



































This course is an introduction to the study of society and culture of English-speaking countries. Chinese students begin to learn English at a very young age, however, language is only half of the solution to understanding people. To truly understand, we must learn their culture as well. In this course, students learn about the characteristics and culture of six major English-speaking countries of the world: United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.二、课程目标本课程是为英语专业学生提供培养英语专业素养的平台,旨在通过介绍六个主要英语国家的社会文化,巩固和加强学生对英语语言的学习,鼓励学生亲身体验英语国家的社会文化,增长见识,拓宽视野,汲取来自不同背景、拥有不同经历的人们的新信息和新观点,学会欣赏和尊重不同社会的生活方式。




英语国家社会与文化论文Howis...How the Power of the US President isChecked and BalancedThe separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers is a democratic political system which is adopted by many democratic countries in the world. As we all know, the purpose of the separation of powers is to avoid the existence of dictators.Montesquieu’s theory of “separation of powers”was highly respected by American leaders, and its essence has been written into the U.S constitution. Thus the United States is the most typical country. Marx and Engels once called the USA “the most perfect example of the modern state”.According to the Federal Constitution in 1787, legislative power is controlled by the congress, executive power is exercised by the President of the United States, and judicial power belongs to the supreme and inferior courts. Under the trend of executive power constantly expanding in many modern countries, how to well control it becomes a key issue. Our topic will be focused on the checks and balances of the legislative and judicial powers on the executive power.1、The checks and balances of the legislative power on theexecutive powerIn the first place, the President can nominate officials. However, hecan’t appoint officials until the Congress agrees. For example, in 1987, Senate finally vetoed President Reagan’s nomination of Leo.Secondly, the President does have the right to make treatieswith foreign countries, but not until 2/3 of the members of the Senate agreed, will the treaties take effect. For instance, after the end of the First World War, in June 1919, the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed the “V ersailles Peace Treaty” on behalf the United States. The Senate voted twice, but still the treaty was not approved.What’s more, the President can veto the bill passed by Congress. Nevertheless, if 2/3 of the members of both houses of Congress again pass the bill, this bill can take effect without the sign of the President. According to the record, President Ford formally used the right of veto 44 times, and 12 of them were overturned by Congress at last.Besides, in accordance with the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the right to impeach the President, and the Senate can inquest the case. Though this right is seldom used, in 1998, President Clinton was impeached by Congress because of his sex scandal.Last but not least, the Congress has the power to determine whether the President has the normal ability to fulfill his mandate and to take the responsibilities.2、The checks and balances of the judicial power on the executivepowerHamilton and Montesquieu’s theory on the judicial power has greatly influenced the U.S. Constitution. Now, let’s have a close look at this aspect.The judges of the Federal Supreme Court are appointed by the President, but once appointed, unless they commit a crime, they will be on the position for the whole life. That is to say, the President does not have the right to remove the judges fromoffice. Consequently, without the control and threaten from the President, the judges can make judgments relatively fairly.In addition, the Supreme Court can declare that the executive order issued by the President is unconstitutional so that the order will not take effect. For instance, in May 1935, U.S. Supreme Court announced that the “National Industrial Recovery Act”signed by President Roosevelt was unconstitutional.What I’d like to point out is that the separation of the three powers in America is not divided by the characteristic or functioning field of power,and does not mean the division of powers among the administration,legislature and court.Under American system of the separation of three powers,the power of each part of the federal government does not maintain unchanged from the start to the end,butread just and change incessantly.In the real political life,the American system of the separation of powers bears both the harm of power partition an d power sharing.It tends to lead the political deadlock,and it also hampers the effective implementation of governmental function.As a matter of fact,such system is just a tool to protect the whole ruling interest of the bourgeois.。







1. 个人主义与集体主义美国文化倾向于个人主义,注重个体的独立和自主性。


这种差异在语言交际中表现明显,比如在表达感谢之情时,美国人更倾向于使用“I thank you”这样的第一人称表达方式,而中国人则更倾向于使用“We thank you”来强调团体的感谢之情。

