





1.Get up early is good for our health.早起有利于我们的身体健康。

2.I want go home now. 我现在想回家。

3.My favorite sport is play football.我最喜爱的运动是踢足球。

4.There is a bird sings in the tree. 有一只鸟正在树上唱歌。

5.The boy sits over there likes singing.


6.The house was built last year has been sold out.


7.The girls are singing over there are my classmates.


8.My parents wanted him work hard.我父母亲想让他努力学习。

9.I remember saw him that day. 我记得那天看见过他。

10. I saw him walked into the building.我看到他跑进那座建筑物。考点2.主动关系和被动关系


The food ______ delicious sells well.

A. smells

B. smelled

C. smelling

D. is smelling



The boy crying over there is Tom. (在那边哭的那个男孩) 从逻辑上讲,the boy…cry, 男孩哭,相当于主动语态,是主动关系。


The house built last year is the strongest. (去年建的那座房子) 从逻辑上讲,the house was built,房子被建,相当于被动语态,是被动关系。

在上两题中,逻辑关系可以表达为:This kind of food tasted wonderful. The food smells delicious. 逻辑上food和taste、smell是一种主谓关系,是主动语态,因此填现在分词。





现在分词:表主动和正在进行, 常在句中作定语、状语、宾补;




say play

fly throw

plan stop

fight buy

teach catch

sing hang(悬挂)

hang(绞死) watch

ride write

tear wear

study carry

lay lie(平躺)

eat freeze

found find

shoot feed

read cost

stick dig

hear hit

hurt lead

draw grow

spit beat

mean deal

dream learn

shine speak

forgive begin


run swim

begin die

lie write

come say

study drop

考点5.以-l, -r, -ic结尾的动词的-ed形式和-ing形式



control—controlled—controlled (英美都双写)

control—controlling (英美都双写)


travel — travelled — travelled (英国英语双写-l)

travel — traveled — traveled (美国英语不双写-l)

travel — travelling (英国英语双写-l)

travel—traveling (美国英语不双写-l)

属于这类的还有:signal, equal, label, dial, quarrel等。iii.在重读音节中,-l前不只一个元音时(构不成“两辅夹一元),在英美英语中都不双写-l。

cool — cooled— cooled (英美都不双写)

mail — mailed— mailed (英美都不双写)

mail — mailing (英美都不双写)

cool — cooling (英美都不双写)

属于这一类的还有:boil, fail, fool, sail, seal, spoil等。


-r音节指的是-ar, -er, -ir, -or, 和-ur。

refer — referred —referred 参看

prefer — preferred — preferred 比较喜欢

star — starred — starred 主演

stir — stirred — stirred 搅动

refer — referring参看

prefer — preferring 比较喜欢

star — starring主演

stir — stirring搅动



panic—panicked—panicked 恐慌

picnic—picnicking 野餐



refer prefer

panic picnic

mail control

travel quarrel




Playing basketball is my favorite sport.


To go to a key college is his dream.



Seeing is believing. To see is to believe.眼见为实

___ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. The walk

B. Walking

C. To walk

D. Walk

_______ to sunlight for too much time w ill do harm to one’s skin.

A. Exposed

B. having exposed

C. Being exposed

D. After being exposed

To answer correctly is more important than _____.

A. that you finish quickly

B. finishing quickly

C. to finish quickly

D. finish quickly

__________ now seems impossible.

A. Saving money

B. To save money

C. Being saved money

D. To be saved money

【2009四川】He told us whether _________ a picnic was still under discussion

A. to have

B. having

C. have

D. had

考点2.what在问句中作主语时,常用动名词短语来回答What do you think made Mary so upset?

_______ her new bicycle.

A. As she lost

B. Lost

C. Losing

D. Because of losing



Her wish is __________ an engineer.

A. becoming

B. become

C. to become

D. being come

Some people’s greatest pleasure is __________.

A. fishing

B. to fish

C. to be fishing

D. being fish



What Yang Liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was ___ the joy with all the Chinese.

A. share

B. shared

C. having shared

D. about to share

I think the best thing you should do is _________ another job.

A. looking for

B. looked for

C. look for

D. about to look for



如:My job is looking after the children.

(looking 为动名词)

He is looking after the baby. (looking 为现在分词)


-ing 形容词,令人。。。的;-ed形容词,令人感到。。。的,有被动意味。

Climbing mountains was ______ ,so we all felt ______ .

A. tiring; tired

B. tired; tiring

C. tiring; tiring

D. tired; tired

We must treasure every minute because ___ time is ___ forever.

A. lost, losing

B. lost, lost

C. losing, losing

D. losing, lost

Please remain until the plane has come to a complete stop.

A.to seal B.to be seated

C.seating D.seated






agree (同意) , ask (请、要) , attempt (试图) , afford 付得起agree 同意ask 要求apply 申请care (想要) , choose (决定、要) , decide (决定) , desire (希望) , determine (决心) , help 帮助expect (期望) , fail (未能) , hope (希望) , intend (打算) , learn (学习) , manage (设法) , offer (愿意) , plan (计划、打算) , pretend (假装) , refuse (拒绝、谢绝) , wish (希望) , promise (答应),want(想要)等等。

We asked ___ to work in the countryside.

