瑞典 IMO ACE 系列 螺杆泵 介绍、说明书

三、产品的规格型号说明G LB—泵的总级数泵每转公称排量抽油杆传动螺杆泵型号表示示例:GLB120-36 即为每转公称排量120ml,36级的单螺杆抽油泵四、螺杆泵的性能特点1、地面装置结构简单,体积小,重量轻。
泵效可达60% ~ 95%,是现有机械采油设备中运动阻力最小、能耗最省、效率最高的机械设备之一,是石油行业的更新换代产品。

⼲货分享:典型燃油供油单元的那些知识点,⼀⽹打尽某三⼗万吨级VLOC的主机采⽤韩国⽃⼭WARTSILA:6RT-Flex 82T型共轨⼆冲程柴油机,⾼压油泵前的燃油压⼒在全负荷时要求≥7bar和≤10bar,燃油进机温度≤1500C,燃料油粘度范围13~17Cst,如使⽤轻质燃油,粘度应≥2Cst,回油压⼒则保持在3~5bar范围,为延长ICU (Injection control unit燃油喷射控制单元)寿命,对燃油的质量要求⾼;辅机则为上海齐耀的WARTSILA A6L20四冲程柴油机三台,使⽤重质燃料油时,进机处的粘度范围为12~24Cst,燃油温度应⼩于1500C,使⽤轻质燃油粘度要求≥1.8Cst。
主辅机共⽤奥拉莫林.上海(AURA MARINE)AMB-M-36-SS型供油单元,为保证主辅机的安全可靠运⾏,除对所⽤燃油进⾏适当的预处理外,供油单元的维护显得尤为重要。
流程简图如下图:正压头的燃料油或柴油从燃油⽇⽤柜或柴油⽇⽤柜经三通阀进⼊400micr的供油泵吸⼝滤器,粗过滤后进⼊供油泵:供油泵为IMO制造的三螺杆泵,型号ACE038K3/NTBP,ACE代表系列号,038代表主动螺杆直径,K3代表此型号泵的投产年代,T代表泵轴封系列,P 代表安全阀结构形式。
干式真空螺杆泵 DP说明手册

安全l 、应避免泵的管道法兰受到过重的压力;2 、在无防护装备的情况下不要操作机器,而且不正确转向也会损坏泵;3 、操作过程中不要让泵的抽气口暴露大气;4 、当泵与电机连接时,不要进行维护操作。
前言说明手册描述了DP 型螺杆干式真空泵的操作和维护过程中需要了解和遵守的指示和警告。
1 .总体说明1.1概要螺杆干式真空泵通过两个旋转的螺杆,排出被吸入的气体形成真空,螺杆的端面轮廓形状包括了很多曲线.如阿基米德曲线、摆线曲线和圆弧,螺杆和螺杆之间、螺杆和泵体之间都存在一定的间隙,互不接触,平稳的旋转。
被抽气体被平稳顺畅的送到排气口排出泵外.泵的结构决定了泵油不会混入到被排出的气体中,电机的动力通过V 型皮带或联轴器驱动真空泵。

max 90° min 60°
Fig. 2 吊装泵
LP 1205CN May 2006
IMO AB, Telephone: + 46 8 50 622 800, Telefax: + 46 8 645 15 09 E-mail: info@imo.se, Web: www.imo.se
Fig. 11 液体截留
LP 1205CN
IMO AB, Telephone: + 46 8 50 622 800, Telefax: + 46 8 645 15 09
May 2006
E-mail: info@imo.se, Web: www.imo.se
推荐安装压力表用于监测泵的运行状态。压力表应安 装于便于观测的地方,并尽可能靠近泵的进出口法 兰。泵系列:ACE, ACG/UCG, ACF/UCF 及 LPQ, 其进出口法兰上均留有压力表联接口。
在与泵连接之前,系统必须进行清洗及试压。若在清 洗试压时使用了腐蚀性的液体,如水等,则在清洗完 后,系统必须进行彻底的排空及干燥,以保护泵不受 腐蚀。
泄漏出的油液可能导致地面湿滑 ! 并引起人身伤害,应注意防滑!
Fig. 14 外部控制泄压阀
LP 1205CN
IMO AB, Telephone: + 46 8 50 622 800, Telefax: + 46 8 645 15 09
(2) B = 法兰安装 F = 脚支撑安装 Y = 垂直脚支撑安装
(3) E = 无泄压阀 G = 外部回流的阀 O = 较低压力的内回流的阀 P = 全部压力的内回流的阀

3.1 包装及运输............................................................................................................................................6 3.2 储存........................................................................................................................................................7
8 故障的发现及排除 ...................................................................................................................15
8.1 故障表..................................................................................................................................................15 8.2 如何根据出现的故障来寻找产生的原因 ..........................................................................................15
Omega FPU500系列双螺梭泵产品说明书

