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Chapter 2 Speech Sounds (Phonetics and phonology)

I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide

which one of the four choices best completes the statement and choose the letter A, B, C or D.

1. The pharynx refers to the space of cavity between the larynx and the end of .

A. tongue

B. hard palate

C. soft palate

D. vocal cords

2. The vowel [u:] in [fu:d] (food ) is a (an) vowel.

A. back

B. front

C. unrounded

D. central

3. is formed by a narrowing of the air passage at some point so that the air in escaping makes a kind of hissing sound.

A. A plosive

B. A fricative

C. An affricate

D. A lateral

4. The vowel [i:] in [fi:d] (feed) is a (an) vowel.

A. close front unrounded

B. close back unrounded

C. open front rounded

D. close front rounded

5. Of all the speech organs, the is/are the most flexible.

A. mouth

B. lips

C. tongue

D. vocal cords

6.sounds are produced by a radical constriction at some

point in the vocal tract.

A. Consonantal

B. Vowel

C. Continuant

D. Voiceless

7. The sound “s” and “z” are the result of air escaping under frication

between the tongue and before passing through the teeth.

A. hard palate

B. uvula

C. alveolar ridge

D. soft palate

8. Vowels that are produced between the positions for a front and back vowel are called vowels.

A. open

B. front

C. central

D. close

9. The vowel [i:] in [fi:d] and [u:] in [fu:d] are both vowels.

A. open

B. close

C. rounded

D. unrounded

10. Palatal semi-vowel refers to the sound .

A. [n]

B. [h]

C. [w]

D. [j]

11. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as .

A. glottis

B. vocal cavity

C. pharynx

D. uvula

12. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called .

A. minimal pairs

B. allomorphs

C. phones

D. allophones

13. is a combination of a plosive and a fricative.

A. A stop

B. A palatal

C. A roll

D. An affricate

14. A sound pronounced with the vocal cords vibrating is said to be a sound.

A. resonant

B. voiceless

C. voicing

D. consonant

15. Conventionally a (an) is put in slashes.

A. allophone

B. phoneme

C. phone

D. morpheme

16. Of the following sound combinations, only is permissible

according to the sequential rules in English.

A. kibl

B. bkil

C. ilkb

D. ilbk

17. All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded-lips. i. e.

rounded, EXCEPT .

A. [a:]

B. [u:]

C. [כ:]

D. [u]

18. The consonant [f] in English can be correctly described as having the

following phonetic features: .

A. viewless, bilabial, stop

B. voiceless, labiodental, fricative

C. voiced, bilabial, stop

D. voiced, labiodental, fricative4 II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.

1. Of the three branches of phonetics, the longest established, and until

recently the most highly developed, is a phonetics.

2. The four sounds [p],[b], [m] and [w] have one feature in common, i.e.,

they are all b ilabials .

3. In English there is a number of d iphthongs , which are

produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions.

4. The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different

phonetic environments are called the a llophone of that phoneme.

5. Obstruction between the back of the tongue and the v oiced area results in the pronunciation of [k] and [g].

6. A vowel is a voiced sound in forming which the air issues in a continuous stream through the p alate and mouth, there being no audible friction.

7. Conventionally a phoneme is put in slashes, and phones are placed
