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模块7 Unit1-4重点课文填空练习

Unit1 To phone or not to phone?

If you have a chance to live with the Amish, you’ll find it difficult to 1.________________ (适应)their life as they 2.o________ modern technology . In truth, they vote on whether to accept a new technology. The telephone, which is not accessible in the Armish community, is a 3.t__________ example. Despite its wide 4.d___________, the Armish people foreseen its disadvantages at the beginning. For example, whatever the5. c_______________, when the phone rings, you should stop everything and answer it. In many cases, the call, for which your precious time is

6. s_____________, is of little importance. In particular, the Armish

7.__________________(怀疑)sending and receiving text messages. When you

8._____________________(专注于) a book , a text message may interrupt you. Rather than use telephones, the Armish prefer to 9._________________________(保持联系)their friends by having a face-to-face conversation, which they believe contributes to strengthening their relationships. Maybe we should 10. _________________________(使自己摆脱)modern technology and return to simpler times, just like the Armish.

1.adapt to




5. circumstances

6. sacrificed

7.are skeptical about

8.are absorbed in

9. keep in touch with 10. rid ourselves of

Unit2 Two life-saving medicines

Nearly 3, 500 years ago, some recipes recommended drinking a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to 1.r __________ body pains. In 1897, a European chemist produced aspirin from this 2. c________. The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899, 3. _____ the powder form began to be used with 4. p_______. In 1900, it was sold in shops as a

5. t__________. Penicillin was

6. d__________ by a Scottish scientist in 1928. He thought it might help in treating wounds and illnesses

7. c______ by bacteria. But it was not until World War Ⅱ

8. ____two other scientists managed to make and

9.t ____the new drug in large quantities. Thanks to it, many lives were saved during World War Ⅱ. It can also treat other 10. i_______ including pneumonia(肺炎). 1.reduce 2.chemical 3.when 4.patients 5.tablet 6. discovered 7,caused 8. that 9.test 10.illness

Unit3 The effects of the internet on our lives

Zhu Fei and Li Lei had a 1. d_________ about the pros and cons of Internet use. Zhu Fei first 2. a___________ the value for people who were looking for information. She also mentioned that people could use it to build social 3. b______. Internet friendships could be built based 4. ___common interests. With the help of the
