语法词汇 词性转换

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polite→politely有礼貌地careful →carefully 细心地

2.以-y结尾的形容词把y改为i, 再加-ly

happy→happily 高兴地

easy→easily 容易地



gentle→gently 温和地possible→possibly 可能地

4. 以-ue结尾的形容词需去掉e再加-ly

true→truly 真实地



-al nature→natural自然的

nation→national 国家的

-ern east→eastern 东方的

north→northern 北方的

-ful care→careful 仔细的,小心的mouth→mouthful 一口

-en gold→golden 金色的,金的wood→wooden 木质的

­less care→careless 粗心的

harm→harmless 无害的

­an Europe→European 欧洲的

America→American 美国的

­able reason→reasonable 合理的

comfort→comfortable 舒适的

­ish fool→foolish 愚蠢的

child→childish 孩子般的

­y dirt→dirty 脏的

wind→windy 有风的

­ly friend→friendly 友好的love→lovely 可爱的2.形容词变名词时常加的后缀:

­ness happy→happiness 幸福

ill→illness 疾病

-th true→truth 真理

warm→warmth 温暖

-y difficult→difficulty 困难



en­ rich→enrich 丰富

able→enable 使能够

­en wide→widen 加宽

sharp→sharpen 削尖

short→shorten 缩短

soft→soften 软化

­ize modern→modernize 现代化

-y simple→simplify 简化2.动词变形容词时常加的后缀:

­ous continue→continuous 持续的vary→various 各种各样的-ed e xcite→excited 感到兴奋的surprise→surprised 吃惊的

­ing excite→exciting 令人兴奋的surprise→surprising 令人吃惊的考点四、动词转化为名词


­ion operate→operation 手术

­ation prepare→preparation 准备

­sion decide→decisi on 决定

conclude→conclusion 结论

­ment argue→argument 争论

judge→judgment 判断

-ance accept→acceptance 接受

appear→appearance 出现

­ence refer→reference 参考

exist→existence 存在

­al refuse→refusal拒绝

arrive→arrival 到达

­er/­or teach→teacher 教师

direct→director 导演



-er office→officer 官员

farm→farmer 农夫

­ese China→Chinese 中国人

Japan→Japanes e 日本人

­ian music→musician 音乐家Canada→Canadian 加拿大人­ist science→scientist 科学家novel→novelist 小说家



unhappy不高兴的unlucky 不走运的unfair 不公平的unusual 不同寻常的unimportant 不重要的2.un-+副词

unusually 不同寻常地unluckily 不走运地unhappily 不高兴地unfortunately 不幸地3.im-+形容词

impossible 不可能的impolite 不礼貌的impatient 没有耐心的4.in-+形容词

incorrect 不正确的independent 独立的



1.(2014·湖北高考)Her motivation for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education (educate).

2.(2014·贵州六校联考)He rejected the idea that he could not do arithmetic and was determined (determine) to show them that he could.

3. (2014·山西师大附中模拟)This new mix-and-match junk food trend has taken off among young audiences despite its unhealthy (health) nature.

4.(2014·长春模拟)Beginning a new life in a new place can be very puzzling (puzzle).

5.(2014·吉林大学附中模拟)They are planning to widen (wide) the road outside our house.

6.(2014·贵州模拟)He put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be accessible (access) to the kids.

7.(2014·银川模拟)If we leave right away, hopefully (hopeful) we'll arrive on time.

8.He took a mouthful (mouth) of the bitter medicine and made a face.


A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his 1.monthly (month) bill when his young son rushed in and announced.“Dad, because this is your birthday and you are 55 years old, I'm going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!” 2.But the father exclaimed, “Oh, Peter, don't do it now. I'm too busy!”

The boy immediately fell 3.silent (silence) as tears rolled down from his big blue eyes. The father said, “You can finish later.”

The boy said nothing but 4.quietly (quiet) walked away, 5.disappointment (disappoint) written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Peter!”But the boy didn't respond.

6.Unfortunately (fortunate), the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote, “If only I 7.could tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words and make sure that he knows how much my heart is aching.”

Love is a two-way street. Any loving act must be 8.warmly (warm) accepted. Nothing is more 9.important (importance) than responding with love to the cry for love from those 10.who are near and precious to us.



1.Mary was very sad at the news, so she looked sadly at her husband, her eyes full of sadness.(sad) 2.He played football very well and he was one of the best players in yesterday's football match.(play) 3.Look!How happily Kate is laughing!She seems to be the happiest girl in the world.(happy)
