

皇家艾克尔坎普 M-0419E 手持钻孔套装 使用说明书

皇家艾克尔坎普 M-0419E 手持钻孔套装 使用说明书

Percussion drilling setsMeet the differenceRoyal Eijkelkamp T +31 313 880 200ContentsOn these operating instructions (3)Introduction (3)1. Checking beforehand (3)2. Working method (5)3. Use of the core sampler 041943 (11)3.1 Use of the core sampler with PVC sample tube (11)3.2 Use of the core sampler (041943) with the foil insertion kit (04194301) (12)4. Making repairs (16)4.1 Replacing the percussion drill cutting shoe (16)Nothing in this publication may be reproduced and/or made public by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means without previous written permission from Royal Eijkelkamp. Technical data can be amended without prior notification.Royal Eijkelkamp is not responsible for (personal) damage due to (improper) use of the product.Royal Eijkelkamp is interested in your reactions and remarks about its products and operating instructions.On these operating instructionsWhen the symbol shown on the left is placed before a piece of text, this means that an important instruction follows.When the symbol shown on the left is placed before a piece of text, this means that an important warning follows pointing out a risk of injury to the user or damage to the device.The user is always responsible for its own personal protection.Text in italics means that the actual text is shown on the instrument or display screen.IntroductionThese instructions cover the following subjects:1. Checking beforehand 2. Working method 3. Performing repairsThe percussion gouge allows you to take soil samples in difficult conditions, especially where hand drilling is not or hardly possible. However, it remains a hand-drilling device with limitations. Drilling in homogeneous soils is usually done with little problem. Applying a good working method to deviant soils, which may contain rubble or stones, can avoid many problems!We try to address a number of important points in this manual that can help to optimise the use of the percussion drilling set and/or reduce damage to the device.1. Checking beforehandWhen using the Cobra TT hammer (art. no. 041901):⏹ Check that the petrol is fresh. Petrol older than 3 months must be replaced; the fuel must have a fresh petrol smell. Use the right mix ratio (1:50). ⏹ Check whether the machine starts and consult the instructions for the hammer.When using the electrical hammer (art. no. 041881) in combination with the generator (art. no: 9920): ⏹ Check the oil level of the generator. Use the right quality of petrol in the generator. Ensure that the generator leaks no oil or fuel (eg place it in a plastic container) and the insulation monitor is connected (see user manual M1-991301).⏹ Check the percussion hammer and consult the instructions for the hammer.⏹ The insulation guard (art. 991301) continuously measures the soundness of the insulation of the connected device, e.g. an electric steel hammer. If the insulation value is too low, the voltage supply is interrupted by the control. This prevents any risk of contact with parts carrying current, as a result of, for example, moisture, faulty insulation, etc. The generator as well as the appliance is secured by using the insulation guard! The insulation guard controls the generator, but only turns off the appliance!⏹ The aluminium step-up (art. 9916) is used to create a more ergonomic working height.⏹ The fibre glass utility probe is 105 cm long and has a cone with a diameter of 19 mm. The utility probe is strongly insulating and can therefore be used safely to probe the drilling point for cables, conduits and pipes.☞TextBefore drilling, check whether there are (electricity) cables, pipes or conduits in the ground (consult Klic). Use the utility probe to safely probe the drilling point. Choose another drilling point if they are present.⏹The gloves (art. no. 011113) offer protection against small wounds resulting from any burrs on the percussion gouges and protect against contact with any soil contaminants.Advice (not included as standard in the set):⏹Vibration-absorbing gloves, especially for electrical percussion hammer;⏹Footwear with steel caps;⏹Hearing protective helmet;⏹Safety glasses, e.g. for hacking away debris using a geologist’s hammer.Spontaneous breakage can only be prevented by using the equipment correctly.Check:⏹Whether all RD32 connections are sound and clean;⏹The gouges for defects on the cutting edge;⏹Whether the casing and rod puller clamp and clamping jaw are clean for optimum use;⏹Whether the set is complete for the work that you intend to use it for!2. Working methodThese operating instructions describe step-by-step how to take a sample using percussion gouges of various diameters.Always wear strong gloves, safety glasses, safety shoes, ear protection and a hard hat.Screw the coupling sleeve to the gouge with the largest diameter (do not turn it all tight).Screw the striking pen into the coupling sleeve. Note: it is left threaded (possibly secure with a wrench).Make sure that the screw thread on both sides of the coupling sleeve is still slightly visible! The coupling sleeve is then approximately equally divided between both parts. So do not screw in one side completely and then the other.Place the aluminium step-up next to the sampling point. Insert the gouge vertically into the soil and place the percussion hammer on top. Stand on the step-up for a more ergonomic position.Lay the electricity cable over your shoulder to prevent strangulation with the machine or gouge.Start the percussion hammer and keep the machine as upright as possible during hammering. If the percussion gouge “finds its own way”, follow this direction with the machine. Do not force it to one side. If the gouge goes into the ground diagonally, correct the gouge with 1 hand while the other operates the percussion hammer. Keep the percussion hammer and gouge in line. Keep a good watch on the drop speed. For this, watch a fixed point on the gouge (there is always a spot or a scratch) and check whether the percussion gouge is still dropping.Has the gouge stopped moving? Stop! You are otherwise taking unnecessary risks!Continuing to hammer greatly increases the risk of a break.Sometimes imperceptible cracks form that can break during the next drilling!Remove the gouge and any extension rods from the soil and try to drill with a gouge that has a smaller diameter. You can enlarge thehole later with a gouge that has a larger diameter.☞☞After the first gouge has been inserted into the ground, the striking pen is replaced with an extension rod to assist in pulling it out. Then the rod puller extension (=bottom and top plate and two ABS pipes) is placed over the bar (see drawing). The mechanical rod puller with the casing and rod puller clamp can now be placed on top of this. At this height, the gouge can be pulled out of the ground. When the rod puller extension is 80 cm high, about 20 cm of the percussion gouge is still in the ground.Usually, the gouge can now be removed from the hole by hand. If this is not the case (where there are many unusual obtruding parts in the drill wall, e.g. at rubbish dumps or road surfacing), the gouge can be easily removed using the lifting jack and chain. This is physically easier than pulling it out with brute force.Place the lifting jack next to the gouge. Wrap the chain around the gouge twice and pull one of the ends through the large eye. Insert the end into the recess of the lever, so that the chain is attached to the lever. Insert the lever with the “knob” into the recess of the lifting jack. With the chain clasping the gouge, make a downward stroke (lever downwards). The chain usually loosens in such a way when lifting the lever that a lower point is grasped for the next stroke.Get the next percussion gouge (with a smaller diameter than the last one).Screw the coupling sleeve piece to the percussion drill. Then screwthe extension rod into the coupling sleeve.Pulling out the first gouge withthe rod puller extensionPlace the gouge with the extension rod into theborehole.Screw a coupling sleeve to the extension rod andthen attach the striking pen to the coupling sleeve (if desired, secure with a wrench).Attach the percussion hammer to the striking pen.Stand on the step-up. Start the percussion hammer and keep the machine as upright as possible during hammering. If the percussion gouge “finds its own way”, follow this direction with the machine. Do not force it to one side.If the gouge goes into the ground diagonally, correct the gouge with 1 hand while the other operates the percussion hammer. Keep the percussion hammer and gouge in line.Hammer the percussion gouge into the ground.Remove the percussion hammer. Unscrew the striking pen from the coupling sleeve. If this is stuck, unscrew it using the tools supplied.The coupling sleeve can also be unscrewed using the open ended spanner with the extension arm and the pipe wrench.If the coupling sleeve is secured too tightly to the percussion gouge, it can be unscrewed using the pipe wrench and the catcher.The deeper penetrating gouges can be pulled out from ground level.Place the mechanical rod puller on the extension rod.Place the universal casing and rod puller clamp on the mechanical rod puller and then place the clamping jaw in the casing and rod puller clamp.Check whether the filling ring has been fitted.Place the handle in the mechanical rod puller. Pull the gouge with extension rod out of the borehole.Avoid knocking sand and stones into the borehole when raising the gouge.It may be that you are unable to move the gouge at all. This is usually caused by the fact that it catches on stones/rubble in the wall. These materials may obstruct the removal of the gouge. A jolt will usually solve this.In extreme cases, this can be solved by placing the machine on the adapter and hammering briefly, while keeping the bars under tension using the extraction system (this is only possible if you areworking with 2 people).☞☞The percussion gouges can be pulled out of the ground using: the 1-person-operated mechanical rod puller;the 2-person-operated mechanical rod puller;and the hydraulic extraction system.Use the bent spatula to cut the cylindrical column material off along the compartments. The material that is left is an almost undisturbed profile suitable for studying or sampling.Any stones or rubble can be removed using the geologist’s hammer.Hydraulic extraction system petrol and electrical driven3. Use of the core sampler 0419433.1 Use of the core sampler with PVC sample tube Unscrew the cutting shoe from the core sampler and place thePVC sample tube in the core sampler.Place the core catcher in the core sampler and push the sampletube into the core sampler.Screw the cutting shoe onto the core sampler.Then screw a coupling sleeve on the core sampler and screw a striking pen into the coupling sleeve (see page 5). Place the step-up and place the percussion hammer on the core sampler and hammer it vertically into the ground.When the core sampler is at the right depth, it can be pulled out in the same way as the percussion gouges (see page 6).Unscrew the cutting shoe (possibly with a wrench) from the coresampler and remove the PVC sample tube.The sample can be studied immediately in the field or prepared for transportto the laboratory by closing the sample tube with protective caps.3.2 Use of the core sampler (041943) with the foil insertion kit (04194301)All the foil insertion kit parts are used as well as the percussionhammer and the core sampler (041943).The kit includes an extension pipe for the core sampler, thin-walled PE foil, a foil ring, a guide cylinder for foil, a slide ring andthe stand (synthetic, 2 parts).You may use the step-up as a worktable.Unscrew the head from the stand and slide the guide cylinder forthe foil over the long part of the stand and secure the head again.Then screw the foot into the stand and place it on a firm surface(e.g. the aluminium step-up).Take the thin-walled PE foil, unroll the first 20 cm and slide thisover the stand to the end of the foil guide cylinder. Slide the rest of the foil over the guide cylinder.Use the slide ring to press the foil compacter onto the metal foil guide cylinder.Unscrew the foot from the stand and remove the foil guide cylinderwith the foil from the stand.Slide the synthetic foil ring into the top of the metal foil guidecylinder.Slide a few centimetres of the foil over the foil ring and secure it with a rubber band or O-ring.Take the extension pipe and slide the foil guide cylinder with foiland foil ring into the extension pipe.Now screw the cutting shoe to the extension pipe.It is now ready to attach to the core sampler.Screw it to the core sampler.Attach a coupling sleeve and striking pen to the core sampler, place the percussionhammer and hammer the core sampler into the ground. Withdrawing it from the ground is effected as described for the percussion gouges (see page 6).Unscrew the cutting shoe (if desired, using a wrench) and theextension pipe from the core sampler. Carefully remove the foilwith sample from the core sampler.Remove the foil ring.The sample can be examined immediately (through the foil) or bycutting the foil away. It can otherwise be packed away for transportfor later examination.The parts and new foil can now be used for the next sampling.4. Making repairs4.1 Replacing the percussion drill cutting shoeMaterial required:⏹Welding equipment⏹Welding electrodes⏹Burner or oven⏹ H acksaw⏹Grinding machine⏹Cooling facility☞To weld two different types of steel together, use a basic electrode (or welding wire) that complies with the DIN 8556 technical specification.Remove the damaged cutting shoe using a saw or lathe.GoodEnsure that this is done as straight as possible (the two partsshould preferably turn flush up against each other) to avoidproblems when welding on the new cutting shoe.WrongUsing a grindstone, lathe or belt sander, make a slanted edge on the cut-off percussion gouge to promote the burn-in of the electrode.Before welding the cutting shoe must be tack welded (every 120 degrees). Try to do this as straight as possible. One can mark this using a guide (e.g. a ruler or if necessary an electrode). After this the tack welds are grinded out as far as possible. Now weld the whole (without welding faults). When MIG - MAG welding use Megafill 710 m diameter 1.2 mm as welding wire. As protection gas use Argon mixing gas 80-20. After welding, do not forget to remove the slag from the joint and file down the tack weld.The welding joint should now be heated to approx. 200 °C using a burner or other heating method. Ensure that the welding joint is at the right temperature at the moment of welding.The cutting edge (first 2 cm) of the percussion drill cutting shoe is hardened inductively. If the preheat temperature is too high, tempering occurs causing the cutting edge to be less hard and thus less wear-resistant.Now place the percussion gouge on a surface on which one can rotate the gouge. Turn the gouge with one hand while welding with the other hand.After welding, the welded part must be cooled down slowly by, for example, placing the head of the gouge in a container with insulation material (e.g. vermiculite).Good Wrong。