A. to be sent

B. to send

C. to be sending

D. sending

【2010江西】There were many talented actors out there just waiting .

A. to discover

B. to be discovered

C. discovered

D. being discovered

I expected __________ your friend, but my car broke down on the way.

A. I’ll meet

B. meeting

C. to meeting

D. to meet

She told me that she had decided __________ again.

A. be not late

B. not be late

C. not to be late

D. to be not late

Almost everyone fails __________ on the first try.

A. in passing his driver’s test

B. to pass his driver’s test

C. to have passed his driver’s test

D. passing his driver’s test

The two weavers pretended __________ very hard, though they did nothing at the looms.

A. work

B. working

C. to be worked

D. to be working

When he got off the train, it happened __________.

A. to rain

B. to be raining

C. raining

D. to raining

I didn’t __________ it until you had explained how.

A. manage to do

B. managed to do

C. manage to have done

D. manage doing

The young driver offered _________ the patient out of the car.

A. to hand

B. handing

C. hands

D. would hand

The white horse refused __________ the stone wall.

A. its jumping

B. to jump

C. jumping up

D. to jump at



admit 承认advise 建议allow 允许appreciate 感激avoid 避免consider 考虑delay 推迟deny 否认discuss 讨论dislike 不喜欢enjoy 喜爱escape 逃脱excuse 原谅fancy 设想finish 完成forbid 禁止forgive 原谅give up 放弃imagine 想象keep 保持mention 提及mind 介意miss 没赶上pardon 原谅permit 允许practice 练习prevent 阻止prohibit 禁止put off 推迟risk 冒险stop 停止suggest 建议feel like想做某事

I would appreciate __________ back this afternoon.

A. you to call

B. you call

C. your calling

D. you’re calling

She enjoys __________ light music.

A. to hear

B. hearing

C. listening to

D. to listen to

You can keep the book until you __________.

A. have finished reading

B. finish to read

C. will finish reading

D. have finished to read

Ali said that she wouldn’t mind _________ alone at home. A. left B. being left C. to be left D. leaving

If you keep __________ English, you can learn English well.

A. practicing speak

B. practicing speaking

C. practicing to speak

D. to practise spoken

We are considering _________ a new plan.

A. making

B. being made

C. to make

D. to have made

The squirrel was lucky that it just missed __________.

A. catching

B. to be caught

C. being caught

D. to catch

Can you imagine yourself __________ on a desert island? A. staying B. stay C. have stayed D. being stayed

We can understand why he avoids __________ to us.

A. to speak

B. speech

C. having spoken

D. speaking

Please excuse my _________ in without _________.

A. come, asking

B. coming, asking

C. to come, being asked

D. coming, being asked

Why have they delayed __________ the new school?

A. opening

B. to open

C. having opened

D. to have opened

She __________ the key.

A. admited taking

B. admitted take

C. admitted having taken

D. admitted to have taken 【2008上海春】As a new driver, I have to practice _________ the car in my small garage again and again

A. parking

B. to park

C. parked

D. park

【2009上海】Bill suggested ______ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.

A. having held

B. to hold

C. holding

D. hold

【2011四川】Lydia doesn’t feel like_____ abroad. Her parents are old.

A. study

B. studying

C. studied

D. to study


forget/remember doing/having done跟动名词作宾语,


forget/remember to do还未做

regret doing sth. 对做过的某事表示后悔

regret to say, 很抱歉的说

mean to do, 打算作某事;mean doing, 意味着

try to do , 尽力作某事;try doing, 尝试着作某事

want / need/ require doing sth, 表示被动

等于want/need/require to be done

like/ hate doing, 经常性的

like/ hate to do, 特定的某一次

be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事

used to do 过去经常做某事

be used to do被用来做

can’t help doing=can’t help but do 忍不住做某事

can’t help ( to) do 不能帮助做某事

stop doing 停止正在做着的某事

stop to do停下来做别的事情(to do是目的状语)

go on doing继续做原来做的事

go on to do接着干别的事情

Little Jim should love __________ to the theatre this evening.

A to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking

---“Did you close the door?” ---“Yes, I remember __________ it.”

A. to close

B. to closing

C. closing

D. closed

【2012安徽】I remembered the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.

A. locking

B. to lock

C. having locked

D. to have locked

I’m sorry I forgot _______ your dictionary. Let’s borrow one from Li Ming.

A. to take

B. taking

C. to bring

D. bringing

Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot __________ and looked for it everywhere.

A. to post the letter

B. to have the letter posted

C. to have posted the letter

D. having posted the letter

My brother regretted __________ a lecture given by Professor Liu.

A. missing

B. to miss

C. missed

D. being missed

I regret __________ you that we are unable to offer you a job.

A. informing

B. having informed

C. to inform

D. to informing

I felt tired with walking, so I stopped __________ a break for an hour.

