
相等于10,比坤 只為精緻洗衣生活
Speed Queen 百年洗衣专家
从1908年 Joe Barlow 和 John Seelig 两人于美国威斯 康辛州里彭 (Ripon) 创立 Speed Queen 洗衣品牌起,就 奠定了 Speed Queen 今天在洗衣领域的崇高地位。百多 年来,我们专心致力于洗衣设备,涉及商用和家用等各个 不同的范畴,销售网络覆盖全世界,我们对洗衣的热诚和 专业,让我们不断进步和创新,为您提供优质的洗衣解决 方案。
• 同时可使用专用烘干架处理羊毛类衣物、鞋子、绒毛玩具以 及其他不适宜翻转的用品
• 你会欣赏我们对烘干机设计的不妥协的态度,除筒门尺寸 大,开关方向也可调较,方便轻松取放衣物
监控衣物 湿润和 烘干度
SQN1 上加载式系列 操作方便,父母更省心
颜色 控制 控制板位置 型号 特性
• 美式超长搅拌,210º 搅拌器,以每分钟68转的“旋风洗”模 式,让更多的水穿过衣物,减少衣物缠绕,清洗效果更显著
上加载式洗衣机 “旋风洗” 衣物更洁净
• 强劲驱动配合精细机械旋转确保衣物获得良好的洗涤效 果,光滑的不锈钢洗涤内缸,更好地保护衣物
尺寸(高 x 宽 x 深) 滚筒容量
白色 机电 后侧 AWN552SN301NW29
• 美国进口烤瓷不锈钢外筒及不锈钢内缸 • 高级别商用电机 • 10.5kg 洗衣容量 • 最高甩干速度710rpm • 每分钟68转 210º“旋风洗”洗衣模式 • 5 项洗衣程序 • 5 个水温选择 • 自动平衡系统 • 超长搅拌棒

Portion Plus Topping DispenserDispenses Dry Mix Topping and ParticulateEquipment ManualEnglish (Rev A) P/N 291035Manufactured byAUTOMATED EQUIPMENT LLC5140 Moundview Dr Red Wing, MN 55066 U.S.A.PHONE: 1 (800) 248-2724 1 (651) 385-2273FAX: 1 (651) 385-2166SERVICE FAX: 1 (651) 385-2172For Service in the US and Canada, Call: 1 (800) 248-2724http:// Business Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CSTAfter hours, your call will be handled by a pager service;A Technical Support Representative will return your call.Description and UseThe Portion Plus Dry Mix Topping and Particulate Dispenser is a hand operated device designed to dispense a consistent volume of dry mix product in 1oz, 1.5 oz and 2 oz portions. Each Hopper consists of a Hopper, a Lid, and a Portion Slider. Each Hopper holds approximately 1 gallon, (3.8L). A Hopper Mounting Bracket is also required to attach the Dispenser Assembly to a wall or vertical surface.Dimensions and SpecificationsHopper Specifications:Single Hopper w/Lid and Portion SliderDimensions: 4.5” wide x 20” high x 16” deep(11.34 cm wide x 50.8 cm wide x 40.64 cm deep)Weight: 6 lbs (2.72 Kg)Capacity: 1 gallon each (3.8L)Note: One Hopper full of product can add up to15 lbs (6.8 Kg)4 Hopper Assembly with Sliders and Mounting Bracket Specifications:4 Hopper Assembly, Mounting Bracket with 4 Hoppers, Lids and SlidersDimensions: 22.5” wide x 20” high x 16” deep(57.15 cm wide x 50.8 cm high x 40.64 cm deep)Weight: 25 lbs (11.34 Kg)Note: Four Hoppers full of product can add up to 60 lbs ( 27.22Kg)CleaningWarranty InformationThe Hopper, Lid, Slide, and Mounting Bracket are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects in material or workmanship for one (1) year. The warranty period commences on the shipping date and applies only to the original purchaser. Except as otherwise provided herein, Automated Equipment LLC, makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness forparticular purpose. Automated Equipment LLC, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential damages (including damages for loss ofbusiness profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product. This warranty is void if the product is not functioning correctly due to abuse or neglect by the purchaser, its employees, agents, or other representatives either by breaking, bending, misuse, abuse, dropping, alteration, improper installation or maintenance, or any other form of neglect or improper usage. This warranty does not cover damage to the product caused by natural causes such as lightning, flood, fire, tornadoes, or other acts of God. This warranty is governed by the substantive laws of Minnesota, USA, without giving effect to the conflict of law provisions.• Use water, a soft brush and mild detergent tothoroughly clean all parts of the Dispenser.• Do not use abrasive cleaning pads or cleansers. • Frequent cleaning will prevent food buildup on thesliding parts and ensure proper operation.Warning!• Do not use a dishwasher to clean the Dispensercomponents. Hand wash only.• Do not use excessive force to operate the Sliders. • Dispense dry products only. Do not attempt todispense frozen or liquid products.• Do not attach or hang other material or equipmenton the Mounting Bracket or Hopper Assembly .The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. In no event will Automated Equipment LLC, be liable for technical or editorial omissions made herein; nor for direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.。

阿尔法斯特DV1170 干衣机 用户手册说明书

Warning against fire hazard.
Packaging materials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations.
Points to be taken into consideration for fire hazard: Below specified laundry or items must not be dried in the dryer considering fire hazard. • Unwashed laundry items • Items soiled with oil, acetone, alcohol, fuel oil,
1.1.1 Electrical safety
A Electrical safety instructions should be followed while electrical connection is made during the installation.
Dryer / User Manual
pulling on the cable, always pull out by grabbing the plug. • Do not use extension cords, multi-plugs or adaptors to connect the dryer to power supply in order to decrease the risk of firle plug must be easily accessible after installation.
MIELE 干衣机 PT 8257 PT 8337 PT 8407 PT 8507 PT 8807

PT 8257PT 8337PT 8407PT 8507PT 8807为避免对机器造成意外损坏,在进行安装和首次使用之前仔细阅读此使用与安装说明书。
2目录________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________注意事项及安全说明 (4)环境保护 (6)电器结构示意图 (7)控制元件 (8)烘干 (10)衣物分类 (10)首次使用前 (11)接通电源将衣物装入滚筒 (11)选择程序 (12)卡片操作/硬币机制 (15)卡片访问操作 (15)用硬币机制C 4060 / C 4065 / C 4070烘干 (15)附加选项 (16)启动日期与时间 (16)停止程序 (17)取消程序 (17)改变程序顺序 (17)程序信息 (17)程序概述 (18)标准程序 (18)羽绒服 (20)拖把(房屋保洁) (20)消防服务 (21)专业清洁程序 (21)家用专业清洁程序 (23)可选模块 (26)操作数据 (26)峰载切断 (27)故障排除指南 (28)出错信息 (28)售后服务 (29)清洁与保养 (30)绒毛过滤器 (30)安装与连接 (31)放平电器 (32)安装在抬高底座上 (32)硬币机制 (32)通信模块XKM RS232 (32)电气连接 (33)进气与排气连接 (33)蒸汽连接 (33)燃气连接 (33)技术数据 (34)数据牌符号说明 (35)简要操作说明PT 8257 / 8337 / 8407 / 8507 / 8807 (37)3安装和首次使用之前,注意事项及安全说明______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________电器与电源完全隔离。
海尔 EHGS100MATE7SU1 10公斤双擎热泵干衣机 使用说明书

合格品,3C认证标志为:产品型号EHGS100MATE7SU1目 录1.使用前须知2.安全注意事项3.干衣前准备4.操作步骤正面5.操作面板说明6.故障排除7.清洁/维护8.技术参数9.保修说明反面智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修滚筒干衣机使用说明书2)将附件中的外接排水管与拔下的排水管通过接头连接在一起。
··0701805015442速 烘智慧烘浴 巾大 物除菌螨晒 被羊 毛羽 绒丝 绸干燥度预 约出现以下情况时,有时未必是故障。
如果确属故障,请与 机器在运行过程中,由于产品特性,当出现以下声音时,是正常的,请放心使用:E ”显示屏剩余时间停止或清洗后,请将线屑过滤器及内过滤网重新安装到位,不要用尖锐的工具清理过滤网,以免破坏网布。
取下海绵,用湿毛巾清理线屑勾住内过滤网,向外拨动,再按照斜向上45°的方向拿出4.• 清理内过滤网按照斜向下45°的方向放入,再向内拨动,如图所示7.• 重新安装到位6.取下海绵,用湿毛巾清理线屑, 清洗干净后重新组装到位注:选定程序时,根据程序特性,有些参数已经选定为默认值,为不可选状态,无需用户自己设置。
Tuttnauer TIVA 高性能医疗器械洗涤设备说明书