主轴行程:X x Y x Z=500mmx400mmx250mm
主轴行程:X x Y x Z=350mmx250mmx250mm
可内置3D CAD/CAM(选件)。加工中可同时进行编程




电缆连接详见 C11.2。 推荐设置 ¾ 启动模式:手动 ¾ 制冷方式:恒温 ¾ 设定值:设置为平均室温 注意:一天当中的气温几乎是恒定的,然而,月月之间或者不同季节时,气温会发生变化(缓慢的变 化),该情况下,设为<室温同调>更合适。
检查冷却泵的旋转方向 如果冷却泵的旋转方向错误,冷却机将会报警。
将 0.02/1000 水平仪放置在工作台中间位置, 按机床安装地基图示位置调整机床 1、2、3 三 个垫铁螺钉,使机床在纵横方向上的水平位置 安装精度为 0.04/1000, 使工作台面达到水平, 其余螺钉为辅助支撑,可轻轻旋紧,使其与地 基基础良好。
锁紧螺母 床身 调整水平螺栓
100 mm
2.5 机床的连接
2.5.1 检查 PC 板和电缆
FORM 20/30 GF AgieCharmilles
C2.2 6
2.5.2 气源连接
C2.2 开始使用



总目录第一部份快速入门1:开机前的准备工作2:开机及开机后检查3:预备知识4:安装软件及调试5:加工指南5.1准备工件及电极5.2准备加工程序5.3实际加工5.4 加工暂停及参数优化第二部份 RBF文件及RBF语句1:RBF文件范例及详解2:重要RBF语句详解3 加工工艺解说第三部份参数1:用户参数2:放电参数第四部份 CMD指令及CMD文件详解1:常用CMD指令2:CMD文件范例(多任务件/多孔位加工)第一部份快速入门1:开机前的准备工作2:开机及开机后检查3:预备知识4:安装软件及调试5:加工指南5.1准备工件及电极5.2准备加工程序5.3实际加工5.4 加工暂停及参数优化1开机前的准备工作开机前请检查以下各项并确定正确无误:●主电源电压:三相380VAC±5%●主气源气压:大于6.5Bar●外循环冷却水:水温13~15摄氏度●室内温度:25摄氏度且较恒定●工作台上无杂物,机头处于安全位置2开机及开机后检查开机步骤:→先开主电源开关→再按绿色电源按钮机器会自动启动,完成后请检查并完成以下各项●是否有异警出现●手动锁好电极,是否出现1040/1041报警●手动上下油槽是否正常,是否出现报警●手动各轴是否正常3预备知识人机接口:操作者通过键盘和手控盒与机器沟通,机器通过显示屏和操作者沟通.指令输入设备: 键盘, 手控盒指令形式:单键指令,文本指令,分级菜单文本指令必须在EXE(执行)根菜单下输入讯息输出设备:显示屏四大画面:PREP(准备):和文件,文件名的操作有关.EXE(执行): 和机床运动,放电有关INFO(信息):输出机床的各种信息GRAPH(图形):以图形的方式显示加工轨迹4安装软件及调试安装软件的步骤:→关电源,等待五分钟→一直按住SHIFT键,开电源→机器自行启动,直到出现选择画面后松开SHIFT键→插入一号碟(DISK A)→按F2键(LOAD)→机器自行装入软件,直至完成.→插入光学尺校正碟→输入指令CHCR,回车, 再按执行键机器自动读取光学尺校正资料值调试→找各轴参考点→手动各轴到大概中心点→用指令AREF找到各轴参考点测试各轴运动参数→手动各轴到大概中间位置→用指令TAXE测试各轴运动参数:TAXE 回车,执行从F碟或G碟拷入所需的TEC和TAB文件→进入PREP(准备)根菜单→F5(文件)→F6(变换外设)→F2(A:)→用游标选中所需拷贝的文件→F1(拷贝)→F1(MEM)5加工指南5.1准备工件及电极目的:确定加工起始点方法:X轴和Y轴用分中或碰单边的方式确定起站点 Z轴碰深度再升到安全高度步骤加下:→装夹工件及铜公→用拖表校平较直工件及铜公(根据需要)若拖表是导电的,校表时必须取消接触感知功能→X轴/Y轴分中→EXE(执行)→F6(测量)→F3(外形找中心)→F4(测量参数)→输入参数DX,DY,DZ,ZF分中完成后,机头自动回到X轴/Y轴中心位,但机床坐标不会自动归零→设定各轴坐标值:F1(设定X轴),F2(设定Y轴), F3(设定Z轴)通常X轴/Y轴坐标设为零,Z轴设为实际高度→用指令MOV,X10,Y20 回车,执行,把X轴/Y轴移动到加工起始点.→用指令EDG,-Z,Z0 回车,执行,找到Z轴零平面.→用指令MOV,Z10 回车,执行,把Z轴升到安全高度→用指令SEP,CP1 回车,把当前点的坐标保存到1号记忆点中.到目前为止,已找到加工起始点,且把该点保存起来.5.2准备加工程序机器放电加工时需要RBF文件和相应的TEC文件, RBF文件:加工文件TEC文件:放电参数文件有三种方式产生本次要使用的RBF文件:专家系统修改已存在的厂家推荐的RBF文件重新手动输入建议使用修改厂家推荐的RBF文件方式,RBF文件如下: (文件名为F25015.RBF)1:PN/SAMPLE PROGRAM U/S=0.15 CH182:TECHNO/F,UCUAC选择适当的放电参数文件.TEC3:L1=-7.43修改加工深度4:AUXF/225:FROM/X,0,Y,0,Z,10修改安全高度6:AUXF/607:FLUSH/LL,1,LR,18:AUXF/269:DOWN/L,L1,H,-0.150,E,37310:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.137,E,35211:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.112,E,32312:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.090,E,31213:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.072,E,29314:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.057,E,273,RET加工完成后用RET指令升机头;15:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.044,E,262修改最终表面光洁度,在该句最前加;16:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.032,E,251,RET分号,机器将不加工该句17:FLUSH/LL,0,LR,018:AUXF/2319:END修改方法如下:进入PREP(准备)模式根菜单F1(编辑)用游标选中F25015.RBF文件,回车即进入编辑方式手动修改以下内容:→选择适当的放电参数文件→加工深度L1,如改为-7.43→安全高度,如改为10在第5句,FROM/…..→最终表面光洁度,如加工到CH27,则需在15句和16句最前面加分号,以取消该两句的加工,记住在最后一句加工完成后用RET升头.→修改完成后按F6(保存)保存文件→按F7(退出)到此为止,己准备好加工文件RBF和放电参数文件TEC5.3实际加工在做实际加工前先描图,以方便观察加工状况,方法如下: →进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F1(程序执行)→用游标选中要描图的加工程序(如F18010.RBF)→F4(屏幕作图)→执行可在GRAPH画面看到以图形方式表示的加工文件在描图完成后,确认程序无误即可进行实际加工:加工前手动升高油槽至油平面超过工件表面40MM.→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F1(程序执行)→用游标选中要加工的程序(如F18010.RBF)→F1(切割)→执行机器会自动升油槽,注水,加工直到完成.5.4 加工暂停及参数优化在加工过程中需要暂停加工升头观察加工状况.方法如下: →按红色暂停键让机器暂停→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F7(手动)→按手控盒上黄色升头键,机头自动升到安全高度处→用手控盒移开机头→手动下油槽(根据需要)→观察电极和工件加工表面→按手控盒上黄色轮廓返回键,机头自动返回加工起始点→手动上油→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→按绿色执行键继续加工参数优化:机器本身能自动优化加工参数,在必要时亦可人工优化,人工优化必须先观察判断加工状况是否良好,方法如下: →进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F3(PILOT EXPERT,放电专家)-时间”图是否平直,是否有不良升头,不良升头比例怎样?