A. having

B. to have

C. taking

D. to taking

The teacher told the students to stop __________ to him. A. to write and listen B. writing and listening

C. to write and listening

D. writing and to listen

---I usually go there by train. ---Why not ____ by boat for a change?

A. to try going

B. trying to go

C. to try and go

D. try going

【2008湖南】Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried _____ alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home.

A. living

B. to live

C. to be living

D. having lived

You didn’t hear us come in last night. That’s good. We tried ____ noisy.

A. to be not

B. not to be

C. not being

D. being not

The grass has grown so tall that it needs _________.

A. to cut

B. to be cut it

C. cutting

D. being cut

There are lots of places of interest ____ in our city.

A. needs repairing

B. needing repaired

C. needed repairing

D. needing to be repaired

These young trees require __________ carefully.

A. looking after

B. to look after

C. to be looked at

D. looking for

The sentence wants __________ once more.

A. to explain

B. explaining

C. being explained

D. to be explained it

He hasn’t got used ______ in the countryside yet.

A. live

B. to live

C. to living

D. living

A very well-known person __________ in this house.

A. is used to live

B. used to live

C. is used to living

D. used to living

Missing the train means __________ for an hour.

A. to wait

B. to be waited

C. being waited

D. waiting

I meant __________ you, but I was so busy.

A. to call on

B. calling on

C. to call at

D. calling at

I know i t’s not important, but I can’t help _ about it

A. to think

B. and think

C. thinking

D. being thought

I’m busy ___ for the entrance examination, so I can’t help __ housework

A. preparing, doing

B. preparing, to do

C. to prepare, doing

D. to prepare, to do

except, but后跟不定式时,如果前面有实意动词do的形式,不用to, 否则要带to

There is nothing to do except ___ till it stops raining.

A. to wait

B. waiting

C. wait

D. waits

Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but ___ the flowing of the smog around me. A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyed D. to enjoy

Remain to be done

It remains _____ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.

A. seen

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. to see Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B.

to be seen C. seeing D. seen


【2012北京】One learns a language by making mistakes and ______ them.

A. corrects

B. correct

C. to correct

D. correcting

【2012福建】China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from ______in the South China Sea.

A. attacking

B. having attacked

C. being attacked

D. having been attacked


be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾

He is addicted to gambling.他沉溺于赌博。

devote oneself to doing sth./be devoted to


She devoted herself to helping the poor.


Charlie devotes his time to reading.


Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy.


be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事

This is equal to saying that he knows her well. 这就等于说他很熟悉她。

She didn’t feel equal to receiving visitors. 她感到身体不适,不能会客。

object to doing sth 反对做某事,

have an objection to doing sth 反对(反感)做某事

He objected to being treated like a child.


He has a strong objection to getting up so early.他很反感这么早就起床。

be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事

She seems very much opposed to your going abroad.


I’m opposed to telling him the news at once. 我反对马上告诉他这个消息。

reduce sb. to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事

Hunger reduced them to stealing.


He was reduced to begging for food.

最后他沦为乞丐。pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事

We should pay more attention to uniting and working with the comrades who differ with us.

我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的同志工作。be used to doing sth/

be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事

John has got used to sleeping late.


I am not accustomed to being treated like this.我不习惯被这样对待。

get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事

It’s time we got down to some serious work.


After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of pay.


look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

We are looking forward to receiving his letter.


I look forward to hearing from you.


come /be near/close to doing sth


I was near to screaming. 我险些喊叫起来。

I came near to forgetting my raincoat. 我差点把雨衣给忘了。

We had an outstanding season and came so close to winning the title again.

in addition to doing sth 除做某事之外

In addition to giving me some advice, he gave me some money.


key to doing sth 做某事的关键

Yet transportation is the key to getting this food to the children and their families.

交通是把这事物送给那些孩子和他们家人的关键。make contributions to对…作贡献

Everyone should make a contribution to protecting the environment.


when it comes to… 谈到……时

There is no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of children.



非谓语动词考查特点及解题点拨 非谓语动词在英语语言中使用率很高,同时也是中考考考查热点。近几年对非谓语动词的考查更加强调语句的复杂性,综合考查时态、语态、逻辑主语一致性的题目较多。因此,考生必须学会在复杂的语境中选用非谓语动词的适当形式。 【例1】Charles Babbage is generally considered _____the first computer. A.to have invented B.inventing C.to invent D.having invented 解题点拨:这是一道把动词的用法和非谓语动词的用法结合起来的考题。关键一:表示心理活动的动词在带不定式作宾补时常用to be或to have done,极少用to do sth.的形式。关键二:注意consider的两种用法,consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”,consider sb./sth.to be 或consider sb.to have done或其被动式be considered to be/to have done意思是“认为某人/物如何(做了什么)”。依题意可知本题考查第二种用法。 练一练:1)The patient was warned ______oily food after the operation. A.not eat B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating 【例2】Do let your mother know all the truth.She appears _______everything. A.to tell B.to be told C.to be telling D.to have been told 解题点拨:这是一道把语态、时态、和非谓语动词结合起来考查的题目。解这类题一定要注意时态和语态的变化,先于谓语动作发生的非谓语用完成形式。前半句说“一定要告诉你母亲全部真相”,后半句说“看上去她好像已被告知所有情况”,因此选不定式完成形式的被动语态。 练一练:2)The old man is said _____a sailor when he was young. A.to have been B.that he was


