十分钟英语史The History of English in 10 minutes(完整版)

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The History of English in 10 minutes

Chapter One Anglo-Saxon or whatever happened to the Jutes?

The English language begins with the phrase “ Up Yours Caesar!” as the Romans leave British, and a lot of Germanic tribes start flooding in, tribes such as the Anglos and the Saxsons, who together gave us the term Anglo-Saxon, and the Jutes, who didn‟t. Th e Romans left some very straight roads behind, but not much of their Latin Language. The Anglo-Saxon vocab was much more useful as it was mainly words for simple everyday things like house, woman, loaf and werewolf. Four of our days of the week were named in honor of Anglo-Saxon gods. They didn‟t bother with Saturday, Sunday and Monday as they all had gone off for a long weekend. While they were away, Christian missionaries stole in bringing with them leaflets about jumble sales and more Latin. Christianity was a hit with the locals and made them much happier to take on funky new words from Latin like martyr, bishop and font. Along came the Vikings, with their action-man words like drag ransack thrust and die. They may have raped and pillaged but they were also into give and take, two of around 2,000 words they gave English, as well as the phrase. Watch out for that man with the enormous axe.


英语以这句话开头,去你的凯撒!当罗马人离开英国,大量日耳曼部落开始涌入。例如盎格鲁和撒克逊人。他们留下这个盎格鲁撒克逊人的叫法。以及没留下痕迹的朱特人。罗马人留下了一些笔直的道路,但是关于拉丁语的不多。盎格鲁撒克逊的语汇更有帮助因为他们都是关于简单的日常用语,像房子,女人,面包,狼人。我们一周的四天,周二,周三,周四和周五提名为祭拜盎格鲁撒克逊的上帝的日子。但是周六,周日和周一并不打扰人们的正常生活,因为人们都出去度假了。当他们离开的时候,基督教传教士潜进了,带着传单小册子。为了慈善汇款和更多的拉丁语。基督教给当地人带来震动,让他们乐于接受极具表现力的新词,比如殉道者,主教,洗礼盆。同时到来的还有北欧海盗说着的话,比如拖,彻底搜索,刺,死亡,喜欢腌制鲱鱼。他们可能强奸或抢劫,但是也会喜欢给予和索取。这是他们带来的2000 个词汇中的两个,还有句话,他们挥舞着巨大的斧头说,小心一点!

Chapter Two The Norman Conquest or excuse my English.

1066. True to his name, William the Conqueror invades England, bringing new concepts from across the channel, like the French language the Doomsday Book and the duty-free Galois‟s multipack. French was “ de rigueur” for all official business, with words like “ judge”, “ jury”, “ evidence” and “ justice” coming in and giving John Grisham‟s career a kick-start. Latin was still used “ ad nauseam” in church, but the common man spoke English, able to communicate only by speaking more slowly and loudly until the others understood him. Words like “ cow”, “ sheep” and “ swine” come from the English-speaking farmers. While the “á la carte” versions “ beef”, “ mutton” and “pork” come from the French-speaking toffs, beginning a long-running

trend of restaurants having completely indecipherable menus. All in all, the English absorbed about ten thousand new words from the Normans, though they still couldn‟t grasp the r ules of cheek kissing. The “bonhomie” all ended when the English nation took their new warlike lingo of “armies”, “navies” and “soldiers” and began the Hundred Years‟ War against France. It actually lasted 116 years but by that point, no one could count any higher in French and English took over as the language of power. 第二章诺曼人入侵或原谅我的英语

1066 年,名副其实的征服者William 入侵英国,从海峡对岸带来了新的概念,诸如法语,末日裁判书,伽罗瓦万用箱。法语是官方商用语言,带来外来词例如法官,陪审团,证据和正义,使得约翰-格里姆森的事业起飞。拉丁语依然令人生厌的应用于各个教堂。普通人讲英语,只能通过放慢语速和提高音量来让人听懂。有些词如公牛,羊和猪,源自说英语的农民。而菜单上的版本牛肉,羊肉和猪肉则源自说法语的有钱阶层,餐馆制定让人读不懂的菜单的风气源远流长,就是从那时候开始的。总的来说,英语从诺曼人那里吸收了差不多10,000个词汇,但依然无法描述自己的君主。这种亲切彻底结束于英国运用新的军事行话,如军队,海军,士兵。英法之间的百年战争开始了。其实进行了116年。但早已无人能计算出到底是英语还是法语是最有力的语言。

Chapter Three Shakespeare or a plaque on both his houses.

As the dictionary tells us, about 2000 new words and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare. He gave us handy words like “eyeball”, “puppy dog” and “anchovy” and more show-offy words like “dauntless”, “besmirch” and “lackluster”. He came up with the word “alligator” soon after he ran out of things to rhyme with “crocodile”. And a nation of tea drinkers finally took him to their hearts when he invented the “hobnob”. Shakespeare knew the power of catchphrases as well as biscuits. Without him we‟d never eat our “flesh and blood”, “out of house and home”. We‟d have to say “good riddance” to the “green eyed monster” and “breaking the ice” would be as “dead as a doornail”. If you tried to get your “money‟s worth”, you‟d be given “short shrift” and anyone who “laid it on with a trowel” could be “hoist with his own petard”. Of course, it‟s possible other people used these words first, but the dictionary writers liked looking them up in Shakespeare because there was more “cross-dressing” and people “poking” each other‟s eyes out. Shakespeare‟s poetry showed the world that English was a rich, vibrant language with limitless expressive and emotional power and he still had time to open all of those tea rooms in Stratford. 第三章莎士比亚,或两个家的纪念匾

就如字典告诉我们的,大约2000个新单词和短语是莎士比亚造出的。他留给我们灵巧的词语,如eyeball, puppydog和anchovy,以及很多更炫的词如dauntless, besmirch 和lacklustre。他造出了这个词,短吻鳄,不久他就才思用尽想不出跟鳄鱼押韵的词。一个全国和茶的民族最终特别喜欢他,当他创造出“对酌”这个词。莎士比亚知道引人注目的话语和饼干一样有吸引力,没有他我们从不会吃肉喝血,不会倾家荡产,我们不得不说可喜的摆脱了绿眼怪,打破僵局将
