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1. 民工潮



1,2) Only a few days after the Lunar New Year in dilapidated little railway stations throughout the countryside millions of peasants are gathering with a single purpose to get to the cities.3,4) Even since the early 1980s when the agricultural reform freed millions of farmers to seek city jobs the mass not just because of the pressure it puts on infrastructure.5) Many fear that migration on such a giant scale will lead to social strain,6) As a result they have treated the migrants as second-class citizens.6) For instance workers form the rural heartland are denied the right to settle down as permanent residents and to send their children to city schools.7) But on the other hand in booming cities and special economic zones factories and construction sites need all the labor they can get.8,9) And the government believe that if the rural masses did not get a share of and poor countryside would further widen leading to a building-up resentment that might fuel social unrest.

2. 豫园原是明代四川布政史潘允端的私人花园。始建于一五五九年,至一五七七年落成。距今已有四百余年历史。园地面积为二万多平方米。全国共分三十余景,均有回廊曲径可通;亭台楼阁,假山池塘的布局,独具匠心,有“以小见大”的特色。园内屋宇还缀有精致的砖刻木雕,具有明清两代南方建筑艺术的风格。园内一景,点春堂是一八五三年上海“小刀会”起义军的城北指挥所。豫园自十六世纪后,曾几度变迁,屡遭摧残。至解放前夕,园内景物荒芜殆尽。解放后重新进行了修缮,至一九六一年开放,成为上海人民参观浏览的场所。参考译文(92)

1) Yuyuan was originally the private garden of Pan Yunduan the governor of Sichuan Province during the Ming Dynasty.2,3) The garden whose construction began in 1559 and was completed in 1577 boasts a long history of more than four centuries.4,5) It covers an area of over 20000 square meters and is divided in some thirty different scenes connected by twisting corridors and passages.6) The layout of the pavilions terraces towers rockeries and ponds shows much originality in affording a wide view in a small confined space.7) Buildings in the garden ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings are characteristic of the Southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.8) One scene is the Hall for Summoning Spring used by the uprising army of the “Small Sword Society” in 1853 as their headquarters in the northern part of the old city.9) Since the 16th century the garden has undergone many changes and suffered repeated devastation.10) On the eve of the liberation of old China the garden was reduced to a desolate waste.11) When new China was founded it was restored and opened to the public in 1961.11) Since then it remains a place of popular resort in Shanghai.

3. 尽管一对夫妻一个孩子的政策还是强制性的,而且怀胎指标分配的做法在许多地方导致关系紧张。但有迹象表明,人们的态度正在发生变化。越来越多的夫妻生一个孩子已是自然的选择,而不是被迫的。一些专家预计,中国人口到二十一世纪达到高峰后就会下来。

