

常见政治术语翻译 ppt课件

常见政治术语翻译  ppt课件

To uphold world peace, promote common development and seek cooperation and winwin is the common wish of the people and the world and an irresistible trend of our times. Committed to peace, development and cooperation, China pursues a road of peaceful development, and endeavors to build, together with other countries, a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.
居民消费价格:consumer prices
国内生产总值: national gross products
经济全球化:economic globalization
标本兼治:address both the symptoms and root
causes of problems
中国与世界从未像今天这样紧密相连。中国 政府把中国人民的根本利益与各国人民的共 同利益结合起来,坚持奉行防御性的国防政 策。中国的国防服从和服务于国家发展战略 和安全战略,旨在维护国家安全统一,确保 实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标。中国永 远是维护世界和平、安全、稳定的坚定力量。
着力搞好宏观调控和保持经济平稳较快发展,着力加快 经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,着力推进改革开放 和自主创新,着力改善民生和促进社会和谐稳定,



中华人民共和国成立70年热词回顾(中英文版)1.新中国People’s Republic of China2.抗美援朝War to resist US aggression and aid Korea3.好好学习,天天向上study hard and make progress every day4.简体字simplified Chinese5.五年计划five-year plan6.全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress7.粮票food coupon8.公私合营public-private partnership9.广交会Canton Fair10.人民公社the people’s commune11.妇女能顶半边天women hold up half the sky12.归国华侨returned overseas Chinese13.铁人王进喜Iron Man Wang Jinxi14.铁饭碗iron rice bowl15.学习雷锋learn from Lei Feng16.东方红The East is Red17.六五式军服65-style military uniforms18.红宝书quotations from Chairman Mao19.氢弹hydrogen bomb20.知青educated youth21.红旗渠The Red Flag Canal22.两弹一星two bombs and one satellite23.乒乓外交Ping-pong Diplomacy24.一个中国原则one China policy25.结婚三大件three popular must have items26.兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors27.珠穆朗玛峰(8848)height of Mount Qomolangma(8848 m)28.粉碎四人帮Smash the gang of four29.大包干all round contract system30.改革开放the reform and opening-up policy31.经济特区special economic zone32.下海venture into business33.中国日报CHINA DAILY34.中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics35.春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala36.身份证ID card37.炒股investment in the stock market38.女排精神The Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team39.三北防护林Three-North Shelter Forestation Project40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute primary productive force41.希望工程Project Hope42.亚运会the 11th Asian Games43.315晚会3·15 Gala44.九二共识the 1992 Consensus45.社会主义初级阶段the primary stage of socialism46.三峡工程Three-Gorges Project47. 贺岁片New Year blockbuster48.互联网the internet49.一国两制one country, two systems50.抗洪抢险flood relief51.电子商务e-commerce52.三步走战略the three-step development strategy53.入世join the WTO54.世界杯FIFA world cup55.神舟五号Shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft56.和谐社会harmonious society57.选秀talent show58.农业税agricultural tax59.北斗导航Beidou Navigation Satellite System60.北京奥运会2008 Beijing Summer Olympics61.团购group buying63.禁烟令smoking ban64.朋友圈WeChat Moments65.中国梦Chinese dream66.南水北调South-North water diversion project67.冬奥会申报成功successful bidding of 2022 Winter Olympics68.共享经济sharing economy69.撸起袖子加油干roll up sleeves to work hard70.新时代new era。