TIVALavadoras de alto desempeño para ladecontaminación de instrumentos complejosMédico2 | La línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVALa línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVALas cirugías son el núcleo de los hospitales. El suministro a tiempo de materiales esterilizados es crucial para el funcionamiento de los hospitales. Los instrumentos quirúrgicos deben ser sometidos a procesos de limpieza, desinfección y esterilización estrictos e estandarizados antes de que puedan ser utilizados nuevamente. Estar a ala atura de la alta demanda de los quirófanos, suministrando rápidamente los instrumentos y, al mismo tiempo, garantizar la seguridad de los pacientes exige soluciones avanzadas. Las lavadoras-desinfectadoras Tiva de T uttnauer dan respuesta a estos desafíos al simplificar la misión de los trabajadores y reduciendo el tiempo y los costes del línea Tiva presenta un excelente desempeño que:- Minimiza el consumo y los costes operacionales mientras maximiza la sostenibilidad - Mejora la experiencia del usuario con un sistema de control avanzado y una interfaz de fácil utilización- Utiliza materiales de la más alta calidad, ofreciendo un proceso seguro y eficienteLas lavadoras-desinfectadoras Tiva ofrecen una solución lista flexible para el lavado, desinfección y secado de diversos instrumentos médicos para un ciclo de decontaminación completo.Ciclo de decontaminación:01En el quirófanoContaminantes tenaces y otros residuos son removidos02Con destino al Departamento central de servicios deesterilización, transporte para la unidad de reprocesamientoSon utilizados sistemas autónomos03En el Departamento central de servicios de esterilización - Limpieza manual de la zona sucia:Los productos químicos, con o sin efecto antimicrobiano y con o sin utilización de enzimas04En los procesos automatizados delimpieza y desinfección del Departamento central de servicios de esterilizaciónProceso estandarizado. Limpieza, desinfección, secado a través de lavadora-desinfectadora05En la inspección visual del Departamento central de servicios de esterilizaciónLos instrumentos soninspeccionados visualmente para garantizar una limpieza suficiente.06Esterilización a travésde AutoclaveEfectuada con vapor saturado normalmentea 134 / 132 ºC07AlmacenamientoLos paquetes esterilizados son mantenidos en la sala de Almacenamiento hastasu utilizaciónLa línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVA | 3Configuraciones disponibles:Armario para almacenamiento de detergentes / Depósito deprecalentamiento para reducción deltiempo del ciclo + Armario de detergentes y conexión de agua desmineralizada- 3 resistencias de calentamiento - U SB / impresora para Cámara de la lavadora fabricada en AISI 316 litros de alta calidad Ciclo de velocidadOpcional- Mediciones de conductividad para verificar la calidad del agua de aclarado antes de la fase de desinfección - Semicaldera de agua (apenas para la versión HS)- Iluminación LED de la cámara: opera durante la carga, descarga y ejecución del programa- Reconocimiento del tipo de carga del carro550550TIVA 10-M PUERTA(A) BATIENTE MANUALTIVA10-1M / TIVA10-2MCámara de 265 litrosDimensiones (AxPxA) 650 x 700 x 1850HASTA 6 niveles de lavado de una capacidad total de 12 cestos DIN, cámara de 265 litrosLa lavadora TIVA 10 está equipada con puerta(s) batiente manual de vidrio y es más adecuada para departamentos quirúrgicos y de esterilización. Puede ser cargada con hasta 6 niveles de lavado de un total de 12 cestos DIN con una gran variedad de carros y accesorios de lavado. Carros disponibles para instrumentos quirúrgicos, tubulares, laparoscopia, ofatlmológicos, recipientes, zapatos, anestesia y más.CaracterísticasPuerta(s) de vidrio manual ámara de la lavadora fabricada en AISI 316 litros de alta calidadPanel táctil con pantalla gráfica de colores n total de 40 programas: predeterminados y programablesPrefiltro de secado de aire + filtro HEPA H14Caldera para agua purificada bombas de dosificación con flujómetro para detergentesLa línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVA | 7Opcional- M ediciones de conductividad para verificar la calidad del agua de aclarado antes de la fase de desinfección (si la máquina está equipada con conexiones de agua desmineralizada)- Iluminación LED de la cámara: iluminada durante la carga, descarga y ejecución del programa - Reconocimiento del carro de lavado - M onitorización continua del brazo de pulverizado del sistema de agua para garantizar que la carga está actualmente lavada- Cierre de la estructura para configuración del paso - Bomba de drenaje de agua- Conexión del servicio de vapor / calentamiento híbrido: vapor y eléctrico- Conexión de agua para la versión normal: ablandador de agua fría, agua purificada- Conexión de agua para la versión HS: ablandador de agua fría, segunda caldera para agua caliente - Reporte gráfico de las fases de lavado incluyendo el tiempo y la temperaturaA Conexión de agua caliente - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)B Conexión de agua fría - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)C2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en el suelo)D2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en la pared)G Conexión eléctricaOConexión de agua desmineralizada - 1/2” gQ Conexión de vapor 1/2” g (entrada)RConexión de vapor 1/2” g (salida)C2560408553501950D2D2CICLO DE VELOCIDAD DE LA CALDERA (opcional)300900A O BR QGC26358580068067070063585800C2QR2300TIVA10-1M / TIVA10-2M TIVA10-1M / TIVA10-2M Dibujos:Dimensiones (AxPxA) 680 x 700 x 1950Dimensiones (AxPxA) 680 x 700 x 2300 Características- Puerta(s) batiente de vidrio automática- Cámara de la lavadora fabricada en AISI 316 litros de alta calidad- Panel táctil con pantalla gráfica de colores- U n total de 40 programas: predeterminados y programables- Prefiltro de secado de aire + filtro HEPA H14- Caldera para agua purificada- 2 bombas de dosificación con flujómetro para detergentes ácidos y alcalinos (opción de 2 bombas adicionales)- 3 resistencias de calentamiento- USB / impresora para documentos de datos - Condensador de vapor integrado- A rmario de almacenamiento para cuatro detergentes de 5 litrosLa línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVA | 9- M ediciones de conductividad para verificar la calidad del agua de aclarado antes de la fase de desinfección (si la máquina está equipada con conexiones de agua desmineralizada)- Iluminación LED de la cámara: iluminada durante la carga, descarga y ejecución del programa - Reconocimiento del carro de lavado - M onitorización continua del brazo de pulverizado del sistema de agua para garantizar que la carga está actualmente lavada- Cierre de la estructura para configuración del paso - Bomba de drenaje de agua- Conexión del servicio de vapor / calentamiento híbrido: vapor y eléctrico- Conexión de agua para la versión normal: ablandador de agua fría, agua purificada- Conexión de agua para la versión HS: ablandador de agua fría, segunda caldera para agua caliente - Reporte gráfico de las fases de lavado incluyendo el tiempo y la temperaturaOpcionalC2560408553501950D2D2CICLO DE VELOCIDADDE LA CALDERA (opcional)300900A O BR QGC26358580068067070063585800C2QR2300TIVA10-1V / TIVA10-2V TIVA10-1V-HS / TIVA10-2V-HSA Conexión de agua caliente - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)B Conexión de agua fría - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)C2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en el suelo)D2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en la pared)G Conexión eléctricaOConexión de agua desmineralizada - 1/2” gQ Conexión de vapor 1/2” g (entrada)RSalida de la conexión de vapor 1/2” g (salida)Dibujos:Ciclo develocidadCaracterísticasPuerta(s) de vidrio manualCámara de la lavadora fabricada en AISI 316 litros dealta calidadPaneles táctiles con pantalla gráfica de colores- U n total de 40 programas: predeterminados y programablesPrefiltro de secado de aire + filtro HEPA H14Caldera para agua purificada (apenas para la versión HS)2 bombas de dosificación con flujómetro para detergentesácidos y alcalinos (opción de 3 bombas adicionales paraLa línea de lavadoras-desinfectadoras TIVA | 11Opcional- M ediciones de conductividad para verificar la calidad del agua de aclarado antes de la fase de desinfección (si la máquina está equipada con conexiones de agua desmineralizada)- Iluminación LED de la cámara: iluminada durante la carga, descarga y ejecución del programa - Reconocimiento del carro de lavado- M onitorización continua del brazo de pulverizado del sistema de agua para garantizar que la carga está actualmente lavada- Cierre de la estructura para configuración del paso- Bomba de drenaje de agua- Conexión del servicio de vapor / calentamiento híbrido: vapor y eléctrico- Conexión de agua para la versión normal: ablandador de agua fría, agua purificada- C onexión de agua para la versión HS: ablandador de agua fría, segunda caldera para agua caliente, tercera caldera para agua fría- Reporte gráfico de las fases de lavado incluyendo el tiempo y la temperaturaDibujos:TIVA15-1V / TIVA15-2V TIVA15-1V-HS / TIVA15-2V-HS A Conexión de agua caliente - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)B Conexión de agua fría - 3/4” g (tubo 1/2” g)C2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en el suelo)D2Drenaje dn 40 - conexión de manguera de 25 mm (en la pared)G Conexión eléctrica O Conexión de agua desmineralizada - 1/2” gQ Conexión de vapor 1/2” g (entrada)R Salida de la conexión de vapor 1/2” g (salida)C2680408554001900C2GQR B O A 73090D2D2CICLO DE VELOCIDAD DE LA CALDERA (opcional)300900A OB R Q G C290730100087090081081ElaraAutoclaves de mesa PlazMax Esterilización a baja HSG Prevacío y posvacío - Línea T-Max de grandes。
Double K Challengair 850 850-XL 强流暖风干机说明书

A NOTE ABOUT HEAT: Your Challengair 850/850-XL dryer has no heating element. The Challengair produces heat by a “flow-thru” motor system meaning the air is pushed through the motor and is warmed by the natural heat of the motor that occurs during use. This means greater electrical savings and efficiency for you and that the dryer will reach maximum heat after about 3-5 minutes of use. Obviously the greater the ambient temperature, the warmer the air from the dryer.
A warranty card is included with your dryer and should be filled out completely and mailed to Double K Industries within 30 days of the purchase date of your dryer to validate your warranty. It is also important to retain your sales receipt as proof of purchase should service ever be needed.
XPOWER B-8S 115V 60Hz 宠物干洗机+加热器说明书

