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Individual misfortune
Family disaster
Social burdens
Clinical manifestation
The most common symptoms of stroke are sudden weakness on one side of the face, arm or leg, sudden fainting and unconsciousness. Other symptoms include sudden numbness on one side of the face, arm or leg, or sudden deviation of the mouth and eyes, hemiplegia, confusion, difficulty in speaking or understanding, difficulty in seeing with one eye or both eyes, difficulty in walking, dizziness, loss of balance or lack of coordination. The cause of severe headache,syncope, etc.
Common dysfunction in stroke
Dysfunction, cognitive impairment, sensory impairment, dysphagia, speech impairment, ataxia, dysfunction of daily living, fecal incontinence
Incidence of stroke
The incidence, mortality and disability of stroke are quite high, which is a kind of disease that seriously endangers human health.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Department of Neurology, Huangshi Central Hospital shiyunqiong
Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular accident, refers to the disease that the blood supply to the brain is interrupted by the blockage or rupture of the cerebral artery, and then the brain function is affected. There are two types: ischemic stroke (including cerebral infarction, cerebral embolism) and hemorrhagic stroke (including cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc.).
impairment, hemianopia, aphasia,dysphagia,
unilateral neglect,near memory loss.
Sequelae of Stroke
Hemiplegia is the most common sequela of stroke. It refers to the weakening of one limb's muscle strength, inadequate movement or complete inability to move. Often accompanied by sensory impairment of the ipsilateral limbs, and sometimes accompanied by ipsilateral visual field defects, the above three symptoms, collectively known as "three deviations".
Common symptoms: hemiplegia, movement
disorder, visual perception disorder,activity
disorders in daily life,dysarthria, balance
disorder, depression,proprioceptive sensory
Typical spasmodic patterns
Head flexion to hemiplegic side and face to healthy side Upper limb (flexor spasm mode) scapular retraction, shoulder
Cranial CT and magnetic resonance examination can confirm the diagnosis.
Risk factors for stroke
Hypertension Diabetes Hyperlipidemia Heart disease Carotid artery stenosis History of cerebrovascular diseases Smoke Excessive drinking
The death rate of stroke is 116-142 cases per 100,000 population every year, which is the first cause of death in many areas.
About 60% to 80% of the survivors of stroke have different degrees of disability, and seriously affect their normal life.In patients with a history of stroke, most of them may relapse within 2-5 years.
Sequelae of Stroke
Aphasia is also a major sequelae of stroke, with many different types. Among them, motor aphasia is that patients can understand other people's words, but can not express their own meaning, can only say some simple and incoherent words, others can not understand. Sensory aphasia has no language barrier, but can not understand others'words, and also can not understand what they say, which is manifested by answering questions and talking to themselves. If the same patient has the above two situations, it is called mixed aphasia. Naming aphasia is the expression of seeing an object and being able to say its purpose, but not its name.
Abnormal Motion Patterns in Stroke Patients
Joint reaction: When the healthy side exercises vigorously, it causes tension increase and extensive spasm of the affected side limbs. It is a pathological reflex activity of the affected side. In addition to vigorous exercise, it can also occur when the patient yawns, coughs or sneezes.
Synergistic movement: The abnormal movement pattern occurs when the primary reflex control at the spinal cord level is weakened due to central nervous system diseases. It often occurs at the early stage of voluntary movement in the recovery period.
Complications of stroke
1.Acute gastrointestinal bleeding 2. Brain-heart syndrome 3. Pulmonary and urinary infections 4. Bedsore and deep venous thrombosis of lower Limbs 5. Joint contracture deformity 6. Shoulder pain and shoulder-hand syndrome 7. Post-stroke depression, etc.
Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cerebrovascular malformations, cerebral aneurysms can often lead to hemorrhagic stroke;
Rheumatic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, bacterial endocarditis often form ischemic stroke.
Sequelae of Stroke
Because of the different location and size of the lesion, the impairment and severity of stroke are different. The obstacles caused by them are diverse and complex.
Sequelae of Stroke
Large-scale or recurrent strokes can leave mental and intellectual impairment. It is manifested by a decline in memory and computational ability, slow reaction, inability to read and write, and eventually dementia. Even eating, urine can not take care of themselves. There are also patients who will have such pathological personalities as nonsense, depression, mania, and inconstant laughter and crying.