不良升头包括:BN,低电压放电升头TL,短脉波放电升头CT,积碳污染升头CC,短路升头→如放电不良,则需人工优化以下参数:●B:为脉冲间隔,加大,通常等于A或A+1●R:为升头时间,加大,通常为2或3●U:为放电时间,减小,通常为3或2●VPULS:升头速度,用指令“VPULS,10 回车,执行”加快升头速度(该指令只在暂停模式下有效)第二部份 RBF文件及RBF语句1:RBF文件范例及详解2:重要RBF语句详解1RBF文件范例及详解RBF文件是夏米尔火花机专有加工文件,由RBF语句组成,以下是一个完整的RBF文件(F18015.RBF)1:PN/SAMPLE PROGRAM U/S=0.15 CH18PN/为固定格式,后跟任意字符串,机器不执行.2:TECHNO/F,UCUACUCUAC为放电参数文件,全名为UCUAC.TEC3:L1=-7.43L1为操作者自定义的变量,用于代表加工深度4:AUXF/22是附加功能的缩写,22号附加功能是升油槽上油5:FROM/X,0,Y,0,Z,10FROM定义加工起始点的工件坐标值,其中Z,10是安全高度,该值必须等是实际的安全高度值.6:AUXF/6060号附加功能:加工困难时不停机7:FLUSH/LL,1,LR,1FLUSH意为冲油,LL,左冲油(LIFT),LR,右冲油(RIGHT),“1”为打开冲油8:AUXF/2626号附加功能:加工保护暂停8分钟9:DOWN/L,L1,H,-0.150,E,373DOWN:直打(只朝下)加工方式,只有Z轴运动.L1: 加工深度为L1,(L1=-1.0).H: 加工预留量,即预留0.15MM给后续工艺加工,本段只加工到0.85MM(1.0-0.15=0.85).E,373:放电条件代号,本段使用373号放电条件.10:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.137,E,352ORB:三轴联动的荡,加工轨迹为一向下不断扩大的螺纹11:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.112,E,32312:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.090,E,31213:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.072,E,29314:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.057,E,27315:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.044,E,26216:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.032,E,25117:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.024,E,24118:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.017,E,22019:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.010,E,200,P,8P,8:该段加工8分钟,若深度先到则忽略时间20:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.005,E,180,P,10,RETRET:加工完成后把机头升到安全高度处21:FLUSH/LL,0,LR,00:关左右冲油22:END程序结束2重要RBF语句详解DOWN:切入加工(直打)DOWN/L,-2.0,H,-0.2,E,323L,-2.0:加工深度,在RBF文件中由L1指定.H,-0.20:加工余留量,包括本段的火花位(GAP)即本段实际加工到-1.8(=-2.0+0.2)E,323:放电条件代号为323号,前两位数表示本段的光洁度为CH32,最后一位表示损公率,数字越大损公越低(同光洁度相比)ORB:三轴平动,其加工轨迹为一向下逐渐扩大的螺纹.ORB/L,L1,H,-0.165,E,312各参数同DOWNEXPAN:平面平动,Z轴锁定,XY平面扩园孔.EXPAN/R,1.0,E,312R,1.0:平动半径,不包括本段火花位E,312:放电条件代号,312 AXUF/:辅助功能,常用值如下: 22:升工作油槽并注油23:排空工作油槽并下降26:加工保护暂停8分钟50:加工短路时慢速回退54:打开工作油泵55:关闭工作油泵60:加工恶化时不停机,不保护209:人工启动快速润滑3加工工艺解说U L CUAC.TECCUAC:铜/钢GFAC:细石墨/钢GMAC:中石墨/钢GGAC:粗石墨/钢CUWAC:铜钨合金/钢CUWCW:铜钨合金/硬质合金ACAC:钢/钢CUAL:铜/铝GRAL:石墨/铝缺省该位:标准加工C:轮廓加工M:微细加工L:深腔加工,骨位F:大表面小深度加工P:抛光加工V:水口加工B:缺省该位:次参数不能修改U:次参数可以修改第三部份参数1用户参数2 放电参数1用户参数进入用户参数画面:EXE(执行)根菜单F2(用户参数)各参数意义如下:BLK:单句执行功能有效/无效,针对RBF文件,=1,RBF文件单句执行=0,RBF文件正常连续执行CBC:单句执行功能有效/无效,针对CMD文件,=1,CMD文件单句执行=0,CMD文件正常连续执行COE:出错是否停机功能有效/无效=1,当出现E073(测量超差)等错误时不停机=0, 当出现E073(测量超差)等错误时暂停OSP:选择性暂停功能有效/无效=1,当RBF文件执行到STOP/OPTIONAL语句时程序暂停=0,当RBF文件执行到STOP/OPTIONAL语句时程序不暂停ENG:单位制选择=1:英制单位,小数点后3位=0,公制单位,小数点后5位VRF:较验模式=1:程序运行时缺省状态为较验模式=0:正常模式BLD:可选段有效/忽略,仅对ISO程序=1:忽略可选段=0:可选段有效SIM:程序空走有效/无效(模拟),仅在程序暂停时可修改.=1:机床仅运行编程轨迹.但不启动放电电源(空走) =0:正常加工模式TSIM:程序空走模式时(SIM=1)换刀指令有效/无效=1:换刀指令有效=0:换刀指令无效ART:断电后自动重启动功能有效/无效=1:有效=0:无效TFE:路径偏移有效/无效,仅对轮廓加工=1:路径偏移有效=0:路径偏移无效CLE:附加偏移量,不使用该参数.TOL:球面加工最大允许误差.MTOL:测量时最大允许误差,通常为0.005~0.01MM 手动换刀时Z轴高度:空走速度:程序空走时的速度C轴旋转速度:测量速度:碰度,分中时的速度2放电参数详解进入放电参数画面:EXE(执行)根菜单F3(用户参数)各参数意义如下:B:放电脉波间隔,OTT-TIMER:升头时间代号U:放电时间代号RF:参考放电电压SV:平均击穿延时参考值(伺服电压)T:参数优化方式选择器=0时:B,R,U,RF,SV均自动优化=1时:所有参数均采用工艺表或用户自选的值=2时:B,R,U自动优化M:加工模式:=1:标准损耗加工=2:低损耗加工=3:超低损耗加工=4:微细加工=6:抛光加工=26:骨位,水口加工C:电容量V:加工电压代号(空载电压)P:加工电流代号A:放电脉波宽度代号,ON-TIMEInv:加工极性EL:电极材料CL1:开机时间,开启机器后即累计时间CL2:加工时间,只在放电时统计放电时间TPU:本段还需要的加工时间,只在本段程序中有“P”时有效VPULS:升头速度,只能在加工暂停时用指令VPULS修改放电参数的调整方法现察“时间-效率”图和放电状况图.调整方法如下:第四部份 CMD指令及CMD文件详解1:常用CMD指令2:CMD文件范例(多任务件/多孔位加工)1常用CMD指令CMD指令只能用在EXE(执行)根菜单或CMD文件中使用, 常用CMD指令有EDGMOVMVRSMASPASEPGOPMOVTAUXTCHREXVPULS AREF CHCR LNG TAXE夏米尔火花机培训您成功的第一步 Ver:0.01Hong Kong Office/Shen Zhen Office由夏米尔公司朱斌提供2CMD 文件范例CMD 文件是一系列CDM 指令的集合,以加工多孔位元元为例: 工件分中碰深后把机床坐标归零,用SEP,CP1保存坐标.再手动编写CMD 文件(以下为MAIN.CMD 内容)GOP,1用GOP 指令走回1号记忆点SMA,XO,YO用SMA 指令把该点的机床坐标设为零 MOV,X20,Y20用MOV 指令移数到X20,Y20 SPG,F18015用SPG 指令调用F18015.RBF 文件放电,该文件 必须存在于机器中.MOV,X-20,Y-20加工完后再移数到X-20,Y-20SPG,F18015再调用RBF 文件加工。







