

U nit 1




1 国家11 金色的21 象征

12 宏伟的22 奇迹

2 人们

3 美丽的13 古代的23 博物馆

4 游客14 精彩的24 外国人

25 天气

5 吵闹的15 家乡

6 干净的16 建筑物26 物件

7 现代的17 聚会27 展示

员28 百万

8 有礼貌的18 收银

9 温暖的19 陌生人29 沐浴

30 名信片

10 拥挤




1 许多

2 对??友好10say hello to somebody

3 到达11 all year around

12 more than

4 同时

5 请人搭

车13 close friend

6 全世界14 be free

7 名胜古迹15 take photos

8 来自?.


1 他是哪里人?Where ? 他是长沙人。He

2 他打算到世界各地去旅行。He will ______________around the world.

3What do you think of it? (同义句 )

4 王老师对学生很友好。Mr Wang students.

5 这个雕像是自由的象征。The statue is a------------of freedom. (2014 年高考)

6 Designs for the new gym will be on (展出 )in the library.(2014 年高考)

7 杭州以真丝而出名。他以秘书而出名。Hangzhou silk.

He secretary.


9 我想要去玩电脑游戏。I would like to 10 她已申请了这个公司的经理职位 She

the position of the

manager of the company.

11 到了该吃晚餐的时候了 .It ’s time to

/It ’s time for


1 工作

2 公司

3 超市

4 饭店

5 巴士司机

6 护士

7 医生

8 技师

9 秘书10 警察

11 导游12 特别的

13 经验14 银行办事员15 礼物 16 工程师

17 机器 18 共同 ,一起

19 问候20 真正地 ,实在地 21 介绍22 兼职的 23 软件24 知识

25 沟通 26 基础的 27 要求 28 周末 29 春季 夏季

30 秋季



1)tour guide 2)IT company 3)bank clerk

4)on the internet 5)sell gift 6)shop assistant 7)sales manager 8)e-mail address

9)serve customer 10)一定 11)作决定


13)吃早餐 14)一些信息 15)收到 ? ? .的信

16)申请 17)回信


19)修电脑 20)以? ? 作为职业21)为? ? ..工作


1)那个男人是干什么工作的 ?


the man ? He is a


. They often

to in the street.

3)有如此之多友好的加拿大人在你周围你会觉得非常温暖 .



with so many nice Canadians around.

4)这个城市有几个公园. in the city.


some milk in the bottle.( 瓶子里有一些牛奶 )


? Have you any ?


绍. First, let me


8)Please write to me soon.


间. can be bad, at rush hours.

. My job is to the traffic .


验. I have three



工作.I am lucky to have a selling yogurt in a


Salesperson Wanted Good communication skills

Basic knowledge of computer Able to use office software



I’m hungry, I want .She is thirst, she want to (喝)some juice.

/告别 /道歉或同意 /拒绝某人

2) say hello/goodbye/sorry/yes/no to somebody. 向??问好

When you do something wrong, You should to others.

3)shake hands 握手shake hands with somebody 与???..握手

?May I you


4)make mistakes 犯错


. He is careless, so he always

5)laugh at 嘲笑嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的. It isn’ t polite disabled.


1 空气9. 地面18. 可笑的

1. 代替10. 多云的19. 短的

2. 观光11. 大雾的20. 已经

3. 报告12. 有风的21. 季节

4. 煤13. 阳光充足的22. 温度

14. 下雨的23. 忘记

5. 胡萝卜

6. 雪人15. 新鲜的24. 雨伞

7. 手套16. 真确的25. 雨衣

8. 帽子17. 可爱的26. 气候

27. 黄昏32. 舒适的37. 同学

28. 沙尘暴33. 高的38.选

29. 小心的34. 干的39. 滑雪

30. 雷暴35. 温和的

31. 满是沙尘的36. 相当


1) fresh air 13)既? .又?

2) weather report 14)或?或? .

3) You bet 15)玩耍

4) climb mountain 16)玩得高兴

5) Instead of 17)忘记干?.

6) go skiing 18)忘记干过某







11)既不?.也不 . 23)放风筝

12)要么?.要么?. 24)游泳



1) 长沙的天气怎么样

!lovely day it is! / lovely the day is!

2) 多么可爱的阿

3) 今天的天气很好,是吗 ? It’s a lovely day,

,是吗 ? They didn’t go home yesterday,



O pen the window,

5) 打开窗户

L et’s play basketball,



7)在这所学校他几乎没有朋友。He has few friends in the school,

。Let’s go outside and

8) 让我们出去堆雪人吧


。English people can four seasons in one day.

10)你最好不到外面去玩。You’d better outside.

11)Please help yourself.

Help yourself to some fish.


1购物 2 举办一个生日聚

3 I have no idea.

4 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

5 Would you like to do homework with me ?

Unit 4

1 教室15 开始29 努力的

2 工厂16 此外30 进入

17 数学31 因为



4 公寓18 技能培训的32记

5 车间19 汽车修理33 准备

20 扛,搬34 会计

6 计算机房

35 程序

7 机器21 虽然

36 物理

8 技巧,技能22 难得

37 化学

23 演讲

9 建议

10 科目24 开始38 政治

25 演示39 机械学

11 课堂

馆26 大学40 间隔,休息


13 经理27 社会41 持续

14 实践的28 依靠42 结束


1in the library 11 做运动

2on the farm 12 不同于

3a bit 13 中学

4 feel tired 14 整天

5be tired of 15 采纳某扔的建议

6moral education 15 以?.为

7political science 16 保持清洁

干?. .

8practical skills 17 继续

9vocational school 18 依靠


10 坐公交车19为


20 结束干?. 24带

21 起床25 在去?.的路上

22 怎么使用它26be sure to do

27go to university

23 与? .一样


1 我总是走路上学。I always school.

Y ou at your school?


