现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy


英语词汇学chapter6 Polysemy and Hyponymy

英语词汇学chapter6 Polysemy and Hyponymy
Two approaches
1) Diachronic approach(历时的) •From the diachronic point of view, polysemy is thought to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of a word.
2) synchronic approach(共时的) •Synchronically, polysemy is thought as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time.
– The basic meaning of a word is considered to be the core of word meaning, called the central meaning (中 心意义). The derived meanings, no matter how numerous, are secondary meanings (次要意义).
A piece of timber
dining table
council table
• Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.



• 7). Which face shall we print the cover in?
Sense relations
1.Radiation 辐射
• refers to the process in which the central meaning stands at the centre while the secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.
Sense relations
6.1.2 two processes of development
• The word "candidate" in Latin means • "a person dressed in white" (A) , • "a seeker for office who was dressed in
Antonymy 反义关系
please. He is a new hand.
6.1. Polysemy 一词多义
• (GK, poly---many or much, sema---meaning) • is a term used to refer to a lexical item which has a range of
• The HK Learning Language Center
– The unique spirit of Canada: We bottle it. (加拿大威士忌 广告)
Sense relations
6.1.1 Two approaches to Polysemy
• Diachronic approach 历史研究 • Vertical approach • How the semantic structure of a word has

现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy

现代英语词汇学概论6 polysemy and homonymy

1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning


original meaning: no practical use extended meaning: in use


穿白衣服的人 羽毛
Candidate Pen

b) His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends.

entry beauty Pride
“进入” “入口” “美丽” “美人” “骄傲” “一个使人引以为骄的人”
1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning

2.1 perfect homonym

They are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning.



pop /p p/n. 流行歌曲 pop/p p/n.爸爸 pop/p p/n.砰的一声 last /la:st/a.最后的 last/la:st/v.持续 last/la:st/n.鞋楦头

forget: forgets; forgot

conceptual meaning vs. associative meaning

home small, little begin, commence pretty, handsome


c. She has a sharp eye. (abstract 洞察力)
4. Literal and Figurative Meaning
Many English words can be used figuratively. They make the language quite vivid and impressive. flaw: a flaw in the china vase (literal) a flaw in one’s character (figurative)
pen→ originally from pinna (Latin),
meaning “feather”;
derived meaning “an instrument for writing”
2. General and Specific Meaning
Because of the extension and narrowdown of word’s meaning in the process of its development, some words can be used to denote either a category of things or one particular thing in such category.
• in radiation mode, each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary/central meaning;
•in concatenation, each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between.


because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office ③ B: An applicant for office; or a person taking an examination
Analysis: ③ is far removed from ①, whose original meaning has be e obsolete. candidate:穿白袍人→身着白袍 申请职位人→候选人
Bread is a slang word when its meaning is “money”, yet it is stylistically neutral in
other senses.
Why are there many polysemic words in English?
• Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.
2. Homonymy
• Homonyms are words different in meaning but either
Relationship between the primary and the central
– The two may coincide,
– e.g. hand: terminal part of the human arm beyond the wrist --both primary and central

Chapter 6 polysemy and homonymy

Chapter 6 polysemy and homonymy

• The basic meaning of a word is
considered to be the core of word meaning, called the
central meaning.
• The derived meanings, no matter how numerous, are secondary
6.1.2 Two approaches 1) Diachronic approach(历时的) approach( )
• From the diachronic point of view, polysemy is thought to be the
result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word.
6.2.1 Types of homonyms
•3 types: perfect homonyms, homographs and homophones
1) Perfect homonyms(音形同)
• Words identical both in sound and spelling:
– bank:n. The edge of the river – bank:n. an establishment for money business – bear:n. a large heavy animal – bear:v. to put up with
• Polysemy!!
• Bank: • The edge of the river • Bank: • An establishment for money business

词汇学chapter 6 Polysemey and Homonymy+Chapter 8 Meaning and Context

词汇学chapter 6 Polysemey and Homonymy+Chapter 8 Meaning and Context

• About this example: • 1) all the secondary meanings are derived from the primary meanings. • 2) The derived meanings are, to some degree, related to the primary meaning. • 3) the primary meaning is still dominant or important in current use.
Origins of homonyms
• 1) Change in Sound and Spelling
Words, originally native, and different in earlier forms, were gradually made identical in sound and/or spelling.
• Concatenation: It is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its primary meaning in succession so that the present meaning seems to have no connection to the primary meaning. • Each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.