100个必会热词翻译1、中国梦the Chinese Dream2、不忘初心stay true to the mission3、两个一百年two centenary goals4、新常态new normal5、中国制造2025 Made in China 20156、“双一流”“Double First-Class” initiative7、工匠精神craftsmanship spirit8、中国天眼:500米口径球面射电望远镜China’s Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meterAperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)9、歼20隐形战机J-20 stealth fighter10、国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier11、国产客机homemade passenger jet12、可燃冰试采sampling of combustible ice13、量子卫星“墨子号”quantum satellite “ Micius “14、北斗卫星导航系统Beidou navigation system15、风云四号A星卫星Fengyun-4A satellite16、重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket17、沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect18、深港通Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect19、京津冀一体化Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration20、雄安新区Xiongan New Area21、自贸试验区pilot free trade zones22、医疗改革medical reform23、供给侧改革supply side reform24、扫脸支付face scan payment25、二维码支付two-dimensional barcode payment26、人工智能artificial intelligence27、虚拟现实virtual reality28、5G时代5G era29、分享经济sharing economy30、互联网金融online economy31、亚投行Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank32、低碳城市low-carbon cities33、一小时通勤圈one-hour commuting circle34、蓝色经济blue economy35、纵向横向经济轴带north-south east-west intersecting36、众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support andcrowdfunding37、战略性新兴产业emerging sectors of strategic importance38、香港回归祖国20周年the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China39、点赞give a like40、自媒体We-Media41、实名认证real-name authentication42、精准扶贫targeted poverty reduction43、精准医疗precision medicine44、利益共同体community of shared interests45、轨道交通rail traffic46、动车bullet train47、城际列车inter-city train48、“一带一路”倡议Belt and Economic Initiative49、“丝绸之路经济带”the Silk Road Economic Belt50、21世纪海上丝绸之路21st-Century Maritime Silk Road51、古丝绸之路the ancient Silk Road52、互联互通establish and strengthen partnerships/ connectivity53、文化自信cultural confidence54、新型大国关系new type of major-power relationship55、可替代能源汽车alternative energy vehicle56、可载人无人机passenger-carrying drone57、空中上网服务in-flight WIFI services58、海外代购overseas shopping representative59、海淘cross-border online shopping60、多次往返签证multiple-entry visa61、散客individual traveler62、自由行independent travel63、跟团游package tour64、深度游in-depth travel65、自驾游self-driving tours66、免税店duty-free store67、无现金支付cashless payment68、旺季peak season69、淡季off season70、反腐剧anti-corruption TV series71、合拍片co-production72、打车软件taxi-hailing app73、代驾服务业designated driver business74、单双号限行traffic restrictions based on even-and-odd-numbered license plates75、共享汽车car-sharing76、绿色金融改革创新试验区pilot zones for green finance reform and innovation77、超国民待遇super-national treatment78、现代医院管理制度modern hospital management system79、机遇之城cities of opportunity80、直播经济live stream economy81、互联网+政务服务Internet Plus government services82、创新型政府pro-innovation government83、无人机紧急救援队UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) emergency rescue team84、二孩经济second-child economy85、父亲假/陪产假paternity leave86、带薪休假paid leave87、低头族phubber88、副中心subcenter89、用了洪荒之力give one’s full play90、营改增replace business tax with value-add tax /VAT91、创新型人才innovative talent92、积分落户制度points-based hukou system93、混合所有制改革mixed-ownership reform94、税收减免tax reduced and exemption95、生态保护红线ecological wealth96、网约车online car-hailing97、宜居城市habitable city98、移动支付mobile payment99、电子竞技e-sports100、双创人才innovative and entrepreneurial talent。



1. 冲破思想观念的障碍和利益固化的藩篱surmonter / briser / faire tomber les barrières idéologiques / vieilles idées et abolir les intérêts / privilèges intouchables / hérités2. 全维度、全区域一体化政策politique d’intégration régionale multisectorielle3. 标本兼治,重在治本s’attaquer aux racines / origines / sources d’un mal / problème comme à ses manifestations / symptômes, en privilégiant la lutte contre la cause de celui-ci4. 按国家元首规格盛情接待recevoir chaleureusement qn selon le protocole réservé aux chefs d’État // en tourer qn de tous les honneurs réservés à un chef d’État // réserver un accueil chaleureux à qn avec (tous) les honneurs dus à un chef d’État5. 积贫积弱(très) appauvri et affaibli6. 封建专制主义统治的中国社会已经积贫积弱La sociétéchinoise sous le despotisme féodal était très / profondément appauvrie et affaiblie.7. 勒紧裤带se serrer la ceinture8. 中国人民勒紧裤带援建了坦赞铁路Le peuple chinois s’est serré la ceinture pour aider à construire le / soutenir financièrement / financer la construction du c hemin de fer Tanzanie-Zambie / Tanzam.9. 勤俭办外交La diplomatie / Le travail / L’action diplomatique doit suivre les principes de diligence et d’économie / être placé(e) sous le signe de l’efficacité et de l’économie.10. “文明外交”理念diplomatie prônant / préconisant la bonne entente entre les civilisations11. 文明伙伴关系【习主席访欧结束,中国政府随即发布新对欧政策文件,提出中欧之间应建立“文明伙伴关系”】partenariat entre civilisations12. 文明冲突论théorie du choc des civilisations13. 从文明视角阐述中国和平崛起expliquer l’émergence pacifique de la Chine du point de vue de la civilisation14. 双方要始终视对方为优先战略伙伴Les deux parties doivent en tout temps se considérer comme (des) partenaires stratégiques prioritaires.15. 中欧城镇化伙伴关系partenariat Chine-Europe / sino-européen en matière d’urbanisation16. 联合投资、联合研发、联合生产co-investissement, co-développement et co-production // investissement,développement et production conjoints17. 深水区«zone d’eaux profondes »18. 改革已进入深水区La réforme est entrée dans une «zone d’eaux profondes »/ une étape cruciale / une étape délicate. // La réforme est à présent entrée en eaux profondes.19. 被封存être placé / mis sous scellés20. 经济色彩很浓的国事访问visite d’État à forte connotation économique / orientée vers l’économie21. 外交方面的热点问题sujets brûlants sur le plan diplomatique / de la diplomatie // p rincipaux dossiers de l’actualité diplomatique22. 去妖魔化dédiabolisation23. 长期打着宗教旗号从事反华分裂活动的政治流亡者séparatiste antichinois de longue date en exil politique, agissant sous (le) couvert de (la) religion24. 不采取可能导致进一步升级的任何行动s’abstenir de tout acte qui puisse / pourrait conduire / mener àune nouvelle escalade (de l’affaire)25. 多元化发展se développer vers plus de diversification // diversifier le développement // développement diversifié26. 天下太平、共享大同是中华民族绵延数千年的理想。