2. 时间观念与未来导向美国人注重效率和时间观念,强调将时间用于创造价值。




1. 礼貌用语中美两国在礼貌用语方面存在差异。

美国人更倾向于使用直接的表达方式,比如“Please pass the salt”。



2. 言语间断和暗示中美文化中存在着对言语间断和暗示的不同需求。





1. 非语言表达在非语言表达上,中美文化也存在着差异。







关键词:语言;文化差异;英语教学一、中西方文化差异文化的产生及内涵由于历史文化、风俗习惯、生存环境、宗教信仰等不同, 导致了中西方语言存在着很大的差异, 从而出现了文化学习与交流的多种困扰因素。


表现早在20世纪20年代,美国语言学家sapir在language: an intrdutin t the study f speeh一书中就指出:“语言有一个环境,它不能脱离文化而存在,不能脱离社会继承下来的传统和信念”。

要真正掌握一种语言就必须了解这种语言的特定社会背景,中西方文化差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1、价值观与道德标准的差异西方人崇拜个人奋斗, 以个人取得的成就自豪。

相反, 中国文化却提倡谦虚谨慎。

然而, 中国式的自我谦虚却常常使西方人大为不满。

yur english is very gd. n, n, y english is very pr.这种谦虚, 在西方人看来, 不仅否定了自己, 还否定了赞扬者的鉴赏力。


如“self-absrptin 、self-adiratin 、self-ultivatin ”等等。

西方社会盛行的是个体主义 ,强调个人自由、不受约束。



例如,usin 一词,对应汉语的表兄、表弟、表姐和表妹等。



英语国家社会与文化课程结课英文论文My feeling for this courseNever have I known so much about society and culture of English-speaking countries before I took up this course.Through the process,I got pleasure,companionship,experience and instruction.Actually I was so looking forward to having the lesson at the first time that I had got the syllabus.Now I know,it’s definitely worthwhile.Our teacher once told us,“Reading is the most effective way for one who could not go through the country but still eager to learn about their culture.”I can’t agree more with it.Maybe the past will step out from the stage of history,nevertheless,books have the ability to record the fact that exactly happened in the history.I proved it on my own experience,believe it or not.For example,Animal Farm is a political fable style novel.The story describes an "animal" revolution brewing,rising up and final transformation.Suffered enough oppression,the animals in the Manor Farm rebelled against humans under the guidance of pigs,drove the planter,Mr. Jones.The animals achieved their ambition of "self-determination" and changed its name to "Animal Farm",pursuing that "all animals are equal".But soon the leading pigs had contravention.Since then,it turned out that one pig,Napoleon had more and more power and special treatment,gradually moving away from other animals,and eventually became an exploiter exactly the same as a human being.Thus,the name,animal farm,was also abandoned.This book is analyzed by critics that it’s strikingly similar to the history of the Soviet union,even the international communist movement in the whole 20th century.We can see the similarshadow in many communist party ruling or did rule countries of animal farm.The author,George Orwell,his predication on the fate of the communist movement in the future by changes of the development of animal farm in the book,confirmed totally by history that the Soviet union took apart and the upheaval of eastern Europe in 1991 and afterwards incidents,which really took place at that time.But the meaning of Animal Farm is more than just the historical prophecy.This allegorical novel pointed out in literary language that owing to the fundamental interests of the leading group who possessed the division right was to hold their dominant position,regardless of the form having what kind of appeal,the ultimate result would be contrary to maintain the basic demands of social fairness.Professor Xia Zhiqing once said: "In western literature,since the Aesop's Fables, each dynasty has fables and fairy tales focusing on animals.However,for readers in the late 20th century,this kind of work is not a more accurate representation of the human condition today than" Animal Farm "."While t he novel Being There tells us a story about a man named Chance, a gardener. Chance once lived in the townhouse of an old, wealthy man in Washington, D.C.watching TV all day until the man was dead.Then he was forced to face the world.He met Benjamin Rand,a wealthy businessman.While being asked what his name was, instead of "Chance the Gardener" (which was what he said),was interpreted to be "Chauncey Gardiner."His simplistic, serious-sounding utterances,which mostly concern the garden,were interpreted as allegorical statements of deep wisdom and knowledge regarding business matters and the current state of the economy in America.After Rand was dead,Chauncey even voted as the replacement for the Presidentin the next term of office.Chance always told the truth.It was this very ingenuousness that caught others off-guard,especially in a society where certain falsehood(white lies,instances of tactfulness) are accepted,which is an obvious contrast between truth and falsehood.There are many contrasts like this in this novel,exposing the leak in the America media.Apart from those,Charles Dickens’novels also continue to strike a powerful chord for his wonderful way with language,his intense characterization and his ability to create the atmosphere.He wanted to hold a mirror up to the world to show people what it looked like.It is a testament to his talent and integrity that so many are still prepared to look into that mirror,despite what they see there.I have to say absolutely I have learned a lot from this curriculum.。