Session 7
Chapter 6 Polysemy and Homonymy Chapter 8 Word Meaning and Context

A Brief View on Polysemy and Homonymy

A Brief View on Polysemy and Homonymy

A Br ief V ie w on P olyse m y and H o m ony m y李欣(四川师范大学外国语学院四川成都)A b stract Pol yse m y and ho m o ny m y,as i m portan t co n cep ts in l ex i cal se m an t i cs,ex p l ore the rel atio n bet ween d ifferent senses. They are e m p l oy ed t o ach iev e hu m o r,iro ny and d ra m atic po wer.K ey word s Po l yse m y;H o m o ny m y;D istincti on;St y li st ic val ue1In tr oduc ti onThe st udy of polyse m y and ho m ony my has a l ong hist ory o n the philosophy of l anguage,li ng u istics,psychol ogy,and literat u re.The co mp l ex re l a ti on bet ween m ean i ngs and words we re first noted by Sto ics.They observed tha t one word could carry d ifferen t m ean i ngs. Throug h t he subsequent research i n t o the issue of pol yse m y and ho m ony m y,it i s found t hat there exi sts an extens i ve grey area bet ween them.H o w to d i sti ng u ish the t w o is an i m portant i ss ue lyi ng i n front of the researchers.The paper here will analyze th i s pro b l em fro m four angles.Polyse m y and ho mony m y are rare l y a pro b le m i n l anguage use because of the adoption of co n text ua l cues.They are so m eti m es used as a source of puns t o achieve styli sti c va l ue such as hu mor and irony and to he i ghtened drama ti c po wer,wh ich e m body the r i chness and coi nc i dence of language.2A Br ief E lucida ti on of P olyse m y and H o m ony m yDefin ition of P olyse m y and H on o m y m yThe coex i stence of seve ra lm eani ngs i n a word i s ca lled polyse m y.The word pol yse m y co m es fro m N eo-La ti n polysem ia(poly-m any,sema-si gn),tha t is,havi ng or cha racte rized by m anym ean i ngs for a single word or ph rase.Pol yse m y see m s to be moti vated by m etaphoric tho ught,that is,t he relatio n be t w een t wo pol yse m es seem to be the resu lt of a ce rtai n unde rl ying m etaphor for shape,s i ze,po siti on,out w ard appea rance,functi on and so on.Part of the lex i ca l entry for head i n English is used to ill ustrate t h i s:!part of t he body conta i n i ng the bra i n.t he top of anyt h i ng(litera ll y or m etaphor i ca lly)that rese m bles the head in shape#t he person who is the ch i ef or leader.C l ear l y,(2)ism oti vated by shape and(3)by functi on.H o m ony my i s us ua lly vie wed to hold bet ween word-for m s whose senses are co mp l e tely unre l a ted.A word w ith at least t wo en tire l y d isti nct m ean i ngs yet sha ri ng a lexical for m is sa i d to be ho m o n y mous.One of the m ost co mmon l y cited exa m ples of ho m ony m o us words i s bank,wh ich has a fi nanc i a l i nstituti on sense and an edge of T y,f y f yy z y y,ho m opho ne and ho mograph.In the fi rst type,lexem es w ill be abso lute l y ho mony m o us if t hey are for m a lly i dentical i n both the pho n ic and graph i c m ediu m such as the verb lie(t o be in or take a flat posi ti on)and li e(m ake a false state m ent w it h i ntenti on of deceivi ng t o say so m ethi ng untrue).The second type is ho m o phone.H o mophones are partial ones by shar i ng phonologi ca lly features,such as fl our and fl o wer.The t h ird type is ho m o graphs wh ich exp l ore t he meaning of d iffe rent words t hat loo k a like,e.g.l ead(gui de or d i rect to go in a certa i n d irec tion)and lead(a soft,heavy,b l u i sh-grey m e tal)are ho m ographs.D ist i nc ti on B et w een P ol yse m y and H o m ony m yIn fact,pol ysemy i s very si m ilar to ho mony m y.Two words can be pol yse m o us when their senses are so m eho w related,as l ong as they are not equa,l whil e ho m ony m y is usuall y vie wed to hol d bet ween word for m s whose senses are co mp l e tely unre lated.G i ven tha t we have a written for m w it h different m eani ngs,are we t o say it i s one word w it h different m ean i ngs(pol ysemy)or t wo different words with the sa m e shape(ho m o ny m y)?What a re t he crite ria tha t enab le us t o d isti nguish be t w een pol ysemy and ho mony m y?There are so m e possi b l e ways of ans wering t hese questio ns.F irstl y,dicti onary usua ll y ba ses the ir dec isi on upon ety molog y.If it is kno wn that i denti ca l for m s have one ori gin,even if they have d iffe rent meanings,t hey are trea ted as polyse m ic and given a si ngle entry i n a dicti onary.If it is kno w that they have different or i gi ns,they are treated as ho mony m o us and given separate entr i es.Thus,on t he gro und of a shared e t y m ol ogi ca l kno wledge,table(f urniture)and tab le(arrangem ent of da ta)are pol yse m i c,whil e pup il(student)and pup il(the round open i ng i n the m i ddle of eye)are ho m o ny m ous.Secondl y,it is reasonab l e t o suggest that where t he diff e rences are reg u lar and to so m e degree pre d ictab l e,we have pol yse m y rather t han ho m ony m y.One of t he m ost fa m iliar k i nds of regular relati onship bet ween m ean i ngs i s tha t ofm et aphor where a word appears to have both a litera lm ean i ng and trans ferred m ean i ng.A goo d exa m ple is the words f or part of body,suchf f f f T,fy yf T y,ff y f语言比较双语学习2007年11月a river sense.hese senses see m c l ea rl unre lated and the act t hat the a re assoc i ated w it h t he sa m e word or m seem s pure l acc i den ta.l H o m on m s can be categor i ed i nto three t