



一、东北沿海港口丹东港(port of dandong)大连港(port of dallan)营口港(port of yinkou)锦州港(port of jinzhou)二、华北沿海港口秦皇岛港(port of qinhuangdao)唐山港(port of tongxhan)天津港(port of tianjin)黄骅港(port of huanghua)三、山东沿海港口龙口港(port of longkou)烟台港(port of yantai)威海港(port of weihai)张家埠港(port of zhangjiabu)青岛港(port of qingdao)日照港(port of rizhao)石岛港(port of shidao)岚山港(port of lanshan)四、苏、浙、沪沿海港口连云港港(port of lianyungang)南通港(port of nantong)张家港港(port of zhangjiagang)南京港(port of nanjing)上海港(port of shanghai)乍浦港(port of zhapu)舟山港(port of zhoushan)石浦港(port of shipu)海门港(port of haimen)宁波港(port of ningbo)温州港(port of wenzhou) 五、福建沿海港口赛岐港(port of saiqi)福州港(port of fuzhou)湄州湾港(port of meizhouwan) 厦门港(port of xiamen)东山港(port of dongshan)泉州港(port of quanzhou) 六、粤桂沿海港口汕头港(port of shantou)西堤港(port of xidi)汕尾港(port of shanwei)深圳港(port of shanzhen)广州港(port of guangzhou)中山港(port of zhongshan)珠海港(port of zhuhai)江门港(port of jiangmen)阳江港(port of yangjiang)水东港(port of shuidong)湛江港(port of zhanjiang)霞海港(port of xiahai)海安港(port of haian)北海港(port of beihai)防城港(port of fangcheng) 七、海南沿海港口海口港(port of haikou)三亚港(port of shnya)八所港(port of basou)马村港(port of macun)八、台湾省及港、澳地区沿海港口高雄港(port of gaoxiong)花莲港(port of hualian)台中港(port of taizhong)基隆港(port of jilong)香港港(port of xianggang)澳门港(port of aomen)内河港口一、长江水系港口上海上海县港(port of shanghai county)嘉定港(port of jiading)宝山港(port of baoshan)松江港(port of songjiang)金山港(port of jinshan)青浦港(port of qingpu)奉贤港(port of fengxian)南汇港(port of nanhui)川沙港(port of chuansha)崇明港(port of chongming)上海市区内河港(port of shanghai city) 江苏南通市港(port of nantong city)张家港市港(port of zhangjiagang city) 大中港(port of dazhong)建湖港(port of jianhu)昆山港(port of kunshan)兴化港(port of xighua)高港港(port of gaogang)盐城港(port of yancheng)常熟港(port of changshu)南京地方港(port of nanjing city) 泰兴港(port of taixing)东台港(port of dongtai)海安港(port of haian)滨海港(port of binhai)梧桐港(port of wutong)冉里山港(port of ranlishan)硖石港(port of xiashi)萧山港(port of xiaoshan)雉城港(port of zhicheng)魏塘港(port of weitang)小浦港(port of xiaopu)周浦港(port of zhoupu)泗安港(port of sian)湖州港(port of huzhou)平湖港(port of pinghu)李家巷港(port of lijiaxiang)安徽马鞍山港(port of maanshan)芜湖港(port of wuhu)铜陵港(port of tongling)安庆港(port of anqing)荻港港(port of digang)池州港(port of chizhou)散兵港(port of sanbing)合肥港(port of hefei)蚌埠港(port of bengbu)江西九江港(port of jiujiang)南昌港(port of nanchang)赣州港(port of ganzhou)湖北武穴港(port of wuxue)田镇港(port of tianzhen)黄石港(port of huangshi)巴河港(port of bahe)兰溪港(port of lanxi)鄂州港(port of ezhou)武汉港(port of wuhan)沙市港(port of shashi)枝城港(port of zhicheng)宜昌港(port of yichang)襄樊港(port of xiangfan)利河口港(port of lihekou)湖南城陵矶港(port of chenglingji) 岳阳港(port of yueyang)常德港(port of changde)沅江港(port of yuanjiang)津市港(port of jinshi)株州港(port of zhuzhou)湘潭港(port of xiangtan)茅草街港(port of maocaojie) 衡阳港(port of hengyang) 四川涪陵港(port of fuling)重庆港(port of chongqing) 北碚港(port of beipei)奉节港(port of fengjie)泸州港(port of luzhou)合川港(port of hechuan) 宜宾港(port of yibin)二、京杭运河水系港口杭州港(port of hangzhou) 苏州港(port of suzhou)常州港(port of changzhou) 邳州港(port of pizhou)淮阴港(port of huaiyin)宜兴港(port of yixing)吴江港(port of wujiang)铜山港(port of tongshan) 淮安港(port of huaian)徐州港(port of xuzhou) 三、珠江水系港口三埠港(port of sanbu)容奇港(port of rongqi)东莞港(port of dongwan) 肇庆港(port of zhaoqing) 佛山港(port of foshan)石龙港(port of shilong)市桥港(port of shiqiao)太平港(port of taiping)梧州港(port of wuzhou)南宁港(port of nanning)柳州港(port of liuzhou) 贵港港(port of guigang) 四、黑龙江水系港口哈尔滨港(port of haerbin) 佳木斯港(port of jiamusi) 沙河子港(port of shahezi) 富锦港(port of tongjiang) 同江港(port of tongjiang) 黑河港(port of heihe)。