教 材 介 绍
本学 院采用 的教材 是由梅仁 毅主编 , 外语教 学与研 究出 版社 2 0 1 0年 8月第一版 的教材 。教材包含 了美 国、英 国、 加拿大 、澳 大利亚 、爱 尔兰 、新西兰六国 。爱 尔兰 、新西兰 两 国是一般介 绍英语国家概况的书籍所未收入 的。 每个 国家 从地 理、历史 、政治、国民经济、宗教 、教育 、艺术、体育 等方面介 绍了本 国的特色 。全书共 6个 国家 ,2 2个章节 , 每个 章节又分为不 同的几个部分 。教材 上面不时插有 图片 , 给 学生直观的感受 ; 课 后有针 对各章节所设置 的不 同类 型练 习题,可 以帮助学生们抓住重 点,加深理解 。每个章节 也都 会有概述 , 简 单概括 了该章节的主要 内容 。 这本教材 与其它 介绍英语 国家概况 的书籍 相比较, 内容 已更新 , 更符合事实 ; 所涉及 国家较全面 ,包括近几年 比较热 门的国家,如新西兰 等 ;而且语言简单平 实,更 易于 理解 和接 受 。以上特点也是 本学 院选择 其作为教材 的理 由。 二、独 立学院学生特点 1 .英语基础较 差 独立 学院学 生的录取 顺序决 定了学 生们 的总成绩 与一 本、二本学生相 比较 ,会差 。这也说 明他们 的学 习态度 不积 极 ,学 习方法可 能也会存在 问题 ,基础 ( 包括 英语 基础)较 差 。那么全英授课对于他们 的英语 听、说、读 的能力的要求
就会较 高。
借助 多媒体手段 ,以及丰 富的网络 资源 ,P P T、音频 、 视频 ,改善趣 ,令课堂 的讲解 也生动形象 。 另外,教师本人也打算尝试 “ 导游 式”教学 ,把本 门课程 当 作导游 即将为游客进行 的景 点介 绍, 让学生们更有 出国旅游 了一趟 , 而非乏 味地在 上课。这还需要更细致和详 细的教学 设计和安排 ,以及 教学实践来证实其效果的好坏 ,并进 行调