pes:t ota l ho m on m s as oot i n h i s o ot and t he oot o t he m o unta i n.hus o ot i s m ore li ke l to be regarded as a pol se m ic word with litera l m ean i ng and trans erred m eani ng.hird l another di erent wa o atte m pti ng t oestabli sh polyse m y rather than ho m ony my is to l ook for a centra l m ean i ng.Aro und the central m ean i ng are radiati ons of ot her m ean i ngs.The word tab l e as a pol yse m ic word i s a good ill ustra ti on.The core ofm ean i ng is a p i ece of furniture,and then appears othe r o nes extendi ng fro m it,such as a d is h and people sitting a t table.Fourt h ly,it is te m pted to say that where t he antony m is the sa m e we have pol ysemy,and the difference of anto ny m i m pli es ho mony m y.For ex amp l e,the sa m e word black can refer to a k i nd of heavy color and a l so black people Negro.Its antony m wh ite correspond i ngly has t wo m ean i ngs:a light k i nd of col or;people of European descent.Thus b l ack belongs to pol yse m i c word.W h ile t he word lig h ts i s conce rned, they have d ifferen t autony m s:li ght-heavy,li ght-dark.So t hey are usuall y seen as ho m ony m s.3T he Sty listic Va l u e of P o l yse m y and H o m ony m yA lthoug h pol yse m y and ho m o ny m y carry d iffe rent m ean i ngs, they a re rare l y a proble m i n language use.The reason is t he adopti on of co ntext,wh ich plays a very i m portant rol e i n t he heare rs'i nterpre tati on of words.So m e proper amb i guities are i ntenti onall y aroused by e mp l oyi ng polyse m y and ho m ony my with t he purpose of styli sti c va l ue.Ach ievi n g H u m orPolyse m y and ho m o ny m y can be used as pun to i nd ica te t he e m p l oyer s'i ntentio n of mak i ng f un.A good exa m ple is t he follo w i ng pas sage fro m Lewis Carrols'A li ce s'Adventure i nW onder l and."H o w is bread made?""I kno w t ha t!"Alice cried eagerl y,"Yo u t a ke s o m e f lo ur%""Where do yo u p ick f lo wer s?'t he White Queen a s ked,"In the ga rden or i n t he hedge?""Well,it is n't picked a t a ll,"Alice ex p l a ine d,"it is ground.""H o w ma ny a cres o f ground?"s a id the White Queen.Th i s passage m akes use of ho m o ny m ous words:fl our and flo wer, and polysem ic word gro und.They a re specified differentl y by A lice and t he Wh ite Queen.Because there is no co nnectio n bet ween the questi ons and the ans wers,the aud ience m ay feel funny when read i ng the ir d ialo gue.Ach ievi n g I ron yPolyse m ic words and ho m o ny m ous words are not on l y good can d i dates for hu m or;t hey can a lso produce other effects such as iro ny. For exa m ple:Where isWa s h i ng to n?H e is dead.I mea n the capit a l of t he Unite d Sta tes.They loade d it a ll t o E uro pe.N o w do you pro m is e to s uppor t the co nstitution?M e?H o w ca n I?I'v e got a wife and three chil dren t o s uppo r t.T consti tuen ts when t he pres i dential e l ec tio n is co m ing.Puns are sk ill full y used on t hree words:W ash i ngton,capita l and support.The proper emp l oy m ent of pol yse m y i m pli c itl y satir i zes t he politics in the US.H eigh ten D ram a tic P o w erDra m atic po wer can be he i ghtened throug h the i ngen i ous use of puns,and this is anothe r stylisti c va l ue of pol yse m y and ho m o ny m y.H ere i s a r i ght ill ustrati on.W e m ust a ll hang together,or we sha ll a ll hang separa tely.Th is is a m ax i m gi ven by Ben ja m i n F rank li n,who argued people shou l d unite and persi st to avoi d be i ng strangled by the enemy.H i s m astery of words enhances t he eff ec t of politi ca l d i sse m i nati on and the po wer of appea.lMore sun and air f or you son and he i r.Th is is a quota tio n fro m an advertise m ent of a lido.By m ak i ng use of t wo sets of ho mophones(sun/son and a ir/he ir),t he lido con vinces tha t there i s adequa te sunshi ne and fresh air wh i ch are benefi cia l to t he ch ild and successor.It i s be lieved that t h is i s a unique m essage for the tourists who a re i nc li ned to be attracted by its clever ness and skillfulness.4C onclusionPolysemy and ho m ony my,as i m portant concepts i n l exica l se m an tics,exp l ore the re lati on bet ween d ifferent senses.The disti nc ti on be t w een pol yse m y and ho m ony my is i m portant because it sepa rates the pr i ncipled fro m the acc i denta.l The ir prag m a tic functi ons are noticeab l e,for t hey are st ylisticall y usefu l to achieve such context ua l eff ec ts as hu m or,irony,and heig h tened dra m atic po wer.Due to the i ngen i ous emp l oy ment of polysemy and ho mony m y,people a re i m pressed with their sem antic po we r and t he r i chness of language.B ib liography[1]Zhang Yun fe.i An In tro ductio n to M o dern Eng li sh Lex i col o gy[M].Beij i ng:B eiji ng No r m al Un iv ers it y Press,2004.[2]C ao W utang.C o ncise Engl i sh Lexicolo g y[M].Shando ng:Shandong Edu catio n Press,1992.[3]Q i n H o ngli n,J i a D eli n.A Study of Eng li sh Amb i gu i ty[M].Jiangs u:Jiangs u E d u catio n Press,1991.[4]Q i n X i uba.i E l e m en tary Eng li sh Stylist i cs[M].H unan:H unan E d u cat i o n P ress,1986.[5]Yael R avi n,C l aud i a Leacock(ed).Pol yse my[M].Ox f ord:Oxf ord Un iv ers i ty Press,2000.[6]F.R.Pal m er.Se m an tics[M].C a m bri dge:Ca m bri dgeU n i v ers it y Press,1976.2007年11月双语学习语言比较he dialog ue above i s said t o be an ora l i nvesti gati on held a m ong。