反腐:anti-corruption“两个一百年”奋斗目标:Two Centenary Goals全面二孩政策:universal two-child policy全面建成小康社会:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革:comprehensively deepen reform全面依法治国:comprehensively implement the rule of law全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline三严三实:Three Stricts and Three Steadies丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road四个全面:Four Comprehensives“四个全面”战略布局:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy一带一路(规划):The Belt and Road (Initiatives)中高速增长:medium-high economic growth中国经济新常态:China's New Normal中国梦:the Chinese Dream中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日:the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-fascist War中华民族的伟大复兴:the great renewal of the Chinese nation中华民族伟大复兴中国梦:the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation。







例如,People'sDailyOnline在翻译外交学院院长吴建民的演讲《中国是一个负责任的大国》时,把“法治”译为governance by law;一些权威的汉英词典把“法治”译为rule bylaw、government by rule,把“人治”译为rule of man和rule by individuals,这些译文看似正确,但却都有问题。

先谈rule by law和rule of law。


rule by law,一般翻译为“依法而治”,指当权者按照法律治理国家,但这些法律不一定是由普通公民组成的立法部门制订的。

而rule of law才译为“法治”,指在某一社会中,法律具有凌驾一切的地位。





在英语中,rule by law(依法而治)与rule of law(法治)是严格区分开来的。

再谈governance by law和government by rule。

按照上面的说法,gov-ernanee by law应该改为governance of law,才和“法治”的意思相符。













TT1:Delivering the Government Work Report to the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th National People’s Congress on Sunday,Premier Li Keqiang said effective steps will be taken to tackle air pollution and“make our skies blue again”。


Economic take-off 经济起飞
Economic recovery 经济复苏
Economic potential 经济潜力
Economic sanction 经济制裁
Global economy 全球经济
Economic globalization 经济全球化
Integration of world economy 世界经济一体化
Overheated economy 过热的经济
Mixed economy 混合经济
Regional economy 地区经济
Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济
Closed economy 闭关自守经济
Economic growth point 经济增长点
Economic growth mode 经济增长方式
Reform of housing system 住房制度改革
Planning system 计划管理体制
Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能
Open door policy 开放政策
Open economy 开放经济
Open-door to the outside world 对外开放
Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分
State-owned economy 国有经济
Non-state economy 非国有经济
Collective economy 集体经济
Individual economy 个体经济
Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存

时政热词英汉翻译 理解当代中国

时政热词英汉翻译 理解当代中国

中国特色社会主义进入新时代socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.“两个一百年”奋斗目标Two Centenary Goals中国梦Chinese Dream中国式现代化道路a distinctively Chinese path to modernization/a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernization社会主义现代化强国a great modern socialist country我国社会主要矛盾the main contradiction in modern Chinese society以人民为中心people-centered/people-oriented全过程人民民主whole-process people’s democracy全体人民共同富裕Common prosperity统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局(中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,包括经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设)To carry out/implement/advance the Five-sphere Integrated PlanCoordinated implementation of the Five-sphere Integrated Plan(名词形式)(China’s overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is,to promote coordinated progress in the economic,political,cultural,social,and eco-environmental fields)协调推进“四个全面”战略布局(中国特色社会主义事业战略布局,包括全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。





emission peak 碳达峰Emission peak refers to an inflection point of greenhouse gas emissions.碳达峰,是指二氧化碳排放总量达到历史最高值,由增转降的历史拐点。

carbon neutrality 碳中和Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions.碳中和,即设法减少二氧化碳排放,最终实现净零排放的目标。

例句:The Paris Agreement on climate change charts the course for the world to transition to green and low-carbon development. It outlines the minimum steps to be taken to protect the Earth, our shared homeland, and all countries must take decisive steps to honor this Agreement. China will scale up its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions by adopting more vigorous policies and measures. We aim to have carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.应对气候变化《巴黎协定》代表了全球绿色低碳转型的大方向,是保护地球家园需要采取的最低限度行动,各国必须迈出决定性步伐。