电火花加工(Electrical Discharge Machining,EDM)是利用工具和工件之间脉冲放电形成的等离子体的瞬时高温(可达数千甚至上万度)来蚀除材料的一种特种加工方法。







当前国内市场上高端机型的主要国际厂商主要有瑞士GF阿奇夏米尔集团、日本的牧野(Makino)、沙迪克(Sodick)、三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric)等。



夏米尔操作指南4夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南状态信号行:GEO 路径转换激活时(MIR-ROT-INV)不亮,无功能激活时橙色 ALV 电极丝垂直校准时绿色ALP 电极丝工件校准时绿色GEN 脉冲电源接通时橙色CTC 电极丝短路时绿色ALM 数控在报警时红色UrG 紧急停止按钮按下时红色EXE 执行程序时黄色WIR 启动走丝时黄色显示当前使用的检查方式和时间MDI 键盘输入MEM 存储器JOG 手动Ready 准备就绪Start 执行Hold 中断用户参数SCF 缩放系数度 1 ROT 旋转角 0 MirX 对X轴镜像 0 MirY 对Y轴镜像 0 InvXY XY轴交换 0 TFE 考虑偏移 1 TER 考虑斜度角 1 ATH 自动重穿线ART 自动重启动SIM 空运行MLK 无移动模拟(程序校验)BLK 单段执行BLD 跳段有效,表示程序前有/的就不执行(如/M00) OSP 考虑可选停止制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南BLK 打勾后,ISO程序单段执行OSP M01无效打勾后,M01有效(M01为暂停)BLD /开头的语句执行打勾后,/开头的语句跳过0、自动穿丝无效即断丝后不会自动穿丝ATH 1、断丝后回起割点自动穿丝再空走到断丝点切2、如果穿丝穿不进就直接加工下一个孔VSIM 空运行速度(6-900)1、机床坐标操做指令:SMA,X10 设制X轴机床坐标值为本10.00 SMA 设定机床坐标值X Y U V 同时为零MOV,X10 机床坐标系中的绝对移动将机床坐标X移到10处(注意无插补,各轴速度一样,路徑不是线性的) MOV XYUV都回零MOV,Z10 Z轴机床坐标移到10处绝对 Z轴不能同其他轴联动移动MVR 机床坐标的相对移动MVR,Z10 Z轴在现在的位置上向上移动10mm(不考虑转换、镜像、缩放,如果数控系统先前为绝对方式,移动后重新回到这一方式)制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南CTR,X20 在此位置X轴向正方向加工20mm EDG,X-,X0.1252、工件坐标操作指令:SPA,X1 更新坐标SPA 同时更新XY的坐标为零MPA 绝对移动(不带值XY同时移动到零处) MPR 相对移动CPA 绝对加工CPR 相对加工3、预定义的移动GOH,Hh 按照工件高度H移动Z轴以定位喷嘴位 SEP,CPp 存储绝对坐标系中当前点的坐标p=点号,从0-5 GOP,p 移动到所定义的点位上,p=点号,从0-54、工艺和加工规准TEC<,表名> 激活含有准备使用的规准的工艺 WIR<,表名>激活准备使用的电极丝特性表HPA,h 修改当前高度h=新高度单位mm REX,Ee,(Hh)在所用工艺表中选择工艺规准Ee可选修改当高度(Hh) CLE(,c) 引入附加间隙(c=附加间隙,mm) CLE 设定附加间隙为零制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南5、辅助功能AUX,m 辅助M功能(m=功能号)WTC 电极丝准备和切(拉)断WPR 断丝后的穿丝准备THR 自动穿丝(在WCT或WPR或人工丝准备之后) MDI模式常用指令:CT 相应的G\M代码SMA,XO,YO G74X0Y0 设定机床坐标的0,0点 SPA,XO,Y0 G92X0Y0 设定工件坐标的0,0点 MOV,X0,Y0 G75X0Y0 移动到机床坐标的0,0点 MVR,X2.0 X 方向相对移动2mm THD M60 穿丝WCT M50 剪丝SEP,CP1 G910 A1 设定当前点为1号点 GOP,1 G911 A1 从当前点移动到1号点EDG,Y,Y-0.125 Y方向对边,并把所对面设0CEN,R45 45度找孔中心 MID,R90 90度方向找中 CTR,X10 X方向相对切割10mm简单加工举例:TEC,LT25AREX,E2,H25制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南CTR,X10程序执行:ZCL 加工计数器设回到零 SIM,I 激活(i=1) 不激活(i=0) EDG,s轴(,轴v) 找边CEN(,Xx)(,Yy)(,Rr) 找孔中心MID(,Xx)(,Yy)(,Rr) 在两个平行面之间找中GG00 快速移动G01 直线插补G02 顺时针圆弧插补G03 逆时针圆弧插补G04 暂停G09 准备停止一次移动到位 G10 指定偏移量/可选责程序跳步值 G11 自动加工顺序G17 编辑面选择G20 英制输入(英寸)G21 公制输入(mm)G22 存储行程极限功能ON(有效) G23 存储行程极限功能OFF G28 返回到第一参考点G29 从参考点返回到用户点 G30 返回到第二、第三、第四用户点 G32 存储当前点为用户第二、第三、第四参考点G33 设定用户点2,3,4G40 取消丝径补偿G41 电极丝左补偿G42 电极丝右补偿G46 最佳反向控制ONG47 最佳反向控制OFFG48 自动角部倒圆ONG49 自动角部倒圆OFFG50 取消斜度G51 左锥度G52 右锥度G53 在绝对坐标系中移动G61 恒定拐角半径制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南G62 锥形拐角半径(最小) G63 锥形拐角半径(平均) G64 (最大) G65 宏调用(局部)G66 宏调用(全程)G67 取消宏调用(全程) G68 切割进给方式G69 准确停止方式G70 找边G71 找孔中心G72 找槽中心G73 电极丝校准和导向器设定循环 G74 设定测量点/机床坐标系设定 G75 在机床坐标系中定位 G76 定位-找边点类型1或2 G77 定位-测量点类型1、2或3 G78 定位-拐角点G79 计算工件倾斜角G86 取消支撑功能G87 “用支撑保留废芯”方式G88 “切除支撑”方式G90 绝对方式指令G91 相对G93 局部坐标系设定G94 恒速进给G95 伺服进给MM00 停止M01 可选停止(可用来建立支撑以保留废芯)M02 程序结束M06 穿丝水射流ON M07 上导电块退回ON M14 重穿丝块初始化 M15 锥度方式编成 M16 穿丝射水OFF M17 上导电块回退OFF M23 几何精度策略OFF M24 几何精度策略ON M27 保护策略OFF制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南M28 一级粗加工策略ON M29 二级粗加工策略ON M30 程序结束和重绕 M31 预置计时器M32 检查水的离子度(电导率) M33 检查水的温度M34 工作液槽上水M35 放水M36 工作液槽位记忆+加载液位ON M37 加载液位OFF M40 空运行状态M42 走丝OFFM43 上、下冲液OFF M44 丝张力OFF M50 CUT 切丝M59 穿丝准备M60 穿丝M68 关闭循环泵M69 接通循环泵M70 轨迹返回功能M70 《执行有效》信号的管理 M71M73M74M80 加工状态M82 走丝开M83 下冲液开M87 存储功能1 ON M88 存储功能1 OFF M89 存储功能2 ON M90 存储功能2 OFF M91 遥控器报警有效 M92 遥控器报警无效 M93 遥控器报警接通ON M94 遥控器报警断开OFF M95 脉冲输出功能M96 完成加工M97 镜向反向加工M98 子程序调用M99 子程序结束制作:尹承效夏米尔ROBOFIL-XXX型操作指南穿丝射流水调整:EXE-service-calibration cyeles-wire calibration 激活卸下丝移动上加工头到相对于待加工工件所需的穿丝位置上接通穿丝射流水手动移动U/V轴以便使穿丝射流水对准下导向器的中心并在其周围分布均匀按memorize threading (记忆穿丝)ZUV 键,保存达到的位置存储UV位置;其值在穿丝操作中会自动用到。