二、非谓语动词作定语 非谓语动词做定语有以下几种形式; doing 1、作动名词讲时做定语表示用途。比如、living room, swimming pool. 2、作现在分词讲时,所修饰名词或代词与其是一种主谓(主动)关系,有时还表进行。如; falling leaves, the rising sun, boiling water, a developing country, the boy standing on the ground, the man introducing modern technology into China. done(过去分词)表示被动(与所修饰的词是动宾关系)或完成。如;fallen leaves, the risen sun, boiled water, a developed country, the players selected from the whole country. being done 现在分词的被动结构,表是正在被……只做后置定语,即放在所修饰名词之后。如;the bridge being built, the meeting being held. to do (to be done)动词不定式做定语常表示将来,有主动与被动两种形式。 1、所修饰的词与不定式动作是一种被动关系(也可以说动词不定式与所修饰的词 是一种动宾关系,即所修饰的词是不定式动作的对象,)这时注意选择是用to do ,还是to be done. 1、I have a lot of readings to complete before the end of this term. 2、His first book to be published next month is based on a true story. 2、所修饰的词与不定式是是一种主谓(主动)关系,这些词前面常常有 the first ,the second, the last, the next, the only等修饰。 1、the next train to arrive is from Washington. 2、The last one to arrive pays the meal. 3、与所修饰的词一种同位关系,这些词通常是ability, way, chance, right, reason, need, wish等。 1、The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself. 2、That’s the way to do it. 注意:1、非谓语动词做定语的时,有时可以与定语从句进行转换。


分考点 1 不定式作状语 Point 1 做目的状语,意为“为了”,可以单独放在句首、句中或句末。 To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard. 为了通过大学入学考试,我们必须努力学习。 Mike had to shout to make himself heard above the sound of the music. 麦克不得不大声说话,以便能在如此大的音乐下被别人听见。 【特别注意】也可用in order to 或so as to 表示目的,但so as to 不能用于句首。 The bus stopped so as to pick up passengers. 公交车停下来以便搭载乘客。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起是为了赶上第一版公交车。 Point 2 作结果状语。常表示令人意外的结果。 Only/just to do 表示意想不到的结果 Enough to do 足够做... Too...to do 太...而不能..... So/such... as to...如此...以至于.... I went to see him last night only/ just to find him out. 我昨晚去找他。结果发现他出去了。(表示出乎意料的结果) Mary is too tired to do the job. 玛丽太累了,做不了这项工作。 He is old enough to go to school. 他到上学的年龄了。 Point 3 作原因状语。常用在表示情感或态度的sorry, surprised, disappointed, excited, glad,happy 等形容词后,常用结构为“主语+系动词+形容词+to do”。 Tom was very happy to see his mother. 汤姆看到她的妈妈很高兴。 I was surprised to find him here. 发现他在这里我很开心。 【特别注意】easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good 等形容词表示主语的特征或性质,后面接不定式作状语时,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主语形式表示被动意义。 English is easy to learn. 英语学起来很容易。 The book is very hard to understand. 这本书很难理解。 分考点 2 分词作状语 形式意义 Doing 主动,进行 Having doing 主动,完成 Done 被动,完成;用作形容词,表状态 Being done 被动,进行,意为“正在被做”


只能接-ing作宾语的动词口诀: 喜欢花费忙着想象忍不住想要结束练习enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事spend...doing sth. 花费…做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做… imagine sb. doing sth. 想象…做某事 can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事practice doing sth. 练习做某事 错过建议保持介意值得考虑 miss doing sth. 错过做某事suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 keep (on) doing sth. 保持(继续)做某事mind doing sth. 介意做某事 be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 介词+doing be good at doing sth擅长做某事 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣insist on doing 坚持做某事 be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事thank sb. for doing sth. 谢谢某人做某事be tired of doing sth. 厌烦做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 put off doing 推迟做某事 stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事give up doing sth. 放弃做某事without doing sth. 没有做某事think about doing sth. 考虑做某事What ∕ How about doing 做某事怎么样?