2 你在学校过得快乐

3 我们也去工厂学习工作技能。We also to learn

4 很有趣,但不容易。It’s interesting,

5 We should ( 向??.学习 )the technicians.

。Some students cashiers, some help

6 有的学生在商店当收银员,有的帮别人提袋

others bags.

践技能He thinks he any in a university.

7 他认为他在大学不能学习一些实


8 他们想去职业学校学一些有用的知识和各种

They want to go to a vocational school to and

9 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

10 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

1 be afraid to do sth 害怕干??.. be afraid of doing/sth

Most girls snakes.

I’m afraid (回答 )questions in class.

2 take notes 做笔记,做记录

We should to write down the importance of the blackboard, which our teachers write on.

b e angry for sth 对某事生气

3be angry with sb 对某人生气

4 deal with / do with 处置

How do you my goods ?

What do you my goods ?

5 try one’s best 尽某人最大努力try one’s best to do sth尽某人最大努力干???. We should to study hard.

Let me try. please try it again and again, you’ll succeed


1 服装15 穿29 令人高兴的

的30 合理的

2 外套16 特别喜爱

17 昂贵的31 欺骗

3 夹克

4 衣服18 折扣32 幸运的

脏33 不愉快的

5 毛线衫19肮

6 男衬衫20 注意到34 道歉

,换35 签名

7 女衬衫21 改变

8T-恤衫22 收条 ,收据36调

23 尤其 ,特别37 质量

9 牛仔裤

24 容易的38 商场

10 短裤

11 裙子25 消费者

39 电影院


12 短袜26 诚实

的 ,正直的40归

13 帽子27 中年的

裤28 当然



1 打折8 购物清

2 在后背上9 幸运干??.

3 看一看10 拿出 ,取出

4 起先11 感到惭愧/羞愧

5 把? ..换成

?.. 12 四处看看

6 使? ..回来?. 13 浏览商品橱

7 去购物14 convenience store

15mobile phone 19as soon as 16shopping centres 20just now

17 at a very low price 21work long hours 18graduate ? .from ? 22a pair of shoes


1 让我们去购物吧!Let ’s

2 要我帮忙吗?/我能为你做点什么 ?

3 这条牛仔裤多少钱?

4 你能给我打个折吗? Can you ?

5 I ’ll take it/them.

6 I found a dirty spot on the back.

7Would you like to change it for another one or get your money back?

8 你的收条还在吗? Do you still have the ?

9 昨晚发生了什么事?

Last night?

10 她是多么诚实的一个女士阿! Lady she is!

11 I didn ’t notice it at first. 12 What does she think of her job ?

13 But before I could say a word ,she took out ten yuan. 14 Can I try it on ?

15 Not all the people in the shopping center want to buy something.

16 If you don ’t mind paying a little more , it is nice to go to those large shops. 17 He is sure to find a good job in the future.

18 There is going to be a workshop on IT products in our office tomorrow. 19 Make an apology to somebody. 20 别朝我大声喊叫.

Don ’t


21 我能换双号小一点的鞋吗? Can I the shoes a smaller size ? 22 我既不抽烟也不喝酒.




23 把所有的展品看一遍至少需要一周的时间. It would

at least a week


24 在我去宾馆的路上,我遇见了我的一个老朋

hotel , I met an old friend of mine.

Unit 6

1 面包16 烤制的31 洋葱46 削皮

47 加

2 蛋糕17 牛肉32 西红柿

3 巧克力18 猪肉33 千克48 平均

49 会员身份

4 咖啡19 羊肉34 香肠

5 面条20 沙拉35 美味的50 包含

6 果汁21 瓶子36 普通的51 支票

7 水果22 食品37 三明治52 容纳

的23 糖38 蘑菇53 支付

8 饥饿

9 鸡蛋24 糖果39 炉子56 容量

57 获取

10 冰箱25 制造40 碎块

,上菜58 食谱

26 健康的41 开饭

11 果酱

12 鸡蛋27 身体42 烤面包片59 提高

43 混合60 获取

13 点菜28 喝,饮料

44 碗61 厨师

14 蔬菜29 汤匙

15 主要的30盐

45 洗62 汉堡包

63 奶酪64 火腿65 素食者的66 批沙


1 记下顾客点的菜10 打开瓦斯炉19make a cake

2 准备

11 为了20take off

于21cut?..into pieces

3 慢慢来12 习惯

4 蔬菜汤13on average 22be ready to

5 以? .开始14soft drink 23heat for a while

6 主菜15 at once I think so

7 一瓶橘子汁16roast beef 24 On weekdays

8 等等17be made from 25 have a big/large meal

9 打开18 be made of 26 less than

27 family members 29 the average cost 31 a top chef

28 free car park 30 a bowl of chicken soup


1 晚餐吃什么? Dinner ?

. I’d like the soup

2 我想以蔬菜汤开始

3 可以请你点菜了吗

? Can I ?

? Would you like ?

4 你想要些喝的吗

5Can I have a minute or two?

6Take your time.

7 牛奶被说成是食物中最好的. Milk the best food of all .

8 恐怕星期五我不能来参加聚会了.I’m afraid I to the party Friday.

9 今年夏天我可能去杭州.I to Hangzhou this summer.

.The baby is sleeping, we make any noise.

10 孩子正在睡觉


11 如果你明天没空,可以不来. You come tomorrow if you are not free.

1 collect stamps 6 弹钢

2 listen to music 7 下棋

3 play computer games 8 去钓

4 be crazy about 9 我们各付各的

5 eat out 10 喜欢慢跑

Unit 7

1 游泳10 富有的19 距离28 压力

2 排球11 流行的20对


3 羽毛球12 温柔的21 忍受30 抱怨

4 慢跑13 懒惰的22 身高31 实际

14 健康的23 活跃的32 有规律的

5 体育馆

6 危险的15 苗条的24 包含33 金字塔

的25 饮食34 目标

7 绝不16 职业

35 轮胎

惯17 几乎26 花费


9 参加 ,加入18 机会27 减少36 取笑


1go jogging food restaurant 23 迟到

2go swimming 13stay up late 24 受? .的欢迎

3play badminton 14hotter and hotter 25 保持健康

4give up the bad habits 15millions of people 26 挑选

5give in 16lose weight 27 奶制品

6play computer games 17jumping rope 28 坚持

7get up early 18Forget it! 29 承受

8drink too much coffee 19go in for 30 与?某人开玩笑

9couch potato 20Crying won ’t help. 31 体检

10outdoor activity 21 打太极拳32 抱怨?

