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The Listening, Reading, Writing Exam paper for “English at Work”.


Information for the candidates:

l There are three parts to the test. Each part will be played twice.

l There will be a pause before each part to let you read through the questions and other pause at the end of each part for you to check you answers.

l You may write your answers on the question paper as you listen.

l You will have 10 minutes at the end of the listening test to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

Part 1. Listen to the conversation and answer Questions 1-8.

Mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false)

________(1). Mrs. Wells has a heart problem

________(2) The doctor is prescribing exercises to help thin the blood.

________(3) Mrs. Wells will probably throw away the instructions and the packet.

________(4) Six tablets must be taken every day.

________(5) Mrs. Wells should drink plenty of beer.

________(6) The side effects include nausea and tiredness.

________(7) Mr. Wells should do the heavy housework and shopping.

________(8) Mrs. Wells should go for gentle walks.

1 T

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 F

6 T

7 F

8 T

Part 2. Listen to the recording and answer Questions 9-15. Choose the best answer among the choices given.

(9) How many employees worked at the London office of Global Marketing?

a) Six

b) 30,000

c) 150.

(10) What was Jenny’s old job?

a) She had been a research officer

b) She had been an administrative assistant.

c) She had been a production manager.

11) Wha t is the name of Jenny’s new workplace?

a) Bristol Marketing and Selling

b) Bristol Research.

c) Bristol Marketing Research.

(12) Who is Jenny’s new boss?

a) Bob Foster

b) Mary Foster

a) She had to shampoo her hair.

b) She had to buy some shampoo.

c) She was doing market research for Silken Shampoo.

(14) Global Marketing was run as

a) a highly bureaucratic organization.

b) a flexible organization.

c) a friendly organization.

(15)Bob Foster ran his firm on

a) bureaucratic organization principles.

b) flexible organization principles.

c) formal organization principles.

9 c 10 b 11 c 12 a 13 c 14 a 15 b

Part 3. Question 16-20. Complete the following table which summarizes the information about the Beijing and Australian studies of food preparation referred to in the telephone conversation. Use either a word, short phrases or short sentences to complete the table.





Influences on food preparation


Science & rationality

Consumer society, advertising and school friends

Effects of Influence

Prepare foods according to (17)

Plan meals based on (18)

Like (19) and (20) they can exchange in the playground

16 tradition 17 the season of the year 18 a balance of the major food products

19 fast foods 20 foods packaged with small gifts


Information for the candidates:

l There are four parts to the reading test, each having one reading passage.

l There is one writing task.

l You should write ALL your answers in the Answer Sheet as you do the tasks.


Part 1. Read the following account of current changes in university education and mark the statements following the passage as being T( true ) or F ( false) according to the information you get from the text:

Passage 1.

Changes in university education