世界主要港口英文名称一、航空港(站)(机场)Airport (Airdrome) Aden 亚丁(民主也门)Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Auckland 奥克兰(新西兰)Baghdad 巴格达(伊拉克)Bangkok 曼谷(泰国)Basra 巴士拉(伊拉克)Beijing 北京(中国)Beirut 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)Berlin 柏林(德国)Bombay 孟买(印度)Bonn 波恩(德国)Buenos Aires 布宣诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)Cairo 开罗(埃及)Calcutta 加尔各答(印度)Caracas 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉)Chicago 芝加哥(美国)Colombo 科伦坡(斯里兰卡)Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦)Dakar 达喀尔(赛内加尔)Dallas-Fort Worth 达拉斯——沃斯堡(美国)Delhi 德里(印度)Frankfurt 法兰克福(德国)Guang Zhou 广州(旧称Canton)(中国)Hong Kong 香港(中国)Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)(美国)Jakarta (Djakarta)雅加达(印度尼西亚)Johannesburg 约翰内斯堡(南非)Kano 卡诺(尼日利亚)Karachi 卡拉奇(巴基斯坦)Khartoum 喀土穆(苏丹)Kinshasa 金沙萨(扎伊尔)London 伦敦(英国)Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国)Manila 马尼拉(菲律宾)Melbourne 墨尔本(澳大利亚)Mexico City 墨西哥城(墨西哥)Miami 迈阿密(美国)Montreal 蒙特利尔(加拿大)Moscow 莫斯科Nairobi 内罗毕(肯尼亚)Nandi 楠迪(斐济)New York 纽约(美国)Osaka 大阪(日本)Oslo 奥斯陆(挪威)Panama City 巴拿马城(巴拿马)Papeete 帕皮提(法属波利尼西亚)Paris 巴黎(法国)Perth 帕斯(澳大利亚)Port Louis 路易港(毛里求斯)Reykjavik 雷克雅未克(冰岛)Rio de janciro 里约热内卢(巴西)Rome 罗马(意大利)San Francisco 圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山,亦称三藩市)美国Santiago 圣地亚哥(智利)Shanghai 上海(中国)Shenzhen 深圳(中国)Singapore 新加坡(新加坡)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚)Teheran 德黑兰(伊朗)Tokyo 东京(日本)Toronto 多伦多(加拿大)Victoria 维多利亚(塞舌尔)Washington 华盛顿(美国)Yokohama 横滨(日本)Zurich 苏黎士(瑞士)二、海运港口Maritime PortAalborg 奥尔堡(丹麦)Aalesund 奥勒松(挪威)Aasrhus (Arhus)奥尔胡斯(丹麦)Abadan 阿巴丹(伊朗)Abidjan 阿比让(科特迪瓦,即象牙海岸)Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比(阿联酋)Acajutla 阿卡胡特拉(萨尔瓦多)Acapulco 阿卡普尔科(墨西哥)Accra 阿克拉(加纳)Adelaide 阿德莱德(澳大利亚)Aden 亚丁(民主也门)Agana 阿加尼亚(关岛)Alexandria 亚历山大(埃及)Algiers(Alger) 阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚)Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Ancona 安科纳(意大利)Annaba安纳巴(阿尔及利亚)Antofagasta 安托法加斯塔(智利)Antwerp(Antwerpen)安特卫普(比利时)Aomen(Macao)澳门(中国)Apapa 阿帕帕(尼日利亚)Apia 阿皮亚(西萨摩亚)Aqaba (Akaba)亚喀巴(约旦)Arica 阿里卡(智利)Arkhangelsk 阿尔汉格尔斯克(俄罗斯)Assab(Aseb)阿萨布(埃塞俄比亚)Athens 雅典(希腊)Aukland 奥克兰(新西兰)Avenmouth 阿芬默斯(英国)Bahia Blanca 布兰卡港(阿根廷)Baltimore 巴尔的摩(美国)Bandar Abbas 阿巴斯港(伊朗)Bandar Khomeini (Bandar Shahpour) 霍梅尼港(沙赫普尔港)(伊朗)Bandar Seri Begawan 斯里巴加湾市(文莱)Bangkok 曼谷(泰国)Banjarmaisn 马辰(印尼)Banjul 班珠尔(冈比亚)Bar 巴尔(南斯拉夫)Barcelona 巴塞罗纳(西班牙)Barrangquilla 巴兰基亚(哥伦比亚)Basra 巴士拉(伊拉克)Bassein 勃生(缅甸)Bata 巴塔(赤道几内亚)Beihai 北海(中国)Beira 贝拉(莫桑比克)Beirut (Bayrut) 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)Belawan 勿拉沙璜湾(印尼)Belfast 贝尔法斯特(英国)Belize 伯利兹(伯利兹)Belmopan 贝尔莫潘(伯利兹)Benghazi (Bengasi) 班加西(利比亚)Berbera 柏培拉(索马里)Bergen 卑尔根(挪威)Berne 伯尔尼(瑞士)Bilbao 毕尔巴鄂(西班牙)Birkenhead伯肯赫德(英国)Bissau 比绍(几内亚比绍)Bizerta 比塞大(突尼斯)Boma 博马(扎伊尔)Bombay 孟买(印度)Bordeaux 波尔多(法国)Boston 波士顿(美国)Bourgas (Boughas) 布尔加斯(保加利亚)Bremen 不来梅(德国)Bremerhaven 不来梅港(德国)Brest 布雷斯特(法国)Brisbane 布里斯班(澳大利亚)Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国)Buenaventura 布埃纳文图拉(哥伦比亚)Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)Cagliari 卡利亚里(意大利)Calcutta 加尔各答(印度)Callao 卡亚俄(秘鲁)Cape Town 开普敦(南非)Caracas 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉)Cardiff 加的夫(英国)Cartagena 卡塔赫纳(哥伦比亚)Casablanca (Der el Beida) 卡萨布兰卡(达尔贝达)(摩洛哥)Cebu 宿务(菲律宾)Charleston 查尔斯顿(美国)Cheribon=Tjirebon 井里汶(印尼)Chiba 千叶(日本)Chicago 芝加哥(美国)Chimbote 钦博特(秘鲁)Chittagong 吉大港(孟加拉国)Chongjin (Seishin) 清津(朝鲜)Coatzacoalcos 夸察夸尔科斯(墨西哥)Colombo 科伦坡(斯里兰卡)Colon 科隆(巴拿马)Conakry 科纳克里(几内亚)Constantsa 康斯坦萨(罗马尼亚)La Conuna 拉科鲁尼亚(西班牙)Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦)Corinto 科林托(尼加拉瓜)Cork 科克(爱尔兰)Cotonou 科托努(贝宁)Christchurch 克赖斯特彻奇(新西兰)Crotone 克努托内(意大利)Cumana 库马纳(委内瑞拉)Dacca 达卡(孟加拉国)Dakar 达喀尔(塞内加尔)Dalian 大连(中国)Damman 达曼(沙特阿拉伯)Da Nang 岘港(越南)Dar El-Beida (Casablanca) 达尔贝达(卡萨布兰卡) (摩洛哥) Darwin 达尔文(澳大利亚)Dar-es-Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚) Djakarta 雅加达(印尼)Djibouti 吉布提(吉布提)Doha 多哈(卡塔尔)Dordrecht 多德雷赫特(荷兰)Douala 杜阿拉(喀麦隆)Dubai (Dubayy) 迪拜(阿联酋)Dublin 都伯林(爱尔兰)Dunedin 达尼丁(新西兰)Dunkirk 敦刻尔克(英国)Durres 都拉斯(阿尔巴尼亚)East London 东伦敦(南非)Fredericia 腓特烈西亚(丹麦) Fredrikstad 腓特烈斯塔(挪威)Free Town 弗里教(塞拉利昂) Fremantle 弗里曼特尔(澳大利亚) Fuzhou 福州(中国)Gaoxiong 高雄(中国)Gdansk 格但斯克(波兰)Gdynia 格丁尼亚(波兰)Geelong 吉朗(澳大利亚)Genoa 热那亚(意大利)Georgetown (Penang) 乔治市(槟城) (马来西亚) Georgetown 乔治敦(圭亚那, 加拿大) Gibraltar 直布罗陀(西班牙)Gijon 希洪(西班牙)Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国)Godthab 戈特霍布(格陵兰)Goteborg (Gotheburg) 哥德堡(瑞典) Guangzhou 广州(旧称Canton) (中国) Guayaquil 瓜亚基尔(厄瓜多尔)Guaymas 瓜伊马斯(墨西哥)Haifa 海法(以色列)Haiphong 海防(越南)Hakodate 函馆(日本)Halifax 哈里法克斯(加拿大)Halmstad 哈尔姆斯塔德(瑞典)Hamburg 汉堡(德国)Hanoi 河内(越南)Havana 哈瓦那(古巴)Hclsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰)Hiroshima 广岛(日本)Hongay 鸿基(越南)Hongkong (Hong Kong) 香港(中国)Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁(檀香山) (美国)Houston 休斯敦(英国)Hudaydak Al (Hodeida) 荷台达(阿拉伯也门共和国) Hull 赫尔(英国)Hungnam 兴南(朝鲜)Iloilo 伊洛伊洛(恰朗) (菲律宾)Iquique 伊基克(智利)Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔(土耳其)Izmir (Smyma) 伊兹密尔(土耳其)Jakarta 雅加达(印尼)Jidda (Jiddah) 吉达(沙特阿拉伯)Jilong (Keelung) 基隆(中国)Kagoshima 鹿儿岛(日本)Kakinada 卡基纳达(印度)Kampong saon (Kompongson) 磅逊(柬埔寨) Karachi 卡拉奇(巴基斯坦)Khulna 库尔纳(孟加拉国)Kiel 基尔(德国)Kingston 金斯顿(牙买加,加拿大)Kismayu 基斯马尤(索马里)Kobe 神户(日本)Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡(马来西亚)Kuching 古晋(马来西亚)Kuwait 科威特(科威特)Lagos 拉各斯(尼日利亚)La Guaira 拉瓜伊拉(委内瑞拉)La Rouchelle 拉罗歇尔(法国)La Spezia 拉斯佩齐亚(意大利)La Plata 拉普拉塔(阿根廷)Latakia 拉塔基亚(叙利亚)Le Havre 勒阿佛尔(法国)Leghorn (Livomo) 莱戈恩(里窝那) (意大利) Leningrad 列宁格勒(俄罗斯) Lianyungang 莲云港(中国)Libreville 利伯维尔(加蓬)Limassol 利马索尔(塞浦路斯)Limon 利蒙(哥斯达黎加)Lisboa ( Lisbon) 里斯本(葡萄牙) Liverpool 利物浦(英国)Lome 洛美(多哥)London 伦敦(英国)Long Beach 长滩(美国)Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国)Luanda 罗安达(安哥拉)Lubeck 卢贝克(德国)Lyttelton 利特尔顿(新西兰)Macao 澳门(中国)Majunga 马任加(马达加斯加) Makasar 望加锡(印尼)Malabo 马拉博(赤道几内亚)Maiacca 马六甲(马来西亚)Malaga 马拉加(西班牙)Male 马累(马尔代夫)Malindi 马林迪(肯尼亚)Malmo 马尔默(瑞典)Malta 马耳他(马耳他)Manama , Al (Manamah) 麦纳麦(巴林) Manila 马尼拉(菲律宾)Maputo 马普托(莫桑比克)Maracaibo 马拉开波(委内瑞拉)Mar del Plata 马德普拉塔(阿根廷) Marseilles 马赛(法国)Massawa 马萨瓦(埃塞俄比亚)Matadi 马塔迪(扎伊尔)Matanzas 马坦萨斯(古巴)Melboume 墨尔本(澳大利亚)Menado 万鸦老(印尼)Mersin 梅尔辛(伊切尔) (土耳其)Messina 墨西拿(意大利)Miami 迈阿密(美国)Milford 米尔福德港(英国)Mobile 莫比尔(美国)Mogadisho (Mogadiscio) 摩加迪沙(索马里) Mokpo 木浦(朝鲜)Mombasa 蒙巴萨(肯尼亚)Monrovia 蒙罗维亚(利比里亚)Montevideo 蒙特维的亚(乌拉圭)Montreal 蒙特利尔(加拿大)Mokalla , Al 穆卡拉(民主也门)Moulmein 毛淡棉(缅甸)非洲主要港口中英文对照阿比让(象牙海岸)---ABIDJAN,IVORY COAST 阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚)---ALGIERS,ALGERIA 阿帕帕(尼日利亚)---APAPA,NIGERIA贝拉(莫桑比克)---BEIRA,MOZAMBIQUE贝贾亚(阿尔及利亚)---BEJAIA,ALGERIA班加西(利比亚)---BENGHAZI,LIBYA布拉瓦约(津巴布韦)---BULAWAYO,ZIMBABWE开普敦(南非)---CAPE TOWN,SOUTH AFRICA科托努(贝宁)---COTONOU,BENIN达咯尔(塞内加尔)---DAKAR,SENEGAL达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚)---DAR ES SALAAM,TANZANIA 杜阿拉(喀麦隆)---DOUALA,CAMEROON德班(南非)---DURBAN,SOUTH AFRICA东伦敦(南非)---EAST LONTON,SOUTH AFRICA恩巴卡西(肯尼亚)---EMBAKASI,KENYA弗里敦(塞拉利昂)---FREETOWN,SIERRA LEONE哈拉雷(津巴布韦)---HARARE,ZIMBABWE约翰内斯堡(南非)---JOHANNESBURG,SOUTH AFRICA 坎帕拉(乌干达)---KAMPALA,UGANDA拉各斯(尼日利亚)---LAGOS,NIGERIA利伯维尔(加蓬)---LIBREVILLE,GABON利隆圭(马拉维)---LILONGWE,MALAWI洛比托(安哥拉)---LOBITO,ANGOLA洛美(多哥)---LOME,TOGO罗安达(安哥拉)---LUANDA,ANGOLA卢萨卡(赞比亚)---LUSAKA,ZAMBIA马埃(塞舌尔)---MAHE,SEYCHELLES马普托(莫桑比克)---MAPUTO,MOZAMBIQUE马塔迪(扎伊尔)---MATADI,ZAIRE米苏拉塔(利比亚)---MISURATA,LIBYA蒙巴萨(肯尼亚)---MOMBASA,KENYA蒙罗维尔(利比里亚)---MONROVIA,LIBERIA纳卡拉(莫桑比克)---NACALA,MOZAMBIQUE内罗毕(肯尼亚)---NAIROBI,KENYA纳米贝(安哥拉)---NAMIBE,ANGOLA恩纳(非洲)---ONNE,AFRICA奥兰(阿尔及利亚)---ORAN,ALGERIA加莱角(留尼旺岛)---POINTE DES GALETS,REUNION ISLAND 黑角(刚果)---POINTE NOIRE,CONGO伊丽莎白港(南非)---PORT ELIZABETH,SOUTH AFRICA哈科特港(尼日利亚)---PORT HARCOURT,NIGERIA路易港(毛里求斯)---PORT LOUIS,MAURITIUS ISLAND比勒陀利亚(莫桑比克)---PRETORIA,MOZAMBIQUE留尼汪(留尼汪岛)---REUNION,REUNION ISLANDS斯克基达(阿尔及利亚)---SKIKDA,ALGERIA塔利拉迪(加纳)---TAKORADI,GHANA塔马塔夫(马达加斯加)---TAMATAVE,MADAGASCAR坦噶(坦桑尼亚)---TANGA,TANZANIA特马(加纳)---TEMA,GHANA挺坎(尼日利亚)---TINCAN,NIGERIA的黎波里(利比亚)---TRIPOLI,LIBYA突尼斯(突尼斯)---TUNIS,TUNISIA鲸湾港(南非)---WALVIS BAY,SOUTH AFRICA眼镜专业英语Nose bridge 鼻中Tip 脚套Temple 脚丝Plating 电镀Printing 印字Lase 镭射Spectacle frames 眼镜架Sunglasses 太阳眼镜Sports spectacles 运动眼镜kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜Reading glasses 老花镜Contact lens 隐形眼镜Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片Sunglasses lenses,sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片Optical blanks 镜片毛胚Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件Components of frames 镜架组件Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具Visual test equipment 验眼设备Edger 磨边机Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械Lathe 车床Coating machine 镀膜机Coating materials 镀膜原料Electroplating equipment,welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械Price labeling,stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器Ophthalmic products 眼科用品Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料Electroplating,welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器。