Nozzles includedTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction .......................................................................................................................................... Operation .............................................................................................................................................. Specifications ........................................................................................................................................Important Safety Instructions ...............................................................................................................Grounding Instructions ......................................................................................................................... Parts List ............................................................................................................................................... Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... Warranty / Service ................................................................................................................................ Warranty Registration Form ................................................................................................................. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing an XPOWER B-8S professional force dryer. Featuring advanced BRUSHLESS technology, the B-8S will outlast standard brush motor dryers with its 7,000+ hour motor. Enjoy full control when drying or styling with variable heat and speed controls. Add a stand and stationary styling arm (sold separately) for convenient hands-free drying.- 1 -Special Features:• 4 HP BRUSHLESS DC Motor • Powerful and Energy-Efficient • Super Lightweight and Compact • Remarkably QUIET Motor• 8' Flexible Heat Protected PU Hose • Thermally Protected• Variable Heat and Speed Control Switches • Digital temp and speed LCD display • Durable & Rugged ABS Housing • 1 Year Limited Warranty• 3 Nozzle Attachments (included)1. Place the dryer on a flat surface. Plug the electrical cord into a 3-prong outlet.2. Connect the hose to the front hose connector and attach the desired nozzle.3. Turn variable speed switch to desired speed.4. To use heating element, choose desired heat setting or leave on off setting.5. To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when the unit is used near children. Do not allow children to play with or around the unit.- 2 -OPERATIONSPECIFICATIONSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING: IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS!When using electrical appliances, especially when children or animals are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury, including, but not limited to the following:• Do not leave the dryer and animal unattended while the product is in use.• Unplug dryer when not in use.• Do not use extension cords with the product.• Do not unplug unit by pulling on cord.• Do not expose dryer to rain or water.• Unplug unit before attempting any maintenance or service.• Do not let air-intake get clogged.• Do not direct dryer air towards eyes or ears of people or pets.• Never use dryer with a damaged cord/plug or when unit has been dropped, damaged, orexposed to rain/water. Please call our Technical Department for service or repair.• Do not use any other nozzles not intended for use with the dryer.• Do not operate without filter in place. Keep filter clean, as a dirty filter limits air intake and may damage the motor or cause overheating.• Plug only into a properly grounded receptacle. Always confirm that the amperage rating of theelectrical outlet complies with the Dryer rating.• Do not use product for anything other than its intended purpose.• Do not attempt to perform any service or maintenance not outlined in the instruction manual.- 3 -- 7 -XPOWER’s Limited Warranty covers the unit (excludes POWER CORD) from defects in material and craftsmanship. The Warranty covers normal use for a term of one year from the original date of purchase including parts, labor, and one way shipping. Non-contiguous states must pay for roundtrip freight. A purchase receipt must be provided.Important!This warranty does not cover or apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, disassembly, alteration, corrosive chemicals, improper voltage, fire, flood, negligence, accident, improperly or incorrectly performed maintenance or repair, or failure to perform necessary maintenance or repair, or if the use of this product is not in compliance with the instructions and specifications for its useFor Warranty service and parts replacement (US customer only), you must:A. Call 1-855-855-8868 for a RMA (Return-Merchandise-Authorization) number.B. Have original proof of purchase.C. Use the original undamaged packaging or an industrial certified packaging method.End user will be responsible for shipping the unit (with RMA Number showing on theshipping label) to the XPOWER Service Department. XPOWER will inspect, assess and advise the repairs needed and the applicable cost, if any.For users outside the US, please contact an XPOWER Distributor in your country or region for Warranty service and parts replacement.SERVICEXPOWER LIMITED WARRANTY (USA)XPOWER PET PRODUCTS FOR PROFESSIONAL GROOMING INDUSTRYForce DryersB-3 (2 HP / 8 Amps / 130 CFM) - with vacuuming feature Stand DryersB-16 (1/4 HP / 12 Amps / 300 CFM)B-16S (1/4 HP / 15 Amps / 300 CFM)Cage DryersX -430TF w/ 430MDK (1/3 HP / 3.8 Am ps / 2000 CFM)X -800TF w/ 800MDK (3/4 HP / 7.5 Amps / 3200 CFM)B-4 (3 HP / 10 Amps / 150 CFM) -with vacuuming featureB-8 (4 HP / 12 Amps / 150 CFM) - brushless DC motor with heater B-25 (4 HP / 12 Amps / 160 CFM) - double motor B-24 (3 HP / 12 Amps / 150 CFM) - with heater B-27 (6 HP / 19 Amps / 180 CFM) - double motor Air Purification:APDS-1 - Air Purification & Drying SystemX-3300 / X-3500 - Air ScrubbersTO:XPOWER MANUFACTURE, INC.220 Clary AvenueSan Gabriel, CA 91776, USATel: 626-285-3301, Fax: 626-285-3302。
little Swan 比佛利 BVL1D120TG66 滚筒洗衣干衣机 使用说明书

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1.水龙头的选用 请选用合适的水龙头,水龙头的出口端面要平整,以免漏水。