案、雕刻、微细结构、标志和标记的2 几何形状到 D 复杂的3 几何形状。L sr00为零件设计提供了无 D ael0
模、精密注塑模等方面的领先加工技术,欢迎莅临展位 C 3号参观交流! 21 ( 本刊讯)
国 ! 重丝 箜丝
www m e a w r ig1 5 . o . tl o kn 9 0c m
生 产 工艺 链 实 现 了从 想 法 到 最 终 产 品的 全数 字 化 工
中心 等新 品 ,而L E 系列激光加工机床 的面 市则更 AS R 使其 公司成为 了机床市场 上的新焦点 。L E 系列机 AS R
床的推出,使得G 阿奇夏米尔系统解决方案更加成熟 F
和完整 ,放电加工 、铣削加工、激光加工以及 自 动化系 统——囊括了模具加工所需的整套核心技术 ,成为当之 无愧的行业首选供应商 ! 激 光烧蚀技 术增加 和延 伸了其 公司可提 供的技 术
瑞士G 阿奇夏米尔将携手机模具加工解决方案亮相D 2 1 F MP O 0
瑞士G 阿 奇夏米 尔集 团在20 年推 出MI O F 09 KR N H M 系列高效 立式加工 中心 ,并成功在生 产型加工 中 E 心领域立足的同时 , 坚持 自 身高端机床的定位 ,相继推
出了C T 10 / U 00 Oleh超精密慢走丝线切割 U 0 0C T 10 i c T 机床 、MI R N S L 系列直线电动机高速铣削加工 K O H M P
化 、智能化 、低碳绿色化的进程中迈上新的高度 ,达到 和赶超 世界先进水平 ,为我国高精 度、高速度 、重载、 大型滚珠 丝杠的产业化 、国产化作 出贡献 。 最近 ,国务 院通过 了 ( ( 国务院关 于加快 培育 和发
在长 丝杠螺 纹磨 削精 度方面 ,宜 采用补 偿校正技 术降低导程误差的离散度 ,使误差 曲线更趋线性化 ; 减 小周期误差 ;提高磨 削高速B 多头螺纹 的分度精 度 ; S 减少中径 圆柱度误差。