热词翻译年饭:family dinner on New Year’s Eve红包:gift money春节年欢晚会:New Year Gala山寨:copycat内流满面:feel excited冰壶:curling月光族:monthly-spend-all group反巢族:boomerang group啃老族:neet-not in education, employment or training毕婚族: marriage-upon-graduation group/clan蜗居:Poky Room闪居族:flash cohabitants/lightening cohabiters“三个代表”:Three Represents Theory“八荣八耻”:Eight Dos And Eight Don’ts养老保险:pension insurance system反腐倡廉:anti-corruption bid廉洁的政府:incorruptable government农民工:immigrant workers用工荒:labour shortage调控房价: housing prices control贫富差距:wealth gap(gap between the rich and the poor)新富:neo-wealth就业问题:employment医疗改革:medical reform司法公正:judicial justice民主监督:democratic supervision教育公平:equal access to education户籍制度:household registration system一家之主:boss of the household人均可支配收入:per capita disposable income居民消费价格:CPI(consumer price index)现场招聘:on-site recruiting实名举报:real-name reporting奔三:push towards 30s校花:school babe,campus belle校草:school hunk我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住I’m hoping to get an offer of a better position. If an opportunity knocks, I’ll take it.男女通用:unisex男保姆:manny下拉菜单:dropdown淑女:fair lady低腰裤:hip-hugger平装本:paperback白菜:Chinese cabbiage救火:to fight a fire早恋:puppy love青春痘:acne方便面:instant noodles隐形眼镜:contact lens密码:password绿豆:mung bean物美价廉:economical and low in price and fine in quality假酒:adulterated wine假唱:lip-synch假钞:counterfeit money恶性循环:vicious cycle见风使舵:to watch how the wind blows and steer the rudder accordingly 既往不咎:let begones be begones寄人篱下:to live under someone’s roof冷眼旁观:to watch on the side-line with a cold stare滴水穿石: constant dropping wears the stone路遥知马力,日久见人心As distance tests a horse’s strength, so time reveals a person’s heart整顿工作:check-up越轨行为:irregularities摇摆的局面:uncertainties公平:sound and square完全正确:right and proper非常舒适:cozy and comfortable贪官污吏:corrupt officials土崩瓦解:fall apart光辉灿烂:brilliant浓妆艳抹:heavily made up深仇大恨:deep hatred打击报复:retaliate街谈巷议:street gossip取之不尽用之不竭:inexhausible攻无不克战无不胜:all conquering(invincible)主持公道伸张正义:upholding justice同呼吸共命运:share a common fate with留守儿童:left-behind children宅男宅女:indoorsman,indoorswoman剩斗士:singles aged from 25 to 27必剩客:doomed single aged from 28 to 31斗战剩佛:singles aged from 32 from 36齐天大剩:singles aged over 36哈证族:certificate maniac磨洋工: warm-chair attrition吃不开:be unpopular吃不消:be unable to stand吃豆腐:flirt with a woman吃耳光:get a slap in the face吃官司:get into trouble with the law吃苦:bear hardship吃亏:suffer losses吃老本:live on one’s past gains吃一堑长一智:a fall in the pit,a gain in your wit浑水摸鱼:fish in troubled waters充耳不闻:turn a deaf ear to颠倒黑白:talk black into white欲速则不达:more haste,less speed解放生产力:to emancipate/liberate/release the productive forces小康社会:well-off society,well-to-do society,moderately prosperous society走私活动:smuggling徇私作风:favoritism蛮干作风:fool-hardiness粗枝大叶:to be crude and careless灯红酒绿:dissipated and luxurious纸醉金迷:live an extravagant life单枪匹马:be single-handed in doing sth棘手的事情:hot potatoes难办的差事:a tall order地沟油:waste cooking oil理工男:science geek养眼花瓶:eye candy粉红力:pink power抱团儿:group procurement直升机父母:helicopter parent豆竿家庭:beanpole family单亲家庭:single-parent family再婚家庭:remarried family性价比:cost performance出类拔萃:stand out from the rest敷衍搪塞:give a lick and a promise偃旗息鼓:bury the hatchet暗中势力,幕后人物:backstairs influence 对牛弹琴:to address the wrong audience 守株待兔:to wait for gains without pains风驰电掣:speeding,at full speed掌上明珠:the apple of one’s eye如鱼得水:be in one’s element,feel oneself at home 画蛇添足:to paint the lily雪中送炭:to help a lame dog over a stile挥金如土:to spend money like water眉飞色舞:to beam with joy扬眉吐气:feel proud and elated开门见山:come straight to the point大张旗鼓:on a large and spectacular scale毛遂自荐:to volunteer one’s service叶公好龙:professed love of what one really fears东施效颦:crude imitation with ludicrous effect锱铢必较:to haggle over every penny罄竹难书:too numerous to mention初出茅庐:at the beginning of one’s career倾国倾城:be exceedingly beautiful小题大做:to make a mountain out of a molehill赴汤蹈火:go through fire and water洗心革面:turn over a new leaf大发雷霆:blow one’s top过河拆桥:kick down the ladder乳臭未干:wet behind the ears称心如意:be after one’s heart一触即发:touch and go一语破道:hit the nail on the head出人头地:be head and shoulders above others破釜沉舟:burn the boat大海捞针:look for a needle in a bundle of hay小巫见大巫:The moon is not seen when the sun shines无风不起浪:There is no smoke without fire中国共产党必须始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益Our party must represent the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces; the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majortity of people in China. 我们要大力发扬求真务实,勇于创新的精神We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality,truth-seeking and courage in innovation艰苦奋斗的精神要始终贯彻We must adhere to the principle of plain living and hard struggle如获珍宝:as if one had found a priceless treasure随波逐流:go with the tide朝三暮四:blow hot and cold落花流水:be shattered to pieces明枪易躲暗箭难防:It‘s easy to dodge a spear in the open,but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding失之东隅收之桑榆:What one loses on the swings one gets back on the roundabouts塞翁失马焉知非福:A lose may turn out to be a gain一次被火烧,二次避火苗:A burnt child dreads the fire半瓶醋,出事故:A little knowledge is a dangerous thing少见多怪:Wonder is the daughter of ignorance龙生龙,凤生凤:Like begets like失之毫厘,谬以千里:A miss is as good as a mile既来之则安之:Take things as they come只许州官放火不许百姓点灯One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge好事不出门,坏事传千里Good news goes on crutches,ill news flies apace若要人不知除非己莫为What one is done by night appears by day强中更有强中手:Diamond cut diamond新官上任三把火:A new broom sweeps clean饱汉不知饿汉饥:The well-fed don’t know how the starving suffer一物降一物:There is always one thing to conquer another走后门:to get in by the back door饱眼福:feast one’s eyes on sth风凉话:irresponsible and sarcastic remarks炒冷饭:dish up the same old stuff赔了夫人又折兵:suffer a double loss instead of making a gain不到黄河不死心:not stop until one reaches one’s goal说曹操,曹操就到:talk of the devil and he will appear煞风景:be a wet blanket拍马屁:lick sb’s boots哑巴吃黄连有口说不出The dumb man eats the bitter herb:he had to suffer the bitterness in silence天壤之别:a world of difference望穿秋水:await with great anxiety强颜欢笑:try to look happy when actually sad刻骨铭心:be engraved on one’s heart and bones虚怀若谷:be very modest and extremely open-minded如虎添翼:with might redoubled唇枪舌战:heated verbal exchange or debate噤若寒蝉:keep quiet out of fear杯弓蛇影:be extremely suspicious背井离乡:leave one’s native place against one’s will毛骨悚然:make one’s hair stand on the end完璧归赵:return sth to its owner in good condition三顾茅庐:repeatedly request sb to take up a responsible post负荆请罪:offer a humble apology纸上谈兵:be an armchair strategist指鹿为马:deliberately mispresent画龙点睛:add the touch that brings a work of art to life拔苗助长: pull up the rice shoots with the intention of helping them to grow坐井观天:look at the sky from the bottom of a well掩耳盗铃:plug one’s ears while stealing a bell杀鸡儆猴:kill the chicken to frighten the monkey畅销:sell like hot cakes抄近路:cut corners放下架子:to pocket one’s dignity穷困潦倒:be down and cut设身处地:put oneself in one’s shoes体会言外之意:read between the lines改变立场:shift,change one’s ground话中有话:with the tongue in the cheek决定性时刻:zero hour埋头读书:have one’s nose in the book扭转局势:turn the tide言多必失:the least said,the soonest mended山中无虎猴为王:When the cat is away,the mice will play 近朱者赤近墨者黑:He that lives with cripples learns to limp 天网恢恢疏而不漏:The mills of God grind slowly but sure。