FPU500U Stainless Steel Rotor Assembly U I deal for Use in Sterile, Corrosive or General Operating Environments UF low Rates from 1.0 to 2280 mL/Min (36 GPH)U M ounts Directly onto OMEGAFLEX Motor or Compatible Pump Motor U E asily Stackable Mounting for Multichannel Pumping U T hree-Roller Geometry Reduces Pulsation and Improves Priming U P olysulfone Housing for Durability and Chemical ResistanceThe FPU500 Series peristaltic pumps from OMEGA ® offer exceptional simplicity, ease of use, and variable flow capability. A motor turns the pump’s rollers, which squeeze fluid through precision-bore tubing in a wave-like motion. The fluid does not come into contact with the pump; only the outside wall of the tubing does. This makes these pumps ideal for use in sterile, corrosive, or general fluid flow operating environments.The pump is self-priming and non-siphoning. When one section of the tube fatigues, simply move the tube along to an unused section and continue pumping. No tools are required to load the tube. A precision-molded tubing cavity provides the proper occlusion for the recommended tubing. A tube clamp holds the tubing securely in place. Tubing is easily changed without removing the pump.One pump can be used for many differentapplications, or you can mount two pumps onto the motor. The pumps work with a wide variety of OMEGAFLEX ® plastic tubing. Vinyl, FKM, Tygon, silicone, Santoprene, and Norprene ® tubing can be purchased in a broad range of sizes. The standard rotor assembly is made of stainless steel.The FPU500 pump can be purchased with an optional adaptor plate that can be used to mount the pump to a motor other than the FPU5-MT pump motor. The pump comes standard with 2 short mounting screws, used to mount one pump at a time. If you need to stack two pumps, order long mounting screws.SPECIFICATIOnSMaximum Back Pressure: 20 psi Maximum RPM to Prime: 100 RPM Tube Wall: 1.6 mm (1⁄16")Fluid Temperature Range:-46 to 149°C (-50 to 300°F)Dimensions, Pump: 102 H x 102 W x 57 mm D (4 x 4 x 21⁄4")O ptional Mounting Plate: 76 H x 64 W x 3.2 mm D (3 x 21⁄2 x 1⁄8")Weight, Pump: 408 g (14.4 oz)Optional Mounting Plate: 91 g (32 oz)Maximum Tubing Size: 8 mm (5⁄16")Maximum Tube Durometer: 65 Shore A Step 1: Snap Open with Easy Push-Button ReleaseStep 2: Loop Tubing OverRollers. no need to Thread!Step 3: Push to CloseSecure TubingOMEGAFLEX ®PErISTALTIC PuMPFPU500 shown smaller than actual size.L®U D igital Display of Flow Rate, RPM, Total Volume, Fluid Temperature (°C or °F), Flow Duration, or Tube ID U F low Rate 1.0 to 2280 mL/Min (10 to 600 RPM) Reversible U E asy-to-Read Display U R ear Panel Type K SMP Female Thermocouple Input U T achometer Feedback, ±0.5% Speed Control U A ccepts Two Pumps, One on Each Side or Two Stacked Together U M embrane Keypad for Easy Calibration U R emote Control Capabilities • Aux. In: Remote Start/Stop • Aux. Out: Remote Monitor U B uilt-In Electronic Braking and Reversing for Fast Stops and Directional Changes U A ccepts Metric or English Tube Sizes U D isplays Information in English, French, Spanish, German, or ItalianCalibrating the unit is easy with the user-friendly control software. Simply select a tubing size and the desired flow rate, and the pump motor locks in the required RPM. Select nominal calibration values stored in ROM (read only memory) or calibrate via gravimetric or flowmeter measurements. Fluid temperature may be displayed (using an optionalthermocouple probe). The last flow settings are stored in memory when the drives are shut off.SPECIFICATIOnSMotor: Reversible, 1⁄10 HP (75 W), 90 VdcDisplay: 16-character dot matrix LCD, 9 mm H (3⁄8") characters Power: 90 to 130 Vac, 1.5 A; 190 to 260 Vac, 0.8 ALine Cord: 1.8 m (6') with U.S. standard plug on 115 Vac units; European plug on 230 Vac unitsHousing: Painted sheet metal with rubber feet; units are stackableDimensions: 152 H x 254 W x 254 mm D (6 x 10 x 10")Weight: 8.2 kg (18 lb)Ordering Example: FPU5-MT-110, pump motor and, FPU500, peristaltic pump.FPU5-MT-110 pump motor, shown smaller than actual size, with two FPU500 pumps.The OMEGAFLEX ® FPU5-MT pump motor offers microprocessor control and a digital display, and is designed to be fully compatible with OMEGA’s FPU500 pump. No mounting plate is needed, just two mounting screws. A 1⁄10 HP (75 W) motor provides flow rates of up to 2280 mL/minute. The user enters values and controls all operations through a convenient membrane keypad. A dot matrix LCD provides for easy viewing.。
Omega PHP-200 210系列螺絮吸引泵用户指南说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:PHP-200/210 SERIESSolenoid Dosing PumpShop online atUser’s GuideIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA acceptsno liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Operating-/Settings Diagramy a l p s i ds u o u ni t n oC23Function DescriptionOperating modes Operating modes are selected using the MODE menu (depending upon identity code, someoperating modes may be absent)..“Analogue” operating mode: (Identity code, control variant: analogue current)The stroke rate is controlled via an analogue electrical signal via the “external control” terminal.Signal processing is pre-selected at the controller.“Manual” operating mode: (Identity code, control variant: manual, standard function)The stroke rate is controlled manually via the controller.“Contact” operating mode: (Identity code, control variant: external 1:1 / external with pulsecontrol)This operating mode offers the opportunity to make fine adjustments with small increase/decrease factors. Dosing can be activated by a pulse via the “external control” terminal or by asemiconductor element. With the “pulse control” option it is possible to pre-set a feed quantity(batch) or number of strokes (factor 0.01 to 99.99) via the control unit.“Batch” operating function: (identity code, control variant, external 1:1 / external with pulsecontrol)This operating mode offers the option of working with larger transfer factors (up to 65535).Metering can be triggered by pressing the P key or a pulse from the “external control” terminalvia a contact or semiconductor element. A batching quantity or number of strokes can be pre-selected via the control unit.Functions The following functions can be selected using the SET menu:“Calibrate” function:The pump can be operated in all operating modes including in calibrating mode. Thecorresponding continuous displays can show the actual feed quantity or the feed rate.Calibration is maintained within the stroke frequency range 0 - 180 strokes/ min. Calibration isalso maintained when a stroke frequency is altered up to ± 10 %.“Pressure level” function:It is possible to set different pressure levels.“Auxiliary frequency” function:It is possible to set a stroke rate in the SET menu, which may be activated via the “externalcontrol” terminal. This auxiliary frequency overrides all other pre-set stroke rate frequencies.“Flow” function:Stops the pump when the flow is insufficient. In the SET menu, the number of failed strokesis entered after which the pump will be turned off.The following functions are available as standard:“Float switch” function:Information on the liquid level in the feed chemical container is transmitted to the pump.This option requires the installation of a 2-stage float switch. This is connected to the “floatswitch” terminal.“Pause” function:The gamma/ L can be stopped by remote control via the “external control” terminal. Thepause” function operates only via the “external control” terminal.The following functions are activated by keystrokes:“Stop” function:The pump can be stopped by pressing the STOP/START key without disconnecting fromthe mains power supply.4Function Description“Prime” function:Priming (short term feed at maximum frequency) is activated by pressing both arrow keys at thesame time.Optional relay The pump has two connection options.“Fault indicating relay” option:In the event of fault signals, warning signals or float switch activation signals, connects anelectrical circuit to trigger alarm sirens etc. The relay is retrofitted via an aperture in the powerend.“Fault indicating and pacing relay” option:Along with the fault indicating relay, the pacing relay produces an electrical impulse for everystroke. The relay is retrofitted via an aperture in the power end.Function and errorindicators The operating and error status is shown via the three LEDs and the “error” indicator on the LCD(see also section 12):LCD indicator If a fault occurs “error” will appear along with an additional fault warning.LED indicator Operating indicator (green)This indicator is lit as long as the pump is operating correctly.Warning indicator (yellow)This warning light appears if the pump electronics detect a situation that could lead to afault, e.g. “liquid levels low 1st stage”.Warning indicator (red)This warning light appears if a fault occurs, e.g. “liquid levels low 2nd stage”.Hierarchy of operating modes, functions and fault statusesThe different operating modes, functions and fault statuses each have a differing effect onwhether and how the pump functions. These effects are given below:1.Prime2.Fault, stop, pause3.Auxiliary frequency4.Manual, analogue, contact, batchto:1.“Prime” can be activated in any pump status (as long as it is operable)2.“Fault”, “stop” and “pause” stop all system parts up to “prime”.3.The stroke rate of the “auxiliary frequency” always overrides the existing operatingstroke rate.567®891011。