一、港口码头基本词汇英文中文例句harbour港口,港湾The harbour is busy with ships coming and going. 港口里船来船往,非常繁忙。

port港口,港市Shanghai is the largest port in China. 上海是中国最大的港口。

wharf码头,堤岸The goods were loaded onto the ship at the wharf. 货物在码头上装上了船。

pier码头,栈桥We walked along the pier and watched the sunset. 我们沿着码头散步,欣赏日落。

seaport海港,海滨城市Hong Kong is a famous seaport and tourist destination. 香港是一个著名的海港和旅游胜地。

terminal 终点站,码头,航站楼The bus terminal is near the railway station. 汽车终点站在火车站附近。

berth泊位,卧铺The ship was allocated a berth at the dock. 船只被分配了一个码头泊位。

quay码头,突堤There were many fishing boats moored at the quay. 码头上停泊着许多渔船。

dock码头,船坞,进港The ship docked at Southampton yesterday. 船只昨天在南安普敦进港了。

jetty突堤,防波堤The children were playing on the jetty. 孩子们在突堤上玩耍。



一:货代常用短语(一)基础篇Airwey TransportationByAir航空运输AirWayBill空运提单oceanshippingTransportationBySea海运expressTransportationByexpress快递运输AirExpress航空快递FCLFullContainerLoad整柜装箱装载LCLLessContainerLoad散货运输MBLMasterBill船东单HBLHouseBill货代单packinglist装箱单invoiceFactoryShipperBookingPIC:(二)invoice发票Contract 合同customsdeclaration报关单COcertificateoforigin原产地证(四)拖车Tractor牵引车/拖头Low-bed低平板车Trailer拖车Transporter拖车TruckingCompany车队(汽车运输公司)(五)船期AFriday(Tuesday/Thursday)sailing周五班Afortnightsailing双周班Abi-weeklysailing周双班Amonthlysailing每月班ETA:Estimated(Expected)TimeofArrival预计到达时间ETB:Estimated(Expected)TimeofBerthing预计靠泊时间ETDEstimated(Expected)TimeofDeparture预计离泊时间Loadingtime装柜日期ClosingDate:截止申报时间Cut-offtime:截关日Transittime航程时间/中转时间SecondCarrier(第)二程船(六)货物Forpromptshipment立即出运CargoSupplier(供)货方UpcomingShipment下一载货SameAssignment同一批货ForkLiftagentVoy.No.voyagenumber航次BPBasePort基本港PlaceofReceipt收货地POLPortofLoading装货港口TransitPort 中转港PortofDischarge卸货港口PlaceofDelivery交货地点PODportofdestination目的港Finalportofdestination最终目的港(三)货物明显Container集装箱ContainerNo.柜号SealNo.封条号marks&no.唛头commoditycode商品编码QuantityAndKindofPackages柜型和柜量DescriptionofGoods货物描述TotalNumberofpackages总件数Measurement(M3orCBM)体积GrossWeight(KGS)重量(四)条款和日期Prepaid预付Collect到付ExchangeRate汇率ServiceType服务类型FCLFullContainerLoad整柜装箱装载LCLLessContainerLoad散货运输OnBoardDate上船时间ISPSSEALENSUSD25GRICSRNSREISSUEPTFTrucking拖车费Inlandhaulagecharge内陆拖车费LocalCharge当地费用customsclearingcharges报关费(Commodity)Inspectioncharge商检emergentdeclearationchange冲关费customsinspectionfee海关查验费commodityinspectionfee商检费(三)目的港费用DTHCDestinationTerminalHandleCharge目的港码头操作费PCSPortCongestionSurcharge港口拥挤附加费ERS空箱调转费,返空费containerstuffingcharge提箱费demurragecharge滞期费containerdetentioncharge滞箱费transportationcharge转运费containerdirtynesschange污箱费containerdamagecharge坏箱费用containerclearancecharge清洁箱费PortCharge港杂费Extras杂费Bookingcharge订舱费Labourfeeorhandlingcharge操作劳务费D/Ofee换单费LCLservicecharge拼箱服务费De-vanningcharge拆箱费Stuffing(charge)装箱费Unstuffing/Devanning(charge)掏箱费Liftingcontainer??提箱费空运费机场费FSC(SCC空运费海运费包干费电放费并单费改单费集卡费快递费熏蒸费制单费注销费改配费查验费订舱费保险费外拼费内装费报关费商检费FumigationCharge熏蒸费letterofcredit(L|C)(信用证)Cocertificateoforigin原产地证Forma惠普证exportdrawback出口退税三:度量尺mt.(metricton)公吨?Ib.(pound)磅?g.(gram)克?kg.(kilogram)公斤I.(litre)升?cm.(centimetre)厘米?m.(metre)米?yd.(yard)码ft.(foot,feet)尺?sq.m(squaremetre)平方米?cu.m(cubic?metre)立方米packing(bag袋,bale包,bottle,coil圈,case,crate板条箱,dozen,package件:totalpackages合计件数,piece,roll,set,unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱,woodencases木箱,pallet托盘,container,inbulk)priceweightquantitypricepacking。





以下是关于码头集装箱英语单词的介绍:2. Port(港口)- 一个水域或河岸边的设施,提供货物装卸、储存和交换服务,并连接各种交通工具,如船舶、火车和卡车。

3. Terminal(码头)- 港口内用于装卸集装箱的区域,通常配备有吊车、堆垛机和其他设备。

4. Crane(吊车)- 一种大型机械设备,用于将集装箱从船上或陆地上吊起,并放置在指定位置。

5. Stacker(堆垛机)- 一种移动式机械设备,用于堆垛和移动集装箱,通常用于在集装箱堆场中操作。

6. Terminal Operator(码头操作员)- 负责管理和运营港口终端设施的人员,包括装卸货物、管理集装箱和维护设备等工作。

7. Shipping Line(航运公司)- 提供海上运输服务的公司,负责将货物从一个港口运往另一个港口。

9. Import(进口)- 将货物运入国家或地区的过程,通常需要支付关税和其他进口手续费。

11. Intermodal Transport(多式联运)- 使用不同种类的交通工具(如船舶、火车和卡车)进行货物运输的方式。

14. Hazardous Cargo(危险品货物)- 包括易燃、易爆、有毒和腐蚀性质的货物,需要特殊处理和注意。

15. Bill of Lading(提单)- 起源于航运业的货物托运单据,用于确认货物的交接和所有权转移。







一.港口英语词汇Port=港口Berth=泊位V essel=船舶Crane=岸吊Terminal=码头控制终端Tally=理货Stevedore=码头工人Truck=码头集装箱卡车Container Yard=集装箱堆厂Throughput=吞吐量Displacement=排水量二.指导员常用英语Unit one: boarding for information(上船了解信息)Foreman: Excuse me, sir, I am the foreman for your vessel from GOCT, I want to see the chief officer, would you please tell me where is the chief officer’s cabin(大副房)? Sailor: Sure. Please go up stair to the third storey(第三层)and you will find it, the chief officer is in his cabin now.Foreman: Thanks. (The foreman goes to the chief officer’s room and knocks at the door. The door opened.) Good morning! Are you the chief officer? I am the foreman, my name is Tom.Officer: Good morning! Mr. Tom. I am the chief officer, take a seat, please! What can I do for you?Foreman: yes. We’ll start discharging soon. Y esterday I got a stowage plan(船图) from your agent(代理), but I am not sure whether it is the same with yours o , so I need a stowage plan of yours to check which container should be discharged at our port. Officer: I see. Here you are!(给你)!Foreman: Thank you! (The foreman is checking the stowage plans and find somedifferent.) chief, I found some different between my stowage plan and yours, in my plan there’re 15X(multiply)20’containers in Bay 09 on deck, but there is not any container in your stowage plan, I want to know why?Officer: Is it? Oh! Yes. But my stowage plan is correct(正确). The 15 containers you mentioned(提到的)had been discharged in HK. It’s the agent informed me when my vessel was berthing(停泊地)in HK.Foreman: I see. But I will call the shipping planner to confirm(确认)it with the agent. Officer: That’s fine. Anything else(还有别的事情吗)?Foreman: Y es, can you tell me are there any dangerous cargo(船货,货物)containers or special containers on board(甲板)?Officer: Y es, There are 20X20’6.1 class containers and 30X40’reefer containers and 15 flat rack containers(板架集装箱)with heavy lifts(重件)in them. All of them are marked with different signs. Y ou can easily find them. Furthermore(另外), please be careful when handling them.Foreman: Take it easy. We will definitely(一定)be careful to discharge them, but I want your crew(乘务员)members to cut off the electricity supply when discharging the reefer containers.Officer: Okay!Foreman: Thank you very much. Do you have other relevant papers(相关的单证)? Officer: yes, here you are.Foreman: What papers?Officer: They are the import manifest(进口舱单), the container load plan(装箱单), andthe numerical container list(集装箱清单).Foreman: Have you any exception list(残损单)?Officer: No, we didn’t find any trouble with the containers.Foreman: That’s fine. Chief, are all the containers on board for this port?Officer: No, not all for your port, there are some for Qingdao and Dalian. Don’t take any of them ashore.Foreman: Take it easy, chief! We’ll pay attention to it.Officer: That’s fine.Unit two: asking for pumping ballast water(请求打压舱水)Foreman: Chief, we are loading containers now, but we found the ship is down by the stern(翘首) too much, it’s very difficult for us to load the Bays in the ship’s bow, the efficiency(效率)of the loading is very low, according to(按照)the speed of loading, we can’t finish the loading before the estimated time of departure(预计开航时间), and this will cause(造成)a lot of trouble, it’s not good for both your ship and our company, so I kindly hope you can pump(抽水机)some ballast water(压载水)to keep the ship on an even keel(前后平衡)in order that we can be facility to( 容易)load the containers on board.Officer: OK! I will tell the duty officer to do that!Foreman: Thanks for your cooperation(合作,协作).Officer: My pleasure.Note: There are other occasions(场合)need for pumping ballast water, for example, sometimes the ship is list(倾斜)too much to the sea side or the shore side, and in thiscase we should advise the ship to pump ballast water.Unit three: asking for confirming damage containers(请求确认残损箱)Foreman: duty officer, we found a 40’container which had broken a hole on the roof(箱顶), can you come to see and confirm it?Duty officer: Where is the container?Foreman: In Bay 20, let’s go there.They go to the spot site and the duty officer inspects it.Duty officer: Mr. Wang, I think this damage is caused by your workers, as you know all the containers at the loading port was in good condition, it must your driver damaged it due to careless handling.Foreman: I don’t agree with you. Look! There are thick rusty around the damage, so it is impossible for a short time to form so much rusty(生锈的,迟钝的), obviously(显然), it is an old damage.Duty officer: OK! I will write down the numbers and tell the chief officer about it. Foreman: Thanks very much for you cooperation.Duty officer: Not at all.Unit four: asking for shifting containers(要求移箱)Foreman: we are going to open three gangs to load the ship. But I found there are too many containers in Bay 30, yet there are fewer containers in the ship’s bow, in order to make a rapid handling and minimize the ship’ s berthing time, I kindly hope you t o make a even distribution(平均分配)of the containers to load.Officer: I understand you, but I can’t.Foreman: Why?Officer: As you know, we make the pre-stowage plan(预配图) is base on a lot of considerations(考虑), I made it like that is because I had to leave some rooms for the cargoes in the next port. If I shift the containers from the Bay 30 to the bow, it’ll cause some containers restowed(倒箱)at next port, and this will arise a lot of trouble. Foreman: I see!Unit five: other sentences use in asking for1. Chief, what’s your requirem ent for lashing?2. Chief, the workers want to use your lashing pole(打锁杆) to unlock the containers, where can we get it?3. Chief, can you tell your crew member be on the spot when handling the reefer containers?4. chief, we found there are some original damage to the cell(单元), please tell your crew member to confirm it.5. Chief, it seems the lashing materials are not enough, will you please show me more of them?6. Chief, I found some dangerous cargo containers, where only two sides had been posted with dangerous marks, but according to the regulation(规则)stipulated(规定)by the authority(权利), the dangerous cargo container has to be posted with dangerous mark on each of the four sides.7. Chief, we are going to load the reefer containers soon, can you tell me where the reefer containers’engine(发动机)should face, the bow or the stern?8. Chief, please tell your crew member not to cut off the electricity supply of the reefer containers before our reefer container checker go on board to check them9. Chief, the reefer containers have been checked and now we are going to discharge them, please tell your crew member to cut off the electricity supply. .10. Chief, my operation department asked me to tell you that your ship has to be shifted ahead for five bitts a t six o’clock, please tell your crew members to stand by it.11. the chief officer didn’t agree to shift the vessel, he complain(控诉)it’s too difficult to shift, so the foreman should explain(解释)to him, we can explain like this: I am so sorry to make trouble to you, but this has planned in the calling schedule(靠泊计划) before your ship arriving, and we have consulted(商量)with your agents in advance (预先), so there is no bargain(讨价)now.12. Chief, we have loaded some dangerous containers on board, please tell your crew don’t smoke on deck and pay more attention to it.13. Chief, we will complete the loading soon, please tell your duty officer to inspect it whether the loading is up to your requirements or not.14. Chief, here are some working papers for your vessel, please sign.15. Chief, we kindly tell you that there will be a typhoon(台风)attack(攻击)our port in 24 hours, please make good measurement(措施) to prevent it.Unit six: other common use words and expressions相关职务:1. captain 船长chief officer 大副2. second officer二副third officer 三副3. duty officer 值班副line man 码头水手4. wharf finger 指泊员foreman 指导员5. dispatcher 调度员crew 船员6. sailor 水手bosun(boatswain) 水手长7. chief engineer 轮机长cadet, apprentice 实习生8. chatterer 租船人agent 代理人9. shipper, consignor 发货人receiver, consignee 收货人10. ship chandler 船具供应商harbor master 港长11. defence officer 边防人员customs officer 海关人员12. pilot 引航员cargo surveyor 商检员13. quarantine officer 检疫员stevedore, longshoreman 工人14. signalman, conductor指挥手warehouse keeper 仓库员15. tallyman/checker 理货员chief tally 理货组长船舶设施:16. gangway 舷梯rope ladder 绳梯17. stern 船尾bow/ahead船头18. amidship船中anchor锚19. port side左舷starboard side 右舷20. fore/aft part 前/后部both wings 两侧21. thruster 侧推器propeller螺旋桨22. derrick 船吊breadth船宽23. draft 吃水air draft空高24. hatch 船舱hatch cover舱盖板25. lashing bar 拉杆turn buckle花兰26. twist lock 旋锁stacker舱底锁27. king box 锁头柜(gear box)shackle卸扣28. wire 钢丝绳deck甲板29. guardrail拦杆gang board跳板30. cell guide 导轨ballast压舱水31. canvas帆布water removal system压水系统32. mess room/dining room 餐室bulb 灯泡33. whistle 汽笛windlass 起锚机34. bridge驾驶台码头设施:35. bitt 系缆桩floating crane 浮吊36. quay crane岸吊bridge crane gantry crane龙门吊37. stacker 堆高机reach stacker正面吊38. frontier 码头前沿container yard堆场39. warehouse仓库maintenance workshop维修车间40. control tower 中控塔gatehouse闸口41. wharf 码头berth泊位42. fender碰垫buoy 浮筒43. forklift 铲车tractor 拖车trailer44. funnel 漏斗safety net 安全网45. safety hat 安全帽life-jacket 救生衣46. life-belt 安全带axe 斧47. hammer 锤saw 锯48. screw driver 螺丝刀crowbar 撬棒49. lashing 捆扎物料scale 磅秤水手英语50. with the current 顺水against the current 逆水51. slack away the rope松缆take in the rope 收缆52. head line 头缆fore spring前倒缆53. breast 横缆stern line尾缆54. after spring后倒缆eyes of line缆眼55. heaving line 撇缆slip wire回头缆56. vessel 船舶tugboat拖轮57. barge 驳船density密度58. shifting forward 向前移shifting after向后移59. moving ahead 向前绞moving astern向后绞60. flood tide涨潮(rising tide)seawater海水61. ebb tide退潮fresh water淡水62. tide 潮水current水流63. please put down the gangway 请放下舷梯64. please weigh up the gangway 请收起舷梯65. down by the head 拱头66. .down by the stern 翘首67. finish time 完工时间sailing time 开航时间理货英语68. roof 箱顶side wall 侧壁69. end wall 端壁post 箱柱70. cross timber 底梁door locking handle 门把手high-cubes container; tank container; reefer container; dangerous container: flat rack container。



