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Module 3 Plans
• 26. What are you going to do at the weekend? 27. On Saturday evening, I’m going to go to a party at a friend’s home. 28. In the evening, I’m going to revise for my test. 29. I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter. 30. We’re going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture. 31. We’re going to visit the Forbidden City and then, we are going to walk up the Great Wall. 32. I’m going to learn English because I want to make some American friends. 33. My wife and I are going to lie on the beach because my children like swimming. 34. They’re going to cross the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. 35. It’s going to be windy.
外研版初中Hale Waihona Puke Baidu语句子翻译复习
初中一年级下册 2013.5.23
• 1. 我们正玩得很开心。 2. 其他人正在做什么? 3. 托尼正在吃冰激凌。 4. 他正在拍摄大量照片。 5. 她在买一些礼物。 6. 他正躺在阳光下吃午饭。 7. 此刻,在世界不同的地方人们正在做着不同的事情。 8. 他们正在等公共汽车和赶火车。 9. 一些人正在家里喝下午茶或者正走向酒吧要喝一杯。 10. 人们没在起床、洗漱或者穿衣服。
Module 2 Spring Festival
• 11. We’re getting ready for Spring Festival. 12. Is your father helping you? No, he isn’t. He’s at work. 13. We clean our houses and sweep away bad luck. 14. We also buy clothes and everyone has a haircut. 15. We don’t clean the house for a few days. 16. The New Year Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks. 17. We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao. 18. Can you see anything red in the classroom? 19. What does it mean? 20. There are fireworks at midnight on Spring Festival Eve. 21. They go shopping for presents and get lots of food ready. 22. Christmas is the most important festival in the western countries. 23. It is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 24. However, children are usually more interested in Father Christmas. 25. He is a fat man with a long white beard and wears a red suit.
• 11. 我们正在为春节做准备。 12. 你爸爸正在帮助你吗?不,他没在帮我。他在工作。 13. 我们打扫我们的房间,扫掉霉运。 14. 我们还买衣服并且每个人都理发。 15. 我们几天不打扫房子。 16. 春节在两周后的元宵节结束。 17. 我们通常吃一种叫做元宵的黏米饺子。 18. 在班级里你能看见红色的东西吗? 19. 它是什么意思? 20. 在除夕夜午夜时分有烟花。 21. 他们去买礼物并准备好许多食物。 22. 圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。 23. 它是庆祝耶稣.基督的诞生。 24. 然而,孩子们通常对圣诞老人更感兴趣。 25. 他是个胖胖的长着长长白胡子的人,穿着套红衣服。
• 26. 周末你打算做什么? 27. 在星期六晚上,我打算参加朋友家里的一个 聚会。 28. 晚上,我打算复习考试。 29. 我正盼望着见到我的女儿。 30. 我们将去观光游览因为我喜欢中国文化。 31. 我们将去参观故宫,然后我们去爬长城。 32. 我打算学英语因为我想交几个美国朋友。 33. 我的妻子和我将躺在沙滩上因为我的孩子们 喜欢游泳。 34. 他们将横渡太平洋和大西洋。 35. (天气)将多风。
Module 1 People and places
• 1. We’re having a great time. 2. What are the others doing? 3. Tony is eating an ice-cream. 4. He is taking lots of pictures. 5. She is buying some presents. 6. He is eating lunch and lying in the sun. 7. At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 8. They are waiting for buses and running for trains. 9. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having a drink. 10. People aren’t getting up, washing or getting dressed.