《华尔街日报》 英汉双栏对照学习2013年3月21日 A Too Late End to the One Child Policy

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A TooLate End to the OneChild Policy


The news out of China's legislature is that Beijing appears to be moving toward officially ending its infamous one-child policy. That's good for women, who may no longer face forced abortions and related cruelties. But this policy change, although welcome, will not profoundly ease the demographic challenge China faces from declining birth rates.

The National People's Congress on March 10 proposed moving population policy to the National Development and Reform Commission. This body will take a broader view of the country's economic needs than China's soon-to-be-irrelevant family planning commission, which often seemed oblivious to population shifts after the one-child policy launched in 1979. Today, a nation whose fertility rate was once deemed too high has one that is unsustainably low.

However, there are many reasons why formally ending the one-child policy will have limited impact on China's birth rate. The first is simply that the policy has always been implemented unevenly. It has generated plenty of genuine horror stories, but its impact on the overall fertility rate has probably not been as great as imagined.

Chinese fertility has declined steadily from around 6 births per woman of fertile age in 1950 to around 1.6 today. However, the fertility rate was already declining drastically before the one-child policy was introduced in 1979. It fell from about 5.0 in 1970 to 3.0 a decade later, partly due to the disruption of the Cultural Revolution. China's fertility trend over the past 60 years has been almost identical to that of Thailand, which never used coercion and instead simply made contraception cheaply available.

Apart from coercion, the big difference between fertility in China and Thailand is China's gender imbalance. This imbalance has been 12% to 15% above international norms for nearly two decades.

Many families faced with pressure to have only one child opted to abort female fetuses. But cultural norms also play a role. South Korea and parts of India, for instance, also show gender imbalances that are in no way linked to government policies. In China, ending the one-child policy 中国结束独生子女政策已经太晚?