11healthy diet 1222f a对st?有益33 过去常常


?do you often do ?

1 你经常做那种运动

2 躺在床上看书是不好的。It’s not good to

难的。You will find hard to in the morning.

3 你会发现早晨起床时

。You’d better the habit.

4 你最好是改掉这个习

5 我认为整晚坐在电脑旁对你是不好的。I think it’s you to sit in front of a

computer all night.

6Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

7 这个明星很受影迷的欢迎

.The star the fans.

?do you ?

8 你经常跟谁玩耍

。She spent much money clothes.

9 她花费了很多钱买衣

。They grow .

10 他们越长越高

11 她越来越美。She is

你取胜的机会就越大。the race, the chance you win.

12 赛跑的距离越长,

13A healthy diet should give us what we need but not contain too much fat or sugar.

14 Exercise makes us healthy and fit.

15 If we spend more time playing sport and joining in outdoor activities, we will be slim and smart.

16 你最好是不要吃太多的快餐。

17 确保你每晚有足够的睡眠。you get enough sleep every night.

18They are too busy to exercise.

19 You should have regular check-ups at hospital, especially for the young.

20 I can’t wait to go.


1 遥远的13 拉25 意思37 接受

14 移走26 注意38 电池

2 传真

27 粗心大意39 屏幕

15 手提电脑

3 麦克风

的40 毛巾

4 打印机16 按钮

28 错误

5 装置17 牌子29 幸运地42 加热器

6 仪表盘

18 型号30 未来42 触摸

7 意思是19 电力

31 制造43 相机,摄像

44 数字的

8 向前20 二手的32 解锁

45 音量

9 向后21 突然地33 下载


计46 手指

10 弄坏22 按,压

题23 重新启动

35 镜子47 型号


12 推24 功能36 银色的48 灰色的


试15feel sorry for ?

1 remote control 8 试一

2 fax machine 9 给与某人帮助

16in the future

3 No problem! 10 出故障,失灵17a young man with big dreams

4 how to use the machine 11 在左边

5 Look at the board 12 注意 ..... 18because of

20be famous

6 open the door 13 犯错误

7 表示,代表14break down


1 I don’t know how to start the machine.

2 Is it out of order?

3I’ll have a try.

4Do you know how to use these devices and machines ?

5Can you give me a hand? = Can you do me a favor?

6What’s the problem? = What’s wrong? =What ’s the matter?

C ould you me it?

7 你能帮我修理吗?

8Don’t worry. Don’t worry about the boy.

Y ou can teachers help.

9 你可以向老师求助。

10The machine is broken, it can ’t work.

11 有时它突然停止工作。

S ometimes it suddenly

12What should I do ?

M r. Brown showed me

13 布朗先生给我演示了怎样开机和关机。

14 I didn’t pay enough attention to his words.

I made such serious mistakes that machines broke down.

15 我犯了如此严重的错误,以至于机器失灵


16 I will take more care at work in the future.

17 I still feel sorry for my mistakes.

18Something must be wrong with the lock. = There is something wrong with the lock.


32 街角

1 车站

10 铁路21 茶室,茶馆

2 十字路口11 出租车22 色彩丰富的3

3 乘客

3 医院12 便宜的23 歌剧

34 海岸


4 地铁13 重的,大量的24 极好的35岛

25 熊猫36 货物

4 交通14 在?期间

5 桃子15 急促,仓促2

6 可爱的,聪明的

16 租用27 知名的

5 发错音

17 明智的28 风景,景色37 港口城市

6 海滩

7 沿着,顺着18 市中心的29 地球38 在?的对面

8 直,一直19 首都,省会30 菜39 迎接

漏20 省31 辛辣的40 大街

9 错过,遗


1 bus station 15 get lost 29 此时,此刻

2in the hospital 16on earth 30 等待

3road sign 17of course 31 乘出租车

4traffic jam 18home and abroad

5triffic light 19deep blue 32 打搅了

6go straight on 20dark green 33 寻找

7 railway station 21 light grey 34 在?的对面

8 rush hour 22 在海滩35 在? ..之间

9get around 23 向右转36 在路的尽头

10 see a city 24 乘公交车37 在图书馆的隔

11Sichuan Opera 25 骑自行车

12be well-known for 26 步行38 as if

13park and shop 27 下车39be far from

40 not?at all

14 city hall 28 结果


?Can you tell me ?

1 你能告诉我去海滩的路吗

2 你不会看不见的。You can’t

3 沿着这条路走,在交通灯处向左转。Walk along the road, and

4 我不想等公交车。I don’t want

?Do you know

5 你知道最近的地铁站在那儿吗


6 笔直朝前走,在第三个路口向右转,在你的左手边你就会看到这个超

7 我们是走路上学的,皮特是骑自行车的,其余的学生是乘公交车上学的。

8 The traffic is so heavy during rush hour.

9 Most of the dishes are hot and spicy.

过80 英里。 In Britain, no town is 80 miles 10 在英国,没有一个城市距海边超

from the sea.

11 It’s a lovely place for tourists from both home and abroad.



此文档下载后即可编辑 2013-2014学年度第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题(对口升学) 说明:本次考试只交答题卡,试卷自己保存好,试后讲评。 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共45分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(共5分) ( ) 1. A fish B drive C city D fix ( ) 2. A again B change C ancient D mistake ( ) 3. A luck B culture C hurry D pull ( ) 4. A get B left C never D reply ( ) 5. A stop B possible C hope D modern 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共30分) 6.--- Who’s the boy _______red hair? A. in B. with C. on D. of 7. This is my sister;name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her 8. ____ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my 9.Miss zhang is very kind ____me. A to B for C. at D. on 10. He looks young ____ his age. A. in B. for C. on D. of 11. Li Wei is _______ Chinese boy. He’s ________ honest boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an 12. My father often enjoys _____ to music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening 13. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of 14. ---How do you do? ---_____. A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do? 15 Jim is popular __________ his friends. A. to B. with C. for D. on 16._______ girl she is! A How clever a B What a clever C How a clever D How clever 17.—I’m sorry, it’s my fault. —_________ . A Ok, no problem. B That’s all right C No, I’m not D Never mind 18.______ Alice speak English? A Do B Does C Are D Is 19.Mother is ______ in my family. A busier B the busiest C busiest D busy 20.It was a______ winter morning. A snowy B snow C snowing D snowed


基础模块单项选择(选) 1 Italy is ______European country. A an B a C the D.\ 2 which is ____ , Canada or Australia? A. large B. larger C. the larger D. the largest 3 When we saw his face , we know ____was good . A. a news B. a many news C. news D. the news 4 Thefamily__together is important during the Spring festival. A. getting B. to get C. got D. geting 5 Did you carry your notebook ? . Yes, I remembered ___it with me. A. to take B. to bring C. taking D. Picking 6 What’s the weather like today? It’s_________. A. sun B. suny c. sunny D. Wind 7.________of the students are girls, and the rest______ boys. A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 8.Look! Someone _______ the classroom A has swept B is sweeping Care sweeping D. have swept 9.The more you practice , the ______ you draw. A. good B. better C. well D. best 10. The doctor asked the old man to give_______ smoking. A .to B. up C. off D. in 11. I hope ______ successful in your study. A. you to be B. it will be C. it to be D. you will be 12. _____ can I keep the dictionary? ---A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 13. Watching TV too much is bad ____ your eyes. A. at B. to C. for D. with 14.The film ____ him ____ what he had seen in London. A. remind?-of B. reminded?-to C. reminded?-of D. remind?-to 15.I?ˉm looking forward to _____ from you . A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have heard 16.The girl ____ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 17. He is _____ _____ to join the Army. A enough old . B. old enough C enough young D. young enough 18.He was born ______ December 24,1990. A in B on C at D by


英语基础模块下册 Unit1TravelThe Great Wall 1.the Great Wall“长城” 2.JiayuguanPass“嘉峪关” 3.in Gansu Province“在甘肃省” 4.The west end of the Great Wall“长城西端” 5.a beacon tower“烽火台” 6.ShanhaiguanPass“山海关” 7.The First Pass under Heaven“天下第一关” 8.The Old Dragon Head“老龙头” 9.The east end of the Great Wall“长城的东端” 10.during the Ming Dynasty“在明朝期间” 11.on business“出差,因公” 12.an American engineer“一位美国的工程师” 13.talk to“与……谈话” 14.a tour guide“一位旅游向导” 15.hopetovisittheGreatWallfirst“希望先参观长城” 16.be far from“离……远” 17.a booklet with a brief introduction“一本简介小册子” 18.picksbup“搭载,开车接(某人)” 19.tomorrow morning“明天早晨,明天上午”

20.one of the world’s most famous wonders“世界上最著名的奇观之一” 21.be famous for…“因……而著名” 22.be located in…“位于,坐落于” 23.in the north of China在中国的北方” 24.during the Warring States Period(476-221BC)“战国时期(公元前476-公元前221年)” 25.the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty“秦朝第一个皇帝”,即“秦始皇” 26.have sth done“使……,被……”指让人做某事。 27.It’s said that…“据说……” 28.It is believed tha t…“据信……” 29.It is reported that…“据报道……” 30.one fifth of China’s population at the time“当时占全国人口的五分之一” 31.be forced to do…“被迫做” 32.under terrible conditions“在恶劣的条件下” 33.It takes sb some time\money to do…“做某事花费某人(时间\钱)” 34.4feetlong“四英尺长”“数量+形容词(long,wide,hig h…)”表示某物的尺寸。35.to be enough to do sth“足够做……” 36.in the 16thcentury“在16世纪” 37.by hand“用手;以手工” 38.Bohai Bay“xx” 39.on the coast of Bohai Bay“渤海湾的海滨”

职高英语基础模块1 高等教育 unit1 教案 第一课时

Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you! (第一课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。就学习英语而言,职业学校的许多学生是胆大心粗,能说不会写或写不到位。因此,教师在教学过程中应充分利用学生的特点开展相应活动。我们可以利用学生胆大、敢说的特点,充分利用头脑风暴法采集相关素材,开展如招呼用语集锦、刨根问底探隐私、名片栏目大荟萃等活动。教学中名片栏目的设计、描述不同职业、圆润的发音是本单元难点。圆润的发音要靠长期的示范与坚持来实现。名片中各栏目的设计可以集体讨论商定,个人名片设计则可以体现个性化、专业化,并决出最佳名片设计奖,教师还可以请学生一起收集生活中的名片,探讨名片的基本要素和个性特色。职业的描述教师可以借助体态语、道具、图片、视频等来推进,还可以设计相应的练习强化学生的认知。 本单元设计分为4个课时: 第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking 第二课时 reading and writing 第三课时 language in use + vocabulary consolidation 第四课时 unit task + pronunciation practice 第一课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型 ⑵教学难点 个人信息的词汇、句型 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss); ⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如: 1) about greeting:


Unit10 一、语音知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 ( )1. fashion A. flame B. ancient C. battle D. name ( )2. private A. distance B. title C. spirit D. kilometer ( )3. holiday A. soldier B. hold C. story D. cold ( )4. cold A. glory B. exhausted C. Olympic D. story ( )5. wear A. hear B. swear C. clear D. near 二、词汇与语法知识:从 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ( )6. She is ______ a lovely girl that we all like her very much. A. so B. such C. too D. enough ( )7. You have ______ little money that you can’t afford to buy _____ a big house. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so ( )8. Don’t do it like this _____ next time. A. any long B. no more C. no longer D. any more ( )9. Do you know who ______ the gold medal? A. won B. win C. defeat D. defeated ( )10. As we all known, Japan lies _____ the east of China. A. in B. on C. to D. at ( )11. ---How often do you write to your sister? ---_______ A. Twice a month B. Second times a month C. Second a time a month D. A second time a month ( )12. “Not all the students can understand the teacher in class” means _____. A. All the students can’t understand the teacher in class B. None of the students can understand the teacher in class C. No students can understand the teacher in class D. All the students understand the teacher in class ( )13. Do you want to ______ part in the game? A. join B. take C. join in D. joined ( )14. When did your brother _____ the army? A. joined B. join in C. take part in D. join ( )15. People put vegetables in the bridge in order to _____ them fresh. A. keep B. stay C. make D. let ( )16. There is a stone bridge _____ the river. A. over B. above C. at D. On ( )17. The Great Wall runs _____ north China like a huge dragon. A. over B. on C. cross D. across ( )18. She was angry _____ the damage, and _____ the driver for having caused it. A. at; at B. at; with C. with; with D. with; at ( )19. Your composition is good ______ a few mistakes here and there. A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that ( )20. He decided to visit the family ______ Friday night. A. at B. in C. on D. Over ( )21. A battle _____ the Persians and the Greeks happened. A. between B. among C. from D. for ( )22. When he _____ the mountain at last, he was out of breath. A. reached to B. arrived to C. got D. got to

中职英语基础模块下册Unit 1练习题

英语基础模块下册 Unit 1 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示填单词。 1.The Great Wall was r_____ during the Ming Dynasty. 2.The Great Wall is l_____ in the north of China. 3.Over one million people were f_____ to build the Great Wall. 4.The Great Wall is one of the world’s most f_____ wonders. 5.T_____ of travellers from all parts of the world come to visit the Great Wall Every year. Ⅱ.单项选择。 ( )1.-What’s your favorite,Jim ? -My favorite is_____.I often listen to it on MP3. A.sports B.dance C.science D.music ( )2.-Are Jim and Tom_____ good friends? -Yes,they are.Please look after_____. A.your,their B.your,them C.yours,theirs D.you,them ( )3.-How many friends will come to your_____ birthday ? -About_____. A.fifteen;fifteen B.fifteenth;fifteenth C.fifteen;fifteenth D.fifteenth;fifteen ( )4.-Mike,what were your parents doing at 8:00 last night ? -My mother was reading_____ my father was watching TV. A.while B.when C.unless D.as long as ( )5.-Do you know that China is one of_____ countries in the world ? -Yes,I do.It’s much_____than the US. A.oldest;older B.the oldest;older C. the oldest;elder D. the older;elder ( )6.-I haven’t been to zoo. what about you ? -_____. Could you go with me this weekend ? A.Me, too B.Me neither C.So have I D.Me either. ( )7.-Which song do you like better,Lucy ? -I prefer the song “Little Apple”______ can attract many people. A.which B.who C.whom D.where ( )8.-Mum,must I stay here the whole day ? -No,you______. You _____ come back later if you like. A.mustn’t;can B.needn’t;must C.needn’t;may D.mustn’t;must ( )9.-Thank you for helping me with my math. -_____. A.It’s nothing B.You’d better not C.It’s my pleasure D.With pleasure ( )10.-National Day is coming. I can’t decide where to go. -Why not _____ Sanya ? A.to consider watching B.considering to visit C.consider looking at D.consider visiting.


职高英语基础模块模拟试卷 第一部分选择题(共60 分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共40 小题,每小题1 分,共40 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请选出正确答案并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 ()1. It was ____ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble. A. me B. I C. us D. ours () 2. What are you doing now? ______ you _______ TV? A. Is··· watch B. Are··· watching C. Are··· watch D. do··· watch () 3. We heard a terrible noise _____ night. A. in B. at C. on D. since ()4. She never had ______ before she became a teacher. A. a lot of work's experiences B. much experience of work C. a lot of work experience D. many experiences of work () 5. The young man wanted to know ______ I know. A. all what B. which C. that D. what () 6. -----"I can't find my mobile-phone. " -----You _____ it in the office. A .must have lost B. might lose C. could lose D. must lose ()7. Difficult _____ the problem is, we should try to work it out. A. however B. as C. although D. that ()8. The train from Beijing _______ this station on time this morning. A. arrived in B. arrived at C. reached to D. get ()9. You must write a _____ composition tomorrow. A. eight-hundred-word B. eight-hundred-words C. eight- hundreds- word D. eight- hundreds- words ()10. ______ he has lived in London, he writes in Chinese. A. As B. Because C. Although D. As if ()11. You_____ put the fruits in the icebox for a longer time. A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. don't have to ()12. He said that his job _____ by the end of last week. A. was done B. will be done C. had been done D. is being done ()13. The young woman spent all money that she has ______ the beautiful coat. A. buy B. to buy C. on buying D. buying ()14. If he had known the truth, he _____ us early. A. has told B. had told C. would tell D. would have told ()15. -----What is the woman? -----She is _____. A. a dancer and a fashion designer B. dancer and fashion designer C. a dancer and fashion designer D. the dancer and fashion designer ()16. Shall we stay here or ______ to the park.


职高英语基础模块教案 【篇一:中职英语基础模块1 教学设计】 中职英语基础模块1 教学设计(教案、学案)unit 6 第三课时unit 6 would you like to order? (第三课时教学设计) 一、教材分析 1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第六单元的第三课时,即reading and writing 部分。本部分的主要活动是读懂菜单,在前两课时的基础上,学生已经了解了一些菜名,本部分内容要求学生通过就菜品的价格用英语进行比较,从而让学生学会在口头和书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较事物,进一步增加学生的学习词汇以及增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 2.教学重点、难点 (1)教学重点 ①通过阅读菜单和表格,学生能总结并掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规 律。 ②学生能在口头及书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较不同餐 厅 ③学生能根据阅读材料,纠正错误信息的表达。 (2)教学难点 ①学生通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义 ②学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学生能理解并运用形容餐厅的词汇如,delicious, cheap, expensive 等 (2)学生能够正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较各餐厅情况 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能够读懂菜单,并通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义,归纳形容词比较级和最高级规律。 (2)学生能够运用形容词的比较级和最高级以书面形式简单介绍餐厅的基本

情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格及质量。 3. 情感目标 通过对餐厅的比较,学生外出就餐时能做出理智选择。 三、教学步骤 step one lead-in (1min) teacher shows the situation: if you invite your friend to meiwei restaurant to eat out, what would you like to order for your friend ? (设计意图:教师设定情境,让学生想象邀请朋友用餐。自然进入到下面菜单的阅读阶段。) step tworeading (22min) 1. read and circle ( activity 13 ) students read the menu and circle what you may order for your friend. then teacher asks several students , using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ” as an example. at last, students as k each other, using the sentence pattern “ what would you like to order ? ”.(设计意图: 让学生选择自己喜爱的食品,在点菜中熟悉菜单。老 师运用本 单元的重点句型进行提问,以巩固本句型的运用。) 2. read and guess students work in pairs and read the price of the food on the menu of activity 13 again , guessing the meanings of the underlined words of activity 14. teacher asks some pairs to tell the class what are the meanings of the underlined words. if the students can’t get the correct meanings, teacher should explain them. (设计意图:阅读菜单,在合作中比较价格,通过文中的线索猜出词意,了解形容词比较级和最高级的运用,并培养学生阅读策略。) 3. read and choose teacher tells the students situation: zhang qing is helping sara, wang yang and li xiaonian to choose the right restaurants. students: (1) read the table individually and the statements of three people. ask the following question. “what kind of restaurant does sara/


Unit 9 Advertisement Key Words:advertise advertisement space promotion commercial everywhere radio product attention current mail contain design directly select common notice appear major advantage however false healthy necessary real Useful Expressions: fashion show bring…to by means of a great deal of more or less play an important role in make sure selected customer all the time bring…to the attention of Grammar Focus: The-ing Form of Verbs (2) 动词的-ing形式(二) 4. 作定语 动词的-ing形式以单词形式作定语时,置于所修饰的名词之前,以短语形式作定语时,置于所修饰的名词之后。 eg. This reminds me of Italy, when it was still a developing country. A reading room writing paper 5. 做宾语补足语 eg. Sometime in the night Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying. 动词的-ing形式及其短语做宾语补足语常出现在下列谓语动词之后:find, feel, listen to, hear, look at, see, watch, notice, observe, smell, get, leave, have等。 6. 作状语 可做时间、原因、方式、条件、伴随、结果等状语,有“主动”和“进行”的含义;如果-ing形式表示的动作出现在句子的谓语之前,则用完成式“having+动词的过去分词”。eg. He wandered the street, trying to find a way to make some money. Having finished their work, they had a rest.

中职 英语基础模块第一册课后答案

Unit1 1:Complete the dialogues. B:Hello! How are you? A:How are you? B:Good morning. A:It's really fun. 2.Match. classroom. library. playground canteen. dormitory. computer lab 3.Answer the questions. ⑴I think it's very large and beautiful. ⑵Yes,there is. ⑶Yes.I want to get good grades and gain some useful society skill. 1.Pre-reading ⑴The writer learns carrepairing. ⑵The writer felt lonely and missed parents very much. ⑶The writer has three classes in the morning. In the afternoon,the writer has practice classes.After class,the writer has many interesting activities. 3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box. ⑴Luckily ⑵vicational ⑶ repair ⑷concern ⑸adapt 4.Write down your own school life plan. Another new term comes again,so I should have a school life plan to promote myself.Firstly,I decided to finish my homework carefully than before.And pay more attention to the know ledge.Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge and try to combine thoerty to practice.Finally, I will learn to adjust,to be more positive and more helpful. That's what I plan to do in a new term.


职高英语基础模块上册教案 Unit 2 My family Period I Vocabulary 学习目标: 通过复习,掌握本单元的单词和短语。 一.预习检测。 Ⅰ.词汇检查。 小组互查:Ⅰ.牢记以下单词和短语。 grandfather manager uncle family picture both always stand hardworking lively interesting popular right wear thin rather dream guess medical warmth cool retired worker、be kind to、enjoy doing、live with、be popular with、 on the right on the left、be full of、a pair of Ⅱ.补全音标。 1. parent \′p___r__ nt\ 2.lively \′l__ vl___\ 3.family \′f__m__l__\ https://www.360docs.net/doc/8712657787.html,pany\′k__mp__n__\ 5.grandparent\′gr__ndp__r__nt\ 6.glasses\′gl__s__z\ 二.自主探究 Ⅰ.英汉互译。 1.我的全家福_____________ 2.retired worker ___________ 3.喜爱做_________________ 4.be kind to _______________ 5.受…欢迎________________ 6.live with ________________ 7.在左边__________________ 8.a pair of glasses _____________ 9.相当酷 ___________________ 10.be full of _________________ Ⅱ.词汇。 1.woman _______(反义词)______(复数) 2.body _________(复数) 3.stand _______ ________ 4.wear_______ ________ 5.tall__________(反义词) 6.left _________(反义词) 7.thin ________ (反义词)__________(比较级) _______(最高级) 8.medical __________(名词) 9.warmth _________(形容词) 三.课后作业 1)预习本单元的阅读:My family. 2.)课后补充练习。 1..Mr Wang ________________(受…欢迎) his students because his class is ________(生动的)and ____________(有趣的). 2. Who is the man standing____________________(在…左边)you. 3.My family __________________(充满了) love and warmth. 4.He is a ________________(经理)at a __________(公司)and he is a ____________(勤劳的)man. 5.Mr Wang is a ________(退休工人),he enjoys _________(live)with us. 6.The old man with ____________(一副眼镜)is my ____________(叔叔). 7.Our teachers ___________________(对…和蔼可亲)us. 8.Jenny is _________(tall)and _______(thin). but Lucy is __________and


