
非文学英译汉(CATTI三级笔译真题)第一讲Plans are well under way for a year of celebrations to mark the upcoming bicentennial of one of Poland's favorite native sons-Frédéric, Chopin.计划为期一年的庆祝活动正顺利实施,这标志着弗里德里克·肖邦(Frédéric Chopin)二百周年诞辰纪念日即将到来,他是波兰最为著名的当地人之一。
The prestigious International Chopin Competition for pianists will mark its 16th edition in October 2010. Held every five years, the competition draws scores of young musicians from all over the world. In addition, Warsaw’s Chopin Museum, with the world’s largest collection of Chopin documents and other artifacts, will undergo a total redesign, modernization and expansion.第16届国际肖邦钢琴家比赛将在2010年10月份举办,此比赛久负盛名。
A lavishly illustrated new guidebook called “Chopin’s Poland” was already published this year. It leads visitors to dozens of sites in Warsaw and elsewhere around the country where the composer lived, ate, studied, performed, visited or even partied.今年新近出版的旅游指南《肖邦的波兰》,内容丰富且有大量插图。


第一章 概论
• 五. 非文学翻译的特点 • 1. 准确无误地再现原文所反映或欲反映的客观
现实 • 1)意思连贯 2)语言准确,句子表达严密 • 3)意思明确,没有歧义 4)任何增删不能损
害原文基本信息的准确性 • 2. 语言朴实 • 1)语言规范 2)简洁明了 • 3)信息准确性第一,语言艺术第二 • 4)中译英时文风朴实化
第四章 篇章的衔接
• 上下文衔接关系是使语篇成为形式和意 义完整统一体的重要手段。可以分为两 大类:
• 1. 语法/结构衔接,包括照应( reference, 指人称代词,指示代词等); 替代,指 代动词do,以及one, the same 这种词, 以及答语中的so, nor 等;省略(ellipsis, 指名词性词、动词、小句的省略等); 连接(conjunction,指虚词and, but 以及
第三章 简明英语
• 一. 什么是简明英语 • 简明英语(Plain English Campaign)是一
种适当、清楚的写作方法,它以尽可能 简单的方式,达到有效沟通过的结果。 简明英语使用直白、具体和常见的词汇 。 • 二. 什么是好英语? • 三. 为什么使用简明英语? • 1. 更容易阅读
第三章 简明英语
第二章 隐喻、俗语等文化词语的 翻译
• 2. 借用(用标准的译入语意象替代源于意 象)
• 3. 把隐喻翻译为明喻,保留原来的意象 • 4. 直译+意译(把比喻翻译为比喻+意思) • 5. 意译(把比喻转换为意思) • 6. 删除多余或没有什么意义的隐喻 • 7. 直译+解释
第二章 隐喻、俗语等文化词语的 翻译
第六章 非文学翻译实践
• 4)文化归化(the adaptation model),即源 语表达形式略去,代之以译语的形式,源 语文化意义丧失。

非文学翻译的特点与方法The purpose of this article is to present the characteristics and approaches of nonliterary translation. The big importance between literary translation and nonliterary translation is the world of reality, of facts and events. The nonliterary translation must obey the facts and the first standard of it is accurate. The language of it should be simple and the purpose of nonliterary translation is to transfer the information so that we can not beat about the bush and present briefly. The approach of nonliterary translation including four points. First , the principle of English writing should guide the chines-English translation. Second , ,using electronic tools to enhance the translation quality and speed. Third, the parallel text professional knowledge can make up the language skills shortages. Fourth , with rigorous attitude, scientific method, critical thinking to solve problems.非文学翻译也可以笼统地称为文件翻译、实用型翻译或应用型翻译。

As a unique form of folk art, block-printed Chinese New Year pictures stand out in its artistic expression. As far as their artistic creation is concerned, these pictures are free from the limitations of time and space, with masterly generalized themes and sensationally exaggerated images.在技法上,木版年画继承了我国传统的勾线技法,构图严谨而饱满,线条简约而粗犷,画面古朴而夸张,人物生动而憨厚,色泽艳丽而明快。
In terms of their brushwork or style, they have inherited the traditional Chinese sketching techniques, with an accurate and well-conceived composition, simple yet bold lines, unsophisticated yet exaggerated images, vivid yet honest characters, and bright and lively colors.在印刷上,大多以黑、红、绿、蓝、黄等色为主,对比强烈,主题突出。
As regards printing, black, red, green, blue and yellow are the preferred colors. In short, with skillfully contrasted colors, characteristic themes, honest and graceful figures, these pictures give off a strong local flavor.(二)2000多年前,我们的先辈筚路蓝缕,穿越草原沙漠,开辟出联通亚欧非的陆上丝绸之路;我们的先辈扬帆远航,穿越惊涛骇浪,闯荡出连接东西方的海上丝绸之路。
非文学翻译(口译) week 17

