988, people who wanted to cut down the forest killed Chico Mendes.
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The Yanomami live along the rivers of the rainforest in the north of Brazil (巴西). They have lived in the rainforest for about 10,000 years and they use more than 2,000 different plants for food and for medicine. But in 1988, someone found gold in their forest, and suddenly 45,000 people came to the forest and began looking for gold. They cut down the forest to make roads. They made more than a hundred airports. The Yanomami people lost land and food. Many died because new diseases came to the forest with the strangers. The Yanomami people tried to save their forest, because it was their home. But the people who wanted gold were stronger.
中考英语 阅读理解
一、初中英语教学大纲对学生在阅 读上的基本要求:
1.能阅读难度相当于课文的材料,理 解其大意.
2.能独立阅读所学语言知识范围内 的材料,生词率不超过3%.
1. 文章的话题
2. 文章的中心大意
When we cut down the rainforests, we destroy these forest people, too. In 1900, there were 1,000,000 forest people in the Amazon forest. In 1980, there were only 200,000.
In Panama, the Kuna people saved their forest. They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit.
The Gavioes people of Brazil use the forest, but they protect it as well. They find and sell the Brazil nuts (坚果) which grow on the forest trees. (353 words)
Finding out the topic sentence and the key words in each paragraph
Paragraph 1. More than
50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits
3. 文章的细节
扫读或细读文章,以获得某些特定 信息或准确地寻找所需细节的能力.
4. 文章的寓意、结论 5. 生词词义 (猜词)
领会作者的言外之意 或推断出文章的结论.
1. 记叙文: 时间线索和情节发展线索,
Many forest people try to save their forest. Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people. “I want the Amazon forest to help all of us – forest people, Brazil and all the Earth,” he said. A few months later, in December 1988, people who wanted to cut down the forest killed Chico Mendes.
In Borneo, people were cutting down the forest of the Penan people to sell the wood. The Penan people tried to save their rainforest. They made blockades (障碍) across the roads into the forest. In 1987, they closed fifteen roads for eight months. No one cut down any trees during that time.
2. 说明文: 要以事物为中心进行思考。
抓住事物的特征、用途、 相互关系等。
1. 快速浏览全文,掌握大意. 2.仔细审题,分析比较选项. 3.带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,
解答 50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees, but they do not cut them down. They kill some animals to eat, but they do not destroy (毁灭) them.