The Society and Culture of Major English Speaking CountriesBook Report题目: The Limitation and Counteraction—Between the President and the Congress所在学院:外国语学院专业:英语班级: 11英语(2)班学生姓名:丁莹莹学号: 11111010462013年11月24日The Limitation and Counteraction—Between the President and the CongressAs the time is mergingDuring the meeting, later known as the Constitutional Convention, the delegates had to deal with two main fears shared by most Americans. One fear was that one person or group, including the majority, might become too powerful or be about to seize control of the country and create a tyranny. To guard against this possibility, the delegates set up a government consisting of three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each branch has powers that the others do not have and each has a way of counteracting and limiting any wrong actions of another branch, which later is known as the “check and balance”, the main character of the American democracy.The chief executive of the United States is the president who is elected to a four-year-term. Under a Constitutional Amendment passed in 1951, a president can be elected to only two terms. The legislative branch is made up of elected representatives from all of the states and is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes, declare war or put foreign treaties into effect. It consists of a Congress that is divided into two groups, called house:The House of Representatives and The Senate. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court, which is the only court specifically created by the Constitution.As the time is going, the “check and balance” is not only a counteraction on any wrong actions of another branch, but also a tool for the competition between different parties. Hence in the Federal Government, the competition between the President and the Congress on the authority are in existence although a cooperation is the main part of the relation of the President and the Congress. Then on the premise of capitalism, there always are some specific contradictions in some specific period.According to the American Constitution, the President and the Congress can counteract or limit each other in six aspects: legislation, executive, foreign affairs,military affairs and impeachment. Hence the balance point of intersection may be the focus of the contradiction, especially in financial affairs. It is common that the Congress has a struggle with the President on the budget but none of them has the right to perform the funding budget alone. Then they have to reach a compromise after a struggle. The 2013 Shutdown of the US Federal Government is a perfect example of the struggle.Commencing from 1 October 2013, the US government has begun a partial shutdown after Republicans refused to approve a budget, saying they would only do so if funding for President Barack Obama’s healthcare reforms was delayed. President Obama warned a shutdown would have “a very real economic impact on real people, right away”, putting the fragile US economic recovery at risk. Why did the shutdown happen? It is a matter of political wrangling between the Republicans, who control the lower house,the House of Representatives, and the Democrats, who have a majority in the upper house, the Senate. Due to disagreement between the two houses over federal government spending, the US Congress failed to pass a budget before the fiscal year ended on 30 September 2013. It is said that the President Obama introduced the budget for essential functions, related to national security and public safety, to gain the support of the public, especially the middle and lower class. Then the Democrats would be more likely to win the Mid-term Election in 2014 and the General Election in 2016. However the Republicans refused to help the Democrats to achieve their aim and agree to the Obama’s healthcare reforms. Unexpectedly Obama refused to negotiate with Republicans. Eventually the US government began a partial shutdown for the first time 17 years, which did much harm to the American economic so that the public felt doubtful about the “check and balance”. During the shutdown, the Congress took on more pressure and condemnation than the President. Under the pressure from the public, the Republicans had to give in and the Congress passed the bill.We can see that the president is the true determiner on finance. In the American political life, the President lies in the center of the power and the Congress is not a counteraction as before. For all that, it can’t be denied that the Congress remains themost important power to tie up the President because the President and the Congress still perform their authorities under the frame of “check and balance”. It is also believed that the imbalance between the two would be gradually adjusted.Reference[1] 朱永涛. 英语国家社会与文化入门[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2011[2] 董秀丽. 美国政治基础[M].北京大学出版社,2010。



文化和社会英语作文Culture and Society。

Culture and society are closely intertwined and have a significant impact on each other. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, customs, traditions, and practicesof a particular group of people, while society refers tothe organized group of individuals who live together and share a common environment.Culture plays a crucial role in shaping society. It provides a framework for individuals to understand theworld around them and guides their behavior. For example,in many Asian cultures, respect for elders is highly valued, and younger generations are expected to show deference to their elders. This cultural norm influences the social structure, as it promotes a hierarchical system whereelders hold authority and younger individuals are expectedto follow their guidance.Moreover, culture also influences social norms and expectations. In Western cultures, individualism is highly valued, and personal achievements and independence are encouraged. This cultural emphasis on individualism has led to the development of democratic societies that prioritize individual rights and freedoms. In contrast, many Eastern cultures emphasize collectivism, where the needs and goals of the group are prioritized over individual desires. This cultural value has shaped societies that prioritize community harmony and cooperation.Society, on the other hand, also impacts culture. Society provides the context in which culture is developed and transmitted. For example, advancements in technology and communication have greatly influenced the way people interact and share their cultural practices. Social media platforms have allowed individuals from different cultures to connect and exchange ideas, leading to the emergence of global cultural trends and practices.Furthermore, society also plays a role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. Governments andorganizations often take measures to protect and promote cultural practices, artifacts, and traditions. For instance, UNESCO designates World Heritage Sites to protect and preserve places of cultural significance. These efforts by society help ensure the continuation of cultural practices and traditions for future generations.However, culture and society are not static entities. They are constantly evolving and adapting to changing circumstances. Globalization, for instance, has led to the blending of cultures and the emergence of new cultural practices. This cultural diversity has enriched societies, as it allows for the exchange of ideas and promotes tolerance and understanding.In conclusion, culture and society are closely intertwined and have a reciprocal relationship. Culture shapes society by providing a framework for understanding and guiding behavior, while society provides the contextfor the development and transmission of culture. Bothculture and society are dynamic and constantly evolving, influenced by various factors such as technology,globalization, and government policies. It is essential to recognize the importance of culture and society in shaping our world and to promote the preservation and understanding of diverse cultural practices.。