1. 货运船(Cargo Ship)专门用于承载货物的船只。

2. 集装箱船(Container Ship)用于运输集装箱的船只。

3. 散货船(Bulk Carrier)用于运输散装货物如煤炭、矿砂等的船只。

4. 液货船(Tanker)用于运输液体货物如石油、化学品等的船只。

5. 港口(Port)用于装卸货物和提供船舶停靠的地点。

6. 船舶货物装卸工(Stevedore)负责装卸货物的工人。

7. 船舶经纪人(Ship Broker)代表买家或卖家寻找船舶租赁或买卖的中介人。

8. 船舶经理(Ship Manager)负责船舶日常运营管理的人员或公司。

9. 船舶注册(Ship Registration)将船舶注册到特定国家的

10. 船舶保险(Marine Insurance)保护船舶及其货物免受损

11. 航运公司(Shipping Company)经营船舶运输业务的公司。

12. 航运合同(Shipping Contract)买卖双方签订的船舶运输






港口业务常用英语集装箱码头业务常用英语码头工作常用英语1. Port: 港口2. Berth: 泊位3. Wharf: 码头4. Pier: 码头5. Terminal: 码头货运站6. Container Terminal: 集装箱码头7. Harbor: 港湾8. Port Authority: 港务局9. Port Operator: 港口经营者10. Port Infrastructure: 港口基础设施11. Customs: 海关12. Port Facilities: 港口设施13. Harbor Master: 港口主任14. Port Security: 港口安全15. Port Administration: 港口管理1. Container: 集装箱2. Container Yard: 集装箱堆场3. Container Terminal Operator: 集装箱码头经营者4. Container Stacking: 集装箱堆放5. Container Handling: 集装箱操作6. Container Shipping: 集装箱运输7. Container Crane: 集装箱起重机8. Container Truck: 集装箱卡车9. Reefer Container: 冷藏集装箱10. Empty Container: 空集装箱11. Laden Container: 重箱集装箱12. Container Lashing: 集装箱扎带13. Container Inspection: 集装箱检验14. Container Vessel: 集装箱船15. Container Freight Station: 集装箱货运站1. Port Worker: 码头工人2. Stevedore: 装卸工3. Dockworker: 码头工人4. Longshoreman: 码头工人5. Cargo Handling: 货物装卸6. Dock Operation: 码头操作7. Cargo Inspection: 货物检验8. Crane Operator: 起重机操作员9. Forklift Operator: 叉车司机10. Tally Clerk: 港口理货员11. Port Supervisor: 码头主管12. Cargo Documentation: 货物文件13. Warehouse Management: 仓库管理14. Port Labor Union: 码头工会15. Dock Safety: 码头安全以上是港口业务、集装箱码头业务以及码头工作常用英语的一些词汇和短语。