总目录第一部份快速入门1:开机前的准备工作2:开机及开机后检查3:预备知识4:安装软件及调试5:加工指南5.1准备工件及电极5.2准备加工程序5.3实际加工5.4 加工暂停及参数优化第二部份 RBF文件及RBF语句1:RBF文件范例及详解2:重要RBF语句详解3 加工工艺解说第三部份参数1:用户参数2:放电参数第四部份 CMD指令及CMD文件详解1:常用CMD指令2:CMD文件范例(多任务件/多孔位加工)第一部份快速入门1:开机前的准备工作2:开机及开机后检查3:预备知识4:安装软件及调试5:加工指南5.1准备工件及电极5.2准备加工程序5.3实际加工5.4 加工暂停及参数优化1开机前的准备工作开机前请检查以下各项并确定正确无误:●主电源电压:三相380VAC±5%●主气源气压:大于6.5Bar●外循环冷却水:水温13~15摄氏度●室内温度:25摄氏度且较恒定●工作台上无杂物,机头处于安全位置2开机及开机后检查开机步骤:→先开主电源开关→再按绿色电源按钮机器会自动启动,完成后请检查并完成以下各项●是否有异警出现●手动锁好电极,是否出现1040/1041报警●手动上下油槽是否正常,是否出现报警●手动各轴是否正常3预备知识人机接口:操作者通过键盘和手控盒与机器沟通,机器通过显示屏和操作者沟通.指令输入设备: 键盘, 手控盒指令形式:单键指令,文本指令,分级菜单文本指令必须在EXE(执行)根菜单下输入讯息输出设备:显示屏四大画面:PREP(准备):和文件,文件名的操作有关.EXE(执行): 和机床运动,放电有关INFO(信息):输出机床的各种信息GRAPH(图形):以图形的方式显示加工轨迹4安装软件及调试安装软件的步骤:→关电源,等待五分钟→一直按住SHIFT键,开电源→机器自行启动,直到出现选择画面后松开SHIFT键→插入一号碟(DISK A)→按F2键(LOAD)→机器自行装入软件,直至完成.→插入光学尺校正碟→输入指令CHCR,回车, 再按执行键机器自动读取光学尺校正资料值调试→找各轴参考点→手动各轴到大概中心点→用指令AREF找到各轴参考点测试各轴运动参数→手动各轴到大概中间位置→用指令TAXE测试各轴运动参数:TAXE 回车,执行从F碟或G碟拷入所需的TEC和TAB文件→进入PREP(准备)根菜单→F5(文件)→F6(变换外设)→F2(A:)→用游标选中所需拷贝的文件→F1(拷贝)→F1(MEM)5加工指南5.1准备工件及电极目的:确定加工起始点方法:X轴和Y轴用分中或碰单边的方式确定起站点 Z轴碰深度再升到安全高度步骤加下:→装夹工件及铜公→用拖表校平较直工件及铜公(根据需要)若拖表是导电的,校表时必须取消接触感知功能→X轴/Y轴分中→EXE(执行)→F6(测量)→F3(外形找中心)→F4(测量参数)→输入参数DX,DY,DZ,ZF分中完成后,机头自动回到X轴/Y轴中心位,但机床坐标不会自动归零→设定各轴坐标值:F1(设定X轴),F2(设定Y轴), F3(设定Z轴)通常X轴/Y轴坐标设为零,Z轴设为实际高度→用指令MOV,X10,Y20 回车,执行,把X轴/Y轴移动到加工起始点.→用指令EDG,-Z,Z0 回车,执行,找到Z轴零平面.→用指令MOV,Z10 回车,执行,把Z轴升到安全高度→用指令SEP,CP1 回车,把当前点的坐标保存到1号记忆点中.到目前为止,已找到加工起始点,且把该点保存起来.5.2准备加工程序机器放电加工时需要RBF文件和相应的TEC文件, RBF文件:加工文件TEC文件:放电参数文件有三种方式产生本次要使用的RBF文件:专家系统修改已存在的厂家推荐的RBF文件重新手动输入建议使用修改厂家推荐的RBF文件方式,RBF文件如下: (文件名为F25015.RBF)1:PN/SAMPLE PROGRAM U/S=0.15 CH182:TECHNO/F,UCUAC选择适当的放电参数文件.TEC3:L1=-7.43修改加工深度4:AUXF/225:FROM/X,0,Y,0,Z,10修改安全高度6:AUXF/607:FLUSH/LL,1,LR,18:AUXF/269:DOWN/L,L1,H,-0.150,E,37310:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.137,E,35211:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.112,E,32312:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.090,E,31213:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.072,E,29314:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.057,E,273,RET加工完成后用RET指令升机头;15:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.044,E,262修改最终表面光洁度,在该句最前加;16:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.032,E,251,RET分号,机器将不加工该句17:FLUSH/LL,0,LR,018:AUXF/2319:END修改方法如下:进入PREP(准备)模式根菜单F1(编辑)用游标选中F25015.RBF文件,回车即进入编辑方式手动修改以下内容:→选择适当的放电参数文件→加工深度L1,如改为-7.43→安全高度,如改为10在第5句,FROM/…..→最终表面光洁度,如加工到CH27,则需在15句和16句最前面加分号,以取消该两句的加工,记住在最后一句加工完成后用RET升头.→修改完成后按F6(保存)保存文件→按F7(退出)到此为止,己准备好加工文件RBF和放电参数文件TEC5.3实际加工在做实际加工前先描图,以方便观察加工状况,方法如下: →进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F1(程序执行)→用游标选中要描图的加工程序(如F18010.RBF)→F4(屏幕作图)→执行可在GRAPH画面看到以图形方式表示的加工文件在描图完成后,确认程序无误即可进行实际加工:加工前手动升高油槽至油平面超过工件表面40MM.→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F1(程序执行)→用游标选中要加工的程序(如F18010.RBF)→F1(切割)→执行机器会自动升油槽,注水,加工直到完成.5.4 加工暂停及参数优化在加工过程中需要暂停加工升头观察加工状况.方法如下: →按红色暂停键让机器暂停→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F7(手动)→按手控盒上黄色升头键,机头自动升到安全高度处→用手控盒移开机头→手动下油槽(根据需要)→观察电极和工件加工表面→按手控盒上黄色轮廓返回键,机头自动返回加工起始点→手动上油→进入EXE(执行)根菜单→按绿色执行键继续加工参数优化:机器本身能自动优化加工参数,在必要时亦可人工优化,人工优化必须先观察判断加工状况是否良好,方法如下: →进入EXE(执行)根菜单→F3(PILOT EXPERT,放电专家)-时间”图是否平直,是否有不良升头,不良升头比例怎样?不良升头包括:BN,低电压放电升头TL,短脉波放电升头CT,积碳污染升头CC,短路升头→如放电不良,则需人工优化以下参数:●B:为脉冲间隔,加大,通常等于A或A+1●R:为升头时间,加大,通常为2或3●U:为放电时间,减小,通常为3或2●VPULS:升头速度,用指令“VPULS,10 回车,执行”加快升头速度(该指令只在暂停模式下有效)第二部份 RBF文件及RBF语句1:RBF文件范例及详解2:重要RBF语句详解1RBF文件范例及详解RBF文件是夏米尔火花机专有加工文件,由RBF语句组成,以下是一个完整的RBF文件(F18015.RBF)1:PN/SAMPLE PROGRAM U/S=0.15 CH18PN/为固定格式,后跟任意字符串,机器不执行.2:TECHNO/F,UCUACUCUAC为放电参数文件,全名为UCUAC.TEC3:L1=-7.43L1为操作者自定义的变量,用于代表加工深度4:AUXF/22是附加功能的缩写,22号附加功能是升油槽上油5:FROM/X,0,Y,0,Z,10FROM定义加工起始点的工件坐标值,其中Z,10是安全高度,该值必须等是实际的安全高度值.6:AUXF/6060号附加功能:加工困难时不停机7:FLUSH/LL,1,LR,1FLUSH意为冲油,LL,左冲油(LIFT),LR,右冲油(RIGHT),“1”为打开冲油8:AUXF/2626号附加功能:加工保护暂停8分钟9:DOWN/L,L1,H,-0.150,E,373DOWN:直打(只朝下)加工方式,只有Z轴运动.L1: 加工深度为L1,(L1=-1.0).H: 加工预留量,即预留0.15MM给后续工艺加工,本段只加工到0.85MM(1.0-0.15=0.85).E,373:放电条件代号,本段使用373号放电条件.10:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.137,E,352ORB:三轴联动的荡,加工轨迹为一向下不断扩大的螺纹11:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.112,E,32312:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.090,E,31213:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.072,E,29314:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.057,E,27315:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.044,E,26216:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.032,E,25117:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.024,E,24118:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.017,E,22019:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.010,E,200,P,8P,8:该段加工8分钟,若深度先到则忽略时间20:ORB/L,L1,H,-0.005,E,180,P,10,RETRET:加工完成后把机头升到安全高度处21:FLUSH/LL,0,LR,00:关左右冲油22:END程序结束2重要RBF语句详解DOWN:切入加工(直打)DOWN/L,-2.0,H,-0.2,E,323L,-2.0:加工深度,在RBF文件中由L1指定.H,-0.20:加工余留量,包括本段的火花位(GAP)即本段实际加工到-1.8(=-2.0+0.2)E,323:放电条件代号为323号,前两位数表示本段的光洁度为CH32,最后一位表示损公率,数字越大损公越低(同光洁度相比)ORB:三轴平动,其加工轨迹为一向下逐渐扩大的螺纹.ORB/L,L1,H,-0.165,E,312各参数同DOWNEXPAN:平面平动,Z轴锁定,XY平面扩园孔.EXPAN/R,1.0,E,312R,1.0:平动半径,不包括本段火花位E,312:放电条件代号,312 AXUF/:辅助功能,常用值如下: 22:升工作油槽并注油23:排空工作油槽并下降26:加工保护暂停8分钟50:加工短路时慢速回退54:打开工作油泵55:关闭工作油泵60:加工恶化时不停机,不保护209:人工启动快速润滑3加工工艺解说U L CUAC.TECCUAC:铜/钢GFAC:细石墨/钢GMAC:中石墨/钢GGAC:粗石墨/钢CUWAC:铜钨合金/钢CUWCW:铜钨合金/硬质合金ACAC:钢/钢CUAL:铜/铝GRAL:石墨/铝缺省该位:标准加工C:轮廓加工M:微细加工L:深腔加工,骨位F:大表面小深度加工P:抛光加工V:水口加工B:缺省该位:次参数不能修改U:次参数可以修改第三部份参数1用户参数2 放电参数1用户参数进入用户参数画面:EXE(执行)根菜单F2(用户参数)各参数意义如下:BLK:单句执行功能有效/无效,针对RBF文件,=1,RBF文件单句执行=0,RBF文件正常连续执行CBC:单句执行功能有效/无效,针对CMD文件,=1,CMD文件单句执行=0,CMD文件正常连续执行COE:出错是否停机功能有效/无效=1,当出现E073(测量超差)等错误时不停机=0, 当出现E073(测量超差)等错误时暂停OSP:选择性暂停功能有效/无效=1,当RBF文件执行到STOP/OPTIONAL语句时程序暂停=0,当RBF文件执行到STOP/OPTIONAL语句时程序不暂停ENG:单位制选择=1:英制单位,小数点后3位=0,公制单位,小数点后5位VRF:较验模式=1:程序运行时缺省状态为较验模式=0:正常模式BLD:可选段有效/忽略,仅对ISO程序=1:忽略可选段=0:可选段有效SIM:程序空走有效/无效(模拟),仅在程序暂停时可修改.=1:机床仅运行编程轨迹.但不启动放电电源(空走) =0:正常加工模式TSIM:程序空走模式时(SIM=1)换刀指令有效/无效=1:换刀指令有效=0:换刀指令无效ART:断电后自动重启动功能有效/无效=1:有效=0:无效TFE:路径偏移有效/无效,仅对轮廓加工=1:路径偏移有效=0:路径偏移无效CLE:附加偏移量,不使用该参数.TOL:球面加工最大允许误差.MTOL:测量时最大允许误差,通常为0.005~0.01MM 手动换刀时Z轴高度:空走速度:程序空走时的速度C轴旋转速度:测量速度:碰度,分中时的速度2放电参数详解进入放电参数画面:EXE(执行)根菜单F3(放电参数)各参数意义如下:B:放电脉波间隔,OTT-TIMER:升头时间代号U:放电时间代号RF:参考放电电压SV:平均击穿延时参考值(伺服电压)T:参数优化方式选择器=0时:B,R,U,RF,SV均自动优化=1时:所有参数均采用工艺表或用户自选的值=2时:B,R,U自动优化M:加工模式:=1:标准损耗加工=2:低损耗加工=3:超低损耗加工=4:微细加工=6:抛光加工=26:骨位,水口加工C:电容量V:加工电压代号(空载电压)P:加工电流代号A:放电脉波宽度代号,ON-TIMEInv:加工极性EL:电极材料CL1:开机时间,开启机器后即累计时间CL2:加工时间,只在放电时统计放电时间TPU:本段还需要的加工时间,只在本段程序中有“P”时有效VPULS:升头速度,只能在加工暂停时用指令VPULS修改放电参数的调整方法现察“时间-效率”图和放电状况图.调整方法如下:第四部份 CMD指令及CMD文件详解1:常用CMD指令2:CMD文件范例(多任务件/多孔位加工)1常用CMD指令CMD指令只能用在EXE(执行)根菜单或CMD文件中使用, 常用CMD指令有EDGMOVMVRSMASPASEPGOPMOVTAUXTCHREXVPULS AREF CHCR LNG TAXE2CMD文件范例CMD文件是一系列CDM指令的集合,以加工多孔位元元为例:工件分中碰深后把机床坐标归零,用SEP,CP1保存坐标.再手动编写CMD文件(以下为MAIN.CMD内容)GOP,1用GOP指令走回1号记忆点SMA,XO,YO用SMA指令把该点的机床坐标设为零MOV,X20,Y20用MOV指令移数到X20,Y20SPG,F18015用SPG指令调用F18015.RBF文件放电,该文件必须存在于机器中.MOV,X-20,Y-20加工完后再移数到X-20,Y-20SPG,F18015再调用RBF文件加工。



