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apple bag cat candy duck egg flower grass 苹果包猫糖果鸭子鸡蛋花草hand ice cream juice kite leg monkey noodles 手冰激凌果汁风筝腿猴子面条orange pupil queen rice soup tiger umberlla

橘子小学生女皇米饭汤老虎雨伞vegetables water box yogurt zoo



A is for apple. A代表苹果

B is for bag. B代表包

C is for cat. C代表猫

What do you want?你想要什么?

I want the apple.我想要苹果。

I want the candy.我想要糖果。

I want the cat.我想要猫。

I want the bag.我想要包。

D is for duck. D代表鸭子。

E is for egg. E代表鸡蛋。

F is for flower. F代表花。

G is fro grass. G代表草。

The boy wants the egg. 男孩想要鸡蛋。

The girl wants the flower. 女孩想要花。

The rabbit wants the grass. 兔子想要草。

H is for hand. H代表手。

I is for ice cream. I 代表冰淇淋。

J is for juice. J 代表果汁。

K is for kite. K 代表风筝。

L is for leg. L代表腿。

M is for monkey. M 代表猴子。

N is for noodles. N 代表面条。

My mother wants some noodles. 我妈妈想要一些面条。

The monkey wants a banana. 猴子想要一个香蕉。

O is for orange. O 代表橘子。

P is for pupil. P 代表小学生。

Q is for queen. Q 代表王后。

R is for rice. R代表米饭。

S is for soup. S 代表汤。

T is for tiger. T代表老虎。

U is for umbrella. U 代表雨伞。

V is for vegetables. V代表蔬菜。

W is for water. W代表水。

X is in “box”. X 在盒子里。

Y is for yogurt. Y 代表酸奶。

Z is for zoo. Z代表动物园。



skirt dress trousers T-shirt shirt coat cap shoes shorts 半身裙连衣裙裤子T恤衫衬衫衣服,外套帽子鞋子短裤a new skirt an old skirt a new dress


an old dress a pink skirt a blue dress


old trousers new trousers a red T-shirt


a yellow shirt a green coat a black cap


orange shoes white shorts a shirt and a skirt



Mother, can I wear my new skirt today? 妈妈,今天我可以穿我的新裙子吗?Yes, you can. 好的,你可以穿。

What a beautiful skirt! 好漂亮的一条裙子啊!

Thank you. 谢谢。

Mom, can I wear my pink skirt today? 妈妈,今天我可以穿我的粉色裙子吗?Yes, you can. 好的,你可以穿。

Mother, can I wear my new dress today? 妈妈,今天我可以穿我的新连衣裙吗?Yes, you can. 好的,你可以穿。

What a beautiful dress! 好漂亮的一条连衣裙啊!

Thank you. 谢谢。

What a beautiful dress! 好漂亮的一条连衣裙啊!

Thank you. 谢谢。

Father, can I wear my new trousers today? 爸爸,今天我可以穿我的新裤子吗?No, you can’t. 你不可以。

Wear your old trousers. 穿你的旧裤子。

Mom, can I wear my new skirt today? 妈妈,今天我可以穿我的新裙子吗?No, you can’t. 你不可以。

Wear your old skirt. 穿你的旧裙子。

Father, can I wear my shirt today? 爸爸,今天我可以穿我的衬衫吗?

No, you can’t. 你不可以。

Wear your T-shirt. 穿你的T恤衫。

Father, can I have some apple juice? 爸爸,我可以喝些苹果汁吗?

No, you can’t. Have some orange juice. 不行。喝些橘子汁吧。

Do you like my coat? 你喜欢我的外套吗?

It’s beautiful! 真漂亮!

Do you like my cap? 你喜欢我的帽子吗?

It’s very good! 真好看!

Your dress is beautiful! 你的连衣裙真漂亮!

Thank you. 谢谢。

Do you like my shoes? 你喜欢我的鞋子吗?

They’re beautiful! 它们真漂亮!

Do you like my shorts? 你喜欢我的短裤吗?

They’re very good! 它们真好看!

Your trousers are very good!你的裤子真棒!

Thank you. 谢谢。

Mom, can I wear my dress today? 妈妈,今天我能穿我的连衣裙吗?

No, you can not. 不可以。

What can I wear? 那我可以穿什么?

Wear your skirt. 穿你的半身裙。