Chapter 6 Polysemy and Homonymy⏹6.1 Polysemy 一词多义⏹6.2 Homonymy 同音同形异义⏹6.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy 一词多义与同音异义的文体价值6.1 Polysemy 一词多义Polysemy: A term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings.*means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.●Two approaches to polysemy :diachronic 历时的and synchronic 一时的,同步的●Two processes leading to polysemy1)Radiation辐射型:It is the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at thecenter while secondary meaning radiates from it in every direction like ray .*Though all the secondary meanings are independent of one another, they can all be traced back to the primary meaning.2)Concatenation连锁型: It is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word movesgradually away from its first sense by successive shifts ,like the links of a chain ,until thereis no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning .*use relations between senses to master the different meanings of a polysemic word●Sense relations of polysemy1)original meaning vs. extended meaning 原始意义vs.引申意义2)universal meaning vs. particular meaning 普遍意义vs.特殊意义3)abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning 抽象意vs.特殊意义4)literal meaning vs. figurative meaning字面意义vs.比喻意义6.2 Homonymy 同音同形异义Homonymy: words which though different in meaning ,are pronounced alike ,or spelled alike ,or both .Eg.light(光)light(轻的);bark(吠)bark(树皮);flower(花)flour(面粉)●Three types of homonyms:1)Perfect homonyms完全同形同音异义词:Words identical in spelling but different in meaning .E.g.1).poppop /p p/ n.流行歌曲pop/p p/n.爸爸pop/p p/n.砰的一声2).lastlast /la:st/a.最后的last/la:st/v.持续last/la:st/n.鞋楦头现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料chapter62)Homophones同音异义词:Words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.Eg. air空气–heir继承人,后嗣bear忍受,熊–bare空的,赤裸的dear 亲爱的–deer鹿3)Homograph同形异音异义词:Words identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning .Eg. lead sow tear prayerSources of homonyms1.Phonetic convergenceUnder the influence of phonetic convergence ,two or more words whichonce were different in sound forms take on the same pronunciation thespoken language .E.g. melo –meal bean –been beat –beet flea –flee heal –heel2.Semantic divergenceWhen two or more meanings of the same word drift apart to such an extentthat there will be no obvious connection between them ,polysemy will giveplace to homonymy .E.g. flour –flower metal –mettle3.Foreign influenceE.g. host –one who entertains guest [L hospitis ]host –a large number ,an army [L hostis ,army ,hostile force ]4.ShorteningThis source is of decidedly subsidiary importance in formal writing but haswidespread influence in everyday speech.E.g. pop –popular (music )-to thrust ,to push (up ) 推6.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy一词多义与同音异义的文体价值Context plays a very important role in the hearer 's interpretation of words of two special types: different words of like form(homonymy)and words of several meanings (polysemy ).*Polysemic and homonymous words are stylistically useful to achievehumour or irony ,or to heighten dramatic effect .。