4.2 关机 4.2.1 保存加工程式文件,退出到主画面,按下控制面板上机床停止开关(红色 O 按钮)关闭机床, 按钮指示绿灯灭(如图 2 示); 4.2.2 将机台总电源开关(灰色旋钮)逆时针从开机 I 档旋到关机 O 档(长时间停机时要关闭电源); 4.2.3 把相应稳压器电源开关打到 OFF 档(长时间停机时要关闭电源)。
1.目的:使设备操作规范化,避免安全事故发生 2.适用范围:公司阿奇夏米尔电火机设备 3.职责:设备使用部门的设备操作员负责电火花的日常使用 4.操作程序:
文件编号 :WI-GCSB-0077 版本/版次:A/1 页 次:1/2
4.1 开机 4.1.1 将相应机台稳压器电源开关打到 ON 档(长时间停机时会关闭此电源开关); 4.1.2 将机台左侧面总电源开关(灰色旋钮)顺时针从关机 O 档旋到开机 I 档(如图 1 示); 4.1.3 按下控制面板上机床启动开关(绿色 I 按钮)启动机床,按钮指示绿灯亮(如图 2 示); 4.1.4 进入相应放电控制文件,根据工艺需要在控制文件里编辑相应加工程式; 4.1.5 检查加工程式无误后,按下控制文件加工确认按键,机床按设定程式运行(如图 2 示); 4.1.6 如在加工过程中出现异常请及时按下控制面板上红色急停开关并通知相关人员(如图 2 示)。
文件编号 :WI-GCSB-0077 版本/版次:A/1 页 次:2/2
图1 总电源开关
图 2 机床启动
电压表 电流表
机床停止 急停开关
4.3 日常保养及注意事项 4.3.1 安装工件前要先清理干净工作台上残留物; 4.3.2 安装电极前要先清洁干净夹头和主轴内端孔臂,夹头摸上少许润滑油再平稳推进轴孔锁紧; 4.3.3 操作机台前要先让各轴低速来回运行数回,以确保各轴得到滑润; 4.3.4 在机床 5 米范围内不可以有火源等易燃易爆物品; 4.3.5 加工时,工作液要高于工件 40mm 以上; 4.3.6 接触触摸屏要用触摸笔,带油污的手不能接触遥控手柄; 4.3.7 详读阿奇夏米尔电火花相关使用说明书后,并经过培训合格的操作员才可以操作设备; 4.3.8 如有发现设备异常请及时停止设备并通知相关人员。



模具加工设备丰堡6SV A 铣床品牌:丰堡重量:2000(kg)主电机功率:5(kw)主轴转速范围:60-3600(rpm)工作台尺寸:1370*330(mm)本机特点:主轴无需停机即可快速变换主轴转速.本机规格:工作台尺寸(长*宽):1370mm*330mm工作台负载:350KG左右行程(X):1000mm前后行程(Y):420mm上下行程(Z):440mm主轴至工作台距离:150-530mm伸出臂行程:500mm主轴升降行程:150mm主轴自动给进速度:0.04/0.08/0.15mm/rev主轴速度:10steps60-3600/variable50-3750rpm主轴锥度:NT40主轴马力:5HP铣头倾斜角度:左右45度南京华嘉数控有限公司X6325B 6台电气箱 Y轴自动进刀台湾旭正机械股份有限公司TOM 3HG 2台產品說明:TOM-3HG 有段變速立銑頭•50" x 10" 工作台面•3HP 主軸馬達•米漢納(Meehanite) 高級鑄件。



•高精密級7207 CP4主軸軸承。

•前後及左右(X.Y軸) 滑道貼附耐磨片( Turcite-B)•Y.Z.X軸為鳩尾槽滑道機型規格TOM-3HG 主軸主軸孔錐度R8(NST30)主軸轉速80-2720 RPM (8速,標準) 160-5440 RPM (16速,選配)主軸管直徑Ø85.725mm(3.37")主軸管行程127mm(5")主軸進給速率0.04mm(0.0015")0.08mm(0.0030")0.15mm(0.0060")立銑頭傾斜角度45°前,-45°後90°右,-90°左主軸馬力3HP工作台工作台工作面積1270x254mm(50"x10")左右行程(X) 914mm(36")前後行程(Y) 406mm(16")上下行程(Z) 406mm(16")T型槽(寬x 槽數x 槽距) 16mmx3x65mm伸出臂伸出臂行程610mm(24")機械重量1280Kgs(2816 lbs)機械尺寸(長x 寬x 高) 1750x1700x2200mm裝箱尺寸1500x1650x1980mm*本公司對產品規格設計保有修改之權利;若有變更,恕不另行通知。


C3.3 加工
© Agie SA / Charmilles Technologies SA / Bejing Agie Charmilles Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd/ 2007
半自动模式下的工件找正 ( C方向) ......................................................................................8 半自动模式下的工件位置测量 (X 和Y方向) .......................................................................10 半自动模式下的工件位置测量 ( Z方向)..............................................................................11
本例:–7.2 mm。点击确定确认。
从 1.2.2 节处开始,对 Y 和 Z 轴进行同样的重复
FORM 20/30 GF AgieCharmilles
(重新设定后,Z 轴将会高出工作零点 1mm。)
C3.3 6
1.2 存储工件零点
1 找完零点后进入创建加工页 面。
2 进入相对零点页面。 3 在名称选择要执行的程序。 4 在相对于选择参考的坐标


P u i 产品与展品 fca Eb 0 tn xi d sd hs l
GF阿奇 夏 米 尔 3款 高 性 价 比机 床 将 亮 相 CME 2 0 I S 08
Th e g s —ef c ie M a hn o l f m F r e Hih Co t f t c ie T os r e v 0 G
形机 床 ( 2) 图
放 电 加 工 深 窄 槽 时 效 率 低 是 电火 花 机 床 普 遍 存 在 的 问 题 。如 何 在 保 证 精 度
2 0mm x30 mm; 大 工件尺 寸为 70 5 0 最 8
mm x 3 m x3 0m 最 大 电 极 重 量/ 50 m 0 m;
主要 参 数 :/ / 轴 行 程 为 60 m X YZ 0 m x 0 ×3 0mm; / 4 0mm 5 U V轴 行 程 为 10 0
m 0 l; 大 工 件 重 量 为 1t工 作 m x10mY 最 l ;
削 方 面 的制 造 经 验 和 核 心 技 术 , 出 了 推
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Advance Adapters 716021 特殊矩形管孔孔钻穿器说明书