正如美国外语教学专家winston brembeck所说:“采取只知其语言不懂其文化的教法,是培养语言流利的大傻瓜的最好办法”。












在英语国家,只有在彼此关系十分密切的情况下才使用此类亲属称谓,且后面不带姓,只带名,如“uncle don”。
























国家文化和社会发展的英语作文There are two Japanese and an American in our class. We get along well. It's interesting to study with people from different cultural backgrounds.This is a college student's description of his class. Recently, with the rapid economic development, China is accepting more foreign students eager to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture. In my opinion, in terms of the interests of Chinese and foreign students, the mixed class ratio is higher It's better to have an extra shift.I have reason to support my view. Foreign students may find that in the mixed class, if they have enough Chinese ability to listen to the class, their language skills will be further improved. The mixed class provides them with a great opportunity to improve their Chinese level and understand the Chinese people.Only in this way can they have closer contact with Chinese people from afar They are not willing to be separated and treated as foreigners. Only in this way can we benefit them. We should not set up barriers.Only by communicating with Chinese students can they have a better understanding of Chinese culture. Considering these factors, we can draw the conclusion that it is beneficial to adopt the mixed class approach, because it is a seemingly insignificant event, which can play a profound role in the students' personal life and cross-cultural communication.中国文化的英文作文Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan ones. Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture.Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop Culture. This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius). These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely Chinese. China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe.The passage mainly tells us the importance of protecting traditional Chinese culture, which ischallenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. Besides, China is nationwide sparing no efforts to do it.The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. It is reported that the Guangdong government pays special attention to protecting Chaoju(潮剧),a local drama born in Chaozhou in the eastern Guangdong province.In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. To start with, we should make a law to regulate the society’s performance. Besides, we should draw more people’s attention to it, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture.。






关键词中国式英语,母语干扰,英语学习AbstractWith English as an international language, many people learn English, there are many variations. Chinese English is one. In English in China have to admit that today's foreign exchange which can not be ignored under the conditions of how a correct view of Chinese-style English, and enhance cross-cultural awareness training, the dissemination of Chinese culture has a major significance.Key Words Chinese English, negative transference of native culture, English learning目录引言语言迁移是二语习得中的一种普遍现象。





















关于社会文化的英语作文English:Society and culture are deeply interconnected, with culture shaping the way individuals interact with one another and society influencing the evolution of cultural norms and practices. Cultural diversity within a society enriches the tapestry of human experience, providing opportunities for individuals to broaden their perspectives and learn from different customs and beliefs. Moreover, societal values and traditions play a crucial role in shaping the fabric of communities, influencing everything from social norms to organizational structures. As societies continue to evolve and become increasingly interconnected through globalization, it is important to recognize and celebrate the diverse cultural heritage that defines us as individuals and communities.中文翻译:社会和文化深深相互联系,在文化的塑造下个体之间相互交流,社会影响文化规范和实践的演变。