Unit 1 短语 1:The Great Wall 长城 2:pick sb up 开车接某人 3:be famous for 因…而著名 4:be located in 坐落于… 5:by hand 用手 6:place of interest 名胜 7:and so on 等等 8:traffic light 红绿灯 9:such as 比如… 10:on business 出差 11.the Summer Place 颐和园 12.the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 13:hope to do sth 希望做… 14:far from 远离 15:one of +adj最高级+n复 最…之一 16:decide to do sth决定做某事17.have sth. done 使…被, 让人做.. 18:It's said that 据说 19. under terrible conditions 在恶劣的环境下 20:be forced to do sth 被迫做…force sb to do sth 强迫某人做21:five meters high 五米高 22:be enough to do sth 足够做…23:thousands of 成千上万 24:be listed as 被作为..列出 25:on the top of the mountain 在山顶 26:make fires 点火 27.It takes sb some time to do sth. 花费某人…(时间)做… 28:lose one's way 迷路了 29. a 15-minute walk 15分钟的步行路程 句子 1:Here's a booklet with a brief Introduction to the Great Wall. 这有一本关于长城简介的小册子2: I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning. 明天早上8点我就来接你。3:It is located in the north of China .长城位于中国的北方 4.He decided to have the walls linked and extended. 他决定把城墙连接起来并延长5:It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions. 在恶劣的条件下,他们花了 十多年的时间修建了长城 5:Thousands of travelers from all parts of the world come to visit the Great Wall every year. 世界各地成千上万的游客每 年都来参观长城。 6:How marvelous and magnificent it is! 多么不可思议! 7.On the top of the mountain is the Great Wall. 长城就在山顶上 8.Fire was used at night and smoke during the day. 晚上用火,白天用烟 . 9:I‘m afraid I’ve lost my way . 恐怕我迷路了。 10:So you have to walk two blocks and then turn right at the traffic lights. 因此,你必须走两个街区, 然后在红绿灯处右拐 11.Would you please tell me the way to… 请告诉去…的路,好吗 12.Could/can you tell me how I can get to…? 你能告诉我怎么去...吗 Unit 2 短语 1.shopping plaza 购物广场 2.department store 百货公司 3:green grocery蔬菜水果店 4: in style =in fashion 流行 out of style 过时 5: be worried about…担心,忧虑6:in total 总计 7.in cash 现金付款 8: credit card 信用卡 9:go shopping 购物 10:tour guide 导游11:leave… for… 离开…去… leave for 动身前往 12.extra large 特大号 13.why don’t you do sth =why not do sth 为什么不做.. 14:it looks so nice 看起来很好 15:want to do sth 想要做某事 16:by taxi 打车 17:be/make sure 确信 18:at the cashier desk收银台 19:pay for 支付 20:wrap up注意力集中于… 21:try on 试穿 22:would you mind doing 你介意做…吗 23:pay in cash 现金支付 24.prefer to do/doing prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do rather than do 宁愿…而不愿… 25. Don’t worry. 别担心 26.tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做.. tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不做 27. Would you mind doing… 你介意做 句子 1:I want to do some shopping before I leave Beijing for home. 我想在离开北京回家之前买 点东西。 2:What would you like to buy? 你想买什么? 3:Chinese silk blouses are in style now. 现在中国丝绸衬衫流行 4: Thank you for shopping with us. 谢谢您光临本店购物 5:How do you like this one? 你觉得这个怎么样? 6:What color does your wife prefer? 你妻子更喜欢什么颜色? 7:How about this one? 这个怎么样? 8:The color will not fade easily. 轻易不会褪色。 9:Just tell your wife to wash them gently in cold water. 要告诉你的妻子用冷水轻柔 漂洗 10:How would you like to pay? In cash or by credit card? 你想怎么付款?用现金还是 信用卡? 11: Please sign here. 请在这儿签字 12:I'm sure you can find what you want there 我肯定你在那里能找到你想 要的东西 13.To answer the question is not a difficult job. 回答这个问题并不难 14.I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在寻找一个房间居住 15:To answer the question is not a difficult job. 回答这个问题不是一个困难 的工作 16:What size does your wife wear? 你太太穿多大尺码的? 17:What do you think of it? 你认为怎样? 18.Why don’t you buy two for your wife? 为什么不给你太太买两件呢? 19.May I have your attention, please? 请您注意一下,好吗? 20:Woud you like to try it on? 你想试穿一下吗? 21:Would you mind coming with me to the cashier? 你介意跟我一起去收银台吗 22: How lovely the panda is! 多可爱的大熊猫啊! Unit 3 短语 1:join in 参加,加入 2. English Speech Contest 英语演讲比赛 3.surf the Internet 网上冲浪 4.10 percent discount 打九折 5:recommend commodities 推荐商品 6:promote sales 推销 7: too…to 太…而不能 8:have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事 9:graduated from 毕业于 10:keep on doing 继续做某事 11:put.. into practice 把..付诸实施 12: with confidence 充满信心 13:lose confidence失去信心 14.at the beginning of… 在...的开始 15:try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力去做… 16:set a good example to sb 为某人树立好榜样 17:think… over 仔细考虑 18.be afraid of 害怕 19:make a mistake 犯错误 20:find out 查明,弄清楚 21:as much as sb can =as much as possible 尽可能多的 22:take it easy别紧张 23.have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难 24.give up 放弃 25:look down 俯视 句子 1:They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales. 他们在生意中能用流利的英语 推荐商品和促进销售 2:The more you read, the more you learn. 你读得越多,你学到的就越多 3:Try you best to think them over. 你尽力好好想想 4:The more words and idioms you know, the easier English becomes. 你学到的词汇和习惯用语越 多.英语就会变得越容易 5.Don't be afraid of making mistakes. 