阿尔巴尼亚AL Albania阿尔及利亚DZ Algeria阿富汗AF Afghanistan阿根廷AR Argentina阿拉伯联合酋长国AZ Azerbaijan阿拉伯联合酋长国AE United Arab Emirates阿拉伯也门共和国阿拉斯加阿鲁巴AW Aruba阿鲁巴岛阿曼阿曼OM Oman阿塞拜疆共和国阿森松埃及EG Egypt埃塞俄比亚ET Ethiopia爱尔兰IE Ireland爱沙尼亚EE Estonia安道尔AD Andorra安哥拉AO Angola安圭拉AI Angola安提瓜和巴布达AG Ntigua and Barbuda奥地利AT Austria澳大利亚AU Australia巴巴多斯BB Barbados巴布亚新几内亚PG Papua,Territory of巴哈马BS Bahamas巴基斯坦PK Pakistan巴拉圭PY Paraguay巴勒斯坦巴林BH Bahrain巴拿马PA Panama巴西BR Brazil白俄罗斯共和BY White Russia白俄罗斯共和BY Byelorussian SSR百慕大BM Bermuda保加利亚BG Bulgaria北马里亚纳群岛贝宁BJ Benin比利时BE Belgium冰岛IS Iceland波多黎各(美)PR Puerto Rico波兰PL Poland波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那BA Bosnia Hercegovina玻利维亚BO Bolivia伯利兹BZ Belize博茨瓦纳BW Botswana不丹BT Bhutan不列颠岛(美) VI Vigin Islands(U.S.)不列颠岛(英) VG Virgin Islands(British)布基纳法索BF Burkina Faso布隆迪BI Burundi布维岛BV Bouvet Island朝鲜KP North Korea赤道几内亚GQ Equatorial Guinea大西洋东区(海事卫星)大西洋区(海事卫星)丹麦DK Denmark德国DE Grmany东帝TP East Timor东非共同体东萨摩亚多哥TG Togo多米尼加共和国DO Dominica多明哥DM Gominica俄罗斯联邦RU Russia厄瓜多尔EC Ecuador厄立特里亚法国FR France法属玻里尼西亚PF French Polynesia法属圭亚那GF French Guiana法属南方领土TF French Southern Territoties 梵蒂冈(罗马教庭)V A V atican菲律宾PH Philippines斐济FJ Fiji芬兰FI Finland佛得角CV Cape Verde,Republic of福克兰群岛FK Falkland Islands冈比亚GM Gambia刚果(布)CG Congo刚果(金)哥伦比亚CO Colombia哥斯达黎加CR Costa rica格林纳达GD Grenada格陵兰GL Greenland格鲁吉亚GE Georgia古巴CU Cuba瓜德罗普GP Guadeloupe关岛GU Guam圭亚那GY Guyana哈萨克斯坦KZ Kazakstan海地共和国HT Haiti韩国KR Korea豪兰和贝克群岛荷兰NL Netherlands荷属安的列斯洪都拉斯HN Honduras基里巴斯KI Kiribati吉布提DJ Djibouti吉尔吉斯共和国KG Kyrgyzstan 几内亚GN Guinea几内亚比绍GW Guinea-Bissau 加拿大CA Canada加那利群岛加纳GH Ghana加蓬GA Gabon贾维斯岛柬埔寨KH Cambodia捷克共和国CZ Czech Republic 津巴布韦ZW Zimbabwe喀麦隆CM Cameroon卡塔尔QA Qatar开曼群岛KY Cayman Islands科科斯岛科克群岛(新)科摩罗KM Comoros科特迪瓦科威特KW kuwait可可岛CC COCOS Islands克罗地亚HR Croatia肯尼亚KE Kenya库克群岛CK Cook Island拉托维亚LV Latvia莱索托LS Lesotho老挝LA Laos黎巴嫩LB Lebanon立陶宛共和国LT Lithuania利比里亚LR Liberia利比亚L Y Libya列支敦士登LI Liechtenstein留尼汪卢森堡LU Luxembourg卢旺达RW Rwanda罗马尼亚RO Romania马达加斯加MG Malagasy马尔代夫MV Maldives马尔他MT Malta马尔维纳斯群岛MW Malawi马耳他马耳他马来西亚MY Malaysia马里ML Mali马里亚纳群岛马其顿马绍尔群岛共和国MH Marshall Islands 马提尼克毛里求斯MU Mauritius毛里塔尼亚MR Mauritania美国US America美属萨摩亚UM美属维尔京群岛蒙古MN Mongolia蒙特塞拉特孟加拉BD Bangladesh秘鲁PE Peru密克罗尼西亚联邦FM Micronesia缅甸MM Burma摩尔多瓦MD Moldova,Republic of摩洛哥MA Morocco摩纳哥MC Monaco莫桑比克MZ Mozambique墨西哥MX Mexico纳米比亚NA Namibia南非ZA South Africa南极洲AQ Antarctica南斯拉夫YU Yugoslavia瑙鲁NR Naura尼泊尔NP Nepal尼加拉瓜NI Nicaragua尼日尔NE Niger尼日利亚NG Nigeria纽埃NU Niue挪威NO Norway诺福克岛帕劳PW Palau皮特开恩群岛PN Pitcairn Islands葡萄牙PT Portugal日本JP Japan瑞典SE Sweden瑞士CH Switzerland萨尔瓦多SV El Salvador萨摩亚塞拉利昂SL Sierra leone塞内加尔SN Senegal塞浦路斯CY Cyprus塞舌尔SC Seychelles沙特阿拉伯SA Saudi Arabia圣诞岛CX Christmas Island圣多美与普林西比ST Sao Tome and Principe 圣赫勒那SH St.Helena圣基茨和尼维斯圣卢西亚LC St. Lucia圣马力诺SM San Marino圣文森特和格林纳丁斯斯里兰卡LK Sri Lanka斯洛伐克SK Slovakia斯洛文尼亚SI Slovene斯威士兰SZ Swaziland苏丹SD Sudan苏里南SR Surinam苏联(前) SU USSR(formerly)所罗门群岛SB Solomon Islands索马里SO Somali塔吉克斯坦TJ Tsjikistan塔吉克斯坦太平洋地区(海事卫星)泰国TH Thailand坦桑尼亚TZ Tanzania汤加TO Tonga特克斯和凯科斯群岛特立尼达和多巴哥TT Trinidad and Tobago 突尼斯TN Tunisia图瓦卢TV Tuvalu土尔其TR Turkey土库曼斯坦TM Turkomanstan托克劳TK Tokela瓦利斯和富图纳群岛瓦努阿图危地马拉GT Guatemala威克岛维尔京群岛(美)维尔京群岛(英)委内瑞拉VE Venezuela文莱BN Brunei Darussalam乌干达UG Uganda乌克兰UA Ukiain乌拉圭UY uruguay乌兹别克斯坦UZ Uzbekstan西班牙ES Spain西撒哈拉EH West Sahara西萨摩亚WS Western Samoa希腊GR Greece锡金夏威夷象牙海岸CI Lvory Coast新加坡SG Singapore新喀里多尼亚NC New Caledonia新西兰NZ New Zealand匈牙利HU Hungary叙利亚SY Syria牙买加JM Jamaica亚美尼亚共和国AM Armenia也门YE Yemen伊拉克IQ Iraq伊朗IR Iran以色列IL Israel意大利IT Italy印度IN India印度尼西亚ID Indonesia印度洋地区(海事卫星)英国GB United Kingdom英国(正式代码为GB)UK England英联邦的印度洋领域IO British Indian Ocean Territory 英属维尔京群岛约旦JO Jordan约翰斯顿岛越南VN Vietnam赞比亚ZM Zambia扎伊尔ZR Zaire乍得TD Chad直布罗陀GI Gibraltar智利CL Chile中非共和国CF The Central African Republic中国CN China中国澳门MO Macao中国台湾TW Taiwan中国香港HK Hong Kong==================================================================== merica:纽约New York 洛杉矶Los Angeles 芝加哥Chicago休斯敦Houston 费城Philadelphia 菲尼斯Phoneix圣迭戈San Diego 达拉斯Dallas 圣安东尼奥San Antonio底特律Detroit 圣约瑟San Jose 印第安纳波利斯Indianapolis旧金山San Francisco 哥伦布Columbus 奥斯汀Austin巴尔的摩Baltimore 波士顿Boston 华盛顿Washington D.C帕索Paso 西雅图Seattle 丹佛Denver 夏洛特Charlotte沃斯堡Fort Worth 波特兰Portland 新奥尔良New Orleans拉斯维加斯Las Vegas 克利夫兰Cleveland 奥克兰Oakland亚伯科基Albuquerque 堪萨斯城Kansas 弗吉尼亚Virginia亚特兰大Argentina 萨加门多Sacramento 奥马哈Omaha米尼亚波尼斯Minneapolis 檀香山Honolulu 惠科塔Wichita科罗拉多斯普林斯Colorado Springs 圣路易斯St. Louis匹兹堡Pittsburgh圣塔安那Santa Ana 阿灵顿Arlington 辛辛那提CincinnatiEurope:英国England:伦敦London 多佛Dover 剑桥Cambridge南安普敦Southampton 利物浦Liverpool法国France:巴黎Paris 里昂Lyon 马赛Marseille 尼斯Nice图卢兹Toulouse 戛纳Cannes 波尔多Bordeaux德国German:柏林Berlin 慕尼黑Munich 汉堡Hamburg汉诺威Hanover 法兰克福Frankfurt瑞士Switzerland:伯尔尼Bern 苏黎世Zurich 日内瓦Geneva比利时Belgium:布鲁塞尔Brussels 阿尔斯特Aalst 哈塞尔特Hasselt保加利亚Bulgaria:索非亚Sofia波兰Poland:华沙Warsaw捷克斯洛伐克Czech Republic:布拉格Prague 布拉迪斯拉发Bratislava瑞典Sweden:斯德哥尔摩Stockholm 兰德Lund 哥德堡Gothenburg挪威Norway:奥斯陆Oslo 卑尔根Bergen芬兰Finland:赫尔辛基Helsinki丹麦Denmark:哥本哈根Copenhagen 奥尔堡Aalborg荷兰Netherlands:阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam 鹿特丹Rotterdam意大利Italy:罗马Rome 米兰Milan 拿波里Naples 都灵Turin威尼斯Venice 佛洛伦萨Florence西班牙Spain:马德里Madrid 巴塞罗那Barcelona 瓦伦西亚Valencia葡萄牙Portugal:里斯本Lisbon 波尔图Porto希腊Greece:雅典AthensAustralia:悉尼Sydney 墨尔本Melbourne 堪培拉Canberra 布里斯班Brisbane--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asia(亚洲)China(中国)Port of Lianyungang(连云港港)Port of NingBo(宁波港)Port of ShangHai(上海港)Port of QingDao(青岛港)Port of Dalian(大连港)Port of Hong Kong (香港)Hong Kong Shipping Directory(香港航运目录)Port of kaohsiung(高雄港)Port of Hualien(花莲港)Port of Keelung(基隆港)Port of Taichung(台中港)Ports of Mainland (大陆港口--香港制)South Korea(韩国)Port of Busan(釜山港)Port of Inchon(仁川港)Port of Mokpo (木浦港)United Arab Emirates(阿联酋)Port of Dubai(迪拜港)Philippines (菲律宾)Manila(马尼拉港)India(印度)Port of Calcutta(加尔各答港)Port of Jawaharlal (贾瓦哈拉港)Port of Mumbai(孟买港)Indonesia(印度尼西亚)Port of Tanjung Priok (丹绒布绿港)Israel(以色列)Israel Ports and Railways Authority(以色列港口及铁路管理当局)Japan(日本)Port of Kobe(神户港)Port of Nagoya(名古屋港)The Port of Yokohama(横滨港)Port of Kawasaki(川崎港)Port of Hiroshima(广岛港)Port of Kisarazu (梗津港)Port of Kitakyushu(北九州港)Port of Sakata(酒田港)Port of Chiba(千叶港)Kuwait(科威特)Kuwait Ports Public Authority(科威特港口管理局)Malaysia(马来西亚)Bintulu Port Authority(民都鲁港口管理局)Johore Port Authority(柔佛港口管理局)Kuantan Port Authority(昆坦港口管理局)Kuching Port Authority(古晋港口管理局)Malacca Port Authority(马六甲港口管理局)Pakistan(巴基斯坦)Port of Karachi(卡拉奇港)Singapoore(新加坡)Port of Singapore Authority(新加坡港口管理局)Europe(欧洲)Belgium(比利时)Port of Antwerp(安特卫普港)Port of Ghent(根特港)Port of Zeebrugge(泽不腊赫港)Croatia(克罗地亚)Ports of Croatia(克罗地亚港口)Denmark (丹麦)Port of Aalborg(奥尔堡港)Port of Aarhus(奥尔胡斯港)Port of Aabenraa(奥本罗港Finland(芬兰)Finnish Ports(芬兰港口)Port of Helsinki(赫尔辛基港)Port of Kemi (盖密港)Port of Kokkola(科科拉港)Port of Kotka(科特卡港)Port of Oulu(奥鲁港)Port of Pori(波里港)Port of Pietsarsaari(彼太萨立港)Port of Raahe(腊黑港)Port of Tornio (托尔尼奥港)Port of Hamina(哈米纳港)France(法国)Port of Bordeaux(波尔多港)Port of Brest(布勒斯特港)Port of Le Havre(勒阿弗尔港)Germany(德国)Port of Hamburg (汉堡港)Gibraltar(直布罗陀)Port of Gibraltar(直布罗陀港)Greece(希腊)Port of Thessaloniki(塞色勒狄克港)Iceland(冰岛)Port of Reykjavik(雷克亚未克港)Italy(意大利)Port of Geneva(热那亚港)Port of La Spezia(斯培西亚港)Port of Napoli(那不勒斯港)Port of Ravenna(拉文纳港)Port of Salerno(萨累诺港)Port of Savona(萨沃纳港)Venice Port Authority(威尼斯港口管理局)Port of Augusta(奥古斯塔港)Latvia(拉脱维亚)Ports of Latvia(拉脱维亚港口)Lituania Port of Klaipeda(克来彼达港)Netherlands (荷兰)Port of Rotterdam(鹿特丹港)Norway(挪威)Port of Oslo(奥斯陆港)Port of Sola(苏拉港)Poland(波兰)Port of Gdansk(格但斯克港)Port of Swinoujscie(斯文诺斯切港)Portugal(葡萄牙)Port of Setúbal(锡土巴尔港)Port of Sines(锡尼什港)Romania (罗马尼亚)Port of Constantza(康斯坦萨港)Rusia(俄罗斯)Port of Novorossiysk(诺沃罗西斯克港)Saint Petersburg Port Authority(圣彼得堡港)Port of Ust-Luga(乌斯特-鲁戈港)Port of Vladivostok(符拉迪敖斯托克港,即海参威港)Spain(西班牙)Port of Barcelona(巴塞罗那港)Port of Cartagena(卡塔赫纳港)Port of Santander(桑坦德港)Port of Bilbao (Uniportbilbao)(毕尔巴鄂港)Port of La Coru?a(拉.科鲁纳港)Port of Tarragona (塔腊戈纳港)Port of Vilagarcia de Arosa(维利亚加西亚.德.阿罗萨港)Port of Cadiz(卡的斯港)Port of Las Palmas(拉斯柏尔马斯港)Port of Valencia(巴伦西亚港)Port of Malaga (马拉加港)Ports of Almeria and Motril(阿尔梅里亚港)Port of Ceuta(休达港)Sweden (瑞典)Swedish Ports(瑞典港口)Port of Falkenberg(法尔肯贝里港)Port of Goteborg (哥德堡港)Port of Halmstad(哈尔姆斯塔德港)Port of Harnsosand(赫纳散德港)Port of Helsingborg(赫尔辛堡港)Port of Malmoe(马尔默港)Port of Norrkopings(诺尔彻平港)Port of Sodertalje(塞德特里耶港)Port de Wallhamn(瓦尔汉姆港)United Kingdom (英国)Associated British Ports(英吉利港口)Ayr and Troon(埃尔和特隆港)Barrow (巴罗港)Barry(巴里港)Cardiff(加的夫港)Colchester(科尔切斯特港)Fleetwood (弗利特伍德港)Garston(加斯顿港)Goole(古耳港)Grimsby(格里姆斯比港)Hull (赫尔港)Immingham(伊明翰港)King′s Lynn(金斯林港)Lowestoft(洛斯托夫特港)Newport(纽波特港)Port of London Authority(伦敦港口管理局)Plymouth(普列茅斯港)Silloth(锡洛斯港)Southampton(南安普顿港)Swansea(斯温西港)Talbot (泰。



主要海运、货代术语(缩略语)Transportn. 传送器, 运输, 运输机vt. 传送, 运输運,移徙也。





——《庄子·天运》前缀trans- 表示“横过,贯穿”之义Ship 或Vessel船, 海船, 货船,舰Port 或Harbour港口Port Particulars港口细则A/W All Water全水路Vessel(Ship’s) Particulars船舶规范Certificate of S hip’s Nationality船籍证书Flag of Convenience (FOC)方便旗Shipping Document船务文件Dead Weight(Dead Load)载重量(吨)Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT)净载重吨Gross Dead Weight Tonnage (GDWT)总载重吨位Gross (Total)Dead Weight (GDW,TDW)总载重量Full Container Ship全集装箱船舱内设有固定式或活动式的格栅结构,舱盖上和甲板上设置固定集装箱的系紧装置,便于集装箱作业及定位的船舶。