Views on the World Wars1) The Second World War in some ways gavebirth to less novelty and genius than theFirst.第二次世界大战在某些方面不像第一次世界大战那样产生了诸多新奇事物和天才伟人。
(蔡基纲译)novelty 与genius的所指应该是同一类的,不应一个是“事务”,另一个却是“人”。
genius: the prevalent character or spirit of something such as a nation or age(民族、语言、时代等的)特质,精神,传统,特征e.g. Boucher’s paintings did not suit the austere genius of neoclassicism.布歇的画作不适合新古典主义的严肃风格改译:从某些方面看,第二次世界大战不像一战那样催生了诸多新奇事物,也缺乏鲜明的时代特征。
2) It was, of course, a greater cataclysm, fought over a wider area, and altered the social and political structure of the world atleast as radically as its predecessor, perhaps more so.当然,它是一场更大的战争,卷入的地区更广,改变世界社会和政治结构的激烈程度至少不亚于第一次世界大战,或许更为激烈。
(蔡基纲译)Belle epoque3) But the break in continuity in 1914 was far more violent.但是1914年的时势突变更为剧烈。


非文学英译汉(CATTI二级笔译 说明类)

非文学汉译英(CATTI二级笔译/说明类)移动电话正在成为21 世纪一个主要的技术领域。
The cell phone is becoming one of the major technologies of the 21st century. Within a few years, it will become a multi-functional communicator of transmitting and receiving not only sound, but also videos, still images, data and text. A new era of personal communication is on the way.在一定程度上多亏了无线网络的发展,电话正在与个人电脑和电视融合起来。
Thanks in part to the growth of wireless networks, the telephone is converging with the personal computer and the television. Soon light-weight phones outfitted with high-resolution screens will be connected to satellites. People can talk, send and receive e-mails, or participate in video conferences anytime, anywhere. These phones might also absorb many of the key functions of computers. Mobile devices are expected to be ideal for some of the new services that are available via the Internet, such as trading stocks, shopping and booking theater and airline tickets.电信革命已在全球范围内展开。
非文学英译汉(CATTI二级笔译 经济问题)

The international financial crisis has brought unprecedented difficulties and challenges to China. All these are mainly reflected in the following: the obviously increasing economic growth pressure, the persistent decline in import and export, the distinct slowing down of industrial production, some companies’ production and operation (are faced up) with difficulties, as well as the enlarged employment difficulties. The crisis runs across the critical period of transformation of China‘s development pattern and economic structural adjustment, which has combined new challenges with existing contradictions, making us more difficult to solve problems.为应对国际金融危机冲击、保持经济平稳较快发展,中国及时调整宏观经济政策,果断实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,形成了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的一揽子计划。