80% Variable Speed, Two −Stage Heating FurnaceEASIER TO SELLS 80% AFUES Cabinet air leakage less than 2.0% at 1.0 in. W.C. and cabinetair leakage less than 1.4% at 0.5 in. W.C. when tested in accordance with ASHRAE standard 193S Series ’B’ approved for Twinning applications (0902116, 1002122, and 1352422) with accessory (order separately)S Supports two −stage cooling unitsS Observer â Communicating Control System S Flame roll −out sensors standard S Category I venting S Blocked vent switchS Dehumidification feature in cooling S 24 VAC humidifier terminal S Electronic air cleaner terminalS Low NOx units are designed for California installations and meet 40 ng/J NOx emissions. Can be installed in air quality management districts with a 40 ng/J NOx emissions requirement.TOUGHERS Variable speed ECM blower motor S Adjustable heating blower OFF delay S Factory set blower ON delayS RPJ aluminized steel heat exchangerS High temperature limit control prevents overheating S Direct ignition with Silicon Nitride ignitor S One piece prepainted steel cabinetQUIETERS Two −stage heating operation S Two −stage induced draft blower S In −shot burnersS Insulated blower compartmentEASIER TO INSTALL AND SERVICES 33−1/3” (847mm) high, for ease of installationS Innovative knobs for easy door removal and secure attachment S Factory shipped for natural gas, with propanegas conversion kits availableS Four position − upflow/downflow/horizontal (left/right) installation S Three position vent elbow capabilityS Through the casing flue pipe for counterflow applications S Common venting with other Category I appliances S Masonry chimney adapter available S Self diagnosticsS Slide out blower assemblyLIMITED WARRANTY *S 10 year No Hassle Replacement t limited warranty S 20 year heat exchanger limited warranty S 5 year parts limited warranty−With timely registration, an additional 5 year parts limited warranty*For residential applications only, See warranty certificate for complete details and restrictions, including warranty coverage of other applications.Illustrations and photographs are only representative.Some product models may vary.Use of the AHRI Certified TM Mark indic-ates a manufacturer’s participation in the program. For verification of certification for individual products, go to .ISO 9001QMI-SAI GlobalD ES I G NCE RT I F I EDModel Number Input (MBTUH)Efficiency AFUE Cooling Capacity CFM range@ .5 in. w.c. (125 Pa)Dimensions H x W x D Inches (Millimeters)Shipping Wt. Lbs (Kg)G8MVL045141244,00080%410 − 117533−1/3 x 14−3/16 x 29 (847 x 360 x 737)107 (49)G8MVL070171666,00080%805 − 168533−1/3 x 17−1/2 x 29 (847 x 445 x 737)126 (57)G8MVL090211688,00080%725 − 177033−1/3 x 21 x 29 (847 x 533 x 737)146 (66)G8MVL1102122110,00080%700 − 223033−1/3 x 21 x 29 (847 x 533 x 737)152 (69)G8MVL1352422132,00080%920 − 229033−1/3 x 24−1/2 x 29 (847 x 622 x 737)163 (74)G8MVLProduct SpecificationsTSTAT0201CW Recommended (sold separately)MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEDIGIT POSITION 123456,7,89,1011,121314G = Mainline G8M V L0451412B2N = Entry8 = 80% AFUE EFFICIENCYM = Multiposition POSITIONV = Variable Speed Blower Motor − ECMX = ECM Blower MotorS = Single−stageT = Two−stage TYPEN = StandardL = Low NOx FEATURE045 = 44,000 BTU/hr070 = 66,000 BTU/hr090 = 88,000 BTU/hr110 = 110,000 BTU/hr135 = 132,000 BTU/hr HEAT INPUT14 = 14−3/16”17 = 17−1/2”21 = 21”24 = 24−1/2”CABINET WIDTH08 = 800 CFM12 = 1200 CFM14 = 1400 CFM16 = 1600 CFM20 = 2000 CFM22 = 2200 CFM NOMINAL MAXIMUM COOLING AIRFLOW @ .5 IN. W.C.SALES (MAJOR) REVISION DIGITENGINEERING (MINOR) REVISION DIGITECM-Electronically Commutated MotorACCESSORIES PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEDIGIT POSITION12345, 6, 78, 910, 11N A H A00101DH N = Non−Branded BRANDINGA = Accessory PRODUCT GROUPH = Heating KIT USAGEA = OriginalB = 2nd Generation MAJOR SERIESProduct Identifier NumberPackage QuantityType of Kit (Example: DH = Draft Hood − Chimney Adapter)For California Residents:For installation in SCAQMD only: This furnace does not meet the SCAQMD Rule 1111 14 ng/J NOx emission limit, and thus is subject to a mitigation fee of up to $450. This furnace is not eligible for the Clean Air Furnace Rebate Program: PHYSICAL DATANATURAL GAS04514120701716090211611021221352422OUTPUT CAPACITY BTUH* (Nonweatherized ICS) †UpflowHigh35,00053,00071,00089,000107,000Low23,00035,00047,00059,00070,000 Downflow/HorizontalHigh34,00051,00068,00085,000102,000Low23,00035,00047,00059,00070,000INPUT BTUH*UpflowHigh44,00066,00088,000110,000132,000Low29,00043,50058,00072,50087,000 Downflow/HorizontalHigh42,00063,00084,000105,000126,000Low29,00043,50058,00072,50087,000TRANSFORMER (24 volt)40 VACERTIFIED TEMP RISE RANGE −_F (_C)High30−60(17−33)25−55(14−31)30−60(17−33)30−60(17−33)40−70(22−39)Low20−50(11−28)15−45(8−25)25−55(14−31)20−50(11−28)25−55(14−30)CERTIFIED EXT STATIC PRESSURE(in. w.c.)Heating/Cooling0.10/0.500.12/0.500.15/0.500.20/0.500.20/.050AIRFLOW CFM‡Heating−High/Low820/7251570/10451265/10301555/12951865/1640 Cooling11751685177022302290AFUE%*Nonweatherized ICS80. LIMIT CONTROL SPSTHEATING BLOWER CONTROL Solid-State Time OperationBURNERS (Monoport)23456 GAS CONNECTION SIZE1/2 inch NPTGAS VALVE (Redundant) Manufacturer White-Rodgers tMinimum Inlet Pressure (in. w.c.) 4.5 (Natural Gas)Maximum Inlet Pressure (in. w.c.)13.6 (Natural Gas)IGNITION DEVICE Hot SurfaceFACTORY−INSTALLED ORIFICE Size 43*Gas input ratings are certified for elevations to 2000 ft. (610 M). In USA, for elevations above 2000 ft. (610 M), reduce ratings 4 percent for each 1000 ft. (305 M) above sea level. Refer to National Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1-2012 T able F.4 or furnace Installation Instructions.†Capacity in accordance with U.S. Government DOE test procedures.‡Airflow shown is for bottom only return-air supply in comfort mode (as shipped). For air delivery above 1800 CFM, see Air Delivery T able for other options. A filter is required for each return‐air supply.ICS — Isolated Combustion SystemELECTRICAL DATAG8MVL VOLTSHERTZPHASEOPERATINGVOLTAGE RANGEMAXIMUMUNIT AMPSUNITAMPACITY #MAXIMUMWIRELENGTHFT (M)‡MAXIMUMFUSE ORCKT BKRAMPS† **MIN. WIRESIZE Maximum*Minimum*0451412115-60-11271048.010.834 (10.4)1514 0701716115-60-112710411.315.024 (7.3)1514 0902116115-60-112710410.213.427 (8.2)1514 1102122115-60-112710413.016.834 (10.4)2012 1352422115-60-112710413.016.834 (10.4)2012*Permissible limits of the voltage range at which unit operates satisfactorily.†Time-delay type is recommended.‡Length shown is as measured one way along wire path between unit and service panel for maximum 2 percent voltage drop.**Time-delay type is recommendedG8MVLA B C DCABINETWIDTHin (mm)OUTLETWIDTHin (mm)TOP AND BOTTOMFLUE COLLARin (mm)BOTTOMINLET WIDTHin (mm)FLUE COLLAR*in (mm)SHIPPING WT.LB (KG)045141214−3/16 (360)12−9/16 (319)9−5/16 (237)12−11/16 (322) 4 (102)107 (49) 070171617−1/2 (445)15−7/8 (403)11−9/16 (294)16−1/8 (410) 4 (102)126 (57) 090211621 (533)19−3/8 (492)13−5/16 (338)19−1/2 (495) 4 (102)146 (66) 110212221 (533)19−3/8 (492)13−5/16 (338)19−1/2 (495) 4 (102)152 (69) 135242224−1/2 (622)22−7/8 (581)15−1/16 (383)23 (584) 4 (102)163 (74) * 5 inch or 6 inch (127 or 152 mm) vent connector may be required in some cases.Venting Notes1.For common vent, vent connector sizing and vent material: United States−use the NFGC.2.Immediately increase to 5 inch (102 mm) or 6 inch (152 mm) vent connector outside furnace casing when 5 inch (127 mm) ventconnector is required, refer to Note 1 above.3.Side outlet vent for upflow and downflow installations must use Type B vent immediately after exiting the furnace, expect whenDownflow Vent Guard Kit is used in the downflow position.4.Type−B vent where required, refer to Note 1 above.5.A 4 inch(102 mm) single−wall (26 ga. min.) vent must be used inside furnace casing and when the NAHB00301VC DownflowVent Guard Kit is used external to the furnace.6.Accessory Downflow Vent Guard Kit is required in downflow installations with lower vent configuration.7.Chimney Adapter Kit may be required for exterior masonry chimney applications. Refer to Chimney Adapter Kit for sizing andcomplete application details.8.Secure vent connector to furnace elbow with (2) corrosion−resistant sheet metal screws, spaced approximately 180_ apart.9.Secure all other single wall vent connector joints with (3) corrosion resistant screws spaced approximately 120_ apart. SecureType−B vent connectors per vent connector manufacturer’s recommendations.MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS FOR ALL UNITSThis forced air furnace is equipped for use with natural gas at alti-tudes 0 − 10,000 ft (0 − 3,050m).An accessory kit, supplied by the manufacturer, shall be used toconvert to propane gas use or may be required for some naturalgas applications.This furnace is for indoor installation in a building constructed onsite.The furnace may be installed on combustible flooring in alcove orcloset at minimum clearance as indicated by the diagram fromcombustible material.This furnace may be used with a Type B−1 Vent and may be ven-ted in common with other gas fired appliances.This furnace is approved for UPFLOW, DOWNFLOW, and HORI-ZONTAL installations.Downflow Positions:{Installation on non−combustible floors only.For Installation on combustible flooring only when installed onspecial base or coil assembly.18 inch front clearance required for alcove.*Indicate supply or return sides when furnace is in the horizont-al position. Line contact only permissible between linesformed by intersections of the T op and two Sides of the furnacejacket, and building joists, studs or framing.BLOWER PERFORMANCE DATAMODEL SIZE G8MVL0451412G8MVL0701716G8MVL0902116G8MVL1102122G8MVL1352422 DIRECT−DRIVE MOTOR Hp(PWM)1/23/43/411MOTOR FULL LOAD AMPS 6.810.18.410.910.9RPM (Nominal)1200BLOWER WHEEL DIAMETER X WIDTHS −in(mm)10 x 6(254 x 152)11 x 8(279 x 20310 x 10(254 x 254)11 x 11(279 x 279)11 x 11(279 x 279)AIR DELIVERY − CFM (with filter)* COOLING AND HEATING AIR DELIVERY − CFM (Bottom Return with Filter)(SW1−5 and SW4−3 set to OFF. See notes 1 and 2.)Unit Size Selectable AC Switch Settiings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−8SW2−7SW2−−12OFF OFF OFF11901140110010651020985905800665525 OFF OFF ON620560520455410355305255See note 4 OFF ON OFF795755705670615585530490440405 OFF ON ON1020955930890840805755715645490 ON OFF OFF11901140110010651020985905800665525 ON OFF ON1455139013251255117510851000880755575 ON ON OFF1455139013251255117510851000880755575 ON ON ON1455139013251255117510851000880755575 Selectable CF Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−5SW2−4SW2− OFF OFF OFF620560520455410355305255See note 4 OFF OFF ON620560520455410355305255See note 4 OFF ON OFF795755705670615585530490440405 OFF ON ON1020955930890840805755715645490 ON OFF OFF11901140110010651020985905800665525 ON OFF ON1455139013251255117510851000880755575 ON ON OFF1455139013251255117510851000880755575 ON ON ON1455139013251255117510851000880755575 Maximum Clg Airflow21455139013251255117510851000880755575 High Heat Airflow3915860825790735700650610550450 Low Heat Airflow3780730685635585545495450400370Unit SizeSelectable AC Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−8SW2−7SW2−−16OFF OFF OFF1615157015301490145014051365132512801210 OFF OFF ON640See note 4OFF ON OFF840775700640See note 4OFF ON ON1045980920860805750690640See note 4 ON OFF OFF12201175112010751025970925875820775 ON OFF ON139013351290124512001155110510551015970 ON ON OFF1615157015301490145014051365132512801210 ON ON ON1890185018101750168516151545147513951275 Selectable CF Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−5SW2−4SW2− OFF OFF OFF640See note 4OFF OFF ON640See note 4OFF ON OFF840775700640See note 4OFF ON ON1045980920860805750690640See note 4ON OFF OFF12201175112010751025970925875820775 ON OFF ON139013351290124512001155110510551015970 ON ON OFF1615157015301490145014051365132512801210 ON ON ON1890185018101750168516151545147513951275 Maximum Clg Airflow21890185018101750168516151545147513951275 High Heat Airflow31540149014501410136513201275123511901140 Low Heat Airflow313701320127512251180113510851040995950090−16OFF OFF OFF162515801535149014451390132512151070910 OFF OFF ON555See note 4OFF ON OFF845770670595See note 4OFF ON ON1010950880790725670580See note 4ON OFF OFF1210115511051035970910850800730660 ON OFF ON14051360130512551185113010701015960875 ON ON OFF162515801535149014451390132512151070910 ON ON ON209520101935185517701675154013001120940 Selectable CF Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−5SW2−4SW2− OFF OFF OFF555See note 4OFF OFF ON555See note 4OFF ON OFF845770670595See note 4OFF ON ON1010950880790725670580See note 4ON OFF OFF1210115511051035970910850800730660 ON OFF ON14051360130512551185113010701015960875 ON ON OFF162515801535149014451390132512151070910 ON ON ON209520101935185517701675154013001120940 Maximum Clg Airflow2209520101935185517701675154013001120940 High Heat Airflow3173516851630158015201455137512351085915 Low Heat Airflow31230117511251055995930875820755690Unit SizeSelectable AC Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−8SW2−7SW2−−22OFF OFF OFF2055200019501900184017901740167516251565 OFF OFF ON855755See note 4OFF ON OFF1060985875800700See note 4OFF ON ON1250118010951025925860775715See note 4ON OFF OFF1445138013201235117511001035955900825 ON OFF ON1685163015601505144513751320126511951140 ON ON OFF2055200019501900184017901740167516251565 ON ON ON2465241523652305223021402045192518051655 Selectable CF Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−5SW2−4SW2− OFF OFF OFF855755See note 4OFF OFF ON655550See note 4OFF ON OFF855755See note 4OFF ON ON1060985875800700See note 4ON OFF OFF1250118010951025925860775715See note 4ON OFF ON1445138013201235117511001035955900825 ON ON OFF1685163015601505144513751320126511951140 ON ON ON2055200019501900184017901740167516251565 Maximum Clg Airflow22465241523652305223021402045192518051655 High Heat Airflow32105205520051955189518501795173516651580 Low Heat Airflow31740168516201560150514401385132512601205135−22OFF OFF OFF2040198519301880183017751715166015951510 OFF OFF ON850740See note 4OFF ON OFF1040960865755See note 4OFF ON ON1245117010801005920835750See note 4ON OFF OFF1450138513051245118010851015935880805 ON OFF ON1670160515401480142513501280122011351070 ON ON OFF2040198519301880183017751715166015951510 ON ON ON2520245524052350229021952090196518151615 Selectable CF Switch Settings External Static Pressure (ESP)SW2−5SW2−4SW2− OFF OFF OFF850740See note 4OFF OFF ON640See note 4OFF ON OFF850740See note 4OFF ON ON1040960865755See note 4ON OFF OFF1245117010801005920835750See note 4ON OFF ON1450138513051245118010851015935880805 ON ON OFF1670160515401480142513501280122011351070 ON ON ON2040198519301880183017751715166015951510 Maximum Clg Airflow22520245524052350229021952090196518151615 High Heat Airflow32260220521502100204519851925185517451600 Low Heat Airflow320051950189518451790173516751620155014751. Nominal 350 CFM/ton cooling airflow is delivered with SW1−5 and SW4−3 set to OFFSet SW1−5 to ON for nominal 400CFM/ton (+15% airflow)Set SW4−3 to ON for nominal 325 CFM/ton (−7% airflow)Set both SW1−5 and SW4−3 to ON for nominal 370CFM/ton (+7% airflow)The above adjustments in airflow are subject to motor horsepower range/capacity2. Maximum cooling airflow is achieved when switches SW2−6, SW2−7, SW2−8 and SW1−5 are set to ON, and SW4−3 is set toOFF3. All heating CFM’s are when low heat rise adjustment switch SW1−3 and comfort/efficiency adjustment switch SW1−4 are both set to OFF4. Ductwork must be sized for high−heating CFM within the operational range of ESP. Operation within the blank areas of the chart is not recommended because high−heat operation will be above 1.0 ESP5. All airflows on 21” (533 mm) casing size furnaces are 5% less on side−return only installations6. Side returns for 24.5” (622 mm) casing sizes require two sides, or a side and bottom to allow sufficient airflow at the return of the furnace7. Airflows over 1800 CFM require bottom return, two−side return, or bottom and side return or excessive watt draw may result. A minimum filter size of 20x25” (508 x 635 mm) is requiredACCESSORIESPART NUMBER DESCRIPTION0451412B0701716B0902116B1102122B1352422BNAHB00501FF External Bottom Filter Rack, 14 inch(14 x 25 inch washable filter included)XNAHB00601FF External Bottom Filter Rack, 17 inch(16 x 25 inch washable filter included)XNAHB00701FF External Bottom Filter Rack, 21 inch(20 x 25 inch washable filter included)X XNAHB00801FF External Bottom Filter Rack, 24 inch(24 x 25 inch washable filter included)XNAHA00506FB†Washable filter, 1 inch 16 X 25 (6 pack)X XNAHA00706FB Washable filter, 1 inch 24 X 25 (6 pack)X X XNAHA01101SB Combustible Floor Base (Not requiredwhen evaporator coil case is used fordownflow)X X X X XNAHB00301VC Downflow Vent Guard (Not required whenvent is routed through cabinet)X X X X XNAHA00401DH Chimney Adapter Kit 4−in. vent X X X XNAHA00301DH Chimney Adapter Kit 5−in. vent X NAHB01001LP*Natural−to−Propane Conversion Kit X X X X X NAHB01001NG*Propane−to−Natural Conversion Kit X X X X X NAHA00201HL High Altitude Kit X X X X XNAHA00801WK Twinning Kit for two furnaces of samemodel and seriesX X XTSTAT0201CW Observer Control System − SelfConfiguring Communicating Control X X X X XX Accessory available†Suitable for 17 inch external bottom filter rack.*Factory authorized and field installed. Gas conversion kits are CSA recognized.Copyright 2018 International Comfort ProductsLewisburg, Tennessee 37091 USA10441 71 2122 03Specifications subject to change without notice.。
HS-6110 立式工业洗衣机 255磅容量高性能洗衣机说明书