高考英语之非谓语动词作定语 ——定语定义:修饰、限定名词或代词特征和品质的词,词组和句子。分为前置定语和后置定语。 例如: 常见定语形式: ——前置定语 a good girl 一个好女孩,(形容词作定语) women teachers 女教师,(名词作定语) a waiting room 候车室(动名词作定语) the interesting book, 那本有趣的书,(现在分词作定语) fallen leaves 落叶(过去分词作定语) ——后置定语 the boy with short hair, 留短发的那个男孩,(介词短语作定语) weekends available, 空闲的周末(形容词作定语) the man mending a car,修汽车的那个男人,(现在分词作定语) the bike fixed by workers, 工人修好的那辆自行车(过去分词作定语) the train to arrive soon.即将到达的火车(to do 作定语) a bottle full of water 装满水的瓶子(形容词短语作定语) something new 新的东西(形容词作定语) (一)非谓语动词作名词或代词前置定语: 1.doing 作前置定语: (1)当doing 为动名词时,相当于名词使用。表所修饰词的用途。 例如:a swimming pool 游泳池 a walking player 随身听 a waiting room 候车室 (2)当doing为现在分词时,相当于形容词使用。与所修饰词之间为主动关系,也可表进行。

例如: ——falling leaves 落叶 解析:表leaves 与falling之间为主动关系,fall这个动作正在进行中。 ——she is an interesting girl. 她是一个有趣的女孩。 解析:interesting修饰girl, 表girl 的特征和品质。指这个女孩令别人觉得有趣。——The dying man has many encouraging books. 那个奄奄一息的人有很多鼓励人的书。 解析:dying 修饰man, 表主动、进行。encouraging 修饰books,表其特征和品质。 2. done 作前置定语:done 为过去分词,相当于形容词使用。与所修饰词之间为被动关系,也可表完成。 例如: ——fallen leaves 落叶解析:表leaves 处于fallen 状态,即表完成。——There are many finished houses last year in the city. 在这个城市里,有很多去年竣工的房子。 解析:houses 与finished 之间为被动关系,也表完成。 ——The girl is sitting there with surprised facial expressions. 那个女孩在坐在那,带着惊讶的表情。 解析:surprised 修饰facial expressions, 表the girl 具有惊讶的感受,不表示她的表情令别人惊讶。 (二)非谓语动词作名词或代词后置定语。 1. doing 作后置定语:表主动,进行。 ——The girl standing under the tree is called Lucy. 正站在树下的那个女孩叫Lucy. 解析:girl 与standing之间为主动关系,表在发生或持续动作。 ——There are some reasons referring to environment pollution. 有几个涉及到环境污染的原因。 解析:referring 作reasons 后置定语,表主动。 ——People can’t forget the person hurting them badly.


非谓语动词口诀版 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

只能接-ing作宾语的动词口诀: 喜欢花费忙着想象忍不住想要结束练习 enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事spend...doingsth.花费…做某事bebusydoingsth.忙于做…imaginesb.doingsth.想象…做某事can'thelpdoingsth.忍不住做某事feellikedoingsth.想要做某事finishdoingsth.完成做某事practicedoingsth.练习做某事 错过建议保持介意值得考虑missdoingsth.错过做某事

keep(on)doingsth.保持(继续)做某事minddoingsth.介意做某事beworthdoingsth.值得做某事 介词+doing? begoodatdoingsth擅长做某事beinterestedindoingsth.对做某事感兴趣insistondoing坚持做某事beusedfordoingsth.被用来做某事thanksb.fordoingsth.谢谢某人做某事betiredofdoingsth.厌烦做某事beafraidofdoingsth.害怕做某事putoffdoing推迟做某事 stopsb.fromdoingsth.阻止某人做某事giveupdoingsth.放弃做某事

thinkaboutdoingsth.考虑做某事 What∕Howaboutdoing做某事怎么样 此to?非彼to lookforwardtodoingsth.(盼望)payattentiontodoingsth.(注意)beusedtodoingsth.(习惯于)preferdoingsthtodoingsth.(更喜欢)devotetodoingsth(致力于)makeacontributiontodoing(做贡献) 只能接不定式作宾语的动词口诀: 决定想做计划需要同意,能做被用来做的事 decidetodosth.决定做某事 want∕wouldliketodosth.想做某事


非谓语动词的用法总结 李靖 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)不是真正意义上的谓语动词,在句中都不能单独作谓语。但都具有动词的某些特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成非谓语动词短语。不定式表目的,表将来;动名词表主动,表进行;过去分词表被动,表完成。 一.作主语( 动名词、不定式、过去分词前面加being, 动名词做主语谓语动词用单数) 1)不定式、动名词都可做主语,但是动名词做主语多指抽象的概念性的动作,可以是多次的经常的行为;不定式多表示具体的动作,尤其是某一次的动作。如: Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火危险。(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火会发生危险。 2)用动名词做主语的句型: It’s no use/no good/pleasure doing sth 做.......没有用处/好处/乐趣 It’s a waste of time doing sth 做.... 浪费时间 It is worth doing sth 值得做某事 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 It is worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。 3)不定式做主语的句型. It is + adj +for sb to do sth. 比较:表示人的品质时只能用of sb 如considerate/kind/nice/foolish/stupid/rude/cruel /wise/clever/brave/selfish/crazy/good/careful/careless/impolite/right/wrong等单词出现 时。 It is silly of you to say so. It is important for us to learn English well. It is a must/ a necessity for us to have a good command of the English language. 4) “Wh- + to 不定式”可做主语。如: When to leave hasn’t been decided yet.什么时候动身还没定呢。 Whether to drive or take the train is still a problem.是自驾车还是乘火车仍是一个问题。 5)一般情况下,不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe 眼见为实。 . Planting flowers needs constant watering. 但and连接的多个动名词作主语,谓语动词大多用复数(如果前后动名词的语义一致, 谓语一般用单数)。如:Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎与盗窃是不道德的。 6) 动名词前面可以加上形容词性物主代词构成动名词的复合结构。如: ----- What made him angry? ------ Mary’s /My/His/Her /Their/ The boy’s/ The president’s being late(made him angry. 7being,构成动名词,做主语。如: . Being examined twice a year , driver must obey in this city. 经典练习:


非谓语动词作定语语法讲义 一.如何判断非谓语动词作的是定语: 1.看横线所在的位置 具体方法如下: 如果横线放在了名词或名词+逗号之后,则作的是定语。 如: The meeting________ yesterday was very important. The university, ________ in 1902, has a history of a century. 2.翻译:翻译时先把句子的主干部分找出来,然后看剩下的部分是不是放在了名词之后,并且能够放在名词之前加“的”翻译,如果是,则作的是定语。 如: The meeting________ yesterday was very important. The university, ________ in 1902, has a history of a century. 二.作定语时的逻辑主语: 作定语时,逻辑主语就是所修饰的名词。 如:The meeting held yesterday was very important. 三.如何确定用什么样的非谓语动词作定语: 1.和逻辑主语之间的主被动关系 2. 时间关系:将要发生、正在发生、已经完成 如: 1)The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well ______. A. to spend B. spent C. being spent D. spending 2)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket__________ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover 3)— The last one __________________ pays the meal. — Agreed! (2007全国卷I) A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving 四.作定语的具体用法: 1. 能作定语的不定式和分词有:to do, to be done, doing, being done, done (务必牢记). 注:having done 绝对不能作定语。 原因:当作定语的非谓语动词的动作明显发生在谓语动词动作之前时,此时不能用非谓语动词作定语,即不能用having done作定语,必须用定语从句作定语。如: The old man, having waited for the bus for half an hour, found he had left his wallet at home.(这句话中的having waited,作的不是定语,而是状语) The old man, who had waited for the bus for half an hour, found he had left his wallet at home 五.作定语的非谓语动词和所修饰的名词之间的关系:


非谓语动词作状语全解 不定式和分词作状语的用法 一、不定式作状语可以作: 1. 主要用作目的状语。常与 in order to do (为了或 so as to do(以便连用。 so as to 不用于居首。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起为了赶上第一班车。 He sat down to have a rest.他坐下来休息。 He went to France to learn French。他去法国学习法语。 They stood by the roadside to talk about the plan.他们站在路边为的是谈论这个计划。 They stopped to ask the way. 他们停下来问路。 (停下来的目的 2.作结果状语。表示出乎意料的结果。做结果状语的不定式只能出现在句子的末尾,常见的不定式动词有:to find, to hear, to see, to be told, to form, to give, to make, to produce 等。 He hurried to the station only to find the train gone. 他匆匆忙忙地赶到火车站,发现火车已经开走了。 He woke up to find everybody gone. 他醒来发现大家都走了。 His family was too poor to support him.他的家庭太穷,不能维持他的生活。 The boy is not tall enough to reach the book shelf. 这男孩个子不够高, 手伸不到书架。 He is old enough to go to school. 他到上学年龄了。 He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。


非谓语动词英语学习口诀包含动名词、动词的不定时顺口溜 非谓语动词包括动词不定式,动词的过去分词和动词的-ing形式三种。请看下面的方法,将有助于记住不定式及动名词。 1、动词的不定式 ①不定式有标记,to与动词连一起。 ②没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。 ③主宾定状表补语,唯独作谓不可以。 ④not 加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。 ⑤疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。 ⑥仔细推敲多思考,准确判断有依据。 解析: ①“to+动词原形”是它的基本构成形式,即不定式的标记。 ②它没有人称和数的变化,不管主语是任何人称,单数还是复数,动词不定式都没有变化。但它仍保留动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语。 ③它具有名词、形容词和副词三大特点,所以,它在句中可以作主语、宾语、定语、表语、状语和宾补。 ④“not +动词不定式”是它的否定形式,不要受其他否定式的影响,要记住规律。 ⑤疑问代词what, who, whom, which和疑问副词where, when, why , how加上不定式在句中可以做主语,宾语、表语、状语。 ⑥通过以上分析,只要仔细研究,把不定式的功能用法搞清楚,在应用时就能作出准确的判断。 2、动名词: 哪些动词后面只能接动名词,下面的顺口溜有助于记忆。 喜欢、考虑不可免(enjoy, consider, escape, avoid) 停止,放弃太冒险(stop, give up , risk) 反对想象莫推延(mine, imagine, delay, put off) 要求完成是期望(require, finish, look forward to.) 建议继续勤*练(suggest, go on, practise) 不禁原谅要坚持(can’t help, excuse , insist on) 继续注意使成功(keep on, mind, succeed in)