[GB/T [GB/T 17271-1998中3.1.1.1]Semi Container Ship半集装箱船General Cargo Ship杂货船Handy-Sized Bulker小型杂货船Ship’s Management船舶管理Captain船长Chief Officer (C/O)大副Mate’s Receipt(M/R)大幅收据Chief Engineer (C/E)总工程师轮机长Crew List船员名册Crew Member(Sailor)船员Annual Survey年度检验(年检)Knot航速单位(节、海里) 1节(海里)=1.852公里是船舶航速的计算单位。



港口英语Hammer 铁锤Handling charge 装卸费,搬运费Harbour 海港Harbour administration bureau(harbour bureau)港务局Harbour dues 港务费Harbour light 港口灯标Harbour office 港监,海监局Harbour supervision office 港务监督Hatch (hatch cover) 舱盖Hatch beam 舱盖横梁Hatchway 舱口Hawse hole 锚链孔Headline 头缆Heaving line 撇缆Heavy-duty forklift trucks 巨型堆高机(香港俗称麻鹰)Heavy fog 大雾Heavy lift 超重货物,大件Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy rain 大雨Heavy snow 大雪Heavy weather 恶劣天气Helm 舵轮,舵柄High cube container (HC) 大型集装箱Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hoop iron missing 铁箍失落Hull 船体,船身Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause 承运人责任条款IMMO 危险品类别Import(IM)进口Import entry 进口报关Import/export tariff 进口/出口税率Import permit 进口许可证Indemnity 赔偿Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数Infrastructure (of a port) (港口)基础设施Inland transportation charge 内陆运输费Import manifest 载货清单Inspection certificate 检验证书Inspection of hold 验舱Insufficient packing 包装不足Insulated container保温集装箱Insurance 保险International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际海事组织International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 国际船级社协会International convention for safe container(CSC)国际集装箱安全公约International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)International multimodal transport convention 国际多式联运公约International standardization organization(ISO)国际标准化组织International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 国际运输工人联合会In the middle 在中间Inventory control 存货控制Inward 进港的Inward cargo 进港货Inward manifest 进口舱单Iron nail 铁钉Jack ladder(jacob’s ladder)软梯,绳梯Jammed at the side 箱边压坏Joint 结头Joint inspection 联检Joint service 联合服务Joint survey 联合检验Jumbo derrick 重型吊杆Keel 龙骨Kilos. 公斤,千克Kind of Pkgs. 包装种类Knot 航速(节)Ladder 梯子,阶梯Laden 满载的Laden draught 满载吃水Landing charges 卸桥费Landing,storage and delivery 卸货、仓储和送货费Lash 用绳绑扎Lashings 绑扎物Lashing operation 拴固(捆扎)作业Latitude 纬度Lay-by berth 候载停泊区LCL service charge 拼箱服务费Left side 左边Length overall (overall length ,简称LOA) (船舶)总长Less container lease(LCL)拼装箱Let go 抛锚;解缆Letter of credit(L/C) 信用证Letter of guarantee(L/G)银行担保书,保函Letter of indemnity 担保书(函)Life belt 救生带Life boat 救生艇Life buoy 救生圈Life jacket 救生衣Life raft 救生筏Lift 举起;抬起Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 吊上吊下Light Displacement 轻排水量Lighter 驳船Light house 灯塔Limitation of liability 责任限制Line (shipping line) 航运公司Liner ( liner ship) 班轮Lloyd′s Register of Shipping 劳埃德船级社Load 装;装货Loading and unloading line 装卸线Loading list 装货清单Loadline (load line) 载重线Loading hatch 装货口Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量Local devanning(LD)当地拆箱Local repair(LR)当地修理Local vanning(LV)当地装箱Location area(LA)场地Log abstract 航海日志摘录Logbook 航海日志Logistics 物流Logistics centre 物流中心Longitude 经度Long length additional 超长附加费Long ton 长吨Longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)Lower hold 底层舱Lower hold starboard(L.H.S) 底层舱右边Lower hold port(L.H.P)底层舱左边Lower hold fore(part)(L.H.F)底层舱前部Lower hold after(part)(L.H.A) 底层舱后部Lower hold hatch square(hatch way)(L.H.H/S(H/W)) 底层舱舱口位Lower tweendeck 三层柜Lower tweendeck starboard wing(L.T.D.S.W)三层舱右翼Lower tweendeck port wing(L.T.D.P.W) 三层舱左翼Lower tweendeck fore(part)(L.T.D.F) 三层舱前部Lower tweendeck after(part)(L.T.D.A) 三层舱后部Lower tweendeck hatch square(hatch way)(L.T.D.H/W)三层舱舱口位Lumber carrier(timber carrier)运木船Maiden voyage 处女航Main deck 主甲板Main port 主要港口Maintenance shop 维修车间Manifest 舱单Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书Mark 标记Marks and numbers 唛头Marks indistinct 标志模糊Mast house(M/H)桅杆房间Mate’s receipt 大副收据收货单Mean draught 平均吃水Measurement 尺寸Measurement cargo 体积货物Measurement rated cargo 按体积计费的货物Measurement rules 计量规则Mechanic 机工Merchant (班轮提单)货方Merchant haulage 货方拖运Merchant marine 商船Metric ton 公吨Middle locker(M.L/K) 中部房间Misdelivery 错误交货Misdescription 错误陈述Mixed cargo 混杂货Mixing rate 混装费率Mobile crane 移动式起重机Modern terminals(MTL)现代货柜码头Monkey island 了望台Moor 使(船)停泊,系带浮筒Moorage 停泊,系泊Mooring anchorage 系泊锚地Mooring buoy 系泊浮筒More or less (mol.) 增减Mother ship 母船Motor ship 内燃机船MT(empty container)空箱Multideck ship 多层甲板船Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船Multi-purpose terminal 多用途场站M.V.船名Nails off 钉子脱落Navigate 航行Navigation 导航Nearly empty 几乎空箱Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨Net weight 净重New building 新船Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船级社Nominate a ship 指定船舶进行航行Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准备就绪通知书Notify 通知Notify party 通知方Nylon rope 尼龙绳Ocean-going vessel 远洋船Ocean liner 远洋班轮Off hire 停租Oil barge 油驳Oil hose 输油软管Oil stained 油渍Oil tanker 油轮On board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单On bottom of 在…….下面On-carrier 接运承运人On deck(O/D)甲板上One end 一端One side 一边(一面)One-way pallet 单边槽货盘On-the-spot record 现场记录On top of 在……上面Open hatch bulk carrier 敞舱口散货船Open side container 侧开式集装箱,主要用来装载有特别要求的物品,如牲畜等。



港口业务常用英语集装箱码头业务常用英语码头工作常用英语1. Port operation - 港口作业2. Container handling - 集装箱搬运3. Cargo transportation - 货物运输4. Vessel berthing - 船舶靠泊5. Customs clearance - 清关6. Shipping documentation - 航运文件7. Stevedoring - 装卸工作8. Warehousing - 仓储业务9. Freight forwarding - 货运代理10. Port security - 港口安全11. Terminal facilities - 码头设施12. Intermodal transportation - 联合运输13. Cargo inspection - 货物检验14. Port management - 港口管理15. Port authority - 港口管理局16. Shipping line - 航运公司17. Shore cranes - 岸吊18. Port operations manager - 港口作业经理19. Port captain - 港口船长20. Port facilities manager - 码头设施经理集装箱码头业务常用英语:1. Container yard - 集装箱堆场2. Container loading/unloading - 集装箱装卸3. Container gantry crane - 集装箱龙门吊4. Reefer container - 冷藏集装箱5. Empty container depot - 空箱库6. Container tracking - 集装箱追踪7. Container terminal - 集装箱码头8. Container stacking - 集装箱垛放9. Container inspection - 集装箱检查10. Container repositioning - 集装箱重新摆放11. Container picking - 集装箱选取12. Container repair - 集装箱维修13. Container pre-trip inspection - 集装箱行前检查14. Container weighing - 集装箱称重15. Container booking - 集装箱预约16. Container stuffing/unstuffing - 集装箱装箱/拆箱17. Container lease - 集装箱租赁18. Container damage - 集装箱损坏19. Container transshipment - 集装箱转运20. Container management system - 集装箱管理系统码头工作常用英语:1. Dock worker - 码头工人2. Stevedore - 搬运工3. Crane operator - 起重机操作员4. Forklift operator - 叉车司机5. Cargo handler - 货物搬运工6. Wharf supervisor - 码头主管7. Tugboat captain - 拖船船长8. Port pilot - 港口引航员9. Vessel mooring - 船舶系泊10. Gantry crane - 龙门吊11. Cargo supervisor - 货物主管12. Wharf superintendent - 码头总务13. Lashing and securing - 捆绑和固定14. Container surveyor - 集装箱勘测师15. Heavy equipment operator - 重型设备操作员16. Port security officer - 港口安全官员17. Dockmaster - 码头管理员18. Marine surveyor - 海洋勘测师19. Port laborer - 港口劳工20. Freight handler - 货物处理员。




1. Shipping company - 运输公司
2. Freight - 货运
3. Cargo - 货物
4. Bill of lading - 提单
5. Container - 集装箱
6. Port - 港口
7. Port of destination - 目的港
8. Port of origin - 起运港
9. Shipping agent - 船务代理
10. Vessel - 船舶
11. Freight forwarder - 货运代理
12. Goods in transit - 在途货物
13. Charter party - 租船合同
14. Reefer container - 冷藏集装箱
15. Shipper - 发货人
16. Consignee - 收货人
17. Ocean freight - 海运费





游轮英语术语大全1. Cruise ship - 游轮2. Port - 港口3. Starboard - 右舷4. Bow - 船头5. Stern - 船尾6. Deck - 甲板7. Bridge - 船桥8. Cabin - 客舱9. Stateroom - 豪华客房10. Balcony - 阳台11. Lifeboat - 救生艇12. Captain - 船长13. Crew - 船员14. Passenger - 乘客15. Embarkation - 登船16. Disembarkation - 下船17. Itinerary - 行程18. Shore e某cursion - 岸上观光19. Cruise director - 巡航导游20. Cruise ship band - 游轮乐队21. Casino - 赌场22. Buffet - 自助餐23. Restaurant - 餐厅24. Lounge - 休息厅25. Pool deck - 游泳池甲板26. Spa - 温泉27. Fitness center - 健身中心28. Entertainment - 娱乐活动29. Onboard activities - 船上活动30. Duty-free shop - 免税商店31. Bow thrusters - 船舶横推器32. Propeller - 螺旋桨33. Cruise ship captain's dinner - 船长晚宴34. Port of call - 中途停靠港口35. Cruise ship terminal - 游轮码头36. Gangway - 走板37. Shipboard credit - 游轮额度38. Cruise ship cocktail party - 游轮鸡尾酒会39. Cruise ship suite - 游轮套房40. Cruise ship balcony cabin - 游轮阳台舱41. Cruise ship interior cabin - 游轮内舱42. Cruise ship ocean view cabin - 游轮海景舱43. Cruise ship theater - 游轮剧院44. Cruise ship karaoke night - 游轮卡拉OK之夜45. Cruise ship formal night - 游轮正式晚会46. Cruise ship spa treatment - 游轮温泉疗法47. Cruise ship yoga class - 游轮瑜伽课程48. Cruise ship cooking class - 游轮烹饪课程49. Cruise ship wine tasting - 游轮品酒会50. Cruise ship art auction - 游轮艺术品拍卖51. Cruise ship kids club - 游轮儿童俱乐部52. Cruise ship teen club - 游轮青少年俱乐部53. Cruise ship poolside bar - 游轮泳池畔酒吧54. Cruise ship adults-only deck - 游轮成人专用甲板55. Cruise ship library - 游轮图书馆56. Cruise ship internet cafe - 游轮网吧57. Cruise ship laundry service - 游轮洗衣服务58. Cruise ship concierge - 游轮礼宾部59. Cruise ship room service - 游轮客房服务60. Cruise ship tipping - 游轮小费61. Cruise ship Onboard credit - 游轮船上消费额度62. Tender - 渡船63. Cruise ship tender port - 游轮渡口64. Cruise ship tender ticket - 游轮渡船票65. Cruise ship tendering process - 游轮运送过程66. Cruise ship tender transfer - 游轮渡船转移67. Cruise ship shopping - 游轮购物68. Cruise ship captain's announcement - 游轮船长通知69. Cruise ship safety drill - 游轮安全演习70. Cruise ship disembarkation process - 游轮下船程序这些术语可以帮助你更好地理解和享受游轮旅行。