HS-6110 stationary
2500 State Road 44 • Oshkosh, WI 54904 920.231.8222 • FAX 920.231.4666
Frequency of Dynamic Force Hz
Available Voltages/Wire Conductor/Amp
Hot Water (standard)
208-240/60/3, 3W+G, 40 Amp
Hot Water (standard)
440-480/60/3, 3W+G, 20 Amp
Drain (5”)
Optional Drain (5”)
13.5" (344 mm)
43.4" (1102 mm)
69.7" (1770 mm)
r0 09/10
38.8 (1100)
Net Weight lbs. (kg)
8566 (3885)
Crated Weight lbs.(kg)
9056 (4108)
Machine Width inch (mm)
69.7 (1770)
Machine Depth inch (mm)
76.3 (1939)
Machine Height inch (mm)
74.4" (1890 mm)
Optional 3rd Water Supply (2”)

qwertON-PREMISESWasher-Extractors18 lb (8 kg)25 lb (11 kg)35 lb (16 kg)55 lb (25 kg)75 lb (34 kg)100 lb (45 kg)135 lb (61 kg)165 lb (75 kg) Built Better To last LongerWasher-Extractors Variable Speed DriveAutomatic Supply InjectionThe benefits ofour AutomaticSupply InjectionSystem willshow up inreduced waste ofdetergents andmore consistentlaundry results.A self-cleaning,multi-compart-ment dispenserautomaticallydispenses deter-gents for prewashand main wash and fabric softener for final rinse. In addition, tubing and electrical connections are provided on the rear of the machine for easy on-site hookup to a central liquid supply system.Durable 304stainless steelconstructionon the washer-extractorswon't corrode,chip, crack orpit with normal use, and is extremely corrosive-resistant. In fact, the stainless exterior, top and front panels will maintain their lustrous appearance for years. Stainless Steel ConstructionSince all fabrics have different extract speed requirements, our line of softmount washer-extractors have variable extraction speeds. A low extraction speed is ideal for synthetics, permanent press and blends. A mid-range extraction speed is ideal for mattress pads, blankets and spreads. A high extraction speed is ideal for terry and cotton items.A higher G-force during extrac-tion lowers the water retention of the fabrics being processed.A lower water retention also reduces the gas or electricity used during the drying process saving both time and money. Shorter dryer tumbling time also reduces linting and extends linen life. High speed extraction elimi-nates preconditioning of items to be ironed, saving energy while increasing production. High speed extraction removes a large per-centage of moisture from laundry loads and may allow flatwork to be fed through flatwork finisher without prior drying.Superior Performance SuspensionExtensiveengineeringefforts havedeveloped aheavy-dutysuspensionsystemdesigned forsuperiorwashing performance and to absorb out-of-balance load vibrations without the need for special foundations.Speed Queen’s 18- lb through 55-lb. extra large capacity softmountwasher-extractors fit through 36”door openings. Softmount washer-extractors require no additionalcement base, making installationeasier and less costly.Easy InstallationWith theuse of themicro-processorcontrol, ourwasher-extractorscan be customized for specializedapplications or operated using anyof the 39 preset programs. Thereare a total of 99 cycles available.A screen with step-by-step digitaltext and numeric instructions pro-vides feedback to the operators ofwhat cycle the washer is in andprovides more detailed informationfor technical service during diag-nostic checks.Flexible, User-FriendlyControlSX18 - 75lb modelsSX100-165lb modelsFully Programmable Electronic Control。

卡萨帝热泵式干衣机 CB N9G2U1说明书

扫描二维码,即刻体验产品 精致工艺和领先科技热泵式干衣机使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读说明书请妥善保存,以备参阅本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用CB N9G2U1卡萨帝为了精确实现您的格调生活,对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。
CB N9G2U1为家用热泵式干衣机。
12关于本产品的安全注意事项 .........................................................3本产品的外观及部件介绍 . (6)干衣机各部分构件名称(正面) ............................................6干衣机各部分构件名称(背面) ............................................7附件 .....................................................................................7本产品使用前的安装设置 . (8)注意事项 ..............................................................................8连接电源 ..............................................................................9连接进水管(使用空气洗功能时).......................................8调整底脚 ..............................................................................9连接排水管(如有需要) .. (10)安装香薰模块(如有需要)...)...............................................10安装烘干支架 .....................................................................11干衣前准备 .................................................................................12使用本产品的基本操作步骤 ........................................................13本产品的干衣方式及功能介绍 . (15)显示屏 ..............................................................151. 开机操作............................................152. 干衣程序选择..............................................................16干衣程序指南 .....................................................................24负载参考 ............................................................................24本产品的日常保养与维护 ...........................................................25有疑问?先看这儿! (28)(若对干衣机有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。
美国特产公司 High-Speed 自动手机擦干器说明书

ADA Compliant Surface Mounted High-Speed Hand Dryer shall be Model № 0199-___{specify voltage suffix} of American Specialties, Inc., 441 Saw Mill River Road, Yonkers, NY 10701-4913
Surface mount unit on wall with four (4) 1/4" [6,4] washers and screws or bolts (supplied) through holes (provided) in a corrosion protected steel back plate into suitable prepared mountings (by others) or other suitable mounting hardware (by others) to suit wall conditions. Electrical service is supplied and connected (by others) prior to installing cover. Cover is secured to back plate with recessed, pin-hex pan head cap screws (supplied) opened with security wrench (supplied). For compliance with ICC/ANSI A-117.1-2003 and 2010 ADA Accessibility Standards for adults install unit with bottom of sensor lens 48" [1219] max AFF (Above Finished Floor) if unobstructed reach access is provided or 44" [1118] max AFF if forward reach over an obstruction (e.g. vanity or commode) with reach depth greater than 20" [508] and less than 25" [635] is only provided. For general utility install unit so that sensor lens is 44" to 54" [1118 to 1372] AFF. Mounting Template and Installation Guide (MT & IG) is supplied with unit.
IMB 衬衫缝后复司机 Automatic back york pleat sewing machi

衬衫缝后复司机Automatic back york pleat sewing machine(MB3008A)使用说明书Instruction Manual常州智谷机电科技有限公司CHANGZHOU WISDOM &VALLEY ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD在使用本设备之前请先阅读本使用说明书Please read the operation manual of the touch screen interface before using the device 请将本使用说明书放在便于查阅的地方保管Please keep this operation manual of touch screen interface in convenient placeforreference2022.04.03版本信息/Version感谢购买IMB工业用缝纫机。
Thank you for purchasing this industrial sewing machine from IMBBefore using this automatic unit,please read the following instructions,which will help you tounderstand how the machine operates.These instructions illustrate the correct working methods to comply with current regulations.在没有得到IMB授权许可的前提下,此说明书的任何部分是不可以被复制或者转录的。
Champion Industries 下柜洗碗机 M4 系列产品说明书