Society and Culture of the English - speaking countriesWith the help of teacher,I learned the society and culture of English-speaking country. And I benefit a lot from it.Mostly,we learned about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and The Northern Ireland . Britain is located in the west part Europe. It consists of England, Scotlaand, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of Britain.And the population of UK is 60,441,457. English, welsh and Gaelic is UK’s offical language.Britain is the first country to undergoing the industrial revolution.Now,Britain is a country has a big impat such as world powers in political, economic, military, scientific, technological and cultural areas.Britain is one of the country which is richest and most econnmically advanced.The courage and courtesy, as " gentleman Road " form the core and essence of the spirit of Britain. White and red flag of England is Cross on behalf of England's patron saint St George's, White Cross of the cross on behalf of the patron saint ST Andrew of Scotland, the Red Cross guard the Holy Cross, the representative of Ireland, Patrick British flag, commonly known as " M - word flags ", officially called " the Union Flag ", and are often called " the Union Jack ".Jack is a naval term, refers to the flag flying in the bow. Union Flag is for " Union Flag ". The United Kingdom on behalf of England's patron saint St George's cross on theflag guard the sacred, the patron saint Andrew ofScotland, and Ireland, PatrickDesign of a nuclear arms, the UK nationalemblem Centre, on the surface of the upper - leftcorner and lower - right corner of the shield is redon the ground three Golden Lion, symbol of England ; the upper - right corner for gold half red lion standing on the ground, a symbol of Scotland ; the lower - left corner of the blue golden harp on the ground, a symbol of Northern Ireland.Arms, each represented by a head wearing a crown, Lion of England and one on behalf of the Scottish Unicorn holding. Around the arms, with a motto written in French, meaning " evil with evil " ; bottom of hanging Jared Medals, ribbons, it says " Oh my God there's a god, I have the right ".Arms, the top for a jeweled Gold Silver helmet, the imperial crown and the lion wearing a crown.The National Anthem of Britain is named God savethe Queen.As the reign of a male monarch, change thenational anthem " God save the King ". The God Savethe Queen is the national anthem of the Commonwealthcountries and the royal family carols.Their currency is the pound.And the national flower of Britain is rose.Its national bird is Red Beasted Pigeon.The main religion in the UK is Christian.And the main church is England church and Scotland church.Britain started in the industrial revolution.So The Britain has a unique status in the industry. What’s more ,Britain has strong cultural heritage.It is known to all that there are many famous colleges in Britain. For example,University of Oxford and University of Cambridge.The students graduted from these colleges are pretty excellent.And they are different from Chinese university graduate.In the UK, it’s always everywhere can feel the British cultural scene filled with rich atmosphere of Shakespeare, Shakespeare has been like nutrients into the blood of the British, has become not only the pride of Britain, has also become a symbol of British culture. Britain's respected also in actively explore Shakespeare, protection and construction of Shakespeare - related artifacts and buildings. A representative of the building is one of Shakespeare's Globe theatre.The first show of the creation of Shakespeare's plays are mostly held in the globe.There are many famous and historic architecture.For example,Sallo Paulo cathedral,British Museum,Buckingham Palace,Capitol and Big Ben,Tower of London bridge and Agile temple of west.Don’t forget a modern architecture,its name is London Bowl.They all reprensent the culture of the United Kingdom.Britain has a rich food culture.The British tend to enjoy cuisine : Stewed, grilled, fried and fried. Cooking of meat, seafood, and game are a special way.They also have a special preference for beef, such as roast beef. When eating not only with seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also in steak with lots of mustard ; in seasoning, use the preferences cream and alcohol ; in spices are like fresh meat Cole, cinnamon spice. Scotch Whisky or gin these well-known wine come from the United Kingdom. In the UK local, there are many people who like to drink,mainly because the United Kingdom is also a wine - producing country.The British spent on alcohol spending more than any other.As far as I know,Bar culture, is absolutely essential part of British social life. Earlier we talked about gentleman culture.A gentleman is the essence of British culture, value orientation and direction are British. Among the cultural influence of English, such as in life, work, work both as a standard.Gentleman culture is a temperament and style. It allows image of the English gentleman is deeply engraved in people's minds.By watching the short films.I find that the British Life is a little fast.But they also have time to enjoy the sun.It seems that they have a leisurely life.Their life is filled with passion and energy.And They are enthusiastic to others every day.Their life is very significant I think.By learning Society and Culture of the English - speaking countries, I know many knowledge about English-speaking country.It makes me know that there are many differences between Western country and Eastern country.For Western countries, I am full of curiosity .If there is a chance,I am bound to go around the English-speaking countries.。





























