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A flooding of 大量涌现的

A great deal of a growing number of a large amount of a large body of a large number of a majority of a number of a proportion of (成一定比例的)

A series of a set of a succession of a variety of a wide variety of

An excess of

Abide by absent from be absorbed in account for (说明,解释,在数量上占有) accuse sb of be accustomed to achieve one’s ends be acquainted with acroos the country act against act counter to adapt oneself to add to be addicted to address oneself to adhere to ajust to advance an argument agree on agree with sb ahead of aim at all along all but all the more all walks of and the like apart from appeal to apply for apply sth to fine application in approve of argue against

Arise from (从中产生,由。。。引起) armed with arrive at a conclusion as a consequence as a result as a result of as a qhole as compared to as far as … comcerned as follows

As for as in the case of (如同。。。的情形一样)

As sb puts it 就像某某所说的那样

As mang as

Assist in as yet

Ascribe to (把什么归咎于) associate … with

At a cost of

At a time at all costs at birth at best at first glance at hand at intervals at large at least

At odds at second hand at the convenience of at the cost of at the expences pf at the request of at the thought of at the very least

At variance with

Attribute sth to avail oneself of


Baby boom

Battle for the favor of

Be apt to be bound to be devoted to be free to do sth be liable to to sth

Be likely to do sth be unaware that

Bear offspring bear the cost begin by benefit from

Best selling works

Beyond comparison birth rate

Blame sb for blood type boost sales be born with brand sb as (诬蔑


Break down break the habit of bridge a gap

Bring about bring forth bring sth in line with

Bring sth to a standstill

Budget reduction

build on be burst with by and large (总的来说) by constrast by definition by means of by virtue of by way of


Call for call on (访问) capital equipment (固定设备) capital reserve


Carry forward carry on carry out

cash shortage cast a vote cast doubt on casual remark

cater to caution against

center around change with charge sth to sb 把什么归咎于某人

city planning civil case classify… as

cling to close off 隔离

coexist with coincide with come as a shock to

compensate for compete against comply with 同意

Conduct a survey be confined to conflict with

be confronted with consist of

be consistent with

content oneself with 对什么感到满意

contribute to control over convert into

convict sb of (判定某某有罪)

criminal case

cry out to 对某某大喊 cut back 削减 cut off 中断

D Date from deal with death certificate decide a case decide on be decomposed into 分解 be dedicated to deduce from 从。。。中得出

Defend against define as define away 把什么解释清楚