第二讲第三讲非文学英译汉(法律英语)中国顶级法律翻译专家——陈忠诚先生《法律英语五十篇》《法窗译话》Universal Copyright Convention 《世界版权公约》Convention/Treaty/CovenantThe Contracting States, 缔约各国,Moved by the desire to assure in all countries copyright protection of literary, scientific and artistic works,出于保证在所有国家给文学、科学和艺术作品以版权保护的愿望;Convinced that a system of copyright protection appropriate to all nations of the world and expressed in a universal convention, additional to, and without impairing international systems already in force, will ensure respect for the rights of the individual and encourage the development of literature, the sciences and the arts,确信适用于世界各国并以世界公约确定下来的、补充而无损于现行各种国际制度的版权保护制度,将保证对个人权利的尊重,并鼓励文学、科学和艺术的发展;Persuaded that such a universal copyright system will facilitate a wider dissemination and increase international understanding.相信这种世界版权保护制度将会促进(人类精神产品)更加广泛的传播和增进国际了解;Have agreed as follows: 为此特协议如下:Article I第一条Each Contracting State undertakes to provide for the adequate and effective, protection of the rights of authors and other copyright proprietors in literary, scientific and artistic works, including writings, musical, dramatic and cinematographic works, and paintings, engravings and sculpture.缔约各国承允对文学、科学、艺术作品——包括文字、音乐、戏剧和电影作品,以及绘画、雕刻和雕塑——的作者及其他版权所有者的权利,提供充分有效的保护。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如诗歌散文、原文赏析、读书笔记、经典名著、古典文学、网络文学、经典语录、童话故事、心得体会、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as poetry and prose, original text appreciation, reading notes, classic works, classical literature, online literature, classic quotations, fairy tales, experience, other sample essays, etc. if you want to know the difference Please pay attention to the format and writing of the sample essay!《非国语》原文及翻译【导语】:柳宗元原文:左氏《国语》,其文深闳杰异,固世之所耽嗜而不已也。

学术英语综合Unit10译文资料讲解学术英语综合U n i t10译文第十单元语言习得Text A习得艺术的本能史蒂芬?平克当你在阅读这些文字时,便已经置身于自然界的一大奇观之中,因为你我都同属于这个拥有非凡能力的物种:我们能够精确无误地在彼此的大脑中塑造事件。
非文学翻译(口译) week 12

翻译练习:For his part, Braun in his book is very scathing of Mao's part in a military excursion into Sinkiang in 1936.This affair remains mysterious, but there is no doubt of Braun's vendetta with Mao during his final years in China. The Chinese leader gave him a perpetual brush-off from meetings of importance in Yenan. Braun found that Mao's "knowledge of Marxism... seemed superficial", and that his pronouncements were full of aphorisms, the product of a pragmatic utilitarian mind which had not come to grips with the philosophical premises of communism. Braun ridiculed Mao's determination of class status by such subjective criteria as income and concluded that his real goal was that of complete personal power. It is not perhaps surprising that this German communist even finds a word of praise for one of the leading (and extremelyhostile) historians of Chinese communism on the Kuomintang island of Taiwan.而布劳恩则在他的书里就毛在1936年红军远涉新疆的事件(指红军西路军远征河西走廊,失败后少数人员最终抵达新疆的事件—译注)中所起的作用进行了尖锐的抨击。
非文学翻译(口译) week 10.

翻译讲评Diesel engine operating features (paragraph 2)Now let us compare the diesel engine with the gasoline engine. Firstly, the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburettor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is effected by an injection or "jerk" pump which forces a "shot" of fuel into each cylinder in turn according to the correct firing sequence.✓explosive mixture爆炸性混合物/(可)爆燃混合气✓the supply = the supply of the explosive mixture✓to effect = to bring about; to cause sth to occur 使产生;使发生✓… the supply is effected by… = …the mixture is supplied by…✓an injection or "jerk" pump = aninjection pump or ―jerk‖ pump✓injection pump喷射泵/喷油泵✓jerk pump 高压燃油喷射泵/ 脉动作用泵译:现在,让我们比较一下柴油发动机和汽油发动机。

1.七喜广告:Fresh-up with Seven-up.初稿:喝七喜,神清气爽!润色稿:喝七喜,真给力!终稿:畅饮七喜,倍添活力!2.百威啤酒广告:Budweiser. True.初稿:百威啤酒,真正的(味道)。
终稿:百威啤酒,地道美国味儿!When you say Budweirser, you’ve said it all.初稿:当你说出“百威”,你已经说了它包含的一切意义。
For all you do, this Bud’s for you.初稿:为了(回报)你的付出,给你来罐百威啤酒。
The genuine article.初稿:如假包换。
The King of beers.初稿:啤酒之王。
Where there’s life, there’s Bud.初稿:哪里有生活(人),哪里就有百威。
终稿:今天你百威了么?3.大地鞋(Earth shoes) 广告:Earth. Different. Like you.初稿:大地鞋,与众不同,和你一样。
4.欧洲飞机上向乘客卖水的广告:Stay hydrated, arrive refreshed.初稿:保持水分,到达时就会重提精神。
Moreover, the nature of the enlightened type of rationality was furthered by and developed in order to suit scientific activity. Notions such as experiment, method, measurement, demonstration and evidence which have been linked with the idea of a systematic, quantitative and objective type of knowledge played an important role in the conception of the modern scientific mind. Reality was thus objectified, reified and organized in order to favor the analysis of its functioning. This model, exemplified by the natural sciences, has since been applied to every other field of knowledge.The application of method to reasoning was decisive in the development of science itself and to the evolution of modern society on both economic and political levels. The scientific method became a link between opposing tendencies such as capitalism and socialism, who took it for granted as well as exploited the implications it has for the development of the industrial world. Scientific reasoning developed then into instrumental reason in that it tends to isolate and control, split fact from value, and, as a consequence, treat people and environment as instruments.初稿:此外,启蒙的理性主义的性质被促进,并得到发展,为的是与科学活动相适应。

