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必修5 Unit 5 First aid




1. Farmland quickly, so they are considering a programme to solve the problem.

A. is getting lost; starting

B. is lost; to start

C. is losing; starting

D. loses; to start

2. There was time I hated to go to school.

A. a; that

B. a; when

C. the; that

D. the; when

3. If this dictionary is not yours, can it be?

A. what else

B. who else

C. which else’s

D. who else’s

4. She looks sad. Could you please tell me that prevents her from being as happy as before?

A. what it is

B. it is what

C. how it is

D. it is how

5. Jane told me she would not attend the conference .

A. if he invited

B. when inviting

C. unless invited

D. while inviting

6. He felt rather as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.

A. in place

B. in the way

C. by the way

D. out of place

7. Dinner will be ready but we have time for a drink before then.

A. lately

B. suddenly

C. presently

D. later

8. Jack had traveled six miles across the Channel his engine failed and was forced to land on the sea.

A. when

B. until

C. after

D. since

9. —was it that he managed to get the information?

—Oh, a friend of his helped him.

A. Where

B. What

C. How

D. Why

10. —Did Jack come back early last night?

—Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home.

A. before

B. when

C. that

D. until



1. 解析:选A。consider作“考虑”解时,只能跟动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式,排除B、D两项;C项中is losing属语态错误,故排除。句意为:耕地正在快速地减少,因此他们在考虑开展一项活动来解决这个问题。

2. 解析:选B。考查冠词和定语从句的用法。句意为:有这么一段时间,我不想去上学。time 作“次数”解时,后接关系代词that引导的定语从句,即:This /It is the first / second ... time that +从句;time作“一段时光(时期)”解时,其前用不定冠词,其后接关系副词when引导的定语从句,构成:There / That was / is a time when ...。故选B。

3. 解析:选D。else可置于由some, any, no开头的不定代词及who, what, how, where等疑问词后,但不与which, when, why连用。因此首先排除C项。与前文yours相对应,该空应用所有格,故选D。who else’s等于whose else。

4. 解析:选A。句意为:她看来不高兴,你能告诉我什么使她没有以前那么高兴吗?根据句意,应选A。

5. 解析:选C。选项为省略句,当when, while, until, if, unless等连词引导的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,从句的主语及部分谓语(be动词)可省略。unless invited=unless she was invited,故选C。

6. 解析:选D。out of place意为“位置不当;不得体;不适当”,符合句意。

7. 解析:选C。presently意为“片刻;一会儿”。

8. 解析:选A。when在这里表示“就在这时”。when作并列连词时,相当于and then,意为“正当……时,突然”。

9. 解析:选C。考查被强调的疑问词。可以将题干还原成非强调句:did he manage to get the information?解题时要考虑疑问词在句中所作的成分,可以看出问句中有主语和宾语,故首先排除B项;如果选用A项,答语应是From a friend of his,故排除A项;由句意可知,题干不需要表示原因的疑问词,故选C项。

10. 解析:选B。C项干扰性较强,因为从结构上看,好像是考查强调句型,实际上考查的是when引导的时间状语从句。
