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5. They want to go to the movies. want to go to the movies. They don’t _____ _____ 6. I like pandas and lions. I don’t ____ _____ like pandas _____ or lions. 7. You can play with your friends and watch TV. can’t play with your friends _____ or watch You _____ TV. • 8. They are practicing the guitar after class. They are _____ _____ not practicing the guitar after class. • 9. Tony is running on the playground. • Tonyisn’t _____running _____ on the playground.
• 10. I was a teacher two years ago. • Were ______ you ______ a teacher two years ago? • 11. There are some pens and boxes here. Are there any pens ____ • ______ ______ _____ or boxes here? • 12. We were at home last night. • Were _____ you _____at home last night?
Biblioteka Baidu
• • • • • • • • 1. The tiger likes to eat meat. like to eat meat. The tiger doesn’t ______ ______ 2. Jim often runs to school. run Jimdoesn’t ______often ______ to school. 3. Jim does homework after dinner. do Jim doesn’t ______ ______ homework after dinner. 4. Tom can play the guitar and the piano. can’t ______ play the guitar ______ or Tom ______ the piano.
• • • • • • • 1. I can play the violin. (用the drums改) or Can you play the violin ______ ______ the drums? 2. Amy likes pandas and lions. Does like pandas _____ or ____ Amy _____ lions? 3. We like apples and bananas. or Do you like _____ _____ apples _____bananas? 4. He went to the park last Saturday and Sunday. Did he _____to go • _____ the park last Saturday or _____Sunday?
• 1. Did he see tigers in the zoo? ____________________________________. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. • 2. Is she reading in the school library. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. • ____________________________________. • 3. Are you watching CCTV news? You 你、你们 Yes, I/we am/are. No, I/we am not/aren’t. • ____________________________________. • 4. Can your father play volleyball? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. • ____________________________________. • 5. Do you have lunch at school every day? Yes, I/we do. No, I/we don’t. • ___________________________________.
• 1. She has to wash her clothes every week. Does she have to • ______ ______ ______ wash her clothes every week? • 2. Mike visited his uncle’s house last week. Did ________ Mike ________ his uncle’s house visit last week? • 3. She’s reading in the school library. Is • _____ _____ _____in the school library? she reading • 4. They take the subway to school. Do they_____ take the subway to school? • _____
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4. They have to clean the classroom every day. What ______ do do ______ they have to______ every day? 5. I run to school because I can’t be late. Why ______ do you run to school? ______ 6. We need two hours to clean our school. ______ How ______ long do you need to clean your school? 7. Bob lives in a small village. Where does Bob ______? live ______ ______ 8. Lisa usually gets to school at 7: 45. What time ______ does Lisa usually get to ______ ______ school?
• 6. Did they watch the match last night? ____________________________________. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. • 7. Are Lily and Bob reading in the school library? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. • ____________________________________. • 8. Is your brother watching CCTV news? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. • ____________________________________. • 9. Must he play volleyball? Yes, he must. No, he doesn’t have to. • ____________________________________. • 10. Does Eric have lunch at school every day? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. • ___________________________________.
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You 你、你们 11. Were you here tonight? Yes, I was./Yes, we were. __________________________________ No, I wasn’t. / No, we weren’t . __________________________________ 12. Was he a lawyer 5 years ago? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. __________________________________
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9. Mr. King can do Chinese kung fu. What ______ can Mr. King ______? do ______ 10. Yesterday the weather was windy and rainy. How was ________ ________ the weather yesterday? What is ________ _________ the weather like ______yesterday? 11. They climbed a mountain last weekend. What did do ________ ________ they ________ last weekend? 12. I like dolphins because they can show well. Why do you like dolphins? _____ _____ 13. Jim’s weekend was great. How _____ was Jim’s weekend? _____
• 1. I like the monkeys because they are interesting. • Why ______ ______ you like the monkeys? do • 2. My father sleeps 8 hours every night. How ______ long ______ does ______ your father sleep • ______ every night? • 3. My friend is of medium build, and she has long hair. What does look • ________ ________ your friend ________ like ________?
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10. She found the lost pen. didn’t _____ find the lost pen. She _____ 11. We swam in the river last Saturday. We _____ didn’t _____ swimin the river last Saturday. 12. They’d like some cola. like any cola. They wouldn’t ______ _____ 13. He would like a cup of tea. wouldn’t like a cup of tea. He ______ _____
• 5. My grandpa usually exercises in the morning. Does your grandpa usually exercise • _____ _________ in the morning? • 6. He can sing the ABC song. • Can _____ he sing _____ the ABC song? • 7. They’d like some orange juice. some orange juice? • Would _____ they like_____ • 8. He took many photos on the trip. take many photos on the trip? • Did _____ he _____ • 9. He went to the cinema last night. • Did _____ he go _____ to the cinema last night?