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Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Confucius’ proposition: 天下为公,君子应先人后己。 A public spirit should rule everything under the sun and a gentleman should put others’ interest above his own.
Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Proverb:天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 Everyone has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. Literature: 先天下之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐。 Show concern over state affairs before others, And enjoy comforts after them.
Results of the Investigation Which of the 4 levels do you regard as your life tenet and principle of conduct:
U 毫不利己 专门利人 4.4% 2.5% 1.2% 0.6% 0.9% O 我为人人 人人为我 74.2% 57.2% 53.3% 37.5% 40.8% S 主观为己 客观利人 21.4% 32.1 35.4% 43.2% 36.9% E 人不为己 天诛地灭 0 8.2% 10.1% 18.7% 11.4%
Aims in life: 修身、齐家、治国、平天下。 Cultivate personal moral character, put family affairs in order, administer principality affairs well and pacify the whole country.
1997 2000 2002 2004 2006
The individualism-oriented linear values play a 以个体主义为导向的西方线性价值观 positive role in advocating independence and self对于倡导自强自立,克服因循守旧心理, reliance, overcoming constraint of conventions, giving 发挥个人潜力,树立个人进取精神有着积 play to personal potentials and encouraging individual 极意义。以团体主义为导向的中国环性价 initiative. The collectivism-oriented circular values play a positive role in advocating due consideration of 值观对于倡导顾全大局,克服自我中心观 the overall situation, overcoming ego-centricity, 念,发挥群体优势,树立团队协作精神有 giving play to collective advantages and encouraging 着积极意义。 teamwork.
Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Harmonizing community 中国文化价值观的环性表现 relationships, actualizing 为圆环的整体向心,注重群体关 community objectives and 系的和谐、群体目标的统率和群 safeguarding community interests. 体利益的维护。
1. 各人关心自己 2. ―我”的意识强 3. 独立于团体 4. 强调个人努力 5. 隐私重要 6. 相信个人决定
1. 个人受家庭或家族保护 2. ―我们”的意识强 3. 依赖团体 4. 注重团体归属 5. 共享重要 6. 信任群体决策
Western linear individuality
Parallel lines
Intersecting lines
(Law of survival of the fittest) 适者生存 法则
Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
Harmonizing community 中国文化价值观的环性表现 relationships, actualizing 为圆环的整体向心,注重群体关 community objectives and 系的和谐、群体目标的统率和群 safeguarding community interests. 体利益的维护。
1. People protected by families or clans 2. “We” consciousness 3. Dependence on organizations 4. Emphasis on affiliation with organizations 5. Sharing important 6. Belief in community decisions
Developing individual 西方文化的线性表现 potentials, realizing 为直线的单点独进,强调 个人潜力的发挥、个人目 individual objectives 标的实现以及个人利益的 and seeking individual 追求。 . interests
W: individualism-oriented 西方文化以个体主义为导 and right-based 向,以权利为基准; C: collectivism-oriented 中国文化以团体主义为导 and duty-based 向,以义务为基准。
Western linear individuality 单点独进,个人价值实现
3. Outlook on time 时间观
Linear extension and circular rotation 线伸环旋
西方文化视时间如直线延伸,单向飞逝,去而不返, Western: extension, sense of time shortage, future valued 因而有时间紧缺感,往往向前看,着眼于未来; 中国文化视时间如圆环旋转,冬去春来,周而复始, Chinese: rotation, sense of time abundance, past cherished 故而有时间充裕感,常常向后看,立足于过去。
Individualism Social systems Self-actualization Private interests Thatcher’s speech Independence 个体主义 社会制度 自我实现 私人利益 撒切尔讲话 独立意识
Western linear individuality
Couplets:风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳 家事、国事、天下事,事事关心
The sounds of wind, rain and reading each come into my ears. The affairs of the family, state and world are all kept in my mind. — 顾宪成:东林书院对联
The Whole World As One Community
The whole world as one community means that a public spirit should rule everything under the 天下为公,是要天下鼎鼎大公。实现了天下 为公,就可以达到世界大同了。 sun. Only by this can the ideal of Great Harmony be attained.
Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures 环性与线性 —— 中西文化比较 (Part II)
2. Core Values 价值观
Linear individuality and circular integrity
Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向
珍妮· Brick’s China ( 1995): Jean 布列克的《中国》 ( 1995): Private interests are vested in the group, that is, 私人利益存在于群体之中,也就是存 in the family or in the community, and not in the 在于家庭或社团之中。真正的个人自我实 individual. True self-fulfillment for the individual 现在于最大限度地完成各种社会责任。说 lies in fulfilling social responsibilities to the greatest 实在的,建立和谐的社会关系被看作是绝 extent possible. In fact, the establishment of 对必要的,没有这一条,任何发展都是不 harmonious social relations is seen as an absolute 可能的。without which any development is necessity,
当今中国大学生价值观调查 A Survey of the Values of
Present-day University Students
Four Levels of Principle 行为准则四层次
Utter devotion to others without thought of self. 毫不利己,专门利人。(Extreme altruism) One for all and all for one. 我为人人, 人人为我 。 Seeking private interests subjectively and benefiting others objectively. 主观为己,客观为人 。 Everyone pursues his own interests, or Heaven and Earth will destroy him. / Each for himself and Devil take the hindmost. 人不为己,天诛地灭 。(Extreme egoism)
1. Everybody taking care of himself 2. “I” consciousness 3. Independence from organizations 4. Emphasis on individual initiative 5. Privacy important 6. Belief in individual decisions
The Advantages of Each Type of Values 两种价值观各有优势
2. Core Values 价值观
Linear inቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱividuality and circular integrity
W: individualism-oriented 西方文化以个体主义为导 and right-based 向,以权利为基准; C: collectivism-oriented 中国文化以团体主义为导 and duty-based 向,以义务为基准。