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lap n.
the front part of a seated person between the waist and the knees (人坐着时)腰以下到膝为止的大腿部位
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Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
Leabharlann Baidu
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.
• Fathers don’t usually express their love in words.
• Children need to experience something hard before they realize how much their family has been supporting them.
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Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
piggy bank
plastic n.
typewriter n.
12 1
Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.
1. Do you think that your parents are the most important people in your life? Why or why not? 2. What is the ideal relationship between parents and their children in your view?
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Discussion Quotes
Unit 3
Watching and Discussion
1. Retell what you see in the video clip.
At the beginning of the video, the boy is running away from home while his mother is begging him not to leave. Next, we find that the son and the father are in conflict with each other. Then, the son decides to leave home and gets a job at a construction site. Before long the son gets seriously injured in an accident, and has to lie in bed or be placed in a wheelchair. Then one day, the father goes to the ward and carries the boy away despite the boy’s protest. Thereafter, the father supports the son on his back and helps the boy to learn how to walk. The training goes on day after day. The father is sweating, and the boy crying. One day, the son stands up from the wheelchair. Finally the boy seems fully recovered and the whole family is sitting at the dinner table, everyone healthy and happy. 10
15 1
Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
1. According to this monologue, we know that the girl’s sisters ________. B A) totally forgot their mother’s birthday B) brought birthday presents to their mother C) prepared a birthday picnic for their mother D) reminded the girl of her mother’s birthday
Unit 3 Parents and Children
Listen and Respond Read and Explore
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
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Get Started
Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
6 1
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
As long as you have the blessing of your parents, it does not matter even if you live in the mountains. — Greek proverb Interpretation: Parents’ love and good wishes for you are the most important thing in your life. As long as you have their love and good wishes, you are a “rich” person already even if you have to live alone in an isolated place.
3 1
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
3. In Chinese culture, parents believe that they raise children so that their children will look after them when they are old. Do you accept this view? 4. Do you agree that parents are often willing to sacrifice a lot for their children? Discuss and explain your position with examples. (Open.)
Unit 3
cashier n.
a person in charge of money and payments in a bank, hotel, shop, etc.(旅馆、商店等的)柜台收帐员;(银行掌管现金 运用的)财务经理
sales tax
cash register
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Get Started
Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
Study the following quotes. What do they tell you about the task of parenting and the role of your parents in your life? Do you like these quotes? State your reasons.
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
2. What message do you think this
video is trying to pass on to us?
• Parents never stop loving their children. • Sometimes children take their parents’ love for granted and don’t know how precious that love is. • Teenagers can be rebellious and hopeless sometimes, which may annoy their parents.
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself. — Chinese proverb Interpretation: When you have children of your own and know how much you love them, you’ll be able to understand how much your parents have loved you. The original saying in Chinese is “养 儿方知父母恩”.
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Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
2. The girl said that ________. A A) she felt bad for forgetting her mother’s birthday B) she had saved some money for her mother’s birthday C) she spent much time preparing a birthday present for her mother D) she prepared the picnic as the birthday present for her mother
13 1
Listen and Respond
Word Bank Task One Task Two
Unit 3
exclaim vi.
fml speak or say loudly and suddenly, because of surprise or other strong feeling 〖正式〗(由于惊讶或其他强烈情感而) 惊叫,呼喊;大声说
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Get Started
Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
Watch the following video clip “Parents’ Love” and then do the tasks that follow.
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Discussion Quotes Watching and Discussion
Unit 3
My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.
— Mark Twain Interpretation: My mother had a hard time trying to bring me up as I gave her a lot of trouble when I was a child, but she was happy to go through all the trouble of raising me.