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Lesson Two Marrakech

George Orwell


1.thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过

2.pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seeds covered with red,juicy,edible

flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树

3.chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or words is sung to each tune(礼拜仪式唱


4.bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架

5.hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土)

6.oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的

7.lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的

8.hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的

9.derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的

10.lot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地

11.undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics无区别的;无显著特点的

12.mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc.built over a grave,in a fortification,etc.土堆;堤;坟

13.prickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的

14.prickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat,oval stem joints and edible


15.bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的

16.gazelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes瞪羚

17.hindquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carcass of veal,beef,lamb,etc.;

[p1.]the hind part of a four—legged animal(牛、羊、猪等的)后腿肉;[复](四肢动物的)后躯

18.nibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃)

19.butt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞击;顶撞

20.mid—air (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or other surface空中;上空

21.navvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc.劳工;无特殊技术的工人

22.sidle (v.) : move sideways,esp.in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走

23.stow (v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way装载;装进;收藏municipality n.a city,

town. etc.having its own incorporated government for local affairs自治市(或镇)

24.ghetto (n.) : (in certain European cities)a section to which Jews were formerly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从


25.sore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful疼痛的;感到疼痛的

26.skull—cap (n.) : a light,closefitting,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽

27.infest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers,usually so as to be harmful or bothersome;swarm in or


28.booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上的)货摊;摊店,摊棚

29.prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned老式的;古旧的

30.warp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape变弯曲;变歪

31.frenzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement疯狂的,狂乱的