Polysemy and Homonymy

Polysemy and Homonymy
Achieving Irony
A: Where is Washington? B: He is dead. A: I mean the capital of the United States. B: They loaded it all to Europe. A: Now do you promise to support the constitution ? B: Me? How can I? I’ve got a wife and three children to support.
phonetic pun
• • • • • • • •
Why is a book as noble as a lord? Key: It has a title and many pages, too. What month do soldiers hate? Key: March(三月,行军) Why is an empty purse always the same? Key: There is no change(零钱,变化) in it . How do we know the ocean is friendly? Key: It waves.(起波浪,挥手致意) semantic pun
• • • • • • • • • • • • Definition Characteristics Monosyllabic words have more homonyms Types of homonyms Perfect homonyms(vs.Polysemy) Homophones Homographs Sources of homonyms Phonetic convergence Semantic divergence Foreign influence Shortening


❖ 3)Shortening、 Many shortened forms of words happen to be identical with other words in spelling or sound、缩略法。很 多缩略词得形式正好与其她词得拼写或语音 雷同。
6、2、3 Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形 同音异义词与多义词得区别
❖ Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异 义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。
sense relations 语义关系
❖ A word which is related to other words is related to them in sense, hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在 语义上与她们相关得, 因而有了语义关系。
6、1 Polysemy 多义关系
❖ When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic、 当一个词最初被创造出来得 时候,一律就是单语义词。
6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种多义关系得研究方法
❖ The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach、 同一词得各种意义之间相互关 联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角 度来研究。



Research purpose and significance
To investigate the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English: This research aims to identify the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English, providing a better understanding of these phenomena.
详细描述:根据不同的分类标准,可以将同音异义词分为不同的类型。根据词性,可以将同音异义词 分为名词同音异义词、动词同音异义词、形容词同音异义词等。根据词义,可以将同音异义词分为完 全同音异义词和部分同音异义词。
Homonymy's discrimination method
详细描述:对于同音异义词的辨析,可以采用语境法、词源法、词义分析法等方法。语境法是通过上下文语境来判断词义的 方法;词源法是通过词的来源和历史演变来判断词义的方法;词义分析法是根据词的语义特征和义素来分析词义的方法。
Language contact
When different languages come into contact, words from one language may borrow meanings from another language, leading to polysemy.
Secondary polysemy
When a word acquires a new meaning that is related to its original meaning but is not a fundamental change. For example, the word "gas" can mean any one of the elements or compounds that are gaseous at standard temperature and pressure, or it can refer to a type of fuel.


1. Polysemy 1. Definition 2. Two approaches to study polysemy 3. Relationships of the senses of polysemy 2. Homonymy 1. Definition 2. Types of homonyms 3. The stylistic value of polysemy and homonymy
1. Polysemy[pɔ liˈsi:mi]is a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings 2. Two approaches to study polysemy (diachronic and synchronic) – Diachronically, study the growth or change in the semantic structure of a word , or how the semantic structure of a word has developed from a primary meaning to the present polysemic state. – Synchronically, we are interested in the
• What does polysemy mean? • What are the relationships among the senses of polysemic words? • What is the difference between homophones and homograph? • What are the types c value of polysemy and homonymy Polysemy and homonymy are often used for stylistic purposes. One of the most common verbal devices is punning, which is employed to achieve humour. Homonymy: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now. Police were called to a daycare where a threeyear-old was resisting a rest.