Undercounter DishwashersM4 Series2674 N. Service Road, Jordan Station Ontario, Canada L0R 1S0(905)562-4195 Fax: (905) 562-4618Toll-free: 1(800) 263-57983765 Champion Blvd.,Winston-Salem, NC 27105(336)661-1556 Fax: (336) 661-1660Toll-free: 1(800) 858-4477Issue Date: 8.17.17Manual P/N115440 rev. MFor machines beginning with S/N W140946406 and aboveService Replacement PartsUH130 M4High Temperaturewithout built-in booster Wash Refresh Final Rinse UH130B M4High Temperature with built-in boosterWash Refresh Final Rinse UL130 M4Low Temperature Chemical Sanitization Wash Refresh Final RinseUH230B M4High Temperature with built-in booster Fresh Water Final Rinse UH330B M4.2Condensate Removal High Temperature with built-in booster Fresh Water Final RinseUH230 M4High Temperaturewithout built-in booster Fresh Water Final RinsePrinted in the USATHE MODELS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL COMPLYWITH ANSI/ASSE 1001 & ANSI/ASSE 1004.UH330BUH130BCOPYRIGHT © 2017 All rights reserved Printed in the USAFor future reference, record your dishwasher information in the box below.Model Number__________________________ Serial Number_______________________Voltage________________Hertz_____________ Phase__________________Service Agent __________________________________ Tel:______________________Parts Distributor _________________________________ Tel:______________________National Service DepartmentIn Canada:In the USA:Toll-free: (800) 263-5798 Toll-free: (800) 858-4477Tel: (905) 562-4195 Tel: (336) 661-1556 Fax: (905) 562-4618Fax: (336) 661-1660email:******************************email:******************************The USGBC Member Logo is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used by permission. The logo signifies only that Moyer Diebel is a USGBC member; USGBC does not review, certify or endorse the products or servicesoffered by its members.Service Replacement PartsService Replacement Parts Illustrations PageWash Pump/Motor Assembly - All Models (2)Base Assembly - All Models (4)Fill Piping Assembly - UH130, UH130B, UL130, UH330B (8)Fill Solenoid Valve - UH130, UH130B, UL130, UH330B (10)Fill Piping Assembly - UH230, UH230B (12)Fill Rinse Piping Assembly - UH230, UH230B (14)Final Rinse Piping - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116 (16)Final Rinse Piping - UH330B Beginning with S/N W170568116 and above (18)Heat Recovery Assembly - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116 (20)Heat Recovery Assembly - UH330B Beginning with S/N W170568116 and above (22)Booster Heater and Pressure Switches - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116 (24)Booster Heater - UH330B Beginning with S/N W170568116 and above (26)Booster Hoses and Level Sensor - UH330B Beginning with S/N W170568116 and above (28)Fill Chute Assembly - UH130, UH130B, UL130 (30)Chemical Dispensing Pumps - UH130, UH130B, UH230, UH230B (32)Chemical Dispensing Pumps - UH330B (34)Chemical Dispensing Pumps - UL130 (36)Booster Assembly - UH130B, UH230B (38)Power Input Block and Cord Assemblies - All Models (40)Timer Control Board Assembly - All Models (42)Wash and Rinse Spray Arms and Drain Valve - UH230, UH230B, UH330B (44)Wash/Rinse Spray Arm and Drain Valve - UH130, UH130B, UL130 (46)Control Panel - UH130, UH130B (48)Control Panel - UH230, UH230B (50)Control Panel - UH330B (52)Control Panel - UL130 (54)Panels - UH130, UH130B, UH230, UH230B, UL130 (56)Panels - UH330B (58)Door Assembly - All Models (60)Dish Racks, Line Strainer, PRV (62)1Wash Pump/Motor Assembly - All Models2All Models - Wash Pump/Motor AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512347CAPACITOR 40µF 12 0512101PUMP/MOTOR ASSEMBLY COMPLETE 1115VAC/60/13 0313394 BRACKET, WASH PUMP 14 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 25110285G ASKET16114139SEAL170512345IMPELLER18 0501478WASHER, PLAIN, 17/64" 19 106482WASHER, LOCK, 1/4" 110 114144NUT, M6 111 0512340SCREW, M4, PHIL, PAN HD. 912 0512341VOLUTE, PUMP 113 114137BACKPLATE, PUMP 114 107337NUT, M4 915 0513131 COVER, REAR MOTOR FAN 1 NOTE: The pump motor is not sold separately.3Base Assembly - All Models4All Models - Base AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512136SCREEN, SCRAP ASSY. 12 0513324FLANGE, PUMP SUCTION 1G A/R 30513677O-RIN4 0512169HEATER, 120VAC 750W) (UL130) 1--- 0512426HEATER, 240VAC 2000W (All except UL130) 1G1 50512099O-RIN6 0508872ADAPTOR, THERMOMETER (UL130 Only) 17 0512107THERMOMETER, WASH TANK (UL130 Only)18 108954NUT, GRIP 6-32 WITH NYLON INSERT SST 29 113604THERMOSTAT, HI-LIMIT BI-METAL SNAP, 212°F 110 0512299ADAPTOR, THERMISTOR 111112612THERMISTOR, 10 KΩ, 2 WIRE ASSY, WASH TANK 1(All except UL130)12 201029-1 NUT, LOCK 1/2 INCH NI PLATED A/R13 0509302HOSE, 5/8" ID X 1" OD A/R14 0513329GASKET, PUMP SUCTION 115 0513325ELBOW, PUMP SUCTION 1160501476WASHER 617 107967NUT, 1/4-20 W/NYLON INSERT SST 618 0502571CLAMP, HOSE 1-1/16" - 2" 219 0512101PUMP/MOTOR COMPLETE 115/60/1 120 0513328HOSE, PUMP SUCTION 121 0512119HOSE, PUMP DISCHARGE 122 0512134TEE, 3/4", POLY. 123 0508808 CLAMP, SS GEAR 224 0313171 HOSE, MOULDED 2-1/2" 125 0312145BRACKET, DRAIN PUMP (UH230, UH230B, UH330B) 15All Models - Base AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No.No.26 0512227PUMP, DRAIN 115VAC (UH230, UH230B, UH330B) 127 0512322CLAMP, HOSE 228 0513339 HOSE, OVERFLOW (UH230, UH230B, UH330B) 129 0712236 TUBE, OVERFLOW GUARD (UH230, UH230B)1---- 0712236-1 TUBE, OVERFLOW GUARD (UH330B ONLY)130 109835SCREW #8 X 1/2" SELF-TAPPING SST 131 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 132 0509526HOSE, 1/2" X 7 FT. FEM. GARD. ADAPT. 133 0504952VALVE, FILL 5.0 GPM (UH130, UH130B, UL130) 1---- 0513557VALVE, FILL 1.0 GPM (UH330B Only) 134 109886VALVE, SOLENOID, 1/2" NPT (UH230, UH230B) 135 0501379SWITCH, 15A 136 0512792 SCREW, 10-32 X 1/4" RD. HD. PHILL. SST 237 0508752 SCREW, 4-40 X 5/8" RH. HD. PHILL. SST 238 0313432BRACKET, DOOR SWITCH 139 0507323THERMOSTAT, WASH (UL130 Only) 16Blank PageThis PageIntentionallyLeft Blank7Fill Piping Assembly - UH130, UH130B, UL130, UH330B8UH130, UH130B, UL130, UH330B - Fill Piping AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0502653ELBOW, 90° 3/8" MPT X 1/2" HOSE 12 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 43 0300065SUPPORT, VALVE 14 0300203CLAMP, VALVE 15 0502618HOSE BARB, 1/2" X 3/8" MPT 16 0512985CLAMP, HOSE 17 0509526HOSE, 1/2" X 7 FT. FEM. GARD. ADAPT. 18 0505320WASHER, 1” OD GARDEN HOSE 19 0504952VALVE, FILL, 5.0 GPM (EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0513557VALVE, FILL 1.0 GPM (UH330B ONLY) 1Fill Solenoid Valve - UH130, UH130B, UH330B, UL130UH130, UH130B, UH330B, UL130 - Fill Solenoid ValveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0504952VALVE, FILL 5.0 GPM (EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0513557VALVE, FILL 1.0 GPM (UH330B ONLY) 12 0502803SCREEN, VALVE STRAINER 13 0502804GASKET, CAP 14 0504958WASHER, FLOW 5.0 GPM (EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0513674 WASHER, FLOW 1.0 GPM (UH330B ONLY) 15 0502811KIT, REBUILD 1 60505229G UIDE17 0501406SCREW, SLOT SS RH 8-32 X 1/2" 38 0505235COIL, 115V 60HZ 10W 19 0502807GASKET, OUTLET (COPPER) 1Fill Piping Assembly - UH230, UH230BUH230, UH230B - Fill Piping AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512985CLAMP, HOSE 22 0508782ELBOW, 90° 1/2" MPT X 1/2" HOSE 13 0312146BRACKET, 1/2" SOLENOID VALVE 1(UH230, UH230B)4 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SS 25 0502618BARB, HOSE 1/2" X 3/8" MPT 16 0509526HOSE, 1/2" X7 FT. FEM. GARD. ADAPT.17 0505320WASHER, 1" OD GARDEN HOSE 18 109886VALVE, SOLENOID, 1/2” NPT 120VAC 19 109902KIT, REPAIR, 1/2" SOLENOID VALVE 110 108516KIT, REPAIR, COIL, 120VAC 111 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/RUpper Final Rinse Piping - UH230, UH230BUH230, UH230B - Upper Final Rinse PipingItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0502571CLAMP, HOSE 12 0512120HOSE, UPPER WASH 13 0512985CLAMP, HOSE A/R4 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R5 0512757 CONDUIT, 1/2" A/R--- 0512758 CONDUIT, 3/8" A/R6 0512369CLAMP, CONDUIT 47 112728ELBOW, 1/8" MPT X 1/4" COMP PP 18 112883-1TUBING, 1/8" OD X 1/16" ID (RINSE-AID) A/R9 0502667TUBING, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD (DETERGENT) A/R10 0502651COUPLER 1/2" MPT X 1/2" HOSE 111 0312190BRACKET, VACUUM