不要害怕犯错误。 6:Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English. 许多学生发现听懂英语口语 有困难。 7:Learning is difficult but interesting. 学习是困难的.但也是有趣的 8:Take it easy at first. 首先是别紧张 9.Nothing can be learned without giving time and effort. 不花时间,不付出努力是什 么也学不到的。 10.Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者,事竟成 11.If you have difficulty speaking English, you should listen as much as possible. 如果你在说英语方面有困难, 你应该尽可能多地听英语 12.I am sorry to hear that! 听到这些我很遗憾 13.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 14.A man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老 15:No pains,no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。 16.The child is too young to go to school. 这个孩子年龄太小不能上学 17. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半 Unit 4 短语 1.couch potato 电视迷 2. mouse potato 电脑迷,网虫 3:TV play 电视剧 4. turn on…打开 turn off 关闭 turn up 调高 turn down 调低 5.in a good way 以一种好的方法 6:in sight and in sound 用图像和声音 7:all over the world 全世界 8:go through 搜索 9:settle on…选定 10:forget to do 忘记去做… forget doing sth. 忘记做过… 11:more and more popular 越来越流行 12:communicate with与…交流 13:a variety of 各种各样 14:get addicted to 沉溺于 15:Internet addiction 网瘾 16.in front of 在…前面 17:stay up late 熬夜 18:result from 由…引起 19:do harm to伤害 20:interfer with 干涉 21:make good use of 善用,好好利用 22:benefit from 从..中获益 23:go ahead 开始吧 24:in one’s opinion 在某人看来 25:had better do sth 最好做某事 26:It seems that 似乎 27:all the time 一直 28:think about 考虑 29.be worried about 担心 30.spend time/money (in) doing sth 花费…(时间/金钱)做某事: 31.go on 发生, 进行 32. book ticket 订票 33. with the help of sb =with one’s help 在某人的帮助下 句子 1:TV brings the world into our home in sight and in sound. 电视用图像和声音把世界带 入我们家里。 2:It tells us what is going on across the country and all the world. 它告诉我们祖国和世界各地 正在发生什么事。 3:Television makes our life more colorful. 电视使我们的生活更加丰富 多彩 4:Some people often spend too much time watching television sitting on a sofa. 有些人常常花太多的时间看 电视坐在沙发上。 5: There‘s nothing better. 没有更好的。 6:the Internet is getting more and more popular. 互联网正变得越来越流行 7:The Internet has changed the way we live,work ,learn and play. 互联网改变了我们生活、工 作、学习和玩耍的方式 8:They waste too much time and money in front of the computer screen. 他们在电脑屏幕前浪费了太 多时间和金钱。 9:Please step out of the Internet cafe and come back into the real world . 请走出网吧,回到现实世界 10:If we make good use of TV and the Internet, we will benefit a lot from them. 如果我们正确使用电视用户 互联网,我们将从中受益良多 11:That's just what I want to say. 这正是我想说的。 Unit 5 短语 1:stay away from…离开 2: stay away from school 旷课 3. tell a lie 说谎 4:take…out of…取出 5:throw…away扔掉 6.at midnight 在半夜 7:cheat in the exam 考试作弊 8:be afraid of 害怕 9:someone else's paper 其他人的试卷 10:cheat in the exam 考试作弊 11:tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做 12:promise to do 答应做某事 promise not to do sth 答应不做某事 13:run away from 从…中逃走 14:keep silent 保持沉默 15:tell the truth说实话 16:be over结束 17:not/never …any more不再 18:take on 承受,不安, 激动 19:lie down 躺下 20:climb up onto爬上 21:take the note back 取回笔记 22:come to oneself 苏醒过来 23:that's all就这些 24:be badly hurt 受到严重伤害 25:for over an hour 一个多小时 26:ask sb to stay at home 要求某人待在家里 27.happen to sb 发生在某人身上 happen to do 碰巧做某事 It happened that…碰巧,恰好 句子 1:Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming. 比尔在一个大热天逃学去游泳 2:Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away. 乔突然从口袋里把便条掏出 来扔了 3:At midnight, Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying. 在午夜,比尔醒来发现乔坐 在床上.哭泣 4:He will never trust me any more 他将不再信任我了 5:The branch broke and Bill fell to the ground . 树枝断了,比尔摔到了地上。 6:Tell the master he‘ll never have to send a note any more----that‘s all. 告诉校长,再也不用送便条 了,就这样吧 7:You let me down.你让我失望 8:Never mind. It doesn't really matter. 没关系,这真的不重要。 9.It’s never too late to mend 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚 10.What’s the matter? 怎么了 Unit 6 短语 1:earn/make money 赚钱 earn/make one’s living 谋生 2:famous brand clothes 名牌服装 3:remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 4.instead of 代替 5:show off 炫耀 6:be different from… 与…不同 be similar to…与…相似 be the same as…与…相同 7.at the same time 同时 8:grow up成长 9:be proud of 为…骄傲/自豪 10:on earth 世上, 到底 11.go for a ride 开车兜风 12:cheer up加油,振作起来 13:well done 干的好 14.You are great! 你真棒 15:a developing country 发展中的国家 16:a developed country 发达国家 17:the focus of attention 关注的焦点 18:not all 不是所有的 19:without making any distinction 不加区别 20:can’t afford sth 买不起 21: something new or expensive 新的或贵的东西 22:it doesn't mean并不意味着 23:hard work艰苦的工作 24:mentioned above 上面提到的 25:come out of 出来 come over 过来 26:something wrong with …出故障了 27:by the way 顺便问一下 句子 1:It was still a developing country. 它仍然是一个发展中国家 2:They become the focus of attention.