the Fifth Plenum of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 十七届五中全会Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 中央政治局Boost domestic demand 扩大内需12th Five-Year Program for China's Economic and Social Development (2011-2015)/12th Five-Year Plan 经济和社会发展第12个五年规划economic growth mode 经济增长方式inclusive growth 包容性增长macroeconomic regulation 宏观经济调控comprehensive national power 综合国力international competitiveness 国际竞争力capability in shielding against risks 抵御风险能力Urbanization 推进城镇化rural modernization 农业现代化the construction of new socialist rural area 社会主义新农村建设maintain coordinated development in rural and urban regions 统筹城乡发展modern industrial system 现代产业体系strategic emerging industries战略新兴产业balanced development between regions 区域协调发展main functional regions 主体功能区poverty-stricken areas 贫困地区recycling economy 循环经济disaster prevention and reduction防灾减灾Cultural innovation深化文化体制改革innovative country 创新型国家scientific innovation ability 科技创新能力soft power 软实力cultural innovation文化创新public service system of culture 公共文化服务体系income distribution 收入分配public service system 公共服务体系primary distribution of national income 国民收入初次分配the social security system that covers urban and rural residents 覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系contradictions among the people 人民内部矛盾adjust income distribution 调整收入分配social harmony and stability 社会和谐稳定public service-oriented government 公共服务型政府Economic system reform 大力推进经济体制改革"people first" principle 以人为本promote social equality and justice 促进社会公平正义the pillar industries for the national economy 国民经济支柱性产业political restructuring 政治体制改革reforms of fiscal and taxation systems财税体制改革resource products pricing 资源性产品价格reform in social program system 社会事业体制改革improve the quality of foreign investment utilization 提高利用外资水平the "going global" strategy “走出去”战略global economic governance and regional cooperation 全球经济治理和区域合作resource-saving and environment-friendly society 资源节约型、环境友好型社会马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、江泽民"三个代表"重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin "Three Represent's" important Thought新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure社会主义制度socialist system社会变革social transformation建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China马克思主义政党Marxist political Party党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third)generation人民民主专政the people's democratic dictatorship国民经济体系national economic system综合国力aggregate national strength国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP)独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity,rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality.“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。