BREAKER 112 100003NUT, HEX SST 1/4-20 213 106482WASHER, SPLIT LOCK 1/4" SST 214 201029-1 NUT, LOCK 1/2" NICKEL PLATED 115 100500VACUUM BREAKER, 1/2" NPT, BRONZE 1---- 900836REPAIR KIT, VACUUM BREAKER 1/2" 116 0508817PLUG, 1/8" HEX COUNTERSUNK A/R17 0513110MANIFOLD, RINSE 118 112763FITTING, INJECTOR RINSE-AID (UH230, UH230B ONLY) 119 0713656KIT, DETERGENT FITTING 1----110750G ASKET 1---- 0513672 NUT, NP 1/4' NPS PP BLACK 120 107928TUBING, 1/4" NATURAL AR21 0509302HOSE, 5/8" ID X 1" OD A/R22 107239CLAMP, EMT 223 107967NUT, 1/4-20 W/NYLON INSERT SST 1Final Rinse Piping - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116Final Rinse Piping - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116Item Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512985CLAMP, HOSE A/R2 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R3 0513110MANIFOLD, RINSE 14 0508817PLUG, 1/8" HEX COUNTERSUNK 350502563CLAMP26 0513679 HOSE, 1" ID X 1-3/8" BRAIDED 17 0513613HOSE, MOLDED, RINSE DISCHARGE 18 115231PUMP/MOTOR, RINSE 19 0313610 BRACKET, RINSE PUMP 110 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 2Final Rinse Piping - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and aboveFinal Rinse Piping - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and aboveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512985CLAMP, HOSE 62 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R3 0514324 MANIFOLD, RINSE PUMP 14 104624 SCREW, 8-32 X 3/8" TRUSS HEAD 2 50502563CLAMP16 0514323 HOSE, MOLDED RINSE SUCTION 17 112612THERMISTOR, 10KΩ, 2-WIRE ASSY. 18 0514317 PUMP, RINSE 115VAC, HR M4.2 19 0314319 BRACKET, PUMP MOUNT 110 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SS 119Heat Recovery Assembly - UH330B Prior to S/N W1705681162021Item Part DescriptionQty.No. No.Heat Recovery Assembly - UH330B Prior to S/N W1705681161051357212 0513574 23 0513571 14 0313599 15 0313594 16 0502808 27 0503580 A/R 8 0513573 19 0513732 210 100500 1--- 900836 A/R 11 0508782 112 0512985 4130507709A/R 14 0513648 215 107417 A/R 16 100003 217 106482 218 0502651 119 0312190 120 201029-1 121 0713563 122 0513582 123 0713564 124 0713566 125106481BLOWERBEARING (COMES WITH RUBBER HSG.) COIL, HEAT RECOVERY DEFLECTOR, FAN AIR MOUNT, FAN MOTOR WASHER NUT, 10-32 SSTMOTOR, BLOWER 115VAC SEAL, V-RING 1/2"BREAKER, VACUUMREPAIR KIT, VACUUM BREAKER 1/2" ELBOW, 1/2" X 1/2" HOSE BARB CLAMP , HOSE WASHERELBOW, 1/2" HOSEHOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD NUT, HEX 1/4-20 SSTWASHER, SPLIT LOCK 1/4" SST COUPLER, 1/2" MPT X 1/2" HOSE BRACKET, VACUUM BREAKER NUT, LOCK 1/2" NICKEL PLATED HOUSING, COIL GASKET, HOUSING DEFLECTOR, UPPER AIR DEFLECTOR, LOWER AIR NUT, CAP 10-32 SSTA/RHeat Recovery Assembly - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 above2223Item Part Description Qty. No. No.Heat Recovery Assembly - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 above1051357212 0513574 23 0514293 14 0314311 15 0313594 16 0502808 27 0503580 A/R 8 0513573 19 0513732 210 100500 1--- 900836 A/R 11 0508782 112 0512985 4130501476A/R 14 0514316 115 107417 A/R 16 100003 217 106482 218 0502651 119 0314312 120 201029-1 121 0714299 122 0514313 123 0714300 124 0507324 1 25 106014 A/R 26 0502618 127 0514322 128100007A/RBLOWERBEARING (COMES WITH RUBBER HSG.) COIL, HEAT RECOVERY M4.2 DEFLECTOR, FAN AIR M4.2 MOUNT, FAN MOTOR WASHER NUT, 10-32 SSTMOTOR, BLOWER 115VAC SEAL, V-RING 1/2" BREAKER, VACUUMREPAIR KIT, VACUUM BREAKER 1/2" ELBOW, 1/2" X 1/2" HOSE BARB CLAMP , HOSE WASHERELBOW, 1/2" COMP . X 3/8" MNPT BRASS HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD NUT, HEX 1/4-20 SSTWASHER, SPLIT LOCK 1/4" SST COUPLER, 1/2" MPT X 1/2" HOSE BRACKET, VACUUM BREAKER M4.2 NUT, LOCK 1/2" NICKEL PLATED HOUSING, COIL M4.2 GASKET, HOUSING M4.2 DEFLECTOR, AIR M4.2 VALVE, CHECK 3/8" NUT, ACORN 1/4-20 SST BARB, HOSE 1/2" X 3/8" MPTHOSE, HEAT EXCHANGE COIL SUPPLY M4.2 SCREW, 10-32 X 3/8" TRUSS HEAD SSTBooster Heater and Pressure Switches - UH330B Prior to S/N W17056811624Booster Heater and Pressure Switches - UH330B Prior to S/N W170568116Item Part Description Qty. No. No.1 109835SCREW, #8 X 1/2" PAN HD. PHIL. SST 42 0503580 NUT 10-32 SST 43 0507709 WASHER, FLAT #10 SST 44 0313587 BRACKET, PRESSURE SWITCH 25 H31171SWITCH, PRESSURE 26 H160121HOSE, EPDM A/R7 0513731 ELBOW, 1/4 NPT X 1/2" HOSE (C/W NUT) 18 0713565TANK, BOOSTER 19 0512985HOSE, CLAMP A/R10 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R11 0513650ADAPTER, 1/2" X 1/4" HOSE 212 0508782ELBOW, 1/2" NPT X 1/2" HOSE 213 112612THERMISTOR, 10 KΩ, 2-WIRE 114 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 215 0508817PLUG, 1/8" 116 108954NUT, GRIP 6-32 W/NYLON INSERT 217 110562THERMOSTAT, HIGH LIMIT 240°F 118 109985SEAL, ELEMENT BOOSTER 119 0513654*BOOSTER, ELEMENT 3.5 KW 1-- 111235-1** BOOSTER, ELEMENT 5 KW 120 106482WASHER, LOCK 1/4" SPLIT SST 321 100003NUT, PLAIN 1/4-20 SST 6 22111885INSULATOR123 107908COVER, ELEMENT 124 112883-1TUBING, 1/8" OD X 1/16" ID (RINSE-AID) A/RG1 25112728*FITTIN26 0514158**ADAPTER, 1/8" HOSE X 1/8" MNPT BRASS 127 0514156**ELBOW, 1/8" X 1/8" NPT BRASS 228 0514155**NIPPLE, 1/8" X 2" BRASS 129 100939**NIPPLE, CLOSE 1/8" NPT BRASS 130 0512790 INSULATION, BOOSTER TANK 1--- 0513538HARNESS, BOOSTER CONTROL WIRING (Not Shown) 1--- 0714170 KIT, BOOSTER SERVICE A/R(Includes items 12,13,15,17,18,26-30. Does not include item 19)*- Prior to S/N W150954629** - Beginning with S/N W150954629 and above25Booster Heater - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and above26Booster Heater - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and aboveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 107908COVER, ELEMENT 12 100003NUT, PLAIN 1/4-20 SST 63 106482WASHER, LOCK 1/4" SPLIT SST 34 111885PAPER, FISH 15 0514296 BOOSTER, ELEMENT 4.3 KW 16 109985SEAL, ELEMENT BOOSTER 17 0513310THERMISTOR, PROBE 18 100939NIPPLE, CLOSE 1/8" NPT BRASS 19 0514156ELBOW, 1/4" X 1/8" NPT BRASS 110 0514158ADAPTER, 1/8" HOSE X 1/8" MNPT BRASS 111 0501519TIE, CABLE 4" 212 0502666HOSE, 1/8" ID X 1/4" OD PVC A/R13 0508817PLUG, 1/8" HEX COUNTERSUNK SST 114 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 215 110562THERMOSTAT, HIGH LIMIT 240°F 116 0714284 TANK, BOOSTER 1---- 0512790 INSULATION, BOOSTER TANK (Not Shown) 127Booster Hoses and Level Sensor - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and above28Booster Hoses and Level Sensor - UH330B beginning with S/N W170568116 and aboveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0503580 NUT, KEPS 10-32 SST 12 0313865 BRACKET, SENSOR 13 0513831SENSOR, LEVEL 14 0513696 CLAMP, DOUBLE SPRING 10.7 MM PLATED 25 H160121HOSE, EPDM A/R6 0513736 CLAMP, EMT 1/2" 37 0513731 ELBOW, 1/4 NPT X 1/2" HOSE (C/W NUT) 18 0713565TANK, BOOSTER 19 0512985CLAMP, HOSE 610 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R11 0513650ADAPTER, 1/2" X 1/4" HOSE 212 0514318 ELBOW, 1/2" HOSE X 1/2" MNPT BRASS 113 100073SCREW, 1/4-20 X 1/2" TRUSS HEAD SST 314 100007SCREW, 10-32 X 1/2" TRUSS HEAD SST 115 0314320 BRACKET, PRESSURE TUBE M4.2 116 108954NUT, GRIP 6-32 W/NYLON INSERT 217 110562THERMOSTAT, HIGH LIMIT 240°F 1Fill Chute Assembly - UH130, UH130B, UL130UH130, UH130B, UL130 - Fill Chute AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R2 0502666HOSE, 1/8" ID X 1/4" OD PVC A/R3 0502667HOSE, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD PVC A/R4 100194NUT, GRIP 10-32 W/NYLON INSERT 25 0503722 NUT, HEX 10-32 SST 46 0507709 WASHER, FLAT #10 SST 47 0508867CHUTE, INLET 18 0509048GASKET, INLET CHUTE 19 0308822CLAMP, EMT 1/2" 110 0509302HOSE, 5/8" ID X 1" OD PVC BRAIDED A/R11 0306363TUBE, STIFFENER A/R 120501869STRAINER A/R13 0509526HOSE, FILL 1/2" X 7 FT. FEM. GARD. ADAPT.114 0503695LABEL, DETERGENT HOSE 115 0505483LABEL, RINSE-AID HOSE 116 0503694LABEL, SANITIZER HOSE (UL130 ONLY) 117 0512369CLAMP, CONDUIT 418 0502571CLAMP, HOSE GEAR A/R19 0512120HOSE, WASH 120 106090TIE PLATE 2---- 0501518TIE, NYLON 5-1/2" 221 0512757 CONDUIT, 1/2" A/R--- 0512758 CONDUIT, 3/8" A/RChemical Dispensing Pumps - UH130, UH130B, UH230, UH230BIMPORTANT:Check Items #9 and #10every 6 months and replace if stretched or worn.UH130, UH130B, UH230, UH230B - Chemical Dispensing PumpsItem Part Description Qty. No. No.10501869STRAINER 22 0306363TUBE, 3/8" ID X 12" LG. STIFFENER 13 0505483LABEL, RINSE-AID HOSE 14 112883-1TUBING, 