瑞典IMO三螺杆泵资料大全(超全)产品介绍IMO AB三螺杆泵三螺杆泵系列LPD/ACD/ACEACG/ACF/LPQE4/D4/D6/GA三螺杆泵的奠基人公司介绍1923年卡尔·蒙特卢斯先生开发了全世界第一台三螺杆泵的数学模型并与企业家朋特-英格斯特姆先生建立合作关系。
1931年IMO AB成立,取两人名字的首字母作为公司的名称。
此后的多年内,IMO AB公司不仅自己生产三螺杆泵,还在全球范围内发放产品专利许可生产权,其中包括很多著名的制泵公司。
历经70余载,位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩的IMO 公司以其优良的产品质量,过硬的可靠性和便捷的服务在业界蠃得了良好的口碑,并有几十万台IMO的三螺杆泵服务于各行各业。
IMO AB/ALLWEILER同属COLFAX PUMP GROUP(美国科尔法泵业集团)旗下,是当今全球技术最先进和最大的螺杆泵制造商。

河北远东泵业制造有限公司HEBEI YUANDONG PUMPSMANUFACTURE CO.,LTD.OPERATING MANUALTWIN SCREW PUMPS TYPE W、V W、V型双螺杆泵使用维护说明书中国河北泊头道东街 NO.88,Daodong Street,Botou City, Hebei Provice, P.R.China电话:(0317) 8266649 8263980 传真:(0317)8265584 邮政编码:062150 Phone:(0317) 8266649 8263980 Fax:(0317)8265584 Postcode:0621501 概述1.1使用范围双螺杆泵是回转式正排量容积泵,能够输送包括非常高粘度液体在内的多种液体介质。
2 安全注意事项本使用说明书包括在安装、运转和维护过程中要注意的基本问题。
IMO ACE三螺杆泵 文档

ACE025系列三螺杆泵ACE 025 N3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 N3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 N3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 L3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 L3 NTBP imo螺杆泵 ACE 025 L3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 K3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 025 K3 NTBP imo螺杆泵 ACE 025 K3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE032系列三螺杆泵ACE 032 N3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 N3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 N3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 L3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 L3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 L3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 K3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 K3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 032 K3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE038系列三螺杆泵ACE 038 N3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 N3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 N3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 L3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 L3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 L3 NQBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 K3 NVBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 K3 NTBP imo螺杆泵ACE 038 K3 NQBP imo螺杆泵压差最大压差为16巴,但在低粘度介质中会有所降低,如下表所示:粘度,mm2/S(cst) 2 6 10 20最大压差(巴)812.415.216进口压力最大进口压力为7巴最小进口压力参见选用指南。
排量单位:立方分米/转尺寸 025L 025N 032L 032N 038K 038N排量 0.0098 0.0139 0.0206 0.0291 0.0388 0.0491泄压阀该泵配有一个带内部回路的泄压安全阀,防止出口管堵塞时引起泵进出口压差过大以保护泵。

螺杆泵系统由电控部分、地面驱动部分、 井下螺杆泵及一些配套工具组成。
5 6 5
4 3
7 1
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
1-电控箱; 2-电机; 3-皮带; 4-方卡子; 5-光杆; 6-减速箱; 7-专用井口; 8-驱动杆; 9-驱动杆扶正器; 10-油管扶正器; 11-油管; 12-螺杆泵; 13-套管; 14-定位销; 15-防脱装置; 16-筛管
1、《采油工艺技术》邹艳霞 2、《螺杆泵生产技术》李涛
一、填空: 1、采油用螺杆泵是(单螺杆式水力)机械的一种。 2、螺杆泵是一种(旋转容积)式泵,它兼有(容积)泵和(离心)泵的优点。 3、螺杆泵有(单头)螺杆泵和(多头)螺杆泵之分。 4、螺杆泵对气的适应性好,相对柱塞泵不会产生“(气锁)”现象,相对离心泵不会
支撑卡瓦 管柱
张力锚 管柱
抽油杆防脱技术 (1)抽油杆脱扣的原因 ① 载荷扭矩过大; ② 停机后,油管内液体回流,冲击转子反转脱扣; ③ 作业施工原因:作业时油杆上扣不够。 (2)油杆柱防脱技术 ① 安装机械防反转装置:在驱动头上安装防反转 装置,是抽油杆不能反转。
1、管柱及杆柱组成 油管柱
油管柱分为自由式螺杆泵管柱和固定式螺 杆泵管柱。
目前大多数油井都采用固定式管柱。固定 式油管柱由油管悬挂器、油管、定子、尾管、 油管锚,定位销及磁防蜡器等组成
抽油杆 抽油杆由光杆、方卡子、抽油杆防脱器、抽油杆(实心 或空心)、抽油杆扶正器、转子等组成。 防冲距 防冲距是指转子下入井中后最下端到定位销之间的距离。 上提防冲距是保证正常生产中转子不磨定子的限位销。 防冲距=(泵深*0.07%+0.4)m,防冲距提好后,驱动光 杆卡子和承重方卡子必须上紧,防止光杆下滑卡泵;光余要 求在1.2m---1.4m之间。

0.2-0.35 ≤40
0.2-0.35 ≤40
0.2-0.35 ≤40
0.2-0.35 ≤40
0.2-0.35 ≤40
最高设 计温度
摄氏度( ℃) 摄氏度( ℃) 摄氏度( ℃)
≤50 150 70
≤50 160 70
≤50 180 70
极限全压力(50Hz/60Hz) 帕(Pa)
配用电机功率(50Hz/60Hz) 千瓦(kW)
2930/3500 2930/3500 2930/3500 2940/3500 2950/3500
安全防范与警告 ···················1 1.1 概要······················2 1.2 特点······················2 1.3 典型应用····················2 1.4 型号及意义···················2 二、工作原理····················2 2.1 抽气原理····················2 2.2 净化原理····················4 三、性能规范····················5 3.1 技术参数····················5 3.2 特性曲线····················5 四、安装与联接 ···················6 4.1 场所······················6 4.2 基础······················6 4.3 安装······················6 4.4 管路联接····················6 4.5 冷却水路····················6 4.6 电路······················6 4.7 LG型螺杆真空泵系列安装尺寸图 ··········7 五、操作使用····················8 5.1 运行预备····················8 5.2 运行步骤····················8 5.3 停泵步骤····················8 5.4 润滑剂·····················8 六、维护与检查 ···················8 6.1 概要······················8 6.2 定期检查····················9 6.3 拆卸······················10 6.4重新组装 ····················10 七、故障排除 · ···· ···· ···· ···· ···11 八、真空系统核对清单 ················12 九、装箱副卡 ····················13 用户联系卡

