新概念3课件PPT lesson 3.

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Civilize vt.使开化, 使文明, 教化
storey n.楼层==[美]story
三层楼的房子 a house of three storeys
a three-storey house 楼上 the upper storey
Drain Brain drain 翻译
fragment: n. 碎片,小部分 花瓶被打破成碎片了
The vase was reduced to fragments
又意:片段 部分
Fragments of one’s life 这张照片记录了我大学生活的一个片段
The photo showed a fragment of my college life.
God helps those who help themselves.
archaeologist.考古学家 archaeology.考古学(科) archaeological adj.考古的
Architecture n.建筑学 Architect n.建筑师 architectural adj.建筑上的, 建筑学的

astronomy.天文学 astronomer天文学家 (astronaut 太空人, 宇航员) Astrology 占星术, 占星学 Astrologist n.占星家, 占卜师
Explore vt. 考察/勘探 考古学家们正在探查洞穴。
The archaeologists are exploring the cave.
holy 多用于宗教方面, 指“道德或精神等方面极为 完美的”, 强调“内在含有一种神圣本质, 使之值得 崇拜”, 特指“与神有关的”
adj. 神圣的/圣洁的 (自身的特性) 例如:a ~person圣洁的人 a~ place神圣的地方
Solemn :adj. 庄严的/庄重的 a ~face:严肃的面孔 a ~ceremony隆重的仪式
Noun. 祟拜 act of worship 宗教仪式 hero worship (盲目的)英雄崇拜
sacred: adj. 宗教的/神圣的 sacred music 圣乐/宗教音乐 sacred promise 神圣诺言 sacred song 圣歌 the sacred name of the God 上帝的圣
They find it difficult to keep good staff because of the brain drain
The country suffers from a continual brain drain because of bad economy
Mathematicians are always exploring new problems.
另外: exploration :n.探险/踏勘/探测 explorer n. 探险家
prosperous: adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 繁荣富强
prosperous and strong a prosperous year 富足的一年 a prosperous business 翻译

古代巴比伦 享有高度文明
The ancient Babylon enjoyed a high level of civilization.
人们普遍认为中国文化是世界上最古老的文 化之一。
It is believed/generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
Tarzan explored the jungle. Jungle rule 科学家探索未知的宇宙
Scientists explore the unknown universe.
explore vt.(研究) + the issue/topic/question 数学家总在钻研新的难题
worship: vt. means respect; admire (既可以对神的崇拜,也可以对人、物像神
一样崇拜) worship god
Worship our premier
Worship the ground sb walks on

Prosper vi. 改革开放之后 我国富强起来了
After reform and opening up, our nation has prospered.
Prosperity noun. 经济繁荣与人民幸福是我们的目标
Economic prosperity and people’s welfare (happiness) are our aims.

sacred rights 神圣的权利
பைடு நூலகம்
She considered it a sacred duty to fulfill h er dead father's wishes.
sacred 指“由于将某物奉献于宗教用途而获 得神圣性, 值得崇敬”, 强调用途,非本身
Common prosperity
欣赏与翻译 Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries
富贵易交友 患难见真情
civilization: n文明 enjoy high level of civilization