非谓语动词作定语练习题 一、语法填空 1、The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ___________(range)from butterflies to elephants. 2、To return to the problem of water pollution , I'd like you to look at a study ___________ (conduct)in Australia in 2012. 3、In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message__________(hide) within the work. 4、The park was full of people ____________(enjoy)themselves in the sunshine. 5、Today there are more airplanes______________(carry) more people than ever before in the skies. 6、Last night, there were millions of people _____________(watch)the opening ceremony live on TV. 二、单选 1. Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ____first is the library. A. repaired B. being repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired 2. I'm calling to enquire about the position ______ in yesterday's China Daily. A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised 3. After she completes the project, she’ll have ________. A. nothing to worry about B. nothing to worry C. nothing to be worried about D. nothing worrying about 4. His first book ______ next month is based on a true story. A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published 5. The rare fish, _____ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea. A. saved B. saving C. to be saved D. having saved 6. A great number of students ______ said they were forced to practise the piano. A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning 7. They built a house _____. A. of the things to put in B. of the things to be put in C. for the things to put in D. for the things to be put in 8. That is the only way we can imagine __ the overuse of water in students' bathrooms. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce 9. There is a great deal of evidence ______that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating


分考点1不定式作状语 Poi nt 1做目的状语,意为“为了”,可以单独放在句首、句中或句末。 To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard. 为了通过大学入学考试,我们必须努力学习。 Mike had to shout to make himself heard above the sound of the music. 麦克不得不大声说话,以便能在如此大的音乐下被别人听见。 【特别注意】也可用in order to或so as to表示目的,但so as to不能用于句首。 The bus stopped so as to pick up passe ngers. 公交车停下来以便搭载乘客。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起是为了赶上第一版公交车。 Point 2作结果状语。常表示令人意外的结果。 Only/just to do 表示意想不到的结果 Enough to do 足够做... Too...to do太…而不能..... So/such... as to...如此...以至于.... I went to see him last ni ght only/ just to find him out. 我昨晚去找他。结果发现他出去了。(表示出乎意料的结果) Mary is too tired to do the job. 玛丽太累了,做不了这项工作。 He is old eno ugh to go to school. 他到上学的年龄了。 Poi nt 3作原因状语。常用在表示情感或态度的sorry, surprised, disappo in ted, excited, glad,happy等形容词后,常用结构为"主语+系动词+形容词+to do ”。 Tom was very happy to see his mother. 汤姆看到她的妈妈很高兴。 I was surprised to find him here. 发现他在这里我很开心。 【特另U注意】easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expe nsive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good 等形容词表示主语的特征或性质,后面接不定式作状语时,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主语形式表示被动意义。 En glish is easy to learn.英语学起来很容易。 The book is very hard to un dersta nd. 这本书很难理解。


非谓语动词口诀 非谓语动词亦称非限定性动词,其形式有三,即:to do, -ing和-ed。其中-ing可称为动名词亦可称为现在分词。依据句法功能而定。它们是中学英语教学中的重点、难点,也是中考和高考的考点。与谓语动词有着质的区别---不能作谓语。而又与谓语动词有着密切联系---表示一个动作或状态,而且可以有自己的宾语、状语、逻辑主语、时态和语态。由于它们的非限定性,使得它们在句法功能中比谓语动词显得更加灵活,更加抽象,更加难以理解,难以使用。从而使中学生容易与谓语动词混为一谈,造成交织使用。在听、说、读、写的实际操作中常常犯错。尤其是及物动词之后的宾语形式。有些动词之后只能用to do,有些只能用-ing,有些之后两种形式均可用,意思基本相同。而有些之后意思不同。有些之后的补足语用to do,有些用原形do,有些用doing。及-ing形式在何种情况下叫动名词,何种情况下叫现在分词等一系列的问题。一直是英语学习者的困惑和障碍。为了便于记忆和灵活运用,本文特以“口诀”的形式,分类予以累述,其目的是增强中学生学习的兴趣,化难为易,化繁为简,浓缩重点排除学习困难,同时有助于熟记英语中常用动词。从而达到快、准、捷的学习效果。 一、不定式宾语两希望 两个希望一期望,假装渴望与切望。 没有计划与安排,准备学会两选择。 manage想请两决定,help提出agree。 要求不定式作宾语,25词答应不敢抗拒。 wish hope expect, pretend long desire. fail plan arrange, prepare learn choose elect. manage want ask decide determine, help offer agree. demand, promise dare refuse. eg.I want to speak English. He decides to go out. 二、动名词作宾两原谅 两原谅劝告两避免,承认设想想象之冒险。 坚持完成练习保持喜欢,反对否定正视讨厌。 建议介意错过考虑,着手延期忍受放弃。 包括情不自禁阻防某人,值得习惯忙于盼望想要允许动名来作宾。 excuse pardon advise avoid escape. admit imagine fancy risk. insist on finish practice keep enjoy. object to deny face dislike. suggest mind miss consider, set about put off(delay)stand(bear/put up with)give up(get rid of). include can't help prevent(prevent, stop, keep sb from) be worth be/get used to be busy look forward to feel like allow/perm it。 eg. I finished writing a composition. He is used to living here. 三、不定式动名作宾意不同 1.忆起忘记真遗憾,动名作宾事以前, 今后切莫再遗憾,可用不定式来避免.(意思仪限一般式) remember forget regret mean eg.You must remember to bring your dictionary this afternoon.Do you remember giving me that book? (You have already given me that book, Do you remember it?)