中文安装使用和维护说明C 系列泵型号、备件需求和售后服务联系方式泵型号Mono 英国备件:+44 (0)161 214 2380 (直拨上午8.15 – 下午5.00)电子邮件: spares@服务:+44 (0)161 214 2390 (直拨上午8.15 – 下午5.00)电子邮件: customerservices@服务:+44 (0)161 339 9000 (24 小时)Mono 澳大利亚电话传真墨尔本(03) 9580 5211 (03) 9580 9036悉尼(02) 9521 5611 (02) 9542 3649布里斯班(07) 3350 4582 (07) 3350 3750阿德莱德(08) 8447 8333 (08) 8447 8373佩斯(08) 9479 0444 (08) 9479 0400达尔文(08) 8984 3099 (08) 8947 0540塔斯马尼亚州(03) 6249 8704 (03) 6249 8756电子邮件: ozsales@Monoflo 美国备件和服务:+1 281 599 4700电子邮件 inquire@Mono 新西兰备件和服务:+64(0)9 829 0333电子邮件: info@Mono中国电话传真北京:+86 (0) 10 8447 5109+86 (0) 10 84475110上海:+86 (0) 21 5915 7168+86 (0) 21 5915 6863E-mail:monoshanghai@索引第一部分 安装 启动 组装和拆卸 第二部分 故障诊断 第三部分 参考图号 泵编码第四部分 拆卸和组装图解 设备分解图 第五部分 紧固件扭矩表 联轴节的润滑 第六部分 Mono 产品欧盟(EC )声明 按照Machinery Directive 98/37/EC的规定欧盟组织声明此声明仅针对设备供货时无驱动装置时有效。

○ 我公司生产的定子(图 4-2)可分为两种:一种是常温定子,额定温度 95℃,最高温度 120℃;一种是耐高温定子,额定温度 105℃,最高温度 150 ℃。为了确保马达的密封效果,合理选配转子与定子之间的配合尺寸,在您
选择钻具时应尽可能准确地提供给厂家钻具使用的井温情况,以便推荐使用 松紧配合状态适合的马达,发挥螺杆钻具的最佳性能。
奥瑞拓使用说明书 ○ 转子与定子相互啮合,是用两者的导程差而形成的螺旋密封线,同 时形成密封腔。在高压钻井液的作用下,转子在定子里的转动,从而密封腔 沿着轴向移动,不断的生成与消失,完成其能量转换,这就是螺杆马达的基 本工作原理。 ○ 马达转子的螺旋线有单头和多头之分(定子的螺旋线头数比转子头 数多 1)。螺杆钻具在相同规格下,转子的头数越少,转速越高,扭矩越小; 头数越多,转速越低,扭矩越大。(图 4-1)是几和典型马达配合的截面轮廓。 马达定子一个导程〔螺距*定子头数)组成一个密封腔,也称为一级。每级额 定工作压降为 0.8MPa,最大压降为额定工作压力的 1.3 倍。如四级马达,额 定压降应为 3.2Mpa,最大压降为 4.16Mpa。压降超过此值马达就会产生泄漏, 转速很快下降,严重时会完全停止转动,甚至造成马达损坏,用户应特别注 意。
计算公式中 q 为中空转子马达的每转排量(L/r),其数值参见表 1。
(表 1)
ORT73564.0 ORT89784.5 ORT96565.0 ORT96786.0 ORT120455.0 ORT165565.0 ORT172566.2 ORT172785.6 ORT203675.0 ORT216565.4 ORT244566.5