关于海运英语的单词1.Container(集装箱)-例句:The goods are packed in containers for sea transportation.(货物被装在集装箱里用于海运。

)2.Cargo(货物)-例句:The ship is carrying a large amount of cargo.(这艘船运载着大量的货物。

)3.Freight(运费;货运)-例句:The freight for this batch of goods is quite high.(这批货物的运费相当高。

)4.Vessel(船;舰)-例句:The huge vessel sails across the ocean.(这艘巨轮横渡大洋。

)5.Port(港口)-例句:The ship will arrive at the port tomorrow.(船将于明天抵达港口。

)6.Pier(码头;直码头)-例句:The containers are unloaded at the pier.(集装箱在码头卸货。

)7.Wharf(码头;停泊处)-例句:Many ships are moored at the wharf.(许多船停泊在码头。

)8.Liner(班轮;邮轮)-例句:We booked tickets on a liner to travel abroad.(我们订了班轮的票出国旅行。

)9.Bulk carrier(散货船)-例句:Bulk carriers are used to transport coal and grains.(散货船用于运输煤炭和谷物。

)10.Tanker(油轮;运油船)-例句:The tanker is loaded with crude oil.(油轮装满了原油。

)11.Deck(甲板)-例句:The sailors are working on the deck.(水手们在甲板上工作。



一.港口英语词汇Port=港口Berth=泊位Vessel=船舶Crane=岸吊Terminal=码头控制终端Tally=理货Stevedore=码头工人Truck=码头集装箱卡车Container Yard=集装箱堆厂Throughput=吞吐量Displacement=排水量二.指导员常用英语Unit one: boarding for information(上船了解信息)Foreman: Excuse me, sir, I am the foreman for your vessel from GOCT, I want to see the chief officer, would you please tell me where is the chief officer’s cabin(大副房)?Sailor: Sure. Please go up stair to the third storey(第三层)and you will find it, the chief officer is in his cabin now.Foreman: Thanks. (The foreman goes to the chief officer’s room and knocks at the door. The door opened.) Good morning! Are you the chief officer? I am the foreman, my name is Tom.Officer: Good morning! Mr. Tom. I am the chief officer, take a seat, please! What can I do for you?Foreman: yes. We’ll start discharging soon. Yesterday I got a stowage plan(船图) from your agent(代理), but I am not sure whether it is the same with yours o , so I need a stowage plan of yours to check which container should be discharged at our port.Officer: I see. Here you are!(给你)!Foreman: Thank you! (The foreman is checking the stowage plans and find some different.) chief, I found some different between my stowage plan and yours, in my plan there’re 15X(multiply)20’containers in Bay 09 on deck, but there is not any container in your stowage plan, I want to know why?Officer: Is it? Oh! Yes. But my stowage plan is correct(正确). The 15 containers you mentioned(提到的)had been discharged in HK. It’s the agent informed me when my vessel was berthing(停泊地)in HK. Foreman: I see. But I will call the shipping planner to confirm(确认)it with the agent.Officer: That’s fine. Anything else(还有别的事情吗)? Foreman: Yes, can you tell me are there any dangerous cargo(船货,货物)containers or special containers on board(甲板)?Officer: Yes, There are 20X20’6.1 class containers and 30X40’reefer containers and 15 flat rack containers(板架集装箱)with heavy lifts(重件)in them. All of them are marked with different signs. You can easily find them. Furthermore(另外), please be careful when handling them. Foreman: Take it easy. We will definitely(一定)be careful to discharge them, but I want your crew(乘务员)members to cut off the electricity supply when discharging the reefer containers.Officer: Okay!Foreman: Thank you very much. Do you have other relevant papers(相关的单证)?Officer: yes, here you are.Foreman: What papers?Officer: They are the import manifest(进口舱单), the container load plan (装箱单), and the numerical container list(集装箱清单). Foreman: Have you any exception list(残损单)?Officer: No, we didn’t find any trouble with the containers.Foreman: That’s fine. Chief, are all the containers on board for this port? Officer: No, not all for your port, there are some for Qingdao and Dalian. Don’t take any of them ashore.Foreman: Take it easy, chief! We’ll pay attention to it.Officer: That’s fine.Unit two: asking for pumping ballast water(请求打压舱水)Foreman: Chief, we are loading containers now, but we found the ship is down by the stern(翘首) too much, it’s very difficult for us to load the Bays in the ship’s bow, the efficiency(效率)of the loading is very low, according to(按照)the speed of loading, we can’t finish the loading before the estimated time of departure(预计开航时间), and this will cause(造成)a lot of trouble, it’s not good for both your ship and our company, so I kindly hope you can pump(抽水机)some ballast water (压载水)to keep the ship on an even keel(前后平衡)in order that wecan be facility to( 容易)load the containers on board.Officer: OK! I will tell the duty officer to do that!Foreman: Thanks for your cooperation(合作,协作).Officer: My pleasure.Note: There are other occasions(场合)need for pumping ballast water, for example, sometimes the ship is list(倾斜)too much to the sea side or the shore side, and in this case we should advise the ship to pump ballast water.Unit three: asking for confirming damage containers(请求确认残损箱) Foreman: duty officer, we found a 40’container which had broken a hole on the roof(箱顶), can you come to see and confirm it?Duty officer: Where is the container?Fo reman: In Bay 20, let’s go there.They go to the spot site and the duty officer inspects it.Duty officer: Mr. Wang, I think this damage is caused by your workers, as you know all the containers at the loading port was in good condition, it must your driver damaged it due to careless handling.Foreman: I don’t agree with you. Look! There are thick rusty around the damage, so it is impossible for a short time to form so much rusty(生锈的,迟钝的), obviously(显然), it is an old damage.Duty officer: OK! I will write down the numbers and tell the chief officer about it.Foreman: Thanks very much for you cooperation.Duty officer: Not at all.Unit four: asking for shifting containers(要求移箱)Foreman: we are going to open three gangs to load the ship. But I found there are too many containers in Bay 30, yet there are fewer containers in the ship’s bow, in order to make a rapid handling and minimize the ship’ s berthing time, I kindly hope you to make a even distribution(平均分配)of the containers to load.Officer: I understand you, but I can’t.Foreman: Why?Officer: As you know, we make the pre-stowage plan(预配图) is base on a lot of considerations(考虑), I made it like that is because I had to leave some rooms for the cargoes in the next port. If I shift the containers from the Bay 30 to the bow, it’ll cause some containers restowed(倒箱)at next port, and this will arise a lot of trouble.Foreman: I see!Unit five: other sentences use in asking for1. Chief, what’s your requirement for lashing?2. Chief, the workers want to use your lashing pole(打锁杆) to unlock the containers, where can we get it?3. Chief, can you tell your crew member be on the spot when handling the reefer containers?4. chief, we found there are some original damage to the cell(单元), please tell your crew member to confirm it.5. Chief, it seems the lashing materials are not enough, will you please show me more of them?6. Chief, I found some dangerous cargo containers, where only two sides had been posted with dangerous marks, but according to the regulation (规则)stipulated(规定)by the authority(权利), the dangerous cargo container has to be posted with dangerous mark on each of the four sides.7. Chief, we are going to load the reefer containers soon, can you tell me where the reefer containers’engine(发动机)should face, the bow or the stern?8. Chief, please tell your crew member not to cut off the electricity supply of the reefer containers before our reefer container checker go on board to check them9. Chief, the reefer containers have been checked and now we are going to discharge them, please tell your crew member to cut off the electricity supply. .10. Chief, my operation department asked me to tell you that your ship has to be shifted ahead for five bitts at six o’clock, please tell your crew members to stand by it.11. the chief officer didn’t agree to shift the vessel, he complain(控诉)it’s too difficult to shift, so the foreman should explain(解释)to him,we can explain like this: I am so sorry to make trouble to you, but this has planned in the calling schedule(靠泊计划) before your ship arriving, and we have consulted(商量)with your agents in advance(预先), so there is no bargain(讨价)now.12. Chief, we have loaded some dangerous containers on board, please tell your crew don’t smoke on deck and pay more attention to it.13. Chief, we will complete the loading soon, please tell your duty officer to inspect it whether the loading is up to your requirements or not.14. Chief, here are some working papers for your vessel, please sign.15. Chief, we kindly tell you that there will be a typhoon(台风)attack (攻击)our port in 24 hours, please make good measurement(措施) to prevent it.Unit six: other common use words and expressions相关职务:1. captain 船长chief officer 大副2. second officer二副third officer 三副3. duty officer 值班副line man 码头水手4. wharf finger 指泊员foreman 指导员5. dispatcher 调度员crew 船员6. sailor 水手bosun(boatswain) 水手长7. chief engineer 轮机长cadet, apprentice 实习生8. chatterer 租船人agent 代理人9. shipper, consignor 发货人receiver, consignee 收货人10. ship chandler 船具供应商harbor master 港长11. defence officer 边防人员customs officer 海关人员12. pilot 引航员cargo surveyor 商检员13. quarantine officer 检疫员stevedore, longshoreman 工人14. signalman, conductor指挥手warehouse keeper 仓库员15. tallyman/checker 理货员chief tally 理货组长船舶设施:16. gangway 舷梯rope ladder 绳梯17. stern 船尾bow/ahead船头18. amidship船中anchor锚19. port side左舷starboard side 右舷20. fore/aft part 前/后部both wings 两侧21. thruster 侧推器propeller螺旋桨22. derrick 船吊breadth船宽23. draft 吃水air draft空高24. hatch 船舱hatch cover舱盖板25. lashing bar 拉杆turn buckle花兰26. twist lock 旋锁stacker舱底锁27. king box 锁头柜(gear box)shackle卸扣28. wire 钢丝绳deck甲板29. guardrail拦杆gang board跳板30. cell guide 导轨ballast压舱水31. canvas帆布water removal system压水系统32. mess room/dining room 餐室bulb 灯泡33. whistle 汽笛windlass 起锚机34. bridge驾驶台码头设施:35. bitt 系缆桩floating crane 浮吊36. quay crane岸吊bridge crane gantry crane龙门吊37. stacker 堆高机reach stacker正面吊38. frontier 码头前沿container yard堆场39. warehouse仓库maintenance workshop维修车间40. control tower 中控塔gatehouse闸口41. wharf 码头berth泊位42. fender碰垫buoy 浮筒43. forklift 铲车tractor 拖车trailer44. funnel 漏斗safety net 安全网45. safety hat 安全帽life-jacket 救生衣46. life-belt 安全带axe 斧47. hammer 锤saw 锯48. screw driver 螺丝刀crowbar 撬棒49. lashing 捆扎物料scale 磅秤水手英语50. with the current 顺水against the current 逆水51. slack away the rope松缆take in the rope 收缆52. head line 头缆fore spring前倒缆53. breast 横缆stern line尾缆54. after spring后倒缆eyes of line缆眼55. heaving line 撇缆slip wire回头缆56. vessel 船舶tugboat拖轮57. barge 驳船density密度58. shifting forward 向前移shifting after向后移59. moving ahead 向前绞moving astern向后绞60. flood tide涨潮(rising tide)seawater海水61. ebb tide退潮fresh water淡水62. tide 潮水current水流63. please put down the gangway 请放下舷梯64. please weigh up the gangway 请收起舷梯65. down by the head 拱头66. .down by the stern 翘首67. finish time 完工时间sailing time 开航时间理货英语68. roof 箱顶side wall 侧壁69. end wall 端壁post 箱柱70. cross timber 底梁door locking handle 门把手high-cubes container; tank container; reefer container; dangerous container: flat rack container[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。