非文学英译汉(科技翻译CATTI二级笔译真题)Mangoes in Africa, as elsewhere, often fall prey to fruit flies, which destroy about 40% of the continents crop. In fact, fruit flies are so common in African mangoes that America has banned their import altogether, to protect its own orchards. African farmers, meanwhile, have few practical means to defend their fruit.非洲芒果(产区),如同其他地区一样,也饱受果蝇困扰,果蝇(泛滥)让非洲芒果减产达40%左右。
Chemical pesticides are expensive. And even for those who can afford them they are not that effective since, by the time a farmer spots an infestation, it is too late to spray. Agricultural scientists have also looked at controlling fruit flies with parasitic wasps. But the most common ones kill off only about one fly in 20, leaving plenty of survivors to go on the rampage.化学杀虫剂十分昂贵,即使买得起,杀虫剂(灭蝇效果)也不理想,因为果农发现有果蝇后再喷洒往往为时已晚。
学习笔记 《非文学翻译》读书报告

1. 译者的能动性译者的能动性是指译者根据交际的情境对原文进行调整的灵活性,包括省略、简化、增补、完善等。
就像工厂里挂的宣传标语“糊弄客户等于慢性自杀”,翻译时我们就应该想一想,这样的标语真的应该翻译出来吗?译出来真的能达到预期的宣传效果吗?再如,首都机场边境管理处的中文提示是:请出示登机牌、护照、出境登记表,而英文提示只有Please Show Your Boarding Pass andPassport,而没有“出境登记表”,因为外国人不需要填这个表。