Section:L and J FRAME PUMPSPage: 1Date: (Revision 9/94) OPERATION – ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LIST FOR“L8” DRIVE END(FRAME SIZES 1L8, 2L8, 3L8, 3M6, 3P4, 6P4, 9P4)GENERALThe Moyno® Pump is one of the most versatile pumps available, It has been proven in thousands of applications over the past 40 years. It is backed by the experience gained over the years, both in application and manufacturing know-how.The Moyno progressing cavity pump is a single-screw rotary pump. The pumping action is created by the single helical rotor rolling eccentrically in the double threaded helix of the stator. In its revolution, the rotor forms in conjunction with the stator a series of sealed cavities 180 degrees apart. As the rotor turns, the cavities progress from the suction to the discharge. As one cavity diminishes, the opposing cavity is increasing at exactly the same rate. Thus, the sum of the two discharges is a constant volume. The result is a pulsation-less positive displacement flow with no valves.NAMEPLATE DATAThe Moyno Pump nameplate, located on the bearing housing, carries the serial number, frame size, and type designation. All are extremely important and must be used when ordering spare parts.Record the nameplate data of your pump in the spaces provided in the heading of Page 3.Moyno Pumps are identified by Frame and Type. Pump Frame is essentially an indication of size. It consists of a number, a letter, and a number (i.e. 2L8). The first number indicates the number of stages in the pumping elements. The letter indicates the model. The final number indicates the size of the rotor-stator pumping elements. A frame 2L8 pump, therefore, has two stages of size 8 pumping elements.The “L” in the frame size indicates a standard relationship between the housing, bearings, and drive shaft and the size of the pumping elements. Many variations may be made by adapting smaller element sizes to a larger drive end size. This may be necessary due to the severity of a specific pumping application. In cases where the drive end (housing, bearings, and drive shaft) is one size larger than the element size normally used, the pump is referred to as an “M” frame pump (i.e. 3M6). If the drive end is two sizes larger than the element size, the pump is referred to as a “P” frame. Thus, a frame 3L8, 3M6and 3P4 would all use a common drive end.Type designation is a series of letters which identify the “Materials of Construction” in component groups of parts. The usual type designation will consist of three letters.The first letter identifies the material of the suction housing casting or the body casting where the bearing housing is a part of the suction housing.The second letter indicates the material used in the drive shaft, pins, connecting rod, rotor, and other minor metallic parts in contact with the material being pumped.The third letter determines the material of the stator. It identifies only the stator material and not that of the tube in which the stator is placed.A typical type designation such as CDQ would result in the following:C = Cast Iron Suction HousingD = Hardened Steel Internals including driveshaft, pins, connecting rod, rotor, andother minor metallic parts in contact withthe material being pumpedQ = Nitrile Synthetic Rubber Stator (70 durometer)The following letters identify the actual materials that are used in standard construction:B - EPDM Q - Nitrile (70 durometer)C - Cast Iron R - Natural Rubber (55durometer)D - Hardened Steel S - Stainless Steel, type#316F - Fluoroelastomer T - Teflon (glass impreg-nated)G - Stainless Steel,#416Also included on the nameplate is the three-character trim code designation. This only appears on pumps which have semi-standard or special construction. The first letter identifies sealing variations, the second character indentifies internal variations, and the third letter identifies rotor variations.On page 5 of this manual are variations available for modifying pumps to meet specialized pumping conditions. If the trim code of your pump is other than “AAA”, contact• your nearest Moyno representative for clarification. Do not use any variation unless you have determined that it is compatible with your application.* ADD THIRD LETTER OF TYPE DESIGNATION TO COMPLETE PART NUMBEREX: TYPE CDQ PUMP – ADD Q TO BASIC NUMBER OF STATOR** Bearing Kit includes Items A thru G *** Connecting Rod Kit includes items Q thru U + see pages 5 - 6 for variations“L8” DRIVE END PARTS TYPE DESIGNATIONSSelect type column corresponding to type designation at left.Order by part number Refer to frame size to select proper rotor and stator.REF. NO.DESCRIPTIONCDQ CDR CDB CDF Part No. CDD CDG CDT Part No. CSQ CSR CSB CSF Part No. CSD CSG CST Part No. SSQ SSR SSB SSF Part No. SSG SST Part No.A. Ball Bearing (Radial) A08291 A08291 A08291 A08291 A08291 A08291B. Ball Bearing (Thrust) A08301 A08301 A08301 A08301 A08301 A08301C. Bearing Spacer A08331 A08331 A08331 A08331 A08331 A08331D. Bearing Lock Nut A08581 A08581 A08581 A08581 A08581 A08581E. Bearing Lock Washer A08591 A08591 A08591 A08591 A08591 A08591F. Grease Seal (Radial) A08611 A08611 A08611 A08611 A08611 A08611G. Grease Seal (Thrust) A08621 A08621 A08621 A08621 A08621 A08621 Bearing Kit** K08291 K08291 K08291 K08291 K08291 K08291H. Bearing Housing A08051 A08051 A08051 A08051 A08051 A08051I. Bearing Cover Plate A08341 A08341 A08341 A08341 A08341 A08341J. Pump Support A08371 A08371 A08371 A08371 A08371 A08371K. Shaft Collar A08491 A08491 A08491 A08491 A08491 A08491 M. Lantern RingA08571 A08571 A08571 A08571 A08571 A08571N. Stator Support 1 L8, 2L8, 3L8 A08381 A08381 A08381 A08381 A08381A08381 3M6, 3P4, 6P4, 9P4 A08382 A08382 A08382 A08382 A08382A08382 O. Support Bushing 3P4 A08711 A06712 A08711 A06712 A08711 A067129P4 A06712 ---------- A06712 ---------- A06712---------- P. Pin Retainer A08501 A08501 A08501 A08501 A08501 A08501 Q. Retaining Screw Washer A08731 A08731 A08731 A08731 A08731 A08731 R. Connecting Rod Washer A08531 A08531 A08531 A08531 A08531 A08531S. Connecting RodB0825D B0825D B0825S B0825S B0825SB0825S T. Rotor Pin or Shaft Pin B0845D B0845D B0845S