一、表格的用法 1.doing 的用法 (1)在要求动词后(作宾语):avoid避免appreciate 感激/欣赏acknowledge承认/自认 admit 承认advocate提倡/主张consider 考虑 can't help不禁 can't stand受不了contemplate细想complete完成confess坦白 dislike不喜欢,讨厌deserve值得 delay 延迟 deny否认 dread可怕defer拖延detest嫌恶 enjoy享有/喜爱envy嫉妒endure忍受excuse借口escape逃跑/逃避finish完成forgive原谅 fancy幻想/爱好favor 造成/偏爱figure描绘/计算hate讨厌 imagine设想involve卷入/包含keep保持miss错过mention说到/讲到mind 介意pardon原谅/饶恕permit允许 postpone推迟practice 实行/实践prevent阻止quit放弃停止risk冒险recall回想resist抵抗/阻止 resume恢复repent悔悟resent怨恨stand坚持/忍受suggest建议save营救/储蓄tolerate忍受

worth值得 You should try to avoid making mistakes. The book is worth reading. The book deserves reading. (2)表进行 Walking on the grassland, I saw a snake.=When I was walking on the grassland, I saw a snake. The man speaking English is Tom. = The man who is speaking English is Tom. (3)表主动 The man speaking English is Tom = The man who speaks English is Tom. = The man who spoke English is Tom. Nobody dinks boiling water but boiled water.= Nobody dinks water that is boiling but the water that has boiled. (4)表伴随 I stand outside waiting for Mr. Chen. I lie in bed reading a novel. (5)表性质;特点 The film is very moving. She is understanding, so you had better discuss your business with her.


非谓语动词做定语 1.Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ______first is the library. A. repaired B. being repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired 2.I'm calling to enquire about the position ________ in yesterday's China Daily. A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised 3.After she completes the project, she’ll have ________. A. nothing to worry about B. nothing to worry C. nothing to be worried about D. nothing worrying about 4.His first book ______ next month is based on a true story. A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published 5.The rare fish, _____ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea. A. saved B. saving C. to be saved D. having saved 6. A great number of students ______ said they were forced to practise the piano. A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning 7.They built a house _____. A. of the things to put in B. of the things to be put in C. for the things to put in D. for the things to be put in 8.That is the only way we can imagine __ the overuse of water in students' bathrooms. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce 9.There is a great deal of evidence ______that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating 10.We are invited to a party ______in our club next Friday. A. to be held B. held C. being held D. holding 11.The trees ________ in the storm have been moved off the road. A. being blown down B. blown down C. blowing down D. to blow down 12.I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed 13.With the world changing fast, we have something new ______with all by ourselves every day. A. deal B. dealt C. to deal D. dealing 14.The next thing he saw was smoke ______ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen 15.The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced 16.On receiving a phone call from his wife _____ she had a fall, Mr Gordon immediately rushed home from office. A. says B. said C. saying D. to say 17.The players ____ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game . A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected 18.Simon made a big bamboo box _______ the little sick bird till it could fly. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 19.Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon. A.said B.says C.saying D.to say 20.The island, ____ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to. A. joining B. to join C. joined D. having joined 21.The club, ______ 25ywears ago, is holding a party for and present members. A. founded B. founding C. being founded D. to be founded 22.The lecture, _____ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A. starting B. being starting C. to start D. to be started 23.Look over there —there’s a very long, winding path ______ up to the house. A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead 24.Recently a survey _____ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. A. compared B. comparing C. compares D. being compared 25.The ability _____an idea is as important as the idea itself. A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed 26.Tsinghua University, ____ in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures. A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded 27.W e’re having a meeting in half an hour. The decision ______at the meeting will influence the future of our company. A. to be made B. being made C. made D. having been made 28.After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _____. A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide 29.Time, ______ correctly, is money in the bank. A. to use B. used C. using D. use 30.John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter _____ him it. A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. to be offered 31.“It’s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table _____ for customers. A. to be reserved B. having reserved C. reserving D. reserved 32. Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions __ ? A. taking B. take C. taken D .to take 33.The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and ____ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing 34. So far nobody has claimed the money ____ in the library. A. discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered 35. Mrs.White showed her students some old maps ______ from the library. A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing 36. Do you know the name of the play ______ in the hall now? A. to be put on B. being put on C. put on D. putting on