Chef Fan Xiuling’s regular recipes is soothingFan Xiuling is one of the most famous chefs in Taiwan with delicate shape and good conversation. There were two magnificent turning points in her life. The first one is that when she was 30 years old, she quitted her job as an air traffic controller and went to French to learn cuisine starting from the scratch; the second one is that she resigned from her job as a director of the restaurant in a five star hotel and is now running an private cuisine restaurant without changing her original intention of pacifying human being's heart.One autumn afternoon, when entering her Home Cuisine Restaurant which is full of European style dishes, you can find “Today’s Menu” writing on a small blackboard. It writes: cold dishes such as vinegar mushroom salad, German-style potato salad, braised prawns with garlic in Spanish style; soup such as roast tomato soup with basil, mushroom cappuccino ; meat such as braised spareribs with fennel, stewed special selection plum pork with cream sauce, boeuf bourguignon……. In addition to order the meals in the restaurant, you can also take the delis in airtight cans home for an appetite-tempting spread of classical European homely dishes. Take a family of four as an example, they can enjoy a delicious meal with just a budget of RMB1000.Behind the deli case there is a wood sliding door and A “Chef’s Table” sitting behind it. 8-10 people can book the “Chef’s Table” each time, and they can not only appreciate Chef Fan Xiuling’s excellent cooking skill, but also hear the characters and allusions of each dish explained vividly by her in Chinese, French or English.As the restaurant’s name implies, Home Cuisine Restaurant boasts homely dishes, with an emphasis on flavor, fleshiness, and health and getting rid of frills. Customers don’t need to dress up or bother about knife or fork, instead they can make themselves at home. In order to create a cheerful atmosphere, the chef will serve a full pot of staple food, whether Spanish paella or complemented barbecue mixed with fish, cuttlefish, chicken, steak, and diners can take what they like.Field, Habitus and Capital in Community Interpreting---To Analyze Interpreting in the Sight of SociologylogyAbstract: Based on French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus andcapital, an analysis of power relations and meaning-construction in communityinterpreting is presented. Community interpreting is not a simple and isolated languagetransformation, but a communicative event in historic, social and cultural context. In this “zone of uncertainty”, the parties involved (namely agents) are in a complex network of power relations, controlled by the institutions and influenced by the society. With their own habitus,they exploit and fight for a great variety of capital, finally the alteration or remodeling of the entire social order is realized. The interpreter plays a vital role in exercising the participants’ power and achieving communicative purpose respectively. Keywords: community interpreting; field; habitus; capital; sociology of interpreting。
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翻译讲评Diesel engine operating features (paragraph 2)Now let us compare the diesel engine with the gasoline engine. Firstly, the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburettor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is effected by an injection or "jerk" pump which forces a "shot" of fuel into each cylinder in turn according to the correct firing sequence.✓explosive mixture爆炸性混合物/(可)爆燃混合气✓the supply = the supply of the explosive mixture✓to effect = to bring about; to cause sth to occur 使产生;使发生✓… the supply is effected by… = …the mixture is supplied by…✓an injection or "jerk" pump = aninjection pump or “jerk” pump✓injection pump喷射泵/喷油泵✓jerk pump 高压燃油喷射泵/ 脉动作用泵译:现在,让我们比较一下柴油发动机和汽油发动机。
Secondly, the fundamental difference between gasoline and diesel engines is that in the gasoline engine the source of the heat for igniting the charge, namely, an electric spark, is generated outside the engine, and is taken, as it were, into the waiting charge at the required instant.a.the source of the heat热源b.t he charge燃料/混合燃气c.the source of the heat = an electric sparkd.a s it were: used when describing something in a way that is not quite exact 可以说;可谓viz.,译:其次,汽油发动机与柴油发动机的基本区别在于:汽油机中用于点燃混合燃气的热源(即电火花)是在发动机外面产生的,可以说电火花总是在需要的时刻被引入待燃的混合气中。
In the diesel engine the source of heat for igniting the charge is created within the engine by compressing pure air to a degree that will initiate combustion and then [by] injecting the fuel at the right time in relation to the movement of the crankshaft.a.The source of heat is created by compressing…and then injecting the…b.t o initiate combustion 是什么在燃烧?是空气还是燃料(charge)?译:而在柴油发动机中,用于点燃混合气的热源是在发动机内部产生的,方法是将纯空气压缩,直到燃料可以被引燃的程度,随后,因应曲轴的运动,燃油适时地喷入。