B0845S B0845SB0845S U. Drive Pin Retaining Screw B0854D B0854D B0854S B0854S B0854S B0854S Connecting Rod Kit*** K0825D K0825D K0825S K0825S K0825S K0825S V. Suction Housing B08021 B08021 B08021 B08021 B08026 B08026W. Reducer1L8, 2L8, 3L8 only B08091 B08091 B08091 B08091 B08096B08096 3M6 B06091 B06091 B06091 B06091 B06096B06096 3P4 B04091 B04092 B04091 B04092 B04096B04097 6P4 B06091 B06091 B06091 B06091 B06096B06096 9P4B08092 ---------- ---------- ---------- B08097---------- X. Drive Shaft + B08261 B08261 B08266 B08266 B08266B08266 Y. Packing Gland B0841D B0841D B0841S B0841S B0841SB0841S Z. Packing + B08421 B08421 B08425 B08425 B08425 B08425AA. Packing WasherB0865D B0865D B0865S B0865S B0865SB0865S BB. Adapter Bushing3M6, 6P4 B08511 B08511 B08511 B08511 B08516 B08516 3P4 Only B08512 B08513 B08512 B08513 B08517 B08518 9P4 Only B08513 ---------- B08513 ---------- B08518 ---------- EE. Stator Frame 1L8C4108* C4108* C4108* C4108* C5108* C5108*Frame 2L8 C4208* C4208* C4208* C4208* C5208*C5208* Frame 3M6 C4306* C4306* C4306* C4306* C5306*C5306* Frame 3P4 C4304* C4304* C4304* C4304* C5304*C5304* Frame 6P4 C4604* C4604* C4604* C4604* C5604*C5604* Frame 9P4 C4904* ---------- C4904* ---------- C5904*---------- FF. Rotors Frame1L8 + C71081 C71081 C81081 C81081 C81081C81081 Frame 2L8 + C72081 C72081 C82081 C82081 C82081C82081 Frame 3L8 + C73081 C73081 C83081 C83081 C83081C83081 Frame 3M6 + M73061 M73061 M83061 M83061 M83061M83061 Frame 3P4 + P73041 P73041 P83041 P83041 P83041P83041 Frame 6P4 + P76041 P76041 P86041 P86041 P86041P86041 Frame 9P4 + P79041 ---------- P89041 ---------- P89041---------- 3INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Frames 1L8, 2L8, 3L8, 3M6, 3P4, 6P4, 9P4Disassembly Procedure1. Disconnect the power source.2. Close the suction and discharge valves to isolate thepump from the line.3. Turn off flush water to packing or rotary seal if used.4. Remove drain plug in suction housing to drain awayany fluid remaining in pump.5. Place a support block under suction housing in area ofdrain plug. Wooden blocks are sufficient. The purposeis to prevent undue stress on pump support when pumpis disassembled.6. Disconnect piping from stator end of pump.7. Stator Removal - With pipe wrench or strap wrenchremove discharge reducer (W). Remove cap of statorsupport and with strap wrench or pipe wrench, unscrewthe stator (EE) from the suction housing. Pull Stator offthe rotor.8. Rotor Removal - The rotor (FF) is removed with theconnecting rod (S) and rotor pin (T) as a unit. Removalof the unit is accomplished by removing the two drivepin retaining screws (U) located in the shaft collar (K).This step reveals the shaft drive pin (T), which is removed by driving the pin from the drive shaft (X) witha small punch or drift pin. Slide the shaft collar towardthe packing gland (Y) and remove the retaining screwwashers (Q) from each side of the drive shaft. The rotorand connecting rod can now be removed by pulling them from the pump. To disassemble, clamp the connecting rod (S) by its mid-section in a vise and, witha drift pin, drive the pin retainer (P) from the head of therotor. The rotor pin (T) can now be removed from therotor freeing the connecting rod. Remove the connecting rod washers (R) if present.9. To remove packing (Z), remove nuts holding packinggland (Y). Slip packing gland from studs, remove packing rings, lantern ring (M), and remaining packingrings. Packing rings can be removed with a standardpacking puller. Note: If step 10 is to be performed, itshould precede step 9 as packing can then be removedby freeing packing gland and driving packing, lanternring, and packing washer (AA) from housing using a small rod. Rod should enter where stator screws intosuction housing. Place rod on packing washer and tap.Entire set should easily exit from opposite end of stuffing box.10. Drive Shaft & Bearing Removal - With rotor removedit is now possible to remove the drive shaft and bearings as a sub-assembly. Remove the four cap screws holding the bearing cover plate (I) and slip fromshaft. Insert a bar or rod into the hollow end of driveshaft (X) where it enters the suction cavity. By tappingon the rod the entire assembly will be forced from thebearing housing.To disassemble, remove bearing lock nut (D) andbearing lock washer (E). Using an arbor press removeradial bearing (A), bearing spacer (C), and thrustbearing (B). Apply pressure to inner race only. Whenreplacing drive shaft and/or bearings, it is recommended that both grease seals be replaced.Grease seals are pressed into the bearing housing andbearing cover plate.Assembly ProcedureMoyno pumps are reassembled in the reverse order of disassembly with special notes as outlined below:1. Always replace all old washers, “0” rings and packing.We also recommend replacing grease seals when new bearings are installed.2. Bearing Shaft Assembly - When installing newbearings, make sure that they are seated against the shoulder on the shaft. Replace bearing lock washer and bearing lock nut. Tighten bearing lock nut securely. Bend tab down onto lock nut to prevent loosening of nut.Make sure that the shaft collar, packing gland, and packing washer are installed on the drive shaft as the hollow end emerges in the bearing housing and approaches the stuffing box area.When replacing the bearing cover plate, tighten all cap screws evenly to prevent damage to the bearing cover plate and thrust grease seal.Do not over-lubricate bearings. (See Maintenance)3. When installing the connecting rod, make sure that thehole in the rod is aligned with the holes in the drive shaft and shaft collar before inserting the pin. Always use retaining screw washers and make sure that the hollowed end of the retaining screw fits over the end of the shaft pin to ensure a tight fit. Retaining screws must seat on retaining screw washers and not on pin.4. When replacing packing, insert three rings on the shaft,the lantern ring, and then four more rings. This will allow the lantern ring to line up with the grease fitting on the stuffing box. Make sure you stagger the ends of the packing rings.When installing the new packing, you