关键词:英语教学;文化教育;教育方法中图分类号:g632 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1002-7661(2012)17-024-01语言是文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式。















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An Elegant SpiritShe is the synonyms for elegance, she is the scale between beauty and purity, and is the symbol that combines grace with fashion. She made people give in her fascinated glamour. Whoever men or women, we all admire her for her attractive charming. She is the fallen angel of human’s world, even the God cannot help to kiss her cheek. She is peerless phoenix. That is Audrey Hepburn.Audrey Hepburn, one of the most influential Hollywood stars, and her splendid beauty gives people limitless imagine about her legendary life. Like an old saying “Life is a movie” , but Hepburn from a ordinary ballet dancer to an actor, then from a musical actor to a brilliant movie star that her whole life along with movie. Her life is plentiful, her debut and curtain call are almost perfect so that people cherish the memory of her. However, people are impressed most is her elegant spirit, including her irreplaceable style, elegant behavior, and her noble moral quality. I am touched deeply by her elegance and gracious quality.I consider that Hepburn is the classic English, because she has noble elegant manners, and eternal beauty. Maybe it is related to her noble family, she is the daughter of duke. Her noble family endowed with her demure disposition. It is no doubt that the solemn is one of English characters. According to the English Traits, written by prominent American writer Emerson. He mentioned that the solemn and reserved character of British could manifest their aristocratic status. Therefore, it made Hepburn permeate a kind of dignified temperament. Whatever points of view to know Hepburn, you could get a feeling of sedate personality. That is her glamorous elegance, enchant me.On the other hand, her elegance is bound up with fashion. So far as she is always a model of fashion and elegance. It dated back to her movies, such as Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and A Fair Lady. Her smart black short hair, black succinct dress with pearl necklace, her classical black round sunglasses, and her delicate liberihattu become the “Hepburn Style”. It is dominant in the fashionable world lead people to imitate her for a few centuries. She is the No.1 of vote of fashion celebrities in Vogue. Even she was nominated one of the most beautiful women in the history by Elle at thesame year in 2004. No one can beyond compare her beauty. The Elle said that she was fallen angle, and her beauty was unique. I can’t more agree it. Moreover, people are influenced by her beauty and elegance. Some women who admire Hepburn make up mind to lose weight. Besides, Hepburn promoted the cutting business because of the “Hepburn’s Hair”. Absolutely, Hepburn boosted the development of film industry. At that time, I would say wherever you go, whatever you do, this is Audrey Hepburn.Her honorable quality is her kindness. She is kind to friends, sons, especially to the children. Her kindness has an effect on people that no one could say something behind her. She had ever won the Oscar prize of three times, but she was never proud of her achievement. By contrast, she was low-pitched and modest like before, even work harder than before in her career. Once, she extended her sincerest gratitude to her friends who care and help her in Hollywood career. The reason why she did that was she got acquainted with many friends there. And she earned people’s respect and support. One cannot think of Hepburn’s friendship without thinking of Givenchy, the brilliant costume designer, nor thinking of famous movie director without Spielberg. As we all know that Givenchy and Spielberg are both distinguished in his own field internationally. However, they are fascinated by elegant Hepburn. She kept the longest cooperation relationship with Givenchy, and got perpetual friendship. She also had an important position of famous director Spielberg.She is one of the most favorable Hollywood stars in his heart. Clearly, Hepburn’s elegance made people comfortable in life that she is always giving wonderful aspect in people’s mind. Just like her close friend Richard Dreyfus said that she has been the most wonderful superiority, she perfectly sent out her charming, she perfectly planted love seed; she was a