Advance Adapters 716021 特殊矩形管孔孔钻穿器说明书

KIT CONSISTS OF:No.Qty Part No.Description ADVANCE ADAPTERS INC.P/N: 716021P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center WayPaso Robles, CA 93447PAGE 1 OF 2Telephone: (800) 350-2223Fax: (805) 238-4201Page Rev. Date: 11-14-00SPECIAL NOTE: The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required 1.1716021-PLT SPECIAL RECTANGULAR TUBING DRILLED FOR NV4500 TRANSMISSIONS 2.2716659SMALL RUBBER MOUNT 3.2716658LARGE CROSSMEMBER RUBBER 4.2723722H.H.C.S. 3/8"-16 x 1-1/2" LONG 5.27237353/8" FLAT WASHERS 6.27243027/16" FLAT WASHERS 7.27243037/16" LOCK WASHERS 8.2724328H.H.C.S. 7/16"-14 x 1-1/4" LONG 9.2726202NYLON LOCK NUT 5/8"-11 PLT.10.47262075/8" FLAT WASHER 11.27262105/8"-11 x 3" H.H.C.S.NEW TRANSMISSION CROSSMEMBER SUPPORT DANA 300 1980-86 VEHICLESNOTE:This transmission support mount is designed around the use of the Advance Adapter transmission to transfer case housings.When used on Dana 300 transfer case kits, the original transmission support and snubber can be eliminated. New holes will need to be drilled into the skid plate. Using the illustration provided, bolt the structural tubing onto the bottom of the new adapter housing. We have included both 3/8" and 7/16" bolts depending on which model of transfer case adapter you are using. The neoprene insulators will need to be pre-assembled and installed before bolting the tubing to the adapter housing. See illustration for the installation onto the original skid plate or crossmember. We have found this mount to be a heavier design and provide more stability than using the original Jeep transmission support. On Wrangler vehicles, we use a similar kit, P/N 716008, that offers a wider stance.On some installations that are not equipped with a body lift, it may be necessary to lower the transmission support in order to obtain the necessary floor board to transmission clearance. It is not uncommon to use spacers in between the skid plate and frame rails to achieve the proper crossmember height. If you would like to raise your transmission closer to the floor board area, then we have had a few customers suggest a spacer between the new mount and the bottom of the adapter housing. This spacer can usually be something similar to the structural tubing that we are offering.When using this mount on NV4500 transmissions, with the stock Dodge tailhousing. We offer a additional spacer block to take up the added clearance between the adapter housing and the new 716021 mount. P/N 716048 is a 2"x 2" spacer.。



阿奇线切割说明书范文C2实际操作AgiecutClaic,Challenge,Evolution,E某cellence 06.2002AGIECH-6616LooneTelephone+41/91/8069111Telefa某+41/91/8069260AGIECHARMILLESGroupGEORGFISCHER+GF+ManufacturingTechnology目录本手册对AgieviionCut04.01.01.及以上版本有效1绪论32准备和检查32.2准备材料42.1前期检查32.3清洗锈迹42.4设备,附带材料和所需的工具52.5拆卸运输安全装置73.1校水平AgiecutClaic3.2校水平AgiecutChallenge,Evolution,E某cellence 10123校水平104各种附件154.2AgiecutChallenge,Evolution,E某cellence的各种附件184.1AgiecutClaic的各种附件155连接215.1电源的连接215.2对DA的准备工作225.3气压和液压线路的连接246最后的检查296.1功能的检查297接通设备318.1变压器TP-E415/4168.2稳压器E334n/12AI8.3线路调节器TST-12AI8.4可移动空气压缩器ECO3/408.5冷却单元WG15aTP8.6冷却器单元WG20aTPS/WG27aTCPS3536373838398附件,选项,选件358.7WPC的选件(工件转换器)398.8附加水箱选项(仅对于Claic3S)409设备的拆卸和运输41关键词索引421绪论在AGIE的技术人员到来之前,应该按照本章说明的步骤运输,开箱,安装,为冷却液,气压和电源的连接做好准备。





穿孔机合同范本甲方(买方):公司名称:____________________法定代表人:____________________地址:____________________联系电话:____________________乙方(卖方):公司名称:____________________法定代表人:____________________地址:____________________联系电话:____________________一、产品名称、规格、数量及价格1. 产品名称:____________________穿孔机2. 规格型号:____________________3. 数量:____________________台4. 单价:人民币__________元/台5. 总价:人民币__________元(大写:____________________元整)二、交货时间、地点及方式1. 交货时间:乙方应在合同签订后______个工作日内将货物交付至甲方指定地点。

2. 交货地点:____________________3. 交货方式:乙方负责将货物运输至交货地点,并承担运输费用。

三、质量标准及验收1. 乙方应保证所提供的穿孔机产品符合国家相关标准和行业规范,并提供产品质量合格证明。

2. 甲方在收到货物后应及时进行验收,如发现产品质量问题,应在验收之日起______个工作日内书面通知乙方,乙方应在接到通知后______个工作日内予以处理。

3. 经甲方验收合格后,视为货物交付完成。

四、付款方式1. 合同签订后,甲方应向乙方支付合同总价的______%作为预付款,即人民币__________元(大写:____________________元整)。

2. 乙方将货物交付至甲方指定地点并经甲方验收合格后,甲方应在______个工作日内向乙方支付合同总价的______%,即人民币__________元(大写:____________________元整)。

Belimo G780-250 3寸锥头混合阀 Technical Data Sheet

Belimo G780-250 3寸锥头混合阀 Technical Data Sheet

G780-250•••••Type overviewTypeDN G780-25080Technical dataFunctional dataValve size [mm]3" [80]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)32...350°F [0...176°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 250, up to 280 psi below 350°F Flow characteristic linearServicing repack/rebuild kits available Rangeability Sv 50:1Flow Pattern 3-way Mixing Leakage rateANSI Class III Controllable flow range stem up - open B – AB Cv85MaterialsValve body Cast iron - ASTM A126 Class B Valve plug bronze Spindle stainless steelSpindle seal NLP EPDM (no lip packing)SeatStainless steel AISI 316Pipe connection250 lb flanged Suitable actuatorsNon-Spring EVB(X)RVB(X)SpringAF(2*AFB(X))Electrical fail-safeAVKB(X)(2*GKB(X))Safety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to The valve has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Only authorized specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The valve does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.When determining the flow rate characteristic of controlled devices, the recognised directives must be observed.G780-250 Product featuresFlow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DNG780-25080EVB, EVX, RVB, RVXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes12.6" [320]10.7" [273]27.3" [693]19.0" [483]4.1" [105]4.1" [105]82*GMB, 2*GMX, 2*GKB, 2*GKXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes12.7" [323]10.7" [273]30.5" [775]22.5" [572]4.1" [105]5.3" [135]8G780-250AVKB, AVKXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes12.6" [320]10.7" [273]27.3" [693]19.0" [483]4.1" [105]4.1" [105]8AFB, AFXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes12.7" [323]10.7" [273]25.6" [650]17.5" [445]4.1" [105]5.3" [135]82*AFB, 2*AFXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes12.7" [323]10.7" [273]30.5" [775]22.5" [572]4.1" [105]5.3" [135]8AVKX24-MFTModulating, Fail-Safe Operation, Linear, 24 V,Multi-Function Technology®Technical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 Hz Power consumption in operation 5 W Power consumption in rest position 2 WTransformer sizing 9.5 VA (class 2 power source)Electrical Connection18 GA plenum cable, 3 ft [1 m], with 1/2"conduit connector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protection electronic throughout full stroke Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataActuating force motor 2000 N [450 lbf]Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input Impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4...20 mA, 1500 Ω for PWM, On/Off and Floating point Operating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 V End point 2.5...32 VOptions positioning signal variable (VDC, PWM, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 V Position feedback U note Max. 0.5 mA Position feedback U variable VDC variable Bridging time (PF)2 s Pre-charging time 5...20 sDirection of motion motor selectable with switch Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with switchManual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), supplied Stroke1.25" [32 mm] Running Time (Motor)90 s /Running time motor variable 90...150 s Running time fail-safe <35 s Noise level, motor 60 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe 60 dB(A)Position indicationMechanically, with pointer Safety dataDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality StandardISO 9001AVKX24-MFTFootnotesSafety dataAmbient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Servicingmaintenance-freeMaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing† Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 800V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USService toolsDescriptionTypeConnection cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESActuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the common connection from the actuator must be connected to the hotconnection of the controller. Contact closures A & B also can be triacs. A & B should both beclosed for the triac source and open for triac sink.Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.AVKX24-MFTWiring diagrams On/OffFloating PointVDC / 4 to 20 mA Override Control Min, Mid, Max Positions。

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