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Teaching Objectives(学习目标)

I. AimsofKnowledge(知识目标)

1. Topics:Health problem:smoking, HIV/AIDS,and drugs

2. Functional Items: Prohibition,Warning,Permission

II. AimsofSkills(能力目标)

1. Reading:a.Cigarettesmokingb.HIV/AIDS: are you at risk?

c.Successful AIDSprogramme inYunnan

2. Writing:PersuasiveWriting:letter ofadvice

III.AimsofMoral Education(德育目标)Attitudes towards HIV/AI DS

Preview Design(预习设计)

【课文导读】本单元的中心话题为“健康生活”(AHealthy Life)。听说读写等各活动主要围绕如何健身、怎样成为健康的人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。

Reading部分是爷爷写给孙子的一封信,共分两部分,第一部分主要是爷爷向孙子介绍他能长寿和充满活力的主要原因在于他健康的生活方式。而且还以亲身体会向孙子介绍了他年轻时吸烟上瘾的原因、抽烟的危害和戒烟的方法,依此告诫孙子把烟戒掉。并说明吸烟上瘾的三个原因:1. _____________________;2. ____________________;3.________________________。还有吸烟的危害:1. ____________________;2.____________________;3. ____________________;4. ____________________;5.____________________;6. ____________________;7.____________________________________。第二部分提供了六种戒烟的方法:1. ____________________;2. ____________________;3. ____________________;4.____________________;5. ____________________;6. _____


Classroom Activities (课堂互动)

I. Situational Lead-in(情景导入)

Is smoking healthy or unhealthy?Discuss in groups and try to a nswer thesequestionsin your own words.

1.Have you ever smoked? If you have, have youstopped?


2. Why do youthink someadolescents start smoking?


3. In what ways issmoking harmful?


4. Whatare the two bigdiseases that you think arerelated to smoking?


5.Do you thinksmoking should be banned?


6.Where couldyouget good advice on stopping smoking?


II. GuidedLearning(学导结合)

Task 1. Skimming: True or False?

1.James is addicted to smoking and couldn’t giveit up.ﻩ()

2.James’grandadis also addicted to cigarettes. ﻩ( )

3.Smoking doesn’taffectthe health of non-smokers.

( )

4. Grandadquitted smoking at last.ﻩ()

5. If you canbreakthe habit, youcan stop smoking.

( )

6. You’d betterdecide toquiton the day ofan exam. ﻩ()

7. You should feel ashamed andgiveup once you fail.


Task2.Read the textcarefully and choose thebest answers.

1. If you’re asmoker, according to the text,youmay feel ___whenyou don’tsmoke.

A. relaxed

B. angry C.sorry D.happy

2. The firstsentence of the letter shows James’ granddad_