1.Morpheme (词素)The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language ,not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms .2. Allomorphs(词素变体)An allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds .3. Compounding (复合词)Composition or compounding is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit, a compound word. It is a common device which has been productive at every period of the English language. Today the largest number of new words are formed by compounding. 4.Derivation (词源)A.The definition of prefixation(前缀) Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.Features: Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning. The majority of prefixes are characterized by their non-class-changing nature. Their chief function is to change meanings of the stems.B. The definition of suffixation(后缀)Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems. Unlike prefixes which primarily change the meaning of the stem, suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems. Inother words, they mainly change the word class. However, they may also add attached meaning to the stem.5. Conversion (转换)Conversion is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation(零位派生).This is a method of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speech. These words are new only in a grammatical sense. Since the words do not change in morphological structure but in function, this process is also known as functional shift.6. Acronymy A. The definition of initialismsInitialisms(首字母连写法): a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase; an initialism is pronounced letter by letter.B. The definition of acronymsAcronyms(首字母拼音法): words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words.Acronyms differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters.7. Blending Blending(拼缀法)is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining parts of two words. Theresult of such a process is called a blend word. Blending is thus a process of both compounding and abbreviation.8. Clipping Clipping (截短语)is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. For example, plane and exam are often used in place of aeroplane, and examination respectively.9. Back-formation Back-formation(逆成法)is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed suffix. It is also known as a reverse derivation.Look at the following words, think about what suffixes can be added to it: care: careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, carelessness friend: friendly, friendshipquick: quickly, quicken, quickish,quicky10. Reduplication Reduplication(重叠法)is a minor type of word-formation by which a compound word is created by the repetition (1) of one word like so-so; (2) of two almost identical words with a change in the vowels such as pingpong; (3) of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants as in teenyweeny.11. Motivation (理据)Types of Word Meaning11.1 Grammatical Meaning Grammatical meaning(语法意义)refers to that part of meaning of the word which indicates grammaticalconcept or relationships such as the word class, singular and plural forms of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms (forget, forgets, forgot, forgotten, forgetting).11.2 Lexical meaning Lexical meaning(词汇意义) is the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary. This component of meaning is identical in all the forms of the word.E.g. ‘go, goes, went, gone, going’possess different grammatical meaning. But they have the same lexical meaning expressing the process of movement.Lexical meaning itself has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.11.3 Conceptual meaning Conceptual meaning(概念意义) (also known as denotative meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. Conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same conceptual meaning to all the speakers of the same language.Sun: a heavenly body which gives off light, heat,and energy Mother: a female parent11.4 Associative meaning Associative meaning(关联意义) is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is liable to theinfluence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, etc. Associative meaning comprises four types:A.connotative meaning Connotative meaning (内涵意义)In contrast to denotative meaning, connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associations which a word suggests or implies. Mother (a female parent) is often associated with ‘love’, ‘care’, ‘tenderness’, ‘forgiving’, etc.Home (a dwelling place) may suggest ‘family, warmth, safety, love, convenience’, etc. ‘East or west, home is best’.Statesman implies ‘loyalty, devotion to public welfare’; politician implies ‘deceit, power-drunk, bragging, villainy’.B.stylistic meaning Stylistic meaning(文体意义)Words may have stylistic features, which make them appropriate for different contexts.This stylistic difference is especially true of synonyms. It is observed that there are few words which have both the same conceptual meaning and stylistic meaning.C.affective meaning Affective meaning(情感意义)Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in question.Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories:Appreciative or commendatory(褒义): words of positive overtones used to show appreciation or approval.Pejorative or derogatory(贬义): words of negative connotations imply disapproval, contempt or criticism.D.collocative meaning Collocative meaning(搭配意义) Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion. 12.Polysemy Polysemy (一词多义)can be defined as a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings.Polysemic words are signs of an advanced culture. It is also an essential feature of a language’s economy and efficiency.Three ways for a language to express new ideas, new processes and new products, etc.:Form a new word;Borrow a word from other languages;Add new meanings to established words.13.Homonymy Homonyms(同形异义):Words, which, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike, or both. Types of homonyms:Perfect homonyms同音异义:Words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning.date/date; bear/bear; bank/bankHomophones同音:Words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.write/right; dear/deer; son/sunHomographs同形异义:Words identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning.lead/lead; bow/bow; tear/tear14.Synonymy (同义关系)---semantic similarityA.Absolute or perfect synonyms(完全同义词):a.words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects,I.e. both in grammatical and lexical meaning, includingconceptual and associative meaning. Such synonyms arerare in natural languages.b..compounding and composition;c.word building and word-formation;d.malnutrition and undernourishmentB.Relative or partial synonyms(部分同义词): words which are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degree of a given quality. It is this type of synonyms we shall deal with here.15.Antonymy(反义关系)---semantic oppositionA.Contraries Contraries(相对反义词/两极反义词)Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. The two opposites are gradable(可分级的).hot, warm, cool, coldbeautiful, pretty, good-looking, plain, uglyold-young, big-small, poor-richplementaries Complementaries(绝对反义词/互补反义词) These antonyms truly represent oppositeness. They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them (non-gradable).dead-alive, present-absent, male-female, true-false, approval-disapproval, capable-incapablePrefixes: dis-, in-, il-, ir-, im-, un-……C.Conversives Conversives(换位反义词/关系反义词)This third type consists of relational opposites.Husband-wife, employer-employee, debtor-creditorAbove-below, in front of-behind, up-downBuy-sell, give-receive, go-come, gain-loseD.Semantic incompatibles Semantic incompatibles(多项不相容词) North, south, east, west Spring, summer, autumn, winterJanuary, February, March,…Decembe r Sunday, Monday, ….Saturday 16.Hyponymy(上下义关系)---semantic inclusionHyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus (general lexical item)and the species(specific lexical items).The general lexical item is called the superordinate(上义词).The specific words are known as hyponyms(下义词).17.The semantic field theory(语义场理论)The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common semantic component. The whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields. Words in each field are semantically related and define one another. Vocabulary is seen as ‘ an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense’.------Jost Trier (a German linguist) The semantic field of the same concept may not have the same members in different languages, thus lexical gaps(词汇空缺) occur. The semantic field of kinshipMembers in English: 13----father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, husband, wife. Members in Chinese: The semantic field of foodhot dog, sandwich, hamburger 豆腐, 馒头18.Changes in Meaning18.1 Four tendencies in semantic change1)Extension(扩大)The meaning changes from specific to generalized one or cover a broader conceptthing-审判大会、政治会议any thing2) Specialization/narrowing (缩小)garage-安全的地方poison-饮料hospital-休息娱乐场所3) Elevation (升格)贬义/中性义--褒义(或高级别)Marshall-马夫-元帅Executive一般执行者-行政官员4) Degradation (降格)中性/褒义贬义Cunning有学问的--狡猾的Sly- 熟练的-偷偷摸摸的;狡猾的18.2 Causes of changes in word meaningHistorical cause: a word retains its original form, its meaning changes because the object which it denotes has changed.Social cause: change in word meaning resulting from a constant verbal traffic between common words and various technical words. Foreign influence:deer/animal (Latin)/beast (French)pig/pork, sheep/mutton, cattle/beefLinguistic cause:a.Ellipsis(省略): In noun phrases, the noun is deleted and only thefirst element is left, but retaining the sense of the whole phrase. Sometimes it is the second or “headword” of the phrase that remains.b.Analogy(类比):fortuitous: happening by chance; accidental →fortunate fruition: a pleasure obtained from using or possessing something →the bearing of fruitPsychological cause:a.Euphemism(委婉语): use mild, agreeable language when speaking of an unpleasant or embarrassing fact and of taboo subjects.death—to pass away, to breathe one’s last, to cease to think, to fall asleep, to go west, to be no morepoor people—lower income brackets, underprivileged, disadvantagedb.Grandiloquence(夸张):the use of long, important-sounding words for effect.garbage collector—sanitationman, sanitation engineer barber—hair stylist, hairologistgardener—landscape architectc.Cynicism(讽刺): the desire to sneer and to be sarcastic fanatic: enthusiastic →unreasonably enthusiastic, almostapproaching to madness19.Differences between BrE and AmEDifferences in vocabularyDifferences in dictionary19.1Differences in grammarOn the whole BrE and AmE use the same grammar system. Differences in grammar are few in number and trifling in nature. However, it is important for non-native speakers to understand these distinctions.a.Differences in prepositionsMary aims to become a writer.Mary aims at becoming a writer.Please fill out the form.Please fill in the form.At weekends I like to …..On weekends I like to……b.The use of subjunctivec.The use of articles19.2Differences in spelling19.3Differences in pronunciation19.4Difference in vocabularyThree terms-----two semesters or four quartersThe first year, the second year, the third year-----freshman, sophomore, junior, seniorStaff-----faculty19.5Differences in dictionaryAmerican dictionaries contain more encyclopedic information in the main body than the British.British dictionaries, on the other hand, include a lot more grammar information as well as usage examples than the American.。



