英语高级视听说 unit3

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Unit 3 Splendor in the Grass

1. Deanie is Bud’s grilfriend. They have known each other ever since thei r childhood and they love each other deeply. Bud is handsome, and he’s a basketball player in the school team. Deanie is pretty and everyone knows she is a nice girl.

2. Bud feels a strong passion of love. However, what Deanie allows him t o do is nothing more than a kiss. She looks so dignified that Bud feels gui lty and ashamed when he wants to have sex with her. So, he has to suppre ss all his desire for her.

3. Deanie loves Bud and she will do anything Bud wants her to do. Her lo ve is just as passionate as that of Bud. However, she is afraid that having sex before marriage will turn her into a bad girl in other’s eyes, and being too open about sex will make her unworthy of Bud’s love.

4. She warns Deanie that boys bear no respect to a girl who is open about sex and cares nothing about virginity, and they will never want such a girl to be their wife. Besides, she tells Deanie no nice girl should have sexual desires, so she advises Deanie to behave as such a nice girl, never allowi ng a boy to lay a hand on her.

5. Mr. S tamper does not stop his som from seeing Deanie for he agrees D eanie is a nice girl.But, he will not allow Bud to marry her now because h e believes Bud has a future and he should not let a romance become his o bstacle in his pursuit of success in career.He warns Bud not to get the girl

pregnant so that the son does not need to marry the girl before going to co llege.

6. Mr. Stamper wants the boy to study in Yale. However, Bud prefers to m arryDeanie, go to an agricultural college with her, and return to run the fa mily farm after graduation. Mr. Stamper turns a deaf ear to the boy’s plea, because he has been disappointed by his daughter and he takes Bud as hi s final hope to satisfy his determination to with the family fame and glory.

7. Ginny is rebellious to her father’s authoritarian rule in the family and t o the conservative norms in the town. She is sent to college but instead of studying hard for a degree, she plays around with boys and gets pregnant. After having an abortion, she comes back to the town and keeps living in a rebellious way. Thus, she becomes the talk of the town and the shame of her father.

8. Yes, Deanie represents the nice girls and Ginny is the ‘bad girls’.

9. Ginny’s tragedy makes Bud believe that once a girl becomes too open a bout sex, she will be totally destroyed. He becomes afraid that some day he cannot suppress his desire for Deanie ant thus turns her into a bad girl. So, he stops seeing Deanie, and find outlets of his desire with some other girl.

10. Deanie is deeply depressed at the time for as anyone else, she has lear nt about Bud’s affair with another girl, which is totally beyond her unders
