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( ) 1. To make the world a cleaner place, we must_______ all kinds of pollution

A. protect B provide C. keep D. reduce

( )2. Tom did his homework_______ 11 last night.

A. since

B. before

C. till

D. for

( )3. It's very_______ to play_______ Chinese chess with him

A. pleasure; a

B. pleased; the

C. pleasant; /

D. interesting; the

( )4. Millie_______ a survivor in the terrible earthquake last year.

A. interview

B. interviewed

C. have a interview

D. had a interview

( )5. Tom_______ for five years.

A. married

B. got married

C. was married

D. has been married

( )6. (2012.遂宁)Chinese people_______ keep pigs for food. But now some people keep them as pets.

A. used to B has to C. had better

( )7. - I have_______ finished my homework. What about you?

- I finished it_______.

A. just; just

B. just now; just now

C. just; just now

D. just now; just

( )8. Good to see you again It's almost three years_______ we met last time

A until B. before C. while D. since

( )9. The pollution of our beaches with oil_______ very terrible.

A is

B are C.do D. does

( )10. Nothing in the world is_______ if you set your mind to do it.

A. impossible B wonderful C. interesting D. necessary

( )11. The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008.

They_______ there for three years since then-

A live B. lived C. have lived D. will live

( )12. He said life without old friends was_______ .He will visit some of

his old friends tomorrow.

A. a bit of boring

B. a bit boring

C. a bit bored

D. a bit of bored

( )13. There are two bananas, some yogurt and ice cream.

Please_______ them_______ a milk shake.

A. turn; down

B. turn; into

C. turn; up

D. turn; off

( )14. -_______ have you been here? - Since 2006.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How far

D. How

( )15. -Would you like to watch Painted Skin Ⅱwith me?

-Certainly. I don't mind seeing again although I_______ it twice.

A. saw

B. was seen

C. have seen

D. had seen

( )16. -Dave, we will leave in 10 minutes. Are you ready?

- No, I_______ our guide book and towels yet.

A. don't pack

B. didn't pack

C. have packed

D. haven't packed

( )17. - Have you actually lived in Jianhu since then? - _______.

A. Yes, I do.

B. Yes, I did.

C. Yes, I have.

D. No, I didn't.

( )18. - How long have you been at this school? - _______.