Both classes of engines are of very similar construction. But as the diesel engine is called upon to withstand very much greater stresses due to higher pressures in cylinders, it has to be of more substantial construction, and is thus heavier.a.construction结构b.s tresses应力e.g. a stress of 240 MPa / a stress of200–1000 Pa / a stress of 2900 kg/cm2译:这两种发动机的结构是很相似的,但是由于柴油发动机汽缸内压强更高,它必须能够承受大得多的应力,因此它的结构必须更加坚固,重量也更大些。
In general, the diesel engine may weigh about 9. 25 kilograms per kilowatt. The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt. The gasoline engine for automobiles weighs about 6. 17 kilograms per kilowatt, and gasoline engines for airplanes may weigh as little as 0. 77 kilograms per kilowatt. This advantage prevents the diesel engine from replacing the gasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes.一般来说,柴油机每千瓦重量可达9.25公斤。
However, the diesel engine is more efficient, because it has a higher compression ratio. Its ratio may be as high as 16 to 1. Up to 40 per cent of the chemical energy of the burning fuel may be changed into mechanical energy. In addition, the diesel engine runs cooler than the gasoline engine. This advantage is especially obvious at lower speeds. Diesel oil is not only cheaper than gasoline, but also safer to store.Mechanical properties of a materialA mechanically sound structure like a bridge on the river然而,柴油发动机的效率更高些,因为柴油机具有较高的压缩比,可达16比I。
XIII.文化负载词汇--中外翻译策略比较1.运动会吉祥物:1)福娃、乐羊羊、盼盼2)Amik - Montreal 1976"Amik" in Indian language means beaver.The beaver has always been associated with hard work. (Note: The name "Amik"is not translated as “beaver”for use in English or “castor” in French.)3)Hodori - Seoul 1988The " Ho" in "Hodori" comes from the Korean word for tiger, and "Dori" is a common masculine diminutive.4)Naranjito, mascot of Football World Cup, Spain, 1982The name comes from naranja, Spanish for orange, and the diminutive suffix "-ito"5)Pique, mascot of Football World Cup, Mexico, 1986The name comes from picante, Spanishfor spicy peppers and sauces6)Ciao, mascot of Football World Cup, Italy, 19907)Goleo V and Pille, mascot of Football World Cup, Germany, 2006Goleo is a portmanteau of the words "goal" and "leo", the Latin word for lion. In Germany, "Pille" is a colloquial term for a football2.饮食1)饺子,馒头,豆腐,汤圆,点心,茄汁,荔枝2)tofu, gyoza, sake, pizza, macaroni(通心粉), spaghetti, ravioli, pasta (面条类)cappuccino, sauté(煎),mayonnaise(蛋黄酱), pâté(酱;馅饼), foie gras(鹅肝酱), V odka,Champagne, Cabernet Sauvignonpickle, oshinko, sauerkraut, kimchi3.体育运动1)武术,太极拳,咏春拳Wing Tsun,截拳道Jeet Kune Do,围棋,象棋,2)judo,taekundo,karate, go, Muay Thai,kabaddi, canoe, épée, sabre, fleuret, 4. 音乐舞蹈1)唢呐,琵琶,京剧,昆曲,粤曲,采茶戏Tea-picking Opera,客家山歌Hakka Folk Songs/Hakka mountainsongs2)cello, concerto, allegro, andante,tempo, libretto, ballet, soprano, scherzo,tango, samba, rumba, serenade, pas dedeux, pas de quatre, encore, waltz,k hoomei (khuumei)5. 称呼语3)老张,小李,陈老师,王师傅,李司机,何书记,4)Monsieur Lafarge, Madame Curie,Signorina Mussolini, SignoriCampanini, Señor San Antonio, SeñoraNilda, Fraulein Maria, Führer, etc--Ah ! but Signore, —the bottle had acork." " A cork ! ...Oh ! but —signore— just as you please!--Why, yes, Fraulein Maria WAS mygoverness before going to work for thevon Trapp family. However did youknow?PHANTOM'S VOICE:I'm here: The Phantom of the Opera . . .I'm here: The Phantom of the Opera . . . RAOUL:You fool, I said only when the times comes! MARKSMAN:But, Monsieur le Vicomte . . .PHANTOM'S VOICE:No "buts"! For once, Monsieur le Vicomte is right.Seal my fate tonight - I hate to have to cut the fun short but the joke's wearing thinLet the audience in ... let my opera begin!Les Miserables--Good afternoon, Monsieur le Maire. The new inspector has arrived. - He wants to report.-- That's all right. He doesn't have to.--But Monsieur le Maire, if you don't permit the inspector to report... I think he will burst into tears. Monsieur le Maire, I'm Inspector Javert. I have the honor of reporting to my post as your prefect of police.-- I'm sorry. What's your name?- Inspector Javert.- You were expecting me. Paris should...- You have papers? Yes, I apologize. I should have presented them immediately.--Good. Thank you for coming.4.其它1)阴,阳,龙,凤,风水,八卦,红卫兵,赤脚医生城管On Oct. 27th, when a Chengguan squadin Zhumadian County in Henan wastearing down a residential building by force, they came into conflict with the owners.走资派... was labeled a Zouzipai (capitalist-roader)大字报Dazibao, or wall-mounted posters /Big-character posters // wall newspapers法轮功下岗the xiagang or laid-off workers, // xiagng (laid-off) workers上访make a shangfang (an appeal to a higher judicial authority) // China has a way of lodging complaints via a petition known as a shangfang户口to obtain a hukou, or residence permit // hukou (residence permit)2)sans-culotte, paparazzi, Ciao, edelweiss, blitz, diesel, Geisha, Kamikaze, Kanji, Kimono, Samurai, Sushi, Zen, Tsunami, Shinto, AumShinrikyo, Russian Duma, perestroika,gulag, Cheka. Cosmonaut, Czar, junta,olé , siesta, toreador, El Niño, La Niña回译与文献检索1. 孔子曰:“天无二日,民无二王。