码头的英语说法1.wharf2.dock3.pier码头的词语辨析port, seaport, harbour, pier, wharf这组词都有“港,港口,码头”的意思,其区别是:port 多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市。

seaport 指港埠。

harbour 一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。

pier 专指与海岸成直角形而突出的码头,可供旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用。

wharf 指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。

码头的英语例句1. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river.在多塞特码头向左返回河道。

2. A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off.一大群人聚集在码头上,为他们送别。

3. Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。

4. Lili and my father met me off the boat.莉莉和我父亲在码头迎接我。

5. Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。

6. The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks.这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。

7. On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike.9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。

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港口生产调度常用英语1Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T) 总载重吨位(量)Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨Light Displacement 轻排水量Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量Actual Displacement 实际排水量Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册(容积)总吨Net RegisteredOver weight surcharge 超重附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费Direct Additional 直航附加费Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费Bill of Lading 提单On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式联运提单Long Form B/L 全式提单Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthiness 船舶适航Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租约)Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同Common carrier 公共承运人Private carrier 私人承运人Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同Consecutive single trip C/P 连续单航次租船合同Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包运合同Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次期租合同Fixture Note 租船确认书Free In (FI) 船方不负责装费Free Out (FO) 船方不负责卸费Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Declaration of ships Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣载通知书Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费Weather working days (W.W.D) 良好天气工作日Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准备就绪通知书Idle formality 例行手续Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表Damage for Detention 延期损失Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 习惯快速装运International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)Booking Note 托运单(定舱委托书)Shipping Order (S/O) 装货单 (下货纸)Mates Receipt 收货单Loading List 装货清单Cargo Manifest 载货清单(货物舱单)Stowage Plan 货物积载计划Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单Stowage Factor 积载因素(系数)Inward cargo 进港货Outward cargo 出港货Container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集装箱货运站Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船Full Container Ship 全集装箱船Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货Delivery Order (D/O) 提货单(小提单)Dock receipt 场站收据Twenty equivalent unit (TEU) 二十尺集装箱换算单位Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集装箱设备交接单Demurrage 滞期费Crew List 船员名册Log book 航行日志Liner transport 班轮运输Tramp transport 不定期(租船)运输Minimum Freight 工最低运费Maximum Freight 最高运费Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货Ad valorem freight 从价运费Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond 海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书Act of God 天灾All in rate 总运费率Annual survey 年度检验All purposes (A.P) 全部装卸时间All time saved (a.t.s) 节省的全部时间Always afloat 始终保持浮泊Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return) load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to) 空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1) 垫底货Base cargo (2) 起运货量Bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer ( of a B/L) 提单持有人Both ends (Bends) 装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collision clause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 美国船级社Bureau Veritas (B.V.) 法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Carryings 运输量Certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车Claims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate 船级证书Classification register 船级公告Classification society 船级社Classification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean (petroleum ) products 精练油Clean the holds (to) 清洁货舱Closing date 截至日Closure of navigation 封航Collapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down (CKD) 全拆装Compulsory pilotage 强制引航Conference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination (of cargo ) 货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting (fitting) 集装箱(角件) Corner post 集装箱(角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式(轨道式)起重机Custom of the port (COP) 港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交货(交船)Despatch or Despatch money 速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) 挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge (车船)直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( D.P.P.) 原油Disbursements 港口开支Discharging port 卸货港Disponent owner 二船东Dock 船坞Docker 码头工人Door to door 门到门运输Downtime (设备)故障时间Draft (draught) 吃水;水深Draft limitation 吃水限制Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.) 引航员下船时Dry cargo 干货Dry cargo(freight) container 干货集装箱Dry dock 干船坞Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D) 速遣费为滞期费的一半Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.) 二级水手Elevator 卸货机Enter a ship inwards (outwards) 申请船舶进港(出港) Entrepot 保税货Equipment 设备(常指集装箱)Equipment handover charge 设备使用费预计到达时间Estimated time of completion (ETC) 预计完成时间Estimated time of departure (ETD) 预计离港时间Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 预计准备就绪时间Estimated time of sailing (ETS) 预计航行时间Europallet 欧式托盘Even if used (E.I.U.) 即使使用Excepted period 除外期间Exception 异议Exceptions clause 免责条款Excess landing 溢卸Expiry of laytime 装卸欺瞒Extend suit time 延长诉讼时间Extend a charter 延长租期Extension of a charter 租期延长Extension to suit time 诉讼时间延长Extreme breadth 最大宽度Fairway 航道Feeder service 支线运输服务Feeder ship 支线船Ferry 渡轮First class ship 一级船Flag of convenience (FOC) 方便旗船Floating crane 浮吊Floating dock 浮坞Force majeure 不可抗力Fork-lift truck 铲车Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 四十英尺集装箱换算单位Four-way pallet 四边开槽托盘Freeboard 干Freight all kinds (FAK) 包干运费Freight canvasser 揽货员Freight collect (freight payable at destination) 运费到付Freight prepaid 运费预付Freight quotation 运费报价Freight rate (rate of freight) 运费率Freight tariff 运费费率表Freight ton (FT) 运费吨Freight manifest 运费舱单Freighter 货船Fresh water load line 淡水载重线Fridays and holidays excepted (F.H.E.X .) 星期五和节假日除外Full and complete cargo 满舱满载货Full and down 满舱满载Gantry crane 门式起重机(门吊)Gencon 金康航次租船合同General average 共同海损General average act 共同海损行为General average contribution 共同海损分摊General average sacrifice 共同海损牺牲General cargo (generals) 杂货General purpose container 多用途集装箱Geographical rotation 地理顺序Germanischer Lloyd (G.L.) 德国船级社Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 格林威治时间Grabbing crane 抓斗起重机Grain or grain capacity 散装舱容Gross weight(GW) 毛重Grounding 触底Gunny bag 麻袋Gunny matting 麻垫Hague Rules 海牙规则Hague-Visby Rules 海牙维斯比规则Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则Hand hook 手钩Handymax 杂散货船Handy-sized bulker 小型散货船Harbour 海港Harbour dues 港务费Hatch (hatch cover) 舱盖Hatchway 舱口Head charter (charter party) 主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O) 重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause 承运人责任条款Idle (船舶、设备)闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关Indemnity 赔偿Inducement 起运量Inducement cargo 起运量货物Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数Infrastructure (of a port) (港口)基础设施Inherent vice 固有缺陷Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围Insufficient packing 包装不足Intaken weight 装运重量International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 国际船级社协会Inward 进港的Inward cargo 进港货物International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 国际运输工人联合会Itinerary 航海日程表Jettison 抛货Joint service 联合服务Joint survey 联合检验Jumbo derrick 重型吊杆Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 管辖权条款Knot 航速(节)Laden 满载的Laden draught 满载吃水Landbridge 陆桥Landing charges 卸桥费Landing,storage and delivery 卸货、仓储和送货费Lash 用绳绑扎Lashings 绑扎物Latitude 纬度Lay-by berth 候载停泊区Laydays (laytime) 装卸货时间Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C) 销约期Laytime saved 节省的装卸时间Laytime statement 装卸时间记录Lay up 搁置不用Leg (of a voyage) 航段Length overall (overall length ,简称LOA) (船舶)总长Letter of indemnity 担保书(函)Lien 留置权Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 吊上吊下Lighter 驳船Limitation of liability 责任限制Line (shipping line) 航运公司Liner ( liner ship) 班轮Liner in free out (LIFO) 运费不包括卸货费Liner terms 班轮条件Lloyds Register of Shipping 劳埃德船级社Loadline (load line) 载重线Loading hatch 装货口Log abstract 航海日志摘录Long length additional 超长附加费Long ton 长吨Longitude 经度Lump sum charter 整笔运费租赁Maiden voyage 处女航Main deck 主甲板Main port 主要港口Manifest 舱单Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书Maritime lien 海事优先权Marks and numbers 唛头Mates receipt 大副收据Mean draught 平均吃水Measurement cargo 体积货物Measurement rated cargo 按体积计费的货物Measurement rules 计量规则Merchant (班轮提单)货方Merchant haulage 货方拖运Merchant marine 商船Metric ton 公吨Misdelivery 错误交货Misdescription 错误陈述Mixed cargo 混杂货Mobile crane 移动式起重机More or less (mol.) 增减More or less in charterer’s option (MOLCHOP) 承租人有增减选择权More or less in owner’s option (MOLOO) 船东有增减选择权Mother ship 母船Multideck ship 多层甲板船Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船Multi-purpose terminal 多用途场站Narrow the laycan 缩短销约期Net weight 净重New Jason clause 新杰森条款New York Produce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 纽约土产交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式Newbuilding 新船Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船级社No cure no pay 无效果无报酬Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.) 不另列举Nominate a ship 指定船舶进行航行To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 非公会成员的航运公司Non-delivery 未交货Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提单Non-reversible laytime 不可调配使用的装卸时间Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 无船承运人Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅Note protest 作海事声明Notice of redelivery 还船通知书Notify party 通知方Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 海运单Off hire 停租Oil tanker 油轮On-carriage 货运中转On-carrier 接运承运人One-way pallet 单边槽货盘Open hatch bulk carrier 敞舱口散货船Open rate 优惠费率Open rated cargo 优惠费率货物Open side container 侧开式集装箱Open top container 开顶集装箱Operate a ship 经营船舶Optional cargo 选港货物Ore/bulk/oil carrier 矿石/散货/油轮Out of gauge 超标(货物)Outport 小港Outturn 卸货Outturn report 卸货报告Outward 进港的Overheight cargo 超重货物Overlanded cargo or overlanding 溢卸货Overload 超载Overstow 堆码Overtime (O/T) 加班时间Overtonnaging 吨位过剩Owners agents 船东代理人4.有关英语:a) Customs-clearance 或declaration(“申报”)at the customs(“报关”:名词)b) apply(申请)to(向)the customs. Declare at the customs(以上为动词“报关”)c)另:clearance of goods或entry也可指“报关”(n.) (clear the goods from customs:为货物报关)d)“报关单”:bill of entry或application to pass goods through customs或customs debenture 或customs declaration或entry(一个词)或reporte)报关费:customs clearing feef)报关行:customs broker或customs house brokerg)报关经纪人:customs agenth)报关港口:port of entryi)报关文件:entryAll in rate 总运费率Annual survey 年度检验All purposes (A.P) 全部装卸时间All time saved (a.t.s) 节省的全部时间Always afloat 始终保持浮泊Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return) load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to) 空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1) 垫底货Base cargo (2) 起运货量Bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer ( of a B/L) 提单持有人Both ends (Bends) 装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collision clause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 美国船级社Bureau Veritas (B.V.) 法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Carryings 运输量Certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车Claims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate 船级证书Classification register 船级公告Classification society 船级社Classification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean (petroleum ) products 精练油Clean the holds (to) 清洁货舱Closing date 截至日Closure of navigation 封航Collapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down (CKD) 全拆装Compulsory pilotage 强制引航Conference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination (of cargo ) 货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting (fitting) 集装箱(角件) Corner post 集装箱(角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式(轨道式)起重机Custom of the port (COP) 港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交货(交船) Despatch or Despatch money 速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) 挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge (车船)直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( D.P.P.) 原油相信能就一定能。