1/8" OD X 1/16" ID A/R5 0503695LABEL, DETERGENT HOSE A/R6 0502667HOSE, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD PVC A/R7 0501519TIE, NYLON 4" 98 0512369CLAMP, HOSE 29 112759TUBE, PUMP 1/8" ID X 9" LG. 110 114202TUBE, PUMP 3/16" ID X 3/8" OD X 9" LG. 111 114203PUMP HD KIT, PERISTALIC 212 0502644ELBOW, 1/4" HOSE BARB 213 100007SCREW, 10-32 X 3/8" TRUSS SST 314 0313644 PIN, HINGE 115 0513645 HOLDER, CABLE 416 0313393 BRACKET, CHEMICAL PUMP 117 0510870-1GEARMOTOR, 115/60/1, DETERGENT PUMP 118 0313431 BRACKET, HINGED PANELS 119 0502666HOSE, 1/8" ID X 1/4" OD PVC A/R20 0706635TUBE, ELEMENT 45 CC 1210707142ROTOR122 0503756MOTOR, INJECTOR PUMP 123 0510872-1GEARMOTOR, 115/60/1, RINSE-AID PUMP 1Chemical Dispensing Pumps - UH330BUH330B - Chemical Dispensing PumpsItem Part Description Qty. No. No.10501869STRAINER 22 0306363TUBE, 3/8" ID X 12" LG. STIFFENER 13 0505483LABEL, RINSE-AID HOSE 14 0502666HOSE, 1/8" ID X 1/4" OD PVC A/R5 0503695LABEL, DETERGENT HOSE A/R6 0502667HOSE, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD PVC A/R7 0501519TIE, NYLON 4" 78 0706635TUBE, ELEMENT ASSEMBLY 45CC 190707142ROTOR110 0503756MOTOR, INJECTOR PUMP 111 0502644ELBOW, 1/4" HOSE BARB 212 0502667HOSE, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD PVC A/R13 0512369CLAMP, HOSE 114 114202TUBE, 3/16" ID X 3/8" OD X 9" LG. 115 114203PUMP HD KIT, PERISTALIC 116 100007SCREW, 10-32 X 3/8" TRUSS SST 317 0504822SCREW, 8-32 X 1/2" PAN HD. SST 418 0313393 BRACKET, CHEMICAL PUMP 119 0510870-1GEARMOTOR, 115/60/1, DETERGENT PUMP 120 0313644 PIN, HINGE 121 0313431 BRACKET, HINGED PANELS 122 0513645 HOLDER, CABLE 423 0713656KIT, DETERGENT FITTING 1----110750G ASKET 1---- 0513672 NUT, NP 1/4' NPS PP BLACK 1Chemical Dispensing Pumps - UL130UL130 - Chemical Dispensing PumpsItem Part Description Qty. No. No.10501869STRAINER 22 0306363TUBE, 3/8" ID X 12" LG. STIFFENER 13 0505483LABEL, RINSE-AID HOSE 14 0502666HOSE, 1/8" ID X 1/4" OD PVC A/R5 0503694LABEL, SANITIZER HOSE A/R6 0503695LABEL, DETERGENT HOSE A/R7 0502667HOSE, 1/4" ID X 3/8" OD PVC A/R8 0501519TIE, NYLON 4" 79 0706635TUBE, ELEMENT ASSEMBLY 45CC 1100707142ROTOR111 0503756MOTOR, INJECTOR PUMP 112 0502644ELBOW, 1/4" HOSE BARB 213 114202TUBE, 3/16" ID X 3/8" OD X 9" LG. 114 114203PUMP HD KIT, PERISTALIC 115 0512369CLAMP, HOSE 116 0313393 BRACKET, CHEMICAL PUMP 117 0504822SCREW, 8-32 X 1/2" PAN HD. SST 418 100007SCREW, 10-32 X 3/8" TRUSS SST 319 0510870-1GEARMOTOR, 115/60/1 120 0313644 PIN, HINGE 121 0313431 BRACKET, HINGED PANELS 122 0513645 HOLDER, CABLE 4----- WS1FLOAT TUBE SENSOR, CHEMICAL ALARM (Not Shown) 1Booster Assembly - UH130B, UH230BUH130B, UH230B - Booster AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0512985CLAMP, SS GEAR-MIN. 1/2" 42 107417HOSE, RUBBER 1/2" ID X .84" OD A/R3 0513314TEE, RINSE 14 0513310THERMISTOR 10 kΩ, 2-WIRE 25 110562THERMOSTAT, HIGH LIMIT 240°F 16 108954NUT, GRIP 6-32 W/NYLON INSERT SST 27 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE, 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 28 109985SEAL, BOOSTER ELEMENT 19 111235-1 BOOSTER, ELEMENT 5 KW, 40°F RISE 1--- 111233BOOSTER, ELEMENT 9 KW, 70°F RISE 110 106482WASHER, LOCK 1/4" SPLIT SST 311 100003NUT, PLAIN 1/4-20 SST 612111885INSULATOR113 107908COVER, ELEMENT 114 0713333TANK, BOOSTER SST 115 0508817PLUG, 1/8" 1---- 0513538HARNESS, BOOSTER CONTROL (Not Shown) 1Power Input Block and Cord Assemblies - All ModelsAll Models - Power Input Block and Cord AssembliesItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0313396 COVER, BOX WIRING 12 0501411SCREW, 10-32 X 1/4", TRUSS HD. 23 0512432CONTACTOR, 3-POLE 120VAC COIL 14 0509527BLOCK, TERMINAL, 4-POLE 1(All except UL130)5 103310LUG, GROUND 16 0313395 BOX, WIRING 17 107964BUSHING, STRAIN RELIEF, SMALL A/R8 201029-1 NUT, LOCK 1/2 INCH NI PLATED A/RG1 90512099O-RIN10 0513312 CORD AND PLUG, 115VAC 1(UL130 Only)11 0507323THERMOSTAT, WASH (UL130 Only) 112 0503647RELIEF, STRAIN 113 0501450SCREW, 6-32 X 3/16" NIBS, RH PHIL. SST 214 0313410 BRACKET, POWER CORD 115 0512185BOLT, HEX FLANGE, 1/4-20 X 3/8" SST 116 0503592LABEL, GROUND 1Timer Control Board Assembly - UH130B, UH230B, UH330BUH130B, UH230B, UH330B - Timer Control Board AssemblyItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0313397 BOX, CONTROL BOARD (ALL EXCEPT UH330B) 1---0313397-1BOX, CONTROL BOARD (UH330B ONLY) 12 0712105TIMER CKT. BD. (ALL EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0513575TIMER CKT. BD. (UH330B ONLY) 13 0501464SCREW, 10-24 X 3/8; TRUSS HD. SST 24 0512373FUSE, 4A 250V (ALL EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0513698FUSE, 6A 250V (UH330B ONLY) 15 0313398 COVER, BOX (ALL EXCEPT UH330B) 1--- 0313398-1 COVER, BOX (UH330B ONLY) 16 0501411SCREW, 10-32 X 1/4" SST 17 0501373SWITCH, BOOSTER FILL 1 80512973STANDOFF69 107964BUSHING, STRAIN RELIEF 210 0512781 HOLDER, FUSE 111 0313644 PIN, HINGE 112 0501408SCREW, 8-32 X 1/4" TRUSS HD. PHIL. SST 613 0313431 BRACKET, HINGED PANELS 1Wash and Rinse Spray Arms and Drain Valve - UH230, UH230B, UH330BUH230, UH230B, UH330B - Wash and Rinse Spray Arms and Drain ValveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0501478WASHER, 17/64 id X 9/16" OD SST 42 107967NUT, HEX 1/40-20 NYLON INSERT SST 43 H35509HUB, UPPER SPRAY ARMS 14 107873WASHER, PACKING 15 110215SCREW, RETAINING 16 0502571CLAMP, HOSE GEAR 1-1/2" SST 27 0512120HOSE, UPPER WASH ARM 18 0512133O-RING, 2-1/8" OD X 1-3/4" ID X 3/16"19 0501481WASHER, NYLITE410 100738BOLT, 1/4-20 X 1" SST411 H420548WASH ARM ASSEMBLY (Includes Item 12)212* 0712749BEARING ASSEMBLY213 H34998NUT, SPACER214 H36211RINSE ARM ASSEMBLY (Includes Items 13, 16, and 17)215 H37149NOZZLE, RINSE ARM1216 H190663BEARING, RINSE ARM417 H36275SPINDLE, RINSE ARM218 0512124SHAFT, LOWER1G1 190512239O-RIN20 0512066HUB, LOWER WASH ARM 121 0512133O-RING, 2-1/8" OD X 1-3/4" ID X 3/16"122 0513439HOUSING, MANIFOLD FWR123 0513443PIN, RETENTION124 0509439SCREW, RETENTION PIN 10-32 X 5/16" SST125 0513446O-RING, QUAD126 0513445O-RING, PIVOT SHAFT227 0513447 SHAFT, FLAPPER128 0712123MOTOR, DRAIN VALVE 1---- 0509257 PIN, MOTOR (COMES WITH MOTOR)129 104883SCREW, MOTOR 6-32 X 3/8" SST2 300501497WASHER,SPLIT LOCK #8231 0512126SPRING, TORSION1 320513442FLAPPER133 100194NUT, FLAPPER SEAL 10-32 SST134 0512127GASKET, FLAPPER135 100007SCREW, FLAPPER SEAL 10-32 X 3/8" RD.HD. SST136 0513441 BODY, CARTRIDGE DRAIN VALVE137 0513444O-RING, CARTRIDGE BODY 2---- 0713667CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY, DRAIN VALVE COMPLETE 1INCLUDES ITEMS 23-37*Note:The bearing assembly, P/N 0712749 includes 2 bearings, 1 locknut, and 1 wash arm hub.The bearings, locknut and hub are not available as separate service replacement parts.Wash/Rinse Spray Arm and Drain Valve - UH130, UH130B, UL130UH130, UH130B, UL130 - Wash/Rinse Spray Arm and Drain ValveItem Part Description Qty. No. No.1 0501478WASHER, 17/64" ID X 9/16" OD SST 42 107967NUT, HEX SST 1/4-20 NYLON INSERT 43 H35509-1 HUB, UPPER WASH ARM 14 107873WASHER, PACKING 15 110215SCREW, RETAINING 16 0502571CLAMP, HOSE GEAR HOSE 1-1/2” SST 27 0512120HOSE, UPPER WASH ARM 18 0512133O-RING, 2-1/8" OD X 1-3/4" ID X 3/1619 100738BOLT, 1/4-20 X 1" HEX. HD. SST 410 0501481WASHER, NYLTITE 411 H420548WASH ARM ASSEMBLY (Includes Item 12)212* 0712749BEARING ASSEMBLY 213 0512129NUT, WASH ARM 214 0512125SHAFT, LOWER 115 0512066HUB, LOWER WASH ARM 116 0512133O-RING, 2-1/8" OD X 1-3/4" ID X 3/16117 0513440HOUSING, MANIFOLD 118 0513443PIN, RETENTION 119 0509439SCREW, RETENTION PIN 10-32 X 5/16" SST 120 0513446O-RING, QUAD121 0513445O-RING, PIVOT SHAFT222 0513447 SHAFT, FLAPPER 123 0712123MOTOR, DRAIN VALVE 1---- 0509257 PIN, MOTOR (COMES WITH MOTOR) 124 104883SCREW, MOTOR 6-32 X 3/8" SST 225 0501497WASHER, SPLIT LOCK #8 226 0512126SPRING, TORSION 1 270513442FLAPPER128 100194NUT, FLAPPER SEAL 129 0512127GASKET, FLAPPER 130 0501412 SCREW, FLAPPER SEAL 10-32 X 3/8" 131 0513441 BODY, CARTRIDGE DRAIN VALVE 132 0513444O-RING, CARTRIDGE BODY 2---- 0713667CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE 1INCLUDES ITEMS 18-32*Note:The bearing assembly, P/N 0712749 includes 2 bearings, 1 locknut, and 1 wash arm hub.The bearings, locknut and hub are not available as separate service replacement parts.Control Panel - UH130, UH130B。

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如果衣物在程序结束时处于过度烘干状态,那就把旋钮调到COOL DOWN(冷却)。