sweet dream, you still smiling when you wake up. Why call her fallen angel of human’s world? As a goodwill ambassador of United Nations Children’s Fund, she was not afraid of hard work to help those poor, unhealthy and disabled children in the developing countries.Her elegance is close to her dressing. I’m highly approved that idea about dressing of Hepburn. She admired concise style in her dressing instead of luxuries. Givenchy said that the more concise of dressing, the more better for Hepburn. On theother hand, I also worship her attitude about fashion that she could not follow fashion trend, but the fashion would be decorations.As far as I am concerned, nowadays most girls want to be fashionable that they are blindly following fashion spending money generously. And the money cannot belong to them, but their parents. Those girls are keen on premium brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Burberry, and Calvin Klein and so on… Just because they believe that contemporary dressing is incomparable. And it could show her elegant flavor. Even worse, some girls make use of it to flaunt their luxuries and boast their wealth. Besides, young children intentionally cutting a hole in their jeans, and they are most likely to wave the “bomb hair”. They think they are popular, fashionable and beautiful. Conversely, they look weird and funny. It is a severe phenomenon, but it becomes common immediately in society that more young people are inclined to follow them. I am shamed of them, and they should be condemned and corrected right away. Hepburn had set a good example for us, we could learn from it. The purpose of fashion could not be attractive to attention, but show the charm of style, the style of elegance,In my opinion, I seem simplicity as a standard of beauty for girls. We are young, and we born with our unique beauty. I’ve heard a poem that “natural beauty of hibiscus rising out of clear water.” It is the truth, and I am fully confident of it is the best description of elegance of Audrey Hepburn. We don’t have to buy luxuries, to make change, and to intimate someone. Therefore, we needn’t pursue excessively fashion in our life. Fashion cannot produce beauty, only your real elegance.Meanwhile, the essence of her attractive elegance is her manner. She ever had revealed the magic code of keeping beauty forever. However, what I grasp is her real reflection of her elegant manner. She said that your charming lips lies in kind words, your lovely eyes consists in seeing other’s advantages, your slender figure rests with sharing foods with hungry people; your beautiful hair because children’s fingers through it, elegant manners derived from knowledge and along with it; please remember, if you need help, please be good at using your hands now; as time passes, you can find out that you have two hands, one helping yourself , the other helpingothers; your wonderful precious times of the past still in the front on your way, I hope that you could have it! Every time I read it, I’ve always been moving by her words. I get benefit a lot from her. Just because of her, I could understand what beauty is, what real elegant manner is, and what fair lady is. I get answers from her, and I appreciate her forever with my sincerest admiration, respect, and affection.Finally, the reason why I choose Audrey Hepburn as my theme of my paper is that Audrey Hepburn is the most appropriate personage to show distinct elegant charm of women. Absolutely, she is one of the most splendid actresses in the movie industry. As a matter of the fact, most girls are increasingly paying no attention to their manners in modern society. Sometimes, you could encounter that a beauty talked dirty with others in public and a flock of girls dress with grotesque. I expect people to realize its side-effect especially girls would regain her innate innocence. My favorite actor, Audrey Hepburn, a beautiful angle fallen in human’s world, after experienced all glories and pains, brandished her wings, then brought her eternal visage, left love and warm that people feel deeply regret and attaching. Her purity, beauty, elegant is perpetual memory in people’s mind.Indeed, although we cannot see the God with our own eyes, we’ve met the angle. She is an elegant spirit, Audrey Hepburn.References:[1]. [美] 肖恩·赫本·费雷著孙源张勤等译天使在人间《奥黛丽·赫本》广西师范大学出版社[2]. 怡清编著《玉骨冰心:奥黛丽·赫本》湖南师范大学出版社[3]. [美] 艾默生著《英国人的特性》张其贵李昌其胡莉莉译方莉校译中国社会科学出版社[4]. 纪录片《奥黛丽·赫本:极致淑女》让天使重回人间。
