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1.2.1 谓语动词的特点

1.2.2 简单句叠加成复杂难句

1.2.1 谓语动词的特点

该句型的谓语动词是系动词(linking verb)(如be或其他系动词)。系动词,又叫连系动词,顾名思义,这种动词并没有具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面成分的作用。这种动词后面所接的成分是用来说明主语的特点,表明主语的性质特征的,因此被称之为主语补足语或表语(能表示主语特征的成分),这就是读者熟悉的“主系表”句型。


1 Losers look for quick fixes.

There are two ways of getting rid of weeds in your yard: the easy way and the not-so-easy way. The easy way may be to run a lawnmower and the yard looks fine for a while, but that is a temporary answer. Soon the weeds are back. But the not-so-easy way may mean getting down on your hands and knees and pulling out the weeds by the roots. It is time-consuming and painful, but the weeds will stay away for a longer time. The first solution appeared easy, but the problem remained. The second solution was not so easy, but took care of the problem from the roots. The key is to get to the root of the problem.

The same thing is true of our attitude in life. The problem with people today is that they want instant answer. They are looking for one-minute solutions to everything. Just like instant coffee, they want instant happiness. There are no quick fixes. This attitude leads to disappointment or even failure.



1) The easy way may be to run a lawnmower.

2) The yard looks fine for a while.

3) But that is a temporary answer.

4) Soon the weeds are back.

5) It is time-consuming and painful.

6) The first solution appeared easy.

7) The second solution was not so easy.

8) The key is to get to the root of the problem.

这些句子谓语动词前面的名词短语都是主语,后面的则是表语。用作表语的形式有很多,可以是不定式(比如to run a lawnmower和to get to the root of the problem)、形容词(比如fine, time-consuming and painful, easy)、名词短语(比如a temporary answer)、副词(比如back)等。另外,这里的系动词主要是be的各种形式,如may be, is, are和was等,但除了be以外,还有其他系动词,如looks和appeared。








这样的系动词有feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem和appear等。请看例句:

2 The iron feels hot. 这块铁摸起来很热。

3 The rose doesn't smell much. 这玫瑰花不是很香。


这样的系动词有become, grow, get, turn, fall, go和come等。例如:

4 The leaf will turn yellow in autumn. 叶子秋天就会变黄。

5 The teacher became angry. 老师生气了。

对于fall, go和come等词作为系动词时,这些系动词与形容词连用一般具有固定的搭配关系。请先看下面含有fall的例子:

6 Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short. 我们的糖、米供应不足。

7 The jokes fell flat. 玩笑毫无效果。

8 I've got to return the book this afternoon; it falls overdue a week. 我今天下午得还书,已经过期一周了。

9 fall due 到期

10 fall asleep 睡着

因为这里的fall都是作为系动词,所以其后面不能接副词,比如不能说fall shortly*或fall flatly*等。


11 go hungry 饿了,挨饿

12 go mad 变疯了

13 go bad 坏掉了

14 go crazy 变得疯狂

15 go sour 变酸

16 go wrong 出错了