2312020年31期总第523期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英汉文化差异下的热词翻译研究文/李俊叶 孙 靓件、重要会议和国家规范的用语。

例如,央视新闻微博话题提出的“14亿护旗手”译为:“1.4 billion guardians of the nationalflag”。



例如:新型基础设施建设简称为“新基建”,译为“reserve for new construction”;“科创板”译为“Sci-Tech innovation board(STAR Market)”;“夜经济”译为“nighttime economy”;“网红经济”译为“WanghongEconomy”。


















【关键词】:国家形象时政热词翻译策略1 引言随着世界经济全球化程度的提高,以及中国国家形象的提升,中国外事活动的增多,中国外宣变得越来越重要。













经济与贸易:1. 跨境电商(Cross-border e-commerce)2. 公平贸易(Fair trade)3. 经济全球化(Economic globalization)4. 区域一体化(Regional integration)5. 数字贸易(Digital trade)6. 跨国投资(Foreign direct investment)7. 工业转型升级(Industrial transformation and upgrading)8. 人工智能发展(Development of artificial intelligence)9. 金融创新(Financial innovation)10. 区块链技术(Blockchain technology)环境与气候变化:1. 可持续发展(Sustainable development)2. 碳中和(Carbon neutrality)3. 绿色能源(Green energy)4. 气候变化应对(Climate change adaptation)5. 生态保护(Ecological conservation)6. 可再生资源(Renewable resources)7. 低碳经济(Low-carbon economy)8. 环保产业(Environmentally friendly industry)9. 森林保护(Forest conservation)10. 水资源管理(Water resource management)安全与防务:1. 反恐怖主义(Counter-terrorism)2. 信息安全(Cybersecurity)3. 国际和平维护(International peacekeeping)4. 边境安全(Border security)5. 核裁军(Nuclear disarmament)6. 反间谍活动(Counterintelligence)7. 领土纠纷(Territorial disputes)8. 军事合作(Military cooperation)9. 防务预算(Defense budget)10. 非传统安全威胁(Non-traditional security threats)社会与文化:1. 人口老龄化(Aging population)2. 教育公平(Equal education)3. 性别平等(Gender equality)4. 社会保障(Social security)5. 移民政策(Immigration policy)6. 网络文化(Internet culture)7. 文化交流(Cultural exchange)8. 多元共融(Diversity and inclusion)9. 社会和谐(Social harmony)10. 人权保护(Protection of human rights)政治治理:1. 民主制度(Democracy)2. 政府透明度(Government transparency)3. 反腐败行动(Anti-corruption campaign)4. 法治建设(Rule of law)5. 社会主义核心价值观(Core socialist values)6. 深化改革(Deepening reform)7. 信息公开(Information disclosure)8. 社会治理体系(Social governance system)9. 公民参与(Citizen participation)10. 国家治理体系(National governance system)以上是2023年时政热词的英文表达,涵盖了经济与贸易、环境与气候变化、安全与防务、社会与文化以及政治治理等方面。





opening speech 开幕式致辞small- and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业farmer-turned-entrepreneur 农民企业家clean energy 清洁能源basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险crops' minimum purchase prices 粮食最低收购价per-capita income 人均收入window guidance 窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。

)propel/expand domestic demand 扩大内需proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策moderately easy monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策rural-urban development divide 城乡差距government work report 政府工作报告dairy product standards 乳制品标准scattered production model 分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamentalreason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。

)administrative transparency 政务透明bridging loan 过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)comfortable Housing Project 安居工程careers guidance 就业指导three Direct Links “大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)healthcare reform package 医改方案basic medicine system 基本医疗体制home appliances going to the countryside 家电下乡equal Access to Education 教育公平golden September and silver October 金九银十rural left-behind population 农村留守留守人口issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area 三农问题three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability 行政问责制defense budget 国防预算disaster relief 赈灾defense expenditure 国防开支safeguarding our sovereignty and territory 保卫主权和领土完整top legislative body 最高立法机关social welfare system 社会福利制度minimum living standard 最低生活标准the imbalance between urban and rural areas 城乡发展不平衡state-run/owned company/enterprise 国有企业大三通Three Direct Links安居工程Comfortable Housing Project政务透明administrative transparency关于凯程:凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直致力于高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。