A Brief View on Polysemy and Homonymy【Abstract】Polysemy and homonymy,as important conceps in lexical semantics,explore the relation between different senses.They are employed to achieve humor,irony and dramatic power.【Key words】Polysemy;Homonymy;Distinction;Stylistic value1 IntroductionThe study of polysemy and homonymy has a long history on the philosophy of language,linguistics,psychology,and hterature,The complex relation between meanings and words were first noted by Stoics.They observed that one word could carry diferent meanings.Through the sttbsequent research into the issue of polysemy and homonymy,it is found that there exists an extensive grey area between them.How to distinguish the two is an important issue lying in front of the researchers.Th e paper here will analyze this problem from four angles.Polysemy and homonymy are rarely a problem in language use because of the adoption of contextual cues.Th ey are sometimes used as a source of puns to achieve stylistic value such as humor and irony and to heightened dramatic power,which embody the richness and coincidence of language.2 A Brief Elucidation of Polysemy and HomonymyDefinition of Polysemy and HonomymyThe coexistence of several meanings in a word is called polysemy.Th e word polysemy comes from Neo—Latin polysemia(polymany,sema—sign),that is,having or characterized by many meanings for a single word or phrase.Polysemy seems to be motivated by metaphoric thought,that is,the relation between two polysemes seem to be the result of a certain underlying metaphor for shape,size,position,outward appearance,function and so on.Part of the lexical entry for head in English is used to illustrate this:① part ofthe body containing the brain.② the top of anything(1iterally or metaph orically)that resembles the head in shape③ the pemon who is the chief or leader.Clearly,(2)is motivated by shape and(3)by function.Homonymy is usually viewed to hold between word—forms whose senses are completely unrelated.A word witll at least two elltirely distinct meanings yet sharing a lexical form is said to be homonymous.One of the most commonly cited examples of homonymous words is bank,which has a financial institution sense and an edge of a river sense.Th ese senses seem clearly unrelated,and the fact that they are associated with the same word form seems purely accidenta1.Homonyms can be categorized into three types:total homonyms,homophone and homograph.In the first type,lexemes will be absolutely homonymous if they are formally identical inboth the phonic and graphic medium such a8 the verb lie(to be in or take a flat position)and lie(make a false statement with intention of deceiving to say something untrue).The second type is homophone.Homophones are partial ones by sharing phonologically features,such as flour and flower.The third type is homographs which explore the meaning of different words that look alike,e.g.1ead(guide or direct to go in a certain direction)and lead(a soft,heavy,bluish—grey meta1)a homographs.Distinction Between Polysemy and HomonymyIn fact,polysemy is very similar to homonymy.Two words can be polysemous when their senses are somehow related,as long fit8 they are not equal,while homonymy is usually viewed to hold between word forms whose senses are completely unrelated. Given that we have a written form with diferent meanings,are we to say it is one word with diferent meanings(polysemy)or two diferent words with the same shape(homonymy)?What are the criteria that enable 118 to distinguish between polysemy and homonymy?There are some possible ways of answering these questions.Firstly,dictionary usually ba- ses their decision upon etymology .If it is known that idenficM forms have one origin,even if they have diferent meanings,they are treated as polysemic and given a single entry in a dictionary.If it is know that they have diferent origins,they are treated as homonymous and given separate entries.Thus,on the ground of a shared etymological knowledge,table(furniture)and table(arrangement of data)are polysemic,while pupil(student)and pupil(the round opening in the middle of eye)are homonymous.Secondly,it is reasonable to suggest that where the diferences are regular and to some degree pre- dictable.we have polysemy rather than homonymy.One of the most familiar kinds of regular relationship between meanings is that of metaphor where a word appears to have both a literal meaning and transfered meaning.A good example is the words for part of body,such as fot in his fot and the fot of the mountain.Th us,fot is more 1ikely to be regarded as a polysemic word with literal meaning and transfered meaning.Thirdly,another diferent way of attempting toestablish polysemy rather than homonymy is to look for a central meaning.Around the central meaning are radiations of other meanings.The word table as a polysemic word is a good illustration.The core of meaning is a piece of furniture,and then appeam other ones extending fromit,such as a dish and people sitting at table.Fourthly,it is tempted to say that where the antonym is the same we have polysemy,and the diference of antonym implies homonymy.For example,the same word black can refer to a kind of heavy color and also black people Negro.Its antonym white correspondingly has two meanings:a light kind of color;people of European descent.Thus black belongs to polysemic word.While the word lights is concerned,they have diferent autonyms:light—heavy,light—dark.So they are usually seen as homonyms.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and HomonymyAlthough polysemy and homonymy carry diferent meanings, they are rarely a problem in language use.The reason is the adoption of context,which plays a very important role in the hearer interpreration of words.Some proper ambiguities are intentionally aroused by employing polysemy and homonymy with the purpose of stylistic va1ue.Achieving HumorPolysemy and homonymy can be used as pun to indicate the employer’s intention of making fun.A good example is the following pas-sage from Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland.“How is bread made?”“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly.“You take some flour.”“Where do you pick flowers? ”the White Queen asked,“In the garden or in the hedge?”“Well,itn’t picked at all,”Alice explained,“it is ground.”“How many acres ofground?”said the White Queen.This passage makes use of homonymous words:flour and flower,and polysemic word ground.They are specified differently by Alice and the White Queen.Because there is no connection between the questions and the answers,the audience may feel funny when reading their dialogue.Achieving IronyPolysemic words and homonymous words are not only good can.didates for humor;they can also produce other efects such as irony.For example:Where is Washington?He is dend.I mean the capital of the United States.They loaded it all to Europe.Now do you promise to support the constitution ?Me? How can I? I’ve got a wife and three children to support.The dialogue above is said to be an oral investigation held among constituents when the presidential election is coming.Puns are skillfully used on three words:Washington,capital and support.The proper employment of polysemy implicitly satirizes the politics in the US.Heighten Dramatic PowerDramatic power can be heightened through the ingenious use of puns,and this is another stylistic value of polysemy and homonymy.Here is a right illustration.We must all hang together,or we shall all hang separately.This is a maxim ven by Benjamin Franklin,who argued people should unite and persist to avoid being strangled by the enemy.His mastery of words enhances the efect of political dissemination and the power of appea1.More sun and airfor you son and heir.This is a quotation from an advertisement of a lido.By making use of two sets of homophones(sun/son and air/heir),the lido convinces that thereis adequate sunshine and flesh air which are beneficial to the child and successor.It is believed that this is a unque message for the tourists who are inclined to be attracted by its cleverness and skillfulness.4 ConclusionPolysemy and homonymy,as important concepts in lexical semantles,explore the relation between different senses.The distinction between polysemy and homonymy is important because it separates the principled from the accidenta1.Their pragmatic functions are noticeable,for they are stylistically useful to achieve such contextual effects as humor,irony,and heightened dramatic power.Due to the ingenious employment of polysemy and homonymy,people are impressed with their semantic power and the richness of lan guage.Bibliography[1] ZhangYunfei.An Introduction to Modem EnglishLexicology[M].Beijing:Beijing Normal University Press,2004.[2] CaoWutang.Concise English Lexicology[M].Shandong:Shandong Education Press,1992.[3] QinHonglin,JiaDelin.A Study of English Ambiguity[_M].Jiangsu:Jiangsu Education Press,1991.[4] QinXiubai.Elementary English Stylistics[M].Hunan:Hunan Education Press,1986.[5] Yael Ravin,Claudia Leacock(ed).Polysemy[M].0 rd:Oxford University Press,2000.[6] F.R.palmer.Semantics[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,l976。



