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• 写作步骤
• 1) 仔细阅读原文,理清文章结构,确定作者的写作目的; • 2) 根据作者意图把原文分为不同部分并加标注,划出关 键词和短语; • 3) 根据要点列出原文提纲,核对修改,检查语法、拼写 和标点符号是否正确。
• 【例1】 • Researchers in France and the United States have recently reported that baboons are able to think abstractly. It has been known for some time that chimpanzees are capable of abstract thought, but baboons are a more distant relation to mankind. In the experiment, scientists trained two baboons to use a personal computer and a joystick. The animals had to match computer designs which were basically the same but had superficial differences. The baboons performed better than would be expected by chance. The researchers describe their study in an article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.
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常用句型举例: 1) The primary goal of this research is… 本研究的主要目标是…… 2) The intention of this paper is to survey… 本论文旨在研究…… 3) This paper focuses on the view that… 本论文的观点在于…… 4) On the basis of careful experiments, this paper has proved that… • 在进行了Leabharlann Baidu致的实验基础上,本论文旨在证明…… • 5) The procedure they followed can be briefly described as… • 实验所遵循的步骤可以简要进行如下描述……
(summary and abstract)
8.1 概要
• 概要(summary)通常是把篇幅较长的作 品缩略成简短的梗概,形成一篇相对独立 的短文。概要写作一般应该列出原文中所 有的要点,能够条理清晰,层次分明,逻 辑连贯地概述原文的主旨。概要写作训练 有助于提高学生的理解能力和概括表达能 力,能够使学生要点突出,清晰准确地表 达自己的思想。
• 【例2】 • For nearly 1,400 years, Islam, though diverse in sectarian practice and ethnic tradition, has provided a unifying faith for peoples stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Starting in the 1500s, Western ascendancy, which culminated in colonization, eroded once glorious Muslim empires and reduced the influence of Islam. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire following World War I and the decline of European colonial empires following World War II, Muslim nations adopted Western ideologies— communism, socialism, secular nationalism, and capitalism. Yet most Muslims remained poor and powerless. Their governments, secular regimes often backed by the West, were corrupt and repressive.
• Summary • For nearly 1,400 years, Islam has united peoples globally. Western interference, through colonization and political ideologies, has not improved life of Muslims.
• 语言特点
• 概要写作要求简明扼要,用语精炼,忠实于原文主 旨,对原文内容不加任何解释、评论和判断。
• 注意事项
• 1) 用精炼的语言对原文进行概括,而不是对原文词语的 简单摘录。 • 2) 要使用概括性语言,抓住中心要点,简化描述性语言, 利用原文中的副标题进行概括归纳。 • 3) 形式上要完整连贯,逻辑性强。
• Summary
Princess Anne, of England, was shown on TV, who appeared to spurn a five-year-old child in a hospital nursery in Norway. Thousands of Norwegians made phone calls to newspapers, condemning the ill manner of the Princess, while the spokesman for the Princess said that the TV took the news clip out of context, making a false impression.
• 写作步骤
• 摘要一般在完成论文之后撰写,先将论文通读,寻找 出论文中的关键句子和要点,然后串联在一起,编写出 简明而又综合的摘要,但是切记不要简单重复论文中的 句子。 具体步骤如下: 1) 阅读全文,拟定草稿。寻找引言部分中的目的、方法 部分中包含关键词的信息,以及结论部分中的结果,将 找到的信息按题目、原理、目的、方法、结果和结论的 次序进行梳理; 2) 修改草稿,力求精炼。尽量使用概括性语言,抓住要 点与中心,使摘要能表达出实质性的信息,做到英文表 达规范、清晰、简洁。 3) 通读修改,使摘要内容完整,简洁连贯,逻辑性强。
• 【例3】 • Princess Shocks Norwegians • by Gareth Parry • Many Norwegians were shocked and wrote to the newspapers when Princess Anne— President of the Save the Children Fund—was shown on television snubbing a five-year-old while visiting a hospital nursery in Oslo at the weekend. But a Buckingham Palace spokesman said last night that the impression gained was “totally untrue,” and was the result of the film being edited and “taken out of context.”
• 语言特点 • 1.精确:准确全面地反映论文的结果和主要内容。 • 2.简练:杂志和会议论文的摘要字数通常在100200字左右,一般不超过两段。 • 3.逻辑性强:客观阐述论文主要内容,常使用第 三人称, • 主要内容 • 1.动机(Motivation) • 2.问题陈述(Problem statement) • 3.研究方法(Approach) • 4.研究结果(Results) • 5.结论(Conclusions) • 6. 关键词(Key words)
The Princess, in Norway for a fund-raising day for a national children’s charity, appeared on TV on Sunday night. When five-year-old Oeyvind Stroen tried to shake hands with her, he appeared to have been spurned. “No cuddle, not even smile…” the Dagbladet newspaper bannered on its front page. • The media said it received “thousands of phone calls objecting to the Princess’s manner and suggesting that she should “go home”. Norway’s largest circulating newspaper, Verdents Gang, said that most of the callers asked how a Princess, who was a mother herself, could show such coolness towards a child. • A spokesman for Princess Anne said last night: “The television clip was taken out of context and gave a totally untrue impression.”
• Summary • French and American scientists have shown that baboons have the ability to think in an abstract way. The animals were taught to use a computer, and then had to select similar patterns, which they did at a rate better than expected by chance.
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6) The method used in the study is known as… 本研究所采用的方法为…… 7) The theory is characterized by … 该理论的主要特点为…… 8) The paper attempts this goal through five steps… 本论文通过以下五个步骤来证明其论点…… 9) The experiment consisted of three major steps, which are described in… 该项实验包括以下三个主要步骤,描述如下…… 10) Then, three supporting arguments have been developed … 这样可以得出三个支持性的论点…… 11) This formula is verified by… 对该公式可进行如下证明……
8.2 摘要
• 摘要(abstract)是指对学术论文、学位论文、 学术报告等文章内容进行简短介绍的一种文体。 其作用在于用简短的文字介绍论文主题、研究目 的、研究方法、研究结论等主要内容。 • 在英语学习中,英文摘要写作是提高写作能力 和英语总体水平的一个有效途径。要在透彻理解 原文的基础上,精炼地摘录和概括出文章的要点 和主旨,提高自己用英语进行归纳总结的能力。