关于国家大事及政治的一些英语词汇For four years in a row(连续四年)a year-on-year increase(比上年增加)reform and opening up policy(改革开放政策)social programs(社会事业)per capita(每人的,人均的)after adjusting for inflation(扣除价格因素)moderately prosperous society(小康社会)macroeconomic regulatory(宏观调控)new socialist countryside(社会主义新农村)pursuant to the law(依法)rural migrant workers in cities(农民工)surplus production capacity(生产力过剩)opened to traffic(通车)energy conservation(节能)state-owned enterprises(国有企业)civil servant(公务员)made breakthroughs(取得突破)compulsory education(义务教育)miscellaneous fees(杂费)boarding schools(寄宿制学校)distance education(远程教育)secondary vocational schools(中等职业学校)incorporated villages(行政村)unincorporated villages(自然村)After years of effort(经过多年努力)basic cost of living allowances(最低生活保障)autonomous regions(自治区)free our minds(解放思想)keep pace with the times(与时俱进)Chinese socialism(中国特色社会主义)social harmony(社会和谐)special administrative regions(特别行政区)prudent fiscal policy.(稳健的财政政策)boosting domestic demand(扩大内需)cutting-edge(前沿)displaced residents((三峡)移民)non-publicly funded schools(民办学校)school year(学年)communicable diseases(传染病)social safety net(社会保障)discharged military personnel(退伍军人)pyramid schemes(传销)pilot project(试点)Income Tax(所得税)futures market(期货市场)high value-added(高附加值)high-end(高端)cutthroat competition(恶性竞争)combat corruption(反腐)hand over foot(大手大脚)plug up loopholes(堵塞漏洞)People's Armed Police(武警)starting point and objective(出发点和落脚点)socialist market economy(社会主义市场经济)Scientific Outlook on Development(科学发展观)harmonious socialist society(社会主义和谐社会)tailor measures to suit local conditions(因地制宜)South-to-North Water Diversion Project(南水北调)administrative examination and approval(行政审批)follow a realistic and pragmatic approach(实事求是)exercise activities for the general public(全民健身活动)large-scale development of the western region(西部大开发)processing industry for agricultural products(农产品加工业)municipalities directly under the central government(直辖市)primary, secondary and tertiary industry(第一第二第三产业)deliver a good report to the people.(向人民交出满意的答卷)socialist cultural and ethical progress(社会主义精神文明建设)give full play to the initiative of each.(充分发挥各自的积极性)registering the third consecutive annual increase(连续三年增加)physically and mentally challenged persons(残疾人,肢残和智残)resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society.(资源节约型和环境友好型社会)ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development.(让全体人民共享改革发展的成果)中国特色词汇翻译1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11. 战国:Warring States12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department15. 集体舞:Group Dance16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture21. 附属学校:Affiliated school22. 古装片:Costume Drama23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinesecharacteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and SpiritualCivilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick,Paper, and Inkstone",两会热词在近日开幕的全国政协会议上,政协委员纷纷建言献策,反腐倡廉、医疗改革、食品药品安全、收入分配、就业问题、环境保护、住房问题、教育公平、社会保险、司法公正等问题成为关注的焦点。



政治热词1. 养老保险pension insurance system2. 反腐倡廉anti-corruption bid3. 依法拆迁lawful housing demolition and relocation4. 调控房价housing prices control5. 贫富差距gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap)6. 就业问题employment7. 医疗改革medical reform8. 司法公正judicial justice9. 民主监督democratic supervision10. 教育公平equal access to educationstart-up company就是“新建公司”,也就是“刚起步的公司”,high-speed rail就是指“高速铁路”,也就是“高铁”。

根据UIC的定义,high-speed rail是指运营时速在200公里以上的passenger rail lines(客运专线)。

到2012年,中国将建成“四纵四横” high-speed rail network(高速铁路专线网)ticket scalper(票贩子)9housing demolition and relocation就是我们常说的“房屋拆迁”。

Demolition是“拆毁”的意思,例如:the demolition of the buildings(建筑物的拆除)。

Relocation的意思是“迁移至新地点,搬迁”,而随之而来的“重新安置”工作则是resettlement,在房屋拆迁的过程中,被拆迁户都应该得到相应的relocation compensation(拆迁补偿)。

现在虽然全国各地都在进行housing construction(住宅建设),但是许多人的housing conditions(居住条件)还是很差,因为housing price(房价)是在是太高了,对于那些申请housing mortgage loan(住房抵押贷款)的人来说,就算勉强付了down payment(首付),每个月要交的monthly installment payment(月供)也不是笔小数目。



“两会”热词政府注资 pump priming软环境 soft environment粮食最低收购价 crops' minimum purchase prices保八 Eight Percent Protection以人为本 Put People First农民企业家 Farmer-turned-entrepreneur窗口指导 window guidance下岗再就业 Re-employment after being laid off登记失业率 registered unemployment rate扩大内需 propel/expand domestic demand城乡差距 rural-urban divide基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance家电下乡Home appliances going to the countryside教育公平 Equal Access to Education"三农"Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area农村留守人口 Rural Left-Behind Population提案 proposal职业资格 vocational qualification精神疾病 mental illness防卫过当 excessive defense选举舞弊 electoral fraud违纪 disciplinary violation/offense 黄金时段 prime time过滤软件 filtering software交通协管员 traffic warden求救呼叫 mayday call飚车 drag racing流感“二代”病例 domestic flu case综合能力 all-round ability冒名顶替 identity theft“牵线”帮忙 pull strings艳照 sex picture产前性别选择 prenatal gender selection 权宜之计 half-measure巡回演出 road show零和博弈 zero-sum game先天免疫 natural immunity低空飞行 flyover猪流感 swine flu青年发展协助 youth outreach测谎考验 straight-face test预先禁令 Preliminary injunction强弱排序 pecking order总体规划 master plan动员讲话 Pep talk遏制政策 containment policy联合 tie-up牟取最大利益 Cream off人员大改组 Shake-up幕后 behind-the-scenes捷径和妙方quick fix and silver bullet 180度大转弯 about-face婴儿潮 baby boom审批程序 vetting process有罪答辩 guilty plea分组讨论 panel discussion政务透明 administrative transparency 统计公报statistical communiqué 流失文物 looted relics躲猫猫 hide-and-seek双轨机制 double-track mechanism 真人秀 reality show典型代表 Poster child试点计划 pilot program基层社区 grassroots community 拇指规则 rule of thumb报废卫星 defunct satellite干旱期 dry spell长句推进两国关系 to boost relations between the two countries把中日关系纳入到一个长期、健康、稳定发展的轨道to place the Sino-Japanese bilateral relations on a long-term, health and stable development track完善交流机制to improve the mechanism of exchanges东海问题 the East China Sea issue就某个问题达成共识 to reach consensus on an issue本着冷静、公正、客观、科学的态度开展协作调查to conduct coordinated investigation in a cool-headed, fair, objective and scientific manner中日两国食品安全合作的长效机制 a long-term China-Japan food safety cooperation mechanism 致力于与非洲国家发展新型战略伙伴关系committed to a new strategic partnership with African countries真诚友好、平等相待、相互支持、共同发展sincerity, friendship, equality, mutual support, and common development将他们的资源优势化为发展优势to translate their advantages in resources into advantages in development把潜在的优势变为现实的优势 to translate the potential advantages into real advantages温室气体排放和气候变化greenhouse gas emission and climate change占据道义的制高点 to take on moral high ground不能只讲总量不讲人均,不能只讲当前不看历史,不能只讲生产不讲消费 to look at not only the aggregate, but also per capita figures, not only the present but also the history, not only production but also consumption中国在执行死刑制度的时候是十分谨慎的,采取了非常认真、负责的态度 China's position on death penalty is very prudent, serious and responsible收回死刑的核准权 to take back the power of reviewing death penalty战略协作伙伴关系strategic partnership of cooperation《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation进一步加强高层交流机制to further boost high-level contacts and exchanges加大在对方核心利益上的彼此支持 to enhance support for each other, particularly on issues concerning each other's core interests进一步推进经贸合作to expand trade and economic cooperation扩大人文交流to enhance exchanges in humanistic sectors“俄语年” "year of Russian language"“汉语年” "year of Chinese language"把奥运会政治化 to politicize the Olympics非政治化是《奥林匹克宪章》所规定的Non-politicization has been provided for in the Olympic Charter体育强国 a world sports power体育大国 a major sports country打破世界纪录 to break a world record采取一系列有力措施 to take a full range of effective measures今后五年,国际形势将会变得更加复杂,其中有积极的因素,也有消极的因素。



校园英语 / 翻译研究“时政热词”英译例证研究武汉商学院/刘洁 喻爱华【摘要】“热词”即热门词汇,它反映了一个国家、一个地区在一个时期人们普遍关注的问题和事,具有时代特征。




【关键词】时政 热词 英译一、引言向世界介绍中国、展示我国正面的国家形象是一项长期、艰巨并富有挑战性的任务。












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——对《胡锦涛新年致辞》翻译文 本的分析
What have we achieved?
• 中国人民同心协力、攻坚克难 • Chinese people have faced difficulties and overcome obstacles with strong determination and a united heart. • 中国经济社会发展呈现稳中有进的良好态势,各 项事业全面推进,人民生活持续改善。中国继续 开展全方位外交 • The country has achieved progress in economic and social development amidst stability, and forged ahead in various aspects of our work, and the people's lives have kept improving. China has continued to pursue an all-directional foreign policy
“I believe……”
• 我相信,只要遵循各国人民意愿、顺应世界发展 潮流,大家共同努力,就一定能把世界和平与发 展的崇高事业不断推向前进,就一定能把各国人 民福祉不断提高到新的水平。 • I believe that so long as we follow the wishes of people of various countries, and conform to the world development trend, we will surely be able to persistently advance the lofty cause of world peace and development, and help raise the wellbeing of people of various countries to a new level.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
China’s policies
• 继续把握好稳中求进的工作总基调 • grasp the fundamental key of seeking progress amidst stability • 全面推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设 • fully advance the process of reform and opening-up and socialist modernization
• 全面建成小康社会 building a prosperous society in all respects ; • building a well-off society in an allround way. • 十八届一中全会 the First Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee • BRICs 金砖四国(Brazil, Russia, India, China)
China’s policies
• 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,坚持以 科学发展为主题、以转变经济发展方式为 主线 • hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the scientific approach to development as the underlying guideline, take the change of the economic growth model as a major task
• International Background
• 一些国家和地区动荡不安 • Certain countries and regions are in the throes of upheaval
• What should we do?
• 各国人民同舟共济、共同推进 • getting united like passengers in the same boat to push forward together