2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型
1) Radiation辐射型

Semantically, radiation is the process which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays. 从语义学上讲,辐射型是这样一种过程,

Synchronic approach共时研究方法 Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同一个 词可以拥有许多不同的意义。 The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning 中心意义. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.

From the above examples, we can see that homonyms are often employed to create puns for desired effect of humor or irony for stylistic purposes.
6.3 Synonymy同义关系
Definition of synonyms Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.同义词是发音和拼写不同 但在意义上极为相似或完全相同的词。 Synonyms share a likeness in denotation as well as part of speech, for a verb cannot have an adjective as its synonym.同义词在 外延意义和词性上要具有相似性。

Unit 5 Polysemy and homonymy

Unit 5 Polysemy and homonymy

• Original meaning & extended meaning eg. Candidate (穿白衣的人) pen (羽毛)
• General meaning & special meaning case This is often the case with him. This is a case of cholera. fire the fire in the sitting room. gas artist
• ★Radiation and concatenation are closely related, being different stages of the development leading to polysemy. Generally, radiation precedes concatenation. In many cases, the two processes work together as complementary to each other
II. Homonymy (同形异义)
Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words with different meanings have the same form, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.
I. Polysemy(一词多义)
• “Polysemy” refers to the semantic phenomenon that a word may have more than one meaning.
• when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic.



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。

Lexicology Unit 6

Lexicology Unit 6
Chapter VI Polysemy and Homonymy to deal with sense relations
Lecturer: Paul bmoses@
On the whole, we can classify sense relations as follows: Synonymy and polysemy are relations between form and meaning, Synonymy: more than one form having the same meaning. Polysemy: the same form having more than one meaning. But homonymy: two or more words having the same form but different in meaning. Hyponymy下义关系 and antonymy 反义are relations between are two meanings: Hyponymy is the inclusion of one meaning in another. Antonymy is the exclusion of one meaning from another.). )
I.Polysemy .
Definition: (p.109) An example: the word “fair”, p.109. How can language do in order to reflect or express the new ideas, new process, new products? (p.110, para.3). Two approaches to polysemy a. diachronic approach: (p.110) -to study the growth, change or development in the semantic structure of the word in order to find the primary or original meaning of the polysemic word. Diachronically, we’ll try to find the primary or original meaning of a polysemic word.
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E.g. candidate:

1) white-roped 2) office seeker in white gowns 3) a person who seeks an office 4) a person proposed for a place, award, etc. 1) 2) 3) 4)

b) Concatenation连锁型:

It is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its primary meaning in succession so that the present meaning seems to have no connection to the primary meaning.

Session 6
Chapter V Polysemy and Homonymy
Review chapter 4

I. Motivation of meaning

Onomatopoeic Motivation

Ducks quack. Hopeful Tabula(木板)---- table Argus-eyed professor
120 meanings


Two processes of development

a) Radiation辐射型:

It is the semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meaning radiates out of it. Though all the secondary meanings are independent of one another, they can all be traced back to the primary meaning.

How to master the different meanings of a polysemic word?

relations between senses
1.2 sense relations of polysemy

1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning 原始意义vs.引申意义 1.2.2 universal meaning vs. particular meaning 普遍意义vs.特殊意义 1.2.3 abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning 抽象意vs.特殊意义 1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning 字面意义vs.比喻意义

b) His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends.

entry beauty Pride
“进入” “入口” “美丽” “美人” “骄傲” “一个使人引以为骄的人”
1.2.4 literal meaning vs. figurative meaning


3). scale


scale/skeil/n.鱼鳞 scale/skeil/n.天平 scale/skeil/n.标度 scale/skeil/v.攀登 mean /mi:n/v.意指 mean/mi:n/a.卑鄙的 mean/mi:n/a.中间的 tense /tens/n.时态 tense/tens/a.拉紧的


2.2 homophone

They are different words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.


capital; capitol dew; due die; dye dual; duel cheap; cheep …

More examples:

Greek “klimax”=slope The Greeks thought that the earth sloped toward the north and that this affected the weather.
1.2.2 universal meaning vs. specific meaning

Morphological motivation

Semantic Motivation

Etymological motivation

Argus 百眼巨人 目光敏锐的

II. Components of meaning

grammatical meaning vs. lexical meaning

Three types of homonyms

2.1 Perfect homonyms完全同形同音异义词 2.2 Homophones同音异义词 2.3 homograph / heteronym同形异音异义 词 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most common.
Teaching focus

I. Polysemy II. Homonymy III. How to distinguish the two forms? IV. Context V. Ambiguity and vagueness
I. Polysemy一词多义

1.1 polysemy

More examples

Weak Way Wait Waist Vein Waive Wood Tail

Week Weigh Weight Waste Vain Wave Would Tale

1.1 Polysemy

means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time. Eg.


治理国家; 政府 羊毛毯;给……盖羊毛毯



150 meanings

E.g. “disease ”

a) The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. b) Measles and flu are common diseases.

a) 泛指“疾病” b) 特指“某种疾病”

More examples

two processes of development

1.2 sense relations of polysemy

1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4
original meaning vs. extended meaning universal meaning vs. particular meaning abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning literal meaning vs. figurative meaning

Fish Fruit
1.2.3 abstract meaning vs. concrete meaning

E.g. “envy”

a) He was filled with envy of me.

a)中,envy 有“妒嫉、羡慕”的抽象意义 b)中, envy 则指“羡慕的对象”这一具体意义

2.1 perfect homonym

They are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning.



pop /p p/n. 流行歌曲 pop/p p/n.爸爸 pop/p p/n.砰的一声 last /la:st/a.最后的 last/la:st/v.持续 last/la:st/n.鞋楦头
1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning


original meaning: no practical use extended meaning: in use


穿白衣服的人 羽毛
Candidate Pen

forget: forgets; forgot

conceptual meaning vs. associative meaning

home small, little begin, commence pretty, handsome