may find that all but one ring will go on the drive shaft. When the pump has run for a short time and the new packing is compressed, this final ring can be installed.5. When installing the stator on the rotor, it is best tolubricate the rotor with water (or a lubricant compatible with the rubber in the stator) to allow the stator to slip on easier. (Grease or oil is not compatible with type “R” or “B” stators.)When replacing the stator, always tighten it with the pipe wrench on the end of the stator nearest the suction housing. This will prevent it from binding and damaging the threads.If your stator has a stainless steel sleeve, use a teflon tape or similar material on the threads before replacing -- on all stators with a carbon steel sleeve, use pipe dope.46. Caution: Dry operation is harmful to the pump.Always fill the pump with fluid to be handled prior to start up. Check any valves in discharge line to determine that no restrictions exist.MAINTENANCEThe Moyno pump has been designed for a minimum of maintenance, the extent of which is routine lubrication and adjustment of packing and infrequent lubrication of the bearings. The pump is one of the easiest to work on in that the main elements are very accessible and require few tools to disassemble.PackingThe Moyno pump is normally furnished with die formed packing. The packing may be either grease lubricated through a grease fitting in the stuffing box or have plumbing connected to the housing to allow a water flush. (See Water Flush of Packing)Packing gland adjusting nuts should be evenly adjusted so they are little more than finger tight. Over-tightening of the packing gland may result in premature packing failure and possible damage to the shaft and gland. When the packing is new, frequent minor adjustments are recommended for the first few hours of operation in order to compress and seat the packing. Greasing the packing often but with limited quantities of grease is the best practice. This can be done through a grease fitting which leads to a lantern ring in the mid-section of the packing. Do not use a one-piece spiral wrap of packing.Water Flush of PackingWhen the material being pumped is abrasive in nature, it may be advantageous to flush the packing to prevent leakage under packing and excessive shaft wear.Clean water can be injected through a 1/8” NPT tapped hole that normally houses the grease fitting for lubricating the packing. The water can be permitted to leak axially along the shaft in either direction or canbe removed from the second tapped hole in the stuffing box. In both cases, the discharge from the stuffing box should be throttled slightly to maintain 10-15 PSI higher pressure in the stuffing box than is present in the suction housing. This is a basic arrangement, other variations can be used.(1) Throttling Valve (2) Pressure Guage (3) Pressure Regulating ValveThis is a basic arrangement, other variations can be used. (1) Throttling Valve (2) Pressure Guage (3) Pressure Regulating ValveBearingsThe Moyno pump is equipped with ball bearings inthe drive end size L2 through L10. The bearings are lubricated at the factory and do not need additional lubrication for at least 1500 hours of normal operation.When relubricating the bearings, the bearing-shaft assembly should be removed (See Disassembly in-structions) and cleaned of old grease. Add only enough grease to fill the area between the bearings1/3 full. Add a few drops of oil to bearing seals before reassembling. It is normal for bearings to run warm tothe touch for the first few hours of operation.Any type of Ep Lithium soap base grease is satisfactory for bearing lubrication. The use of Sodiumor Calcium base grease is not recommended.The following is a partial listing of approvedbearing lubricants:Dow Corning DC 33Keystone Lubricating Co. Keystone #89Texaco RegalAFB2Shell Oil Co. Cyprina #3Humble Oil & Refining Co. Beacon 325American Oil Co. Supermil Grease #A72832Mobil EP1Shell Oil Co. Alvania #2VARIATIONS OF STANDARD PARTSROTORS identified on parts listing are standard size with hard-chrome plated surface. Other variationsof rotor size and finish may be ordered by selectingthe standard rotor part number and changing the last digit of the rotor number as follows:2 = Standard size, non-plated3 = Undersize, chrome-plated4 = Undersize, non-plated5 = Oversize, chrome-platedDo not change rotor sizes without consulting yourlocal Moyno Sales Office. These variations are usedfor certain specialized pumping conditions only.5PACKING VARIATIONS listed are common to most type designations. Others may be specified by changing the last digit to the following: 1 = Standard on all type CDQ pumps3 = Standard on all type CDR & SSR pumps 5 = Standard on all type SSQ pumps 7 = Optional--Solid Braided Teflon8 = Optional--Teflon impregnated white asbestosDRIVE SHAFTS shown have hard-chrome plating on the packing wear area. If non-plated drive shafts are required, select the standard part number and change the last digit to next higher number.Example: B08261 to B08262.L8 STANDARD HARDWAREITEM SIZE # REQ. Bearing Cover Plate Screw1L X 1/2 D-13 4 Lock Washer 4 Suction Housing Bolt 3 1/4L X 1/2 D-13 4 Lock Washer 4 Stator & Pump Support Screw2L X 5/8 D-11 4 Packing Gland Stud 4 L 1/2 D-13 2Nut 1/2 D-13 2 Suction Housing Drain Plug 1/2 D 3 Drain Plug on Stuffing Box1/8 D 1 Grease Fitting on Stuffing Box1/8 D 1 Pipe Plug on Bearing Housing 1/8 D 2 Hex Key 9/16 1RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSThe Moyno pump has been designed and built with all wearable parts replaceable. A recommended inventory of spare parts isdependent upon the application and importance of continued operation.For the shortest possible downtime, we recommend the following parts be stocked:1 - Rotor 1 - Stator1 - Connecting Rod KitThe above is only a suggested list. For further assistance in determining what you’ll need for your application, contact your Moyno representative.6© 1988 by Moyno, Inc.® Moyno is a registered trademark of Moyno, Inc. Moyno, Inc. is a Unit of Robbins & Myers, Inc.Teflon ®is a registered trademark of DuPont。


