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E.g. You study English, don’t you?

They have decided not to do it, haven’t they?

She will b e attending the university in September, won’t she?

He’s ready, isn’t he?

1. 陈述句的谓语中含有情态动词时,反意问句也应用相应的情态动词

E.g. She can drive, can’t she?

He should stay in bed, shouldn’t he?(少用oughtn’t he?)

He dare not do it, dare he?

We must try to get there on time, mus tn’t we?(但表示“必要”时,可用needn’t we?)

2. 当must意含“一定”、“想必”等推测性词义时,反意问句不用must,要看陈述句的具体情况来定。

E.g. After a day’s work he must be very fired, isn’t he?

You must have waited here for a long time, haven’ you?

3. 陈述句中如有seldom, scarcely, hardly, barely, few, little,以及never, nothing 等否定词时,反意疑问句要用肯定式。

E.g. We seldom see these animals, do we?

He hardly ever go to the movies, does he?

John barely failed in his exams, did he?

4. have作实意动词时,反意问句用do, does, did, 作助动词时,仍用,have, has.

E.g. Mary has two children, doesn’t she?

We hav e a maths quiz tomorrow, don’t we?

He has arrived there by now, hasn’t he?

5. 陈述句为there be句型时,反意问句也用there。

E.g. There is a football match, isn’t there?

There seems to be some misspellings in your paper, doesn’t there?

6. Let’s和Let us的反意问句

Let’s(表示提议)肯定式用shall we? 否定式用all right? 或?O.K.?

E.g. Let’s start early, shall we?

Let’s not talk about it, all right?

Note that: Let me(单数)和Let us(复数)表示第二人称祈使句(意为:你让我…,你让我们…)的反意疑问句要用will you, 请求对方的同意。不可和Let’s 混淆。

E.g. Let’s us go home, will you?

Let us go to the party, will you?

7. 一般祈使句后面的反意问句用will you,使语气委婉客气。

E.g. Have a cup of tea, will you?

Have a little more wine, will you?

8. 感叹句的反意问句要用be的一般现在时形式,而且一律用否定式。

E.g. What a tall building, isn’t it?

What a beautiful girl, isn’t she?

9. 陈述句的主语为

everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, nobody, no one 时,反意问句主语用they。

E.g. Everyone wants to see the picture, don’t they?

No one was hurt in the accident, were they?

10. 复合句的反意问句如何表达


E.g. Believe your answer is right, isn’t it?

I am af raid the match will be ended in ten minutes, won’t it?

I am the only person who is to blame, aren’t I?

It’s the first time that she has been abroad, isn’t it?

Note that: 缩写’s可表示is或has, ’d可表示would或had,如何选择要看其后面所跟用的动词形式。

如果跟的是过去分词,则’s为has,’d为had;’s后面跟现在分词时,’s则为is;’d 后面跟原形动词,则’d为would。

E.g. He’s left, hasn’t he?

He’s writing his term paper, isn’t he?

They’d go with us, wouldn’t they?


(1)关于否定句的界定,除了一般意义上含有not的句子以外,只要句子中出现never, no, hardly, seldom, rare, 我们也把它界定成为否定句,反意疑问的时候用肯定形式,如:
