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2.数据的展示。当我们得到一些数据时,数据的展示通常可以有多种方法。比如箭头和指针的使用,再比如柱状图和散点图的使用,还比如组学数据的展示。NatureMethods杂志专门开了一个专栏讨论如何有效的展示数据。专栏的名字叫Points of view,从2011年8月至今,每月一个主题(见下表)。


1Krzywinski M2013Elements of visual style Nat Meth10:371.

2Krzywinski M2013Labels and callouts Nat Methods10:275.

3Krzywinski M2013Axes, ticks and grids Nat Methods10:183.

4Wong B2012Visualizing biological data Nat Methods9:1131.

5Wong B, Kjaegaard RS2012Pencil and paper Nat Methods9:1037.

6Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Power of the plane Nat Methods9:935.

7Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Into the third dimension Nat Methods9:851.

8Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Mapping quantitative data to color Nat Methods9:769.

9Nielsen C, Wong B2012Representing genomic structural variation Nat Methods9:631. 10Nielsen C, Wong B2012Managing deep data in genome browsers Nat Methods9:521. 11Nielsen C, Wong B2012Representing the genome Nat Methods9:423.

12Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Integrating data Nat Methods9:315.

13Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Heat maps Nat Methods9:213.

14Gehlenborg N, Wong B2012Networks Nat Methods9:115.

15Shoresh N, Wong B2012Data exploration Nat Methods9:5.

16Wong B2011The design process Nat Methods8:987.

17Wong B2011Salience to relevance Nat Methods8:889.

18Wong B2011Layout Nat Methods8:783.

19Wong B2011Arrows Nat Methods8:701.

20Wong B2011Simplify to clarify Nat Methods8:611.

21Wong B2011Avoiding color Nat Methods8:525.

22Wong B2011Color blindness Nat Methods8:441.

23Wong B2011The overview figure Nat Methods8:365.

24Wong B2011Typography Nat Methods8:277.

25Wong B2011Points of review (part 2)Nat Methods8:189.

26Wong B2011Points of review (part 1)Nat Methods8:101.

27Wong B2011Negative space Nat Methods8:5.

28Wong B2010Gestalt principles (Part 2)Nat Methods7:941.

29Wong B2010Gestalt principles (part 1)Nat Methods7:863.

30Wong B2010Salience Nat Methods7:773.

31Wong B2010Design of data figures Nat Methods7:665.

32Wong B2010Color coding Nat Methods7:573.

3.使用adobe illustrator编辑论文图片的视频教程。是国外的一位科学家做的,名叫


•Part 1: Importing from other software including Matlab plots and Word


•Part 2: Selecting and aligning objects, using guides and layers

•Part 3: Resizing regular objects, lines and text separately

•Part 4: Groups, compound paths and clipping masks

•Part 5: Creating filled objects, lines, arrows

•Part 6: Creating and manipulating text, text columns, bullet points,


•Part 7: Creating and editing curved lines and making complex shapes •Part 8: Exporting for the web, print, or Powerpoint presentation