IMO泵IMO PUMP也称IMO工业公司,总部位于美国北卡州的门罗。
IMO AB总部位于瑞典司德哥尔。
IMO AB公司是三螺杆泵的奠基人,成立于1931年,由三螺杆泵的发明人卡尔?蒙特卢斯先生与瑞典企业家朋特?英格斯特姆先生合作成立。
IMO AB公司,愿以其充分的经验和竞争力为客户服务,提供船用和工业泵油的解决方案。
三螺杆泵能够提供水注入服务( Tritec)以及为机床刀具( Emtec )提供高压冷却剂服务。
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A C E 3 1122.03 G BACE3Std LineFlow volume:10 - 180 l/min Max differential pressure: 16 bar Applications: Circulation, lubrication and transferA C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se21.1 FunctionalityThe Std Line (standard) ACE pump comes in two executions; Lube Line and Fuel Line. The main difference is the shaft seal design; (V-Seal) - optimized for light duty and (T-Seal) - heavy duty respectively.The ACE pump is used for a number of different fluids:Lubrication oil, fuel oil, vegetable oil, hydraulic oil and other hydraulic fluids, polymers, emul-sions and any non-aggressive fluid with sufficient lubricating properties.If requested, the ACE pump may be certified according to any of following classification societ-ies: DNV, BV, LRS, ABS, RS, GL, RINA, KR, NK, RMR or CCS.1.2 ApplicationsTypical applications are:- Lubrication of diesel engines, gears, gas and steam turbines, hydro turbines and paper ma-chines- Circulation for cooling and filtration in large machineries, hydraulic systems and transformer oil for insulation in transformers- As transfer pumps onboard vessels, in power plants, oil factories, refineries, tank farms etc - Fuel supply duties for engines - Supply and circulation of fuel oil1.3 InstallationThe pump is designed to be flange-mounted to its electric motor via a connecting frame and a flexible shaft coupling. By the angle bracket, the pump may be mounted horizontally or verti-cally.The ACE pump can also be mounted on valve blocks called T4 or T5.As standard, the pump is delivered including counter flanges (IMO AB design).For more information about installation, see Installation and Start-up instruction for low pres-sure pumps.A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se 3A C E 025N 3 N VB PPump seriesACE SizePower rotor diameter [mm]025, 032, 038LeadL and K = Low lead N = Normal lead D = High lead GenerationDesign generation 3Material in pump bodyN = Nodular cast ironShaft seal designV = Carbon/Stainless steel, elastomers in Viton (Lube Line)T = Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide, elastomers in Viton (Fuel Line)MountingB = Flange mountingValveP = Pressure relief valve with spring for max. 16 barSpecial designCode group omitted for standard design (A-number)A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se43.1 Pressure InformationPressure relief valveThe pump is equipped with an integral pressure relief valve with internal return, limiting the differential pressure across the pump and protecting the pump. Should the discharge line be blocked, the relief valve will open by the pressure.The valve is adjustable for different opening pressures. The value of the pressure limit can be set at the factory and should be adjusted at installation (see Installation & Start-up in-struction for low-pressure pumps).The maximum pressure accumulation varies with pump size, speed and viscosity, but will normally not exceed 4 bar.The valve has a maximum set pressure of 16 bar.Inlet pressureMinimum inlet pressure (suction capability) is dependent on fluid viscosity and rotation speed. It increases with decreasing viscosity and decreasing speed. Information about mini-mum inlet pressure for each individual duty case can be obtained from IMO AB or pump selection software WinPump.Maximum inlet pressure is 7 bar.Discharge pressureMaximum discharge pressure is 16 bar.Differential pressureMaximum differential pressure is 16 bar but reduced at low viscosities according to table belowViscosity [cSt] 1,4 2 6 10 >12Max. diff. pressure [bar] 6,9 8 12,4 15 16Refer to your IMO representative or use the pump selection software WinPump to determine the exact operating limits.3.2 Driver informationDriver typeThe pump is designed to be connected to an electrical motor via a flexible shaft coupling.SpeedThe maximum speed is 3600 rpm. For higher speeds, contact IMO AB.RotationThe pump is designed to operate in one rotational direction only, as standard clockwise when facing the shaft end. Pumps for CCW operation can be delivered on special request.For shorter periods of time, a few minutes for emptying a discharge line, the pump may be operated in reverse direction, provided the back pressure is limited to 3 bar.A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se 53.3 Sound levelTypical pump sound levels refer to free field conditions at a distance of 1 m from the pump. Noise of driver excluded in the quoted figures. The sound levels are measured at a discharge pressure of 5 bar, speed 2940 rpm and viscosity 40 cSt, according to ISO-3741.Size 025 032 038Sound level dB [A] 58 58 583.4 Moment of InertiaMoment of intertia [10-6 kgm 2]Size 025 032 038Value 49 72 1943.5 Fluid viscosityLube Line seal (Seal version code V):1,4 – 800 cSt for Lube and hydraulic oil Fuel Line seal (Seal version code T):1,4 – 3500 cSt for Fuel oilFor higher viscosity, contact IMO AB.3.6 Fluid temperatureLube Line (Seal version code V): -20 – +90 °C Fuel Line (Seal version code T): -20 – +155 °CA C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se64.1 Ball bearingThe pump is fitted with an internal ball bearing which continously is being greased by the hand l ing media.4.2 Design materialModel Material pump Material rotor Material idler Material seal Material Elastomers ACE NV Nodular castironSteel, surface treated Cast iron, sur-face treated Carbon/Silicon carbideViton ACE NTNodular cast ironSteel, surface treatedCast iron, sur-face treatedSilicon carbide /Silicon carbideVitonA C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se 7025L 025N rpm l/min kW l/min kW1470 10,0 0,313,5 0,4 1770 12,9 0,4 17,7 0,5 2950 24,5 0,9 34,1 1,0 3550 30,4 1,142,5 1,3032L 032Nrpm l/min kW l/min kW1470 22,8 0,535,9 0,8 1770 29,0 0,7 44,6 1,0 2950 53,3 1,3 79,0 1,9 3550 65,6 1,796,4 2,4038K 038N 038D rpm l/min kW l/min kW l/min kW1470 45,5 1,055,8 1,3 59,1 1,21770 57,1 1,3 70,5 1,7 76,2 1,52950 102,9 2,5 128,4 3,2 143,9 2,93550 126,2 3,2157,9 4,1178,2 3,6Typical performance values at 5 barFlow calculated at 26 cSt, power at 260 cSt.A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se8A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se9P o s N o D e n o m i n a t i o n1020 C o m p l e t e p o w e r r o t o r(112) B a l a n c i n g p i s t o n 113 K e y 122 B a l l b e a r i n g 125 S e c o n d a r y s e a l 125A R e t a i n i n g r i n g 202 I d l e r r o t o r 351 B a l a n c i n g b u s h 401 P u m p b o d y 440 R e t u r n v a l v e 451 S c r e wP o s N o D e n o m i n a t i o n 453 S c r e w 462 P l u g 462A S e a l i n g w a s h e r 463 P l u g 463A S e a l i n g w a s h e r 501 F r o n t c o v e r 506 G a s k e t 509 S h a f t s e a l 537 D e a e r a t i o n p l u g 537A S e a l i n g w a s h e r 551 R e a r c o v e r P o s N o D e n o m i n a t i o n556 G a s k e t557 P l u g 557A S e a l i n g w a s h e r 6000 C o m p l e t e v a l v e e l e m e n t (605) O -r i n g (608) V a l v e s p i n d l e (608A ) T e n s i o n p i n (6120) C o m p l e t e r e g u l a t i n g n u t (613) P i n (614) V a l v e p i s t o n (615) V a l v e s p r i n g7. D r a w i n g r e m a r k s :(1) S h a f t s e a l . E x e c u t i o n c o d e x T x x (2) A p p l i c a b l e f o r s h a f t s e a l e x e c u t i o n c o d e x T x x (3) S h a f t s e a l . E x e c u t i o n c o d e x V x x (4) A p p l i c a b l e f o r s h a f t s e a l e x e c u t i o n c o d e x V x x(5) R e m o v e d f r o m A u g u s t 2011N o t e s :- C o m p o n e n t s w i t h P o s N o w i t h i n p a r e n t h e s i s a r e p a r t s o f s u b a s s e m b l yA C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se10A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se11D r a w i n g r e m a r k s :(1) I n l e t g a u g e . I S O G 1/8(2) O t h e r s i d e : O u t l e t g a u g e . I S O G 1/8(3) R e l i e f v a l v e . T u r n c l o c k w i s e t o i n c r e a s e o p e n i n g p r e s -s u r e(4) D e a e r a t i o n (2x )(5) F o r c o u n t e r fla n g e s d i m e n s i o n s s e e P u m p u n i t d i m e n -s i o n s p a g e 12N o t e s :- D i m e n s i o n s i n m m 1) T o l e r a n c e s I S O h 72) T o l e r a n c e s I S O j6A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se12A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se13D r a w i n g r e m a r k s :(1) I n l e t g a u g e . I S O G 1/8(2) O t h e r s i d e : O u t l e t g a u g e . I S O G 1/8(3) R e l i e f v a l v e . T u r n c l o c k w i s e t o i n c r e a s e o p e n i n g p r e s s u r e (4) C o n n e c t i n g f r a m e d r a i n a g e . I S O G 3/8(5) D e a e r a t i o n (2x )(6) S p a c e f o r d i s m a n t l i n g (7) B u t t w e l d c o u n t e r fla n g e s o f I M O d e s i g n n e c e s s a r y (8) A n g l e b r a c k e t f o r f r a m e s i z e F 215-F 265(9) A n g l e b r a c k e t f o r f r a m e s i z e F 165(10) A n g l e b r a c k e t f o r f r a m e s i z e F 130N o t e s :- D i m e n s i o n s i n m m - D i m e n s i o n s A , A 1, A C , A 2 a n d w e i g h t a r e a p p r o x i m a t e v a l u e s f o r B r o o k C r o m p t o n m o t o r s t y p e W U -DAA C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se14aintenanceA bare shaft pump (Fig. 1) can be ordered with the accessories in fig. 2-8.Fig. 1 Bare shaft pumpFig. Set of counter flangesFig. 3 Connecting frameFig. 4 Electric motorFig. 5 Angle bracketFig 6. Shaft couplingFig 7. Valve blockFig 8. Gauge panelSpare parts for these pumps are easily available from stock. For detailed information andknow-how about service, see the Maintenance & Service Instruction for ACE3 pumps or contact IMO AB.A C E 3 1122.03 G Bwww.imo.se 15A C E 3 1122.03 G BIMO AB: P.O. Box 42090, SE 126 14 Stockholm, Sweden. Telephone: +46 8 50 622 800